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A Letter to Adam Lambert (From Egypt Fans)

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Egyptian fans created a video for Adam and he saw it!

Here is his tweet about the video.


Anonymous said...

That was lovely. I wondered what that tweet of Adams was about. Thank you 24/7.

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Adam has inspired more people than I think he knows. I am proud of him for being honest and being real. I saw the above through twitter, as I did about a soccer player, and a letter on Adam Quote Daily. He has learned not to let anyone put him down. He is to be admired. He
is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Lola!!!
Adam, you make miracles!!!

from Finland to the US,
from Egypt to Hawaji,
from Japan to Canada,
from Azores to Norway,
from Australia to Sweden,
from UK to Hong Kong,
from Venezuela to New Zealand,
from Brazil to Russia
from South Pole to North Pole!!!!



Anonymous said...

I was so touched that I seem to have doubled myself above, he!

Sanni-once :)

glitzylady said...

Off topic (but always about Adam..)

Interview with Camilla Grey, Adam's keyboardist during Glam Nation, who is currently touring with her band Uh Huh Her: With a mention of Adam and how his voice affects her:

Complete interview here:

Q. "I know you've played with various artists from Dr. Dre to Kelly
Osborne. Who do you think you'd probably want to collaborate with the most in the future that you haven't already?

A. I've really always wanted to work with Daft Punk or even Dave Gahan from Depeche would be amazing. Kayne would be amazing. Those are the top three.

Q. And who has been your favorite so far that you've played with?

I would have to say playing with Adam [Lambert] is amazing. He's just an incredible performer, vocalist. Just on a purely vocal level it's astonishing. He gives me the chills when I'm playing for him."

Anonymous said...

What did Adam tweet? I can't read it?

glitzylady said...

Adam's tweet above: (Is this what you meant?)

@AdamLambertEGY thank you Lola! :) I'm proud of you :) "

@AdamLambertEGY on twitter.. is an Egyptian Fan Club...I think they just got a whole lot of new followers! I was already following them as of a few days ago..but they certainly got lucky with Adam's tweet and comment on the video. Her tweets afterward were so cute! She was excited to say the least. I'm sure she wasn't expecting a tweet from the man himself!

Anonymous said...

OT but here is a cute gif of Adam which looks to be possibly the same day he most recently took pics with baby Rif:

here is a couple of pics of with tats and one before tats...


Bing said...

This video is a testament as to how Adam has been touching lives in many astonishing ways, including mine. Adam effortlessly inspires and empowers his fans who fully understand him. He has this special ability to bring out the best in people and open our minds to things we never thought we'd ever even consider before. As has been said of him time and again, Adam is a catalyst who helps transform perspectives and attitudes in life. Teaching us how to love ourselves despite all our imperfections. Showing us how to be compassionate and how to live our lives with a purpose. He motivates people to focus on positivity which is a very good practice. I could go on and on and on but this heartfelt video says it all. No matter who and where we are, Adam's messages of love in his music resonates in all of us and that is where his power lies.

Lola thank you so much for your uplifting labor of love, truly inspirational and heartwarming. And to Fatma, Mike, Nourhan, Osi, Rana Mostafa, Dhen Santos (are you by any chance Filipino?), Rana & Inas, Rana Dabous, Mariam & Shadwa thanks so much for loving Adam Mitchel Lambert. Let us continue to support this young man and show others what a difference Adam makes in this crazy world we're in because he is such a breath of fresh air.

@glitzylady and @daydreamin the links that you've been providing us are so helpful at this point in time when the anxiety of waiting for his next album is unbearable. Please please keep them coming and i just couldn't thank you enough. Kind regards to you both.

Love thru Adam,

Anonymous said...

Adam is truly an inspiration. It goes beyond his amazing vocals, If he just had that it would be great,but then he brings to us an understanding of true love and honesty. He teaches so much by example,hope he realizes how much he has touched all our lives and made many better people.

Anonymous said...

OT If anyone wants to take a few minutes to vote for Adam on Q102 ultimate idol vote against Clay because Adam's numbers are dropping big time. Don't like these polls but I vote a bit anyway. Also vote for Aftermath remix on Q102 max's 10 at 10 so it gets played on the station.

Anonymous said...

Like most of you, I was an Adam fan from the start. Shortly after seeing Adam on tour I found out I had a devastating disease. I listen to Adam's music when I go back and forth to the hospital and I can't tell you how good it makes me feel! I thought about all the people who were inspired by Adam and got through such difficulties. It made me stronger and feel that I could make it through as well.
Thank you Adam for your beautiful voice and soul and all you have done to inspire your fans and help us get through the dark days. nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Adam is a treasure of the world. The love, respect and admiration for him internationally is massive. He is such an inspiration to so many people and everyday making changes in huge bounds to make this world a more understanding, educated and better place. A place of love and not hate.

Anonymous said...

Adam is the Change the world needs right now and we are part of that chnage as well.

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

'Aftermath' has been a stength beyond belief to so many people worldwide. Thank you Mr Lambert.
Because of you I can have faith and can reach for the stars.

Anonymous said...

Our Eygptian friends are awesome. Beautiful words inspired by a beautiful guy

Anonymous said...

@6.22 thanks for your words of inspiration too.
Sending positive vibes to you.

Anonymous said...

I hope that Adam is able to go to Egypt someday, maybe politically things will calm down in that part of the world before his next tour. I've heard him mention it's a country he would like to see as he's interested in it's history. I am
as well but have always been too chicken to go there!......I've denied myself a lot of adventures because I'm so I'm not able to travel anymore and regret my hesitations.......................JAK

Anonymous said...

@ 6:22 So sorry to hear of the illness you've had to struggle with. So happy Adam helped you. Sending you positive thoughts and energy.

Anonymous said...

