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More Information on Adam Lambert's Performance at Maxidrom Festival 5/28

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The setlist for the Maxidrom Festival concert at Tushino Airfield Moscow on the 28/05/2011 is below:

@AdamLambertRUUA said:

@adamlambert will act on May 28th at 13-45 (local time). The Order of sets in MAXIDROM FESTIVAL Moscow Tushino airfield:
1.BRAINSTORM // начало выступления в 12-15* //
2.ADAM LAMBERT // 13-45 //
3.TRAVIS // 15-15 //
4.ЗЕМФИРА (Zemfira)// 16-45 //
5.KORN // 18-00 //
6.THE PRODIGY // 20-00 //

Russian and Ukrainian fans! For more information about this, check @AdamLambertRUUA 's twitter!


Anonymous said...

That's one of his SWEETCHEEKS looks. Early on, when I decided to adopt him!.....<3.....JAK

Lucky Russians!

Anonymous said...

Huh, so near so near, temporally and locally!
Our boy in Russia!! I really hope we´ll get something on tv too! Maybe news. They must be rehearsing a bit, Adam, Tommy and Monte. And who´ll do the keyboards? They don´t tell us anything!!!

Russian girl-fans are quite hotties! I have seen pictures of them. Murrr..

Sanni (876 km and 1h 40min by air to Moscow)

Anonymous said...

What's really strange about this line up is I actually know who BRAINSTORM, TRAVIS, KORN and
THE PRODIGY are!!!!! That's 5 out of the 6, not bad for an old Grandma!.....I'd like to go! JAK

Anonymous said...

seems like Adam and band are really looking forward to this.Wish I could go.

Anonymous said...


Cam and partner were here last week with UhHuh Her, they got good local review.

I am progressing with my studies of Finland or Suomi! Soon I'll be able to "listen in" when the Finnish group chat among yourselves. Isn't that ihana? Kiitos kultamussukka...I'm never sure about that...2 k's or 2 a's?

It's a joy to learn new things, keeps my brain cells alert!................JAK :-)

Anonymous said...

Travis and Prodigy are the only bands I know from this list. I like Side from Travis and No Good from Prodigy. The Russians are lucky to see Adam. With his new gorgeous hair, he look like Casanova. :)

Anonymous said...

JAK I read those other band are mostly metal rock.Wow what a hot grandma you must be. I didn't know any of them. Wonder how it will be with Adam and those heavy rock groups. Wonder if he will sing more with a rock edge. Can not wait to see the vids up. Praying there will be some good ones.

Anonymous said...

I don´t know why people was so afraid that Adam would not fit in on this festival, that it would be metal rock only. Brainstorm and Travis are soft pop and Adams gig is between those groups. I don´t know if there is another Brainstorm around, but the one on the festival is the Latvian group that did very well on the Eurovision Song Contest a few years back. This is the song from ESC:


Anonymous said...

Thanks Eva for the info. What is going on with this crazy Durbin Lambert feud that the press is throwing out there. There is even a poll if you are Team Adam or Team James. Ridiculous and this is how fan wars turn into craziness! Really makes me upset.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully love can conquer hate some time soon.

Anonymous said...

That Durbin VS Lambert thing was probably created by Durbin's PR people to create attention and publicity. We should all ignore it. We don't want to help create his popularity.

Adam is way ahead of him.

Anonymous said...

I hope we will get video for the Russia concert. Adam is going to rock the hell out of it. Can't wait.
I think this JD feud is deliberately set up to make more voting for the AI, you know Idol fans are very passionate about their favorite. Or the press want to get hit for their articles by mentioning Adam. Yeah, it just silly. Ignore.

Anonymous said...

@Eva-dear and others!

Yes, Adam fits everywhere, no worry!


Brainstorm (Scotland and pop/rock)
Adam (USA and hot-hot-sexy-pop-rock)
Travis (Latvia and pop/rock) Eva<3
Korn (USA and heavy)
Progidy (UK and punk)

So there among many famous bands our boy captivates Russia!!


Anonymous said...

Is Haley getting too boring?

LP said...

I am hoping that Sauli gets to got to Russia also, and the him and Adam take a small side trip to Finland . So Adam can meet his family.

Anonymous said...

So proud of Adam getting invited to play in Russia with all these cool bands. He is going to blow their minds over there! Lucky Russians!

Anonymous said...

There is German metal band called Brainstorm also there was U.S. band, same name, I'm not sure they are still performing...I think they were funk music. The Latvian band is the one I've heard.


I'm old, I'm retired, I have nowhere I have to be and nothing I have to do (except household bookkeeping and occasionally cooking) so I am
completely spoiled and for the almost 2 years since I met this computor, my life is MUSIC MUSIC
MUSIC. I get regular lists from my children and grandson.....check out this band and this and this. Then I give my verdict. "Fantastic" "Crap"
"Unbearable" "Wonderful" and occasionally "Are You Out Of Your Mind?"

Right now, other than Adam, I'm totally spending my time with Adele, James Blunt and the late great Freddie Mercury.

My former hobbies, writing, sculpting, reading and painting are on hold...Life is good...JAK

Anonymous said...


Mistake above!!

Please CHANGE places of those two countries:

Brainstorm is from LATVIA


Travis is from SCOTLAND



Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to the old adage: save the best for last?


Anonymous said...

Head in paperbag!! Pronto!!LOL Kultamussuka!


Anonymous said...

O.K I'm moving to russia- so happy for you russiaglamberts. When are we going to get BB here in U.S.? also at 11:46 No haley's not getting boring scotty is- Haley all the way- love her. Loved James also except now dragging adam into this fan war- not so much. Laughable actually.

Anonymous said...

Really Pleased that Adam's Playin in Russia...
hopefully vids will be available to watch

also ... i hope Adam gets to see *The Prodigy* Play...
they are the TOP UK Live Festival Band (along with MUSE) and the LOUDEST!!! when Prodigy played Isle of Wight Festival 2006 they BLEW the Speakers Out..Awesome it ears were humming for days....Brilliant!!!
p s Travis are SHIT!!!!
Glambrit IOW UK

Adamluv said...

Isnt Zac (from Korn) the keyboard player that came after Lisa and before Cam? If so, great for he and Adam to meet up in Moscow. If there's a heavy metal influence at this concert, Tommy is going to be a happy camper! A couple months ago, there were photos of Monte and Tommy at a heavy metal venue out in San Bernadino, Calif. (east of LA). But Tommy did tweet about having lots of fun but "so over metal shows. Not really into having my beer knocked over all day by sweaty fat metal guys". Ouch! .... Adamluv

HK fan said...

So Jak,
is James Blunt worth seeing live? His ticket sales have just been announced this morning, he's performing in HK the day before my birthday, maybe I should treat myself. We do have an album of his, don't listen to it though, maybe I should dig it out.
By the way, no one asked If I enjoyed Justin Beiber!

HK fan said...

H'es booked into a big arena, (same one as Muse and JB), but his show is in August. Expats usually make up a big percentage of concert goers here for Western names, but many go back to their home countries in the summer. It may effect his numbers.

Anonymous said...

how do you guys know all this stuff?I am so impressed.

Anonymous said...

Just ignore about James Durbins PR.........

They just want attention so that his name will not be forgotten after Idol yak!!!!!

No voting please if you really an Adam fans!!!!!

Don't mix Adam with this JD attack!!!!!

Adam is already our WWS and he doesn't need this BS!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

TOTALLY AGREE to ignore any curfluffle re: Adam and James. It's a PR dream and we ain't biting.
I like James and ADORE ADAM LAMBERT like the rest of you. Insane how much in love with him I am but this is BS.

Now back to this exciting event in Russia. I am SOOOOO happy for the devoted Russian fans and hope that they all get to go.

Is anyone from the US going? I'm sure that Adam will BLOW everyone's mind in every way. He will be so excited and rested and this could be one of his best shows ever.

Can they do a live video and sell it to us? We'll by anything he does.

Anonymous said...

BB is so gorgeous in that photo. I think it's from the day he auditioned for Idol. God, such beauty inside and out. Geezeus! Almost too much for a girl like me.

Yes, ignore the silly PR stunt, Adam vs James if you love Adam.

Waste of energy which could be spent getting so excited waiting for good footage from RUSSIA!!!
He is going to ROCK that country!!!!!!!!! They are going to go crazy for him!!!!!

Damn I want to be there. Should we all charter a plane? What do you think? (hee hee hee)

Anonymous said...


Sans eye makeup .... beautiful, natural and totally delectable. :D

So looking forward to hearing all about the Russian gig and watching/hearing clips. :)

Anonymous said...

HK fan

Well, I've only seen him on TV and in his videos.
He doesn't the sense that Adam does. He plays guitar and piano and sings with a British accent. No dancing!

No spectacular display.....I like his voice and his songs...........but mainly I have a HUGE CRUSH on him ! He's the type of fella I always found attractive, pale and insignificant looking.
I like him best with a scruffy almost beard!

So, do I think you should buy a ticket, well first Google...James Blunt...Same Mistake...Cry
...Carry You Home...You're Beautiful...1973.

He's very successful so I'm not his only fan!
Again...........he's no Adam! But then much as I love him, Adam's not my type!.........JAK
No stone throwing please!

Adamluv said...

@HK, did you enjoy Justin B.????? Did your daughter like him? How about the other 9 year olds and their moms? Details please! I also agree about ignoring the Adam/James stuff. No voting for me on this one. ..... Adamluv

The Dark Side said...