The Egyptian fans are just the tip of the iceberg of Adam's international fanbase. They number in the millions. I was so touched my this message to Adam. Those words could be uttered by so many of us. I know he appreciates all his fans, but I really wonder if he realizes the impact he is making worldwide. I wonder if anybody does ..... but they will.

Anonymous said...

@6:34 and 6:59 - thank you for your positive energy - love and light to you and all on this wonderful site. nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Labour of love listening party.
People, mombert, dadbert, Danielle, Monte with wife and twins, Adam and many more give reviews.


Anonymous said...

Such a lovely letter of Eqyptian fans written to Adam, so full of courage and love and this is what we need nowadays.

@6:22, send you positive energy and stay strong. My hubby took 2 years to overcome his illness , never give up.

@JAK, I have tried to use Google Earth for traveling places I never been before. It is quite interesting and they have it in 3-D and its free. Of course. nothing can compare with the real stuff.

Bing said...

@nancdruuu2 I did notice your absence for quite a while and missed your passionate comments. It's really nice to see you back. Be strong and remember that we all have the power to heal ourselves too. It is just a matter of faith and conviction. And in cases like this, a positive attitude could make a big difference. Let Adam continue to inspire you and give you more reasons to make it through. Love and light to you nancdruuu2.

Anonymous said...

For those of you urging us to vote on the ultimate idol poll: when I vote, which is pretty often, I'm seeing Adam's numbers gradually going up. He's ahead of Clay. It's not a landslide (YET) but he's certainly winning. I'm assuming we're looking at the same poll?

Anonymous said...

@nancdruuu2! You brought a tear in my eye. I hope all the best to you dear! Adam is so full of love and light that docs should order his music as medicine. Adam helps so many people just being Adam. Thank you @Eva, @JAK, @Bing, @Jadam, @Sanni, @glitzylady, @daydreamin and @Lizard Eyes for your kind and wise komments! I love you all! Ronnie

Bing said...

@Ronnie thanks for being so appreciative of us and most of all for being a part of our 24/7 glamily. Kind regards and you stay well!

Btw ditto on Adam helps so many people by just being himself, so so true!

Anonymous said...

@ANNON 8:29@BING@RONNIE - Thank you all for your kind thoughts. The people here are great! I look forward to hearing all your inspiring and insightful comments. They always make my day. nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about your illness.
Stay strong, stay positive!
And remember, you are not alone!

It's amazing how a person's state of mind can make a huge difference in their recovery.


Anonymous said...

Another time where Adam's influence helped someone:
After Christmas, I went on a vacation with my family to Florida. It hit me the hardest during that trip that I had being living a lie my entire life. It seemed as though all of my internal struggles had reached a peak.

I had always liked “American Idol,” but never as much as when Adam Lambert was performing. I found his voice to be unlike any other. This combined with the self-confidence he exhibited every time he was on stage had me convinced; he was my first gay role model. I loved how much confidence he had in himself and how in-touch he seemed with his own emotions and feelings. I envied his confidence. The song “Aftermath” from his first album would change my life; it was the first “coming out” song I had heard. The more I listened to it, the more I realized I had to take control of my life for the first time.

Wanna scream out
No more hiding
Don’t be afraid of what’s inside
Gonna tell ya you’ll be alright
In the aftermath

I knew I had to come out but I was so scared and unsure of myself that I didn’t think I could do it. For five days, I had “Aftermath” and John Mayer’s “Say” on repeat. Every time a song played, I gained a little more strength and courage. The words in their songs spoke to me. From “Say”:

This is a college soccer player and I thought it was tremendous that Adam had this influence for bravery for this young man. Adam's changing people's lives. Go Adam! So proud to be an Adam fan --

Adamluv said...

I like her honesty when she said she didnt particularly care for Adam at first but that she listened to his interviews, etc. and gradually became a fan. Peeps that are open to new experiences and ideas are to be much admired. Lovely tribute. .... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

In this video I found all I've ever wanted to say about Adam Lambert. No long ago I heard his music, saw his amazing talent and found that he has gorgeous personality. All these things gave me so many reasons to stop for a moment and look inside myself. I've never had such an inspiration as Adam's talent and music. He gave me the reason to believe in myself again. Thank you Adam! You are my soul mate!

Anonymous said...

Could it be a non-release single like "AfterMath" could have such a huge impact on our worlds society. If that doesn't speak volumes about Adam Lambert I don't know what does. Wow that tribute brought tears to my eyes. Very moving and very real from the heart. Thanks for posting it and thanks to Lola for making it.

Anonymous said...

Nothing in the world of Adam ceases to amaze me again and again. He is moving mountains all over this planet.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful message.

Love your post Sanni.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your kind words Bing and Ronnie. You guys and everyone here as well as of course, Mr Adam Lambert inspire me!

Ronnie, seriously, "docs should order his music as medicine"! I totally agree with that! Nancdruuu2 and so many others are living testament to that!

Nancdruuu2, I am glad you felt you could share you journey with us here. I will pray that you have the strength to get through the tough times. I am here for you. I know how hard it must be, but try to stay positive.


Anonymous said...

OH GOD lol I just found out about this blog. I couldn't possibly find any words to tell you guys how much I'm touched with your comments .. you guys are amazing, Adam's tweet have brought so many attention to his Egyptian fans and I got tons of tweets from some amazing people that showed me a lot of love, i was overwhelmed. I still can't believe that he actually saw this and tweeted me haha

He actually tweeted me again on a twitter party saying "@ElleSecrett that would be surreal to do a concert at the sphinx. Can u imagine? Wow." and that was when i had my second heart attack haha

Anyway I'm just trying to say thank you for all the love and support you guys have been giving me, and I'm sharing all that love with all of you :) I love you <3

Lola xox