Not sure what the number following artists names mean? Definitely hope we get something on You Tube. Is Adam taking his dancers? Anyone know any more about this festival? Thanks for the infor.

Anonymous said...

yes and thank you fans for supporting not to engage for Adam vs JD bec. it's a waste of time and we don't need that for Adam...

We just concentrate for his concert in Moscow and wait for the video please Russian fans we need some pictures too!!!!

Love, love from Around the world.....

merrilee said...

can we vote on the MMVA awards? I can't figure out how to do it if we can.

Anonymous said...

I am really happy that Adam is going to perform for his Russian fans, but that being said, I hope he is safe and that security is high. Homosexuality and Russia are not two words that go hand in hand. I hope Adam does his show and then heads immediately after to Finland.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous photo!! :D

The Adam/James thing is horrible. :( Not my choice but I thought James would win. Shocked at his utter arrogance!!

Anonymous said...

merrilee I tried to vote, clicked on Adam's picture and just saw spinning after the commercial. Don't know it only Canadians can vote. If so hope they vote real hard.Thanks Canada glamberts.

Anonymous said...


I never knew the last name of the Zac who played for Adam on the Mtv Unplugged songs, but he sure looked like Zac Baird of Korn. I admit I liked his keyboard more than Lisa or Cam. He's a terrific pianist........JAK

Adamluv said...

@JAK - I think you're right about Zac. Thanks!!!My favorite will always be Lisa. She was up front and visible!!!! Hope Adam and the others (dont know who all is going) have a fabulous time in Moscow. .... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Zac is a very talented pianoist, he plays so much different than the other two. The iheatradio WWFM showcase his technique.

I really hope Adam get all the ist class musicians in his 2nd tour.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Sarah Palin will be able to see BB from her house?

Lucky gal if so... ;)


Anonymous said...

MGF that is so funny!

Does anyone know if:
It will be strictly Glam Nation Show
Same band?

Anyone that gets to see this show is SO FORTUNATE!
Hear that you lucky Russian Fans?
Have a glamBALL!

Anonymous said...

The concert in Russia will be GLAMTASTIC!!! I was in Moscow in 1992 and loved it. <3 I think there have been big changes since then.

I've just been looking at my photos again, and it would be totally AWESOME if our BB performed in Red Square one day, if allowed. There are some fabulous photos of Red Square on the internet. :)

This photo of Adam is one of my absolute favourites. :D

Anonymous said...

I wonder what Adam will be singing

HK fan said...

thats kind of what I thought he'd be like. like I said I do have one of his albums, he seems like he'd be more suited for smaller venues though, kind of more intimate singer/songwriter setting. But where he's booked to play holds about 10,000 I think, unless there's more than one hall in the place.

Yes I did enjoy JB, mainly because my daughter loved it. It was her first concert so she was very excited. And she was probably the biggest JB fan out of the 6 of them, as in she listens to his music, watches him on you tube etc. Their faces were a picture when he came on, their eyes were huge, mouths in big o shapes, mouthing its really him,omg..insert loud high pitched scream in...They were singing and dancing, screaming and yelling' we love you Justin', so cute.
I wouldn't say he's the greatest live singer out there, but he did try, most of it seemed live, a couple didn't. Not sure if he was 100% as a couple of days before in Manila he had to rush off the stage to throw up. But it was quite entertaining.

HK fan said...

As to the Russian concert, did I read something from Eva that Adams hat from GNT was up for auction???...or did I imagine that, so he wouldn't have all his costumes. I don't think he'll do the GNT show, maybe most of those songs but without the dancers with maybe one or 2 new ones in there, or a couple of different covers. God I hope we get some video...
Wasn't there some TV show coming up in June too, like that THS thing?

Ksusha from Russia!! said...

I'm going to MAXIDROM!!! I so lucky!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I have not mentioned Adams hat being up for auction. That´s news to me:-)

I totally agree that we should ignore the Adam/Durbin feud, but I would like to hear Jim Cantiello explain why he set up James against Adam with those questions. The "get over" quote is out of context and I think JC should know that. He should also know that by setting Durbin fans against Adam, he will get the hate and abuse from those bastards all over again. Does Adam really need more haters?

Now I read on twitter that Cantiello answered the question.

@jambajim How bout treating durbin like an adult and not including as part reason 4his idol cut?u didn't have 2go there and uknowit

jambajim jim cantiello
@ @Technopall "Sorry, I don't feel I "set him up." It was a valid question given their history on the show. He could have chosen not to answer"

jim cantiello
@aintEasy187 "If I gave the impression on camera that I was personally blaming Adam for James' demise, then I'm sorry. I don't think that!"

I believe JC doesn´t blame Adam, but Durbin is in denial. He´s never had any constructive criticism so he probably blame Adam and everyone else but himself for getting the boot. JC should know that too and not using Durbin to stir up shit and causing drama. I do think THAT was his intention and I don´t like him as much as I did before.
Perhaps I should get some work done and not ramble on like a complete maniac. Sorry folks!


Hk fan said...

sorry just rechecked. it was Glambrit IOW/UK, something about 'hat, THAT HAT' being up for auction. of course it could be any hat and me just jumping to conclusions.

Lucky you, hope you have a great time, and please give us all the details afterwards.

Anonymous said...

HAT EXPLANATION.......Glambrit was talking about the utterly ridiculous hat Princess Beatrice wore to the royal wedding!!!!!!!!JAK

Anonymous said...

IMO (I get a little thrill when I talk computor, I feel so "with it") GlamNation is over. It was a show Adam created for his tour....period. He has to move on and wants to. This is a single artist accolade for him, I would doubt he'd drag along dancers. The other bands don't as far as I know.....that would be a little "Broadway". This is an international group and I think a big step up for our boy! Yea!....................JAK

Anonymous said...

HK fan

James Blunt is quite a "big deal" draws thousands at concerts....has had 5 Grammy nominations and won awards in Germany, France and Australia. You're Beautiful was #1 in U.S.
In 2006 he was best selling British artist in the world! He has an interesting bio. Military hero of sorts.....................sigh

Personally I agree with you and I would like to see him in a more intimate setting! :-)

Your description of the reaction of the 9 year olds to Bieber sounds a lot like the reaction of the 49-59 year olds to Adam at his concerts!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@JAK, but you know what too, I saw two GNT concerts on the East Coast and they were packed with twenty-somethings who were clearly crazy for Adam. I saw a decent number of teens also, at one veue especially, but definitely saw tons of 20-30somethings at both shows, going wild for our boy. Just throwing that in there. Everyone knows Adam has a huge teen/20/30someting following internationally, but I think sometimes bloggers forget that he is increasing that fanbase more everyday in the US too, so just throwing that in. Cousin of mine saw him at the Kiss 108 thing near Boston last summer, said young fans went absolutely ape-shit over him.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:03 am

That makes me really happy, I'm running in to young fans of his too....the more the better.
Since I've never been to see him in person (alas)
I've only seen fan videos and they show mostly middle aged ladies enraptured by the object of our affection. He is something special!..JAK

Anonymous said...


If Sarah could see Adam in Russia from her house, she would close the shutters to protect the children.!!!!!

HK fan said...

thanks for the explanation, see where my heads at, someone mentions hat, and I automatically think of Adam and his top hats..
Re Princess Beatrice, have you see that picture going around on FB of the Royal couple and the 2 princessess compared to Cinderella and her 2 ugly sisters. Its so good, Prince william is wearing the same outfit as Prince Charming, Kate Middleton the same as Cinderella, and Beatrice and Eugenie in exactly the same colours as the 2 ugly sisters!!!

Anonymous said...


I´ve been sitting inside my paperbag with that lovely, cute pic of Adam above there! Sigh!


James Blunt performs in my hometown on June 19!!


Anonymous said...

@ MGF,Good one! hahahaha Sarah will be googling Adam's exact location, drooling, looking thru' her telescope and give a speech about him bringing about the downfall of our youth, re-enforcing the success of abstinence! funbunn40

glitzylady said...

This thread is probably pretty much dead, but I did want to say I agree that Adam has many younger fans as well. In my travels to his various concerts last year (I miss them!!!) there were so many fans who were not middle aged. At the Puyallup concert for instance, there were three really pretty young women, just about 21 or so, sitting behind me. We chatted off and on, and after I was one of the lucky ones to get a "hand touch" (flail!!!) from Adam during "Music Again", one of the girls was so excited and I told her I would share that bit of Adam so we held hands for a moment and both giggled at the thought of sharing Adam's "essence". It was a great moment and we both agreed it was too bad we had to wash our hands..At another concert, this time in Hawaii, I had extra tickets because I upgraded my seats at literally the last few hours before the concert, and gave the extras to a very sweet young guy who worked at our hotel, who was beyond thrilled. He was our new best friend for sure, and just kept saying how he thought Adam was just the best ever. They are definitely out there in droves, we just hear about the middle aged women...and there are many of course, but the young ones are there as well. Not to mention my whole family is smitten, three generations. All Adam fans.

Anonymous said...

The Dark Side

If you wander this answer to your question about the numbers after the artist's names......that is the time they perform............................JAK

NicolewFkb said...

@Eva, sorry just rechecked. it was Glambrit IOW/UK, something about 'hat, THAT HAT' being up for auction. of course it could be any hat and me just jumping to conclusions. @kshusa Lucky you, hope you have a great time, and please give us all the details afterwards.

Harrisvytb said...

The Dark Side If you wander this answer to your question about the numbers after the artist's names......that is the time they perform............................JAK