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New Bits of Information Regarding Russia's Concert

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A user from Fyentertainment Livejournal said:

"Today in the morning on the radio there was an interview with the organizer of the fest. He was asked why they had decided to invite Adam to a festival of that kind. He answered that nowadays Adam is one of the foremost artists of the US. And that in the near future he will be a mega star! He also added that Adam has a huge fanbase all over the world, including Russia. Well, the festival will be attended by at least 50 000 people and maybe there will be TV broadcasting going on but no one knows for sure yet."


Anonymous said...

"One of the foremost artists of the US. And in the near future he will be a mega star!"
This is almost to good to be true. I thougt that sort of statement never reached outside our Adam bubble.


Anonymous said...

A lot of music lovers will know who is the best when they see one but this is not happening inside US . After watching this stupid Billboard music award, I truly believe the US music scene is controlled by certain people which against Adam. I have a feeling Adam will be very famous in the future because of his music talent.

Anonymous said...

can't wait for coverage of concert and interviews.

Anonymous said...

So excited to see Adam perform live again! Missed him so much since GNT's live concerts. I hope he feels the love in Russia!


Anonymous said...

I haven't seen any tweets or info about Adam being on Idol tonight.I hope he's still gonna be on there.Wasn't he supposed to be??I think the Moscow concert is great,but want to know about Idol tonight,too.If he's not gonna be there,I want to know why not.Anybody know?Please post here if you do,ok?Twitter is over capacity a lot today,but it looks like Adam's last tweet that I could get was not new..darn,I sure hope he'll be there.

Anonymous said...

11:31 Adam is supposed to be on AI tonight, but just in the audience. Doesn't look like he's performing. Personally, I think that's a good thing. But I can't wait to see him there, and I hope Ryan talks to him for a few minutes.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure Adam will be at the idol finale tonight with Sauli. As far as the billboard awards went, yes ridiculous that Adam wasn't there to perform. But on the bright side who was invited to Russia to play in front of 50,000 people -----Adam!!!!To me that says alot and yes by next year he will be a mega mega star, his talent is undeniable!

Anonymous said...

Once there was a singer with freckles on his lips
He could do magic with his blue eyes and his hips
Women fell into a fever underneath his spell
And yet not one of them wanted to get well
When he danced they were glued into their place
With a look of wonder on every single face
If he sat quite still and sang a sweet refrain
They melted into mush and joy filled their brain
Butterflies danced into their pounding hearts
And fluttered around into their body parts
This singer was a wizard from L.A. to Katmandu
He gathered them up just like me and you
Each falling under his unfailing hex
When he teasingly unleashed a flicker of eye sex
There's no escaping when he starts
Cause once he's in he owns their hearts!!!!!!!

My brain was partying while I slept!......JAK

Anonymous said...

Here are some Russian tweets about the Maxidrom Festival. Looks like all kinds of cameras and video cameras are allowed, so we should get video! :)

[Adam Lambert] #maxidrom TY! and yay for cameras! RT @AdamLambertRUUA: Hey, Glamberts, who will go to MAXIDROM pay attention on these simple rules. Don't forget about it and have an amazing time)
You can arrive from 10 a.m., the "door" will be open already #maxidrom
You can take with you any video or foto technique. There will not restrictions. #maxidrom
You can't bring water or another liquid on festival. #maxidrom
VERY IMPORTANT! If you leave the teritory of festival, you will not be able to come back! Ticket gives you only one-time pass! NB #maxidrom

Anonymous said...

Here is a picture of the stage Adam will be performing on in Russia..HUGE!

Anonymous said...

JAK nicely done! I'm gonna rap to it for my daughter when she gets home. Maybe you can collaborate on writing songs with Adam .I love your posts!!

Anonymous said...

Another Pic of both stages from afar!

Anonymous said...

JAK Fantastic! Loved your Adam's a keeper. Thank you and please let your brain keep partying while you sleep. Perhaps it will create more of these happy thoughts :)


Anonymous said...

Love what the article said about his huge fan base around the world and becoming a mega star. Adam deserves a big stage. America better get with the program when it comes to the AMAZING superstar Adam Lambert. I used to watch every award show there was, but if Adam is not nominated or appearing, I boycott it. Just doing my part. ;)

The Dark Side said...

JAK nicely done!!! Well we know we will be watching for anything and everything that comes from Russia with Love.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if Elli is still around? I haven't read any comments from her in quite a long time. I miss her brain, it was sort of on the same wavelength with mine.......JAK

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info about Adam & Idol.The Moscow concert is very exciting( esp that it will be taped,& hopefully we can get some goood footage of Adam's performance)I was still wishing that he was gonna get on stage on Idol tonight,even if it was for a very short time.Oh,well,maybe Ryan WILL talk to him for a few seconds.Hey JAK,cute poem..I love his lip freckles( & all of them everywhere else-lol!I really do)

Adamluv said...

Very positive and impressive praise for Adam! This type of exposure at this kind of festival is great for his rock cred! Certainly hope he does WLL, 20th Century Boy and Enter Sandman. Videos should be awesome! ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Monte said Adam is going to rock the stage like Russia 1991. I think he mean this one :

Enter Sandman Russia 1991 live

Anonymous said...

JAK you astound me. Before, I simply thought you were an elderly woman with delusions of grandeur. After this inane poetry, I am totally convinced you are off your rocker.

Adamluv said...

@Anon 1:31 - OMG where do I begin? Thank you so much for the awesome link! Loved the music!!!!!! And seeing the fans go BSC was a trip! And it being in Moscow was the cherry on top! Thanks again !!!!!! If Adam and the band would do this . . . . . a girl can only dream! ..... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Adam just tweeted that he will definitely be at the AI Finale tonight.

Anonymous said...


I want to be crazy just like you when I grow up.
I had no idea being old could be so much fun.
Have you always written rhymes, how about songs?


Anonymous said...

Probably the best reason for watching AI tonight will be to see Adam Lambert in the audience. The two young finalists don't make me excited to watch this finale. Nothing beats season 8 finale with Kris and Adam. Adam's performances were part of tv history. All the other performers on the stage tonight are undoubtedly there to plug a new cd or single. Any country artists appearing? I am sure both Scotty and Lauren will do well in the music business although at their young age they should have had a chance to finish school, to be with friends, to enjoy sports and other activities instead of the pressure and stress of trying to have a hit record.

Anonymous said...

Hey, growing old doesn't mean you just roll over and die. A favorite quote of mine comes from Abe Lincoln who said: It's not the years in your life that count, it's the life in your years. So to all of us of a "certain age", rock on and have fun.

Fan4fun said...


Do I have your permission to keep your beautiful poem under my pillow? Oh, you being the author, of course... Thanks!

Anonymous said...


I absolutely love you.

Have you written anything else about Adam? CL

Anonymous said...

He is a bloody hell gorgeous in this picture!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@ JAK... there's my team mate, bein' formidable!
and you were slleeping??
Were you swinging your cane too???

Nice job :)


Anonymous said...

JAK I love your Adam is a keeper for sure..thank you....only reason I am watching AI tonight is for a glimpse of Adam and hopefully Sauli too..

Anonymous said...

I just heard Adam live on the red carpet. He sounded wonderful!!

Anonymous said...

Adam is on red capert now..... Russia will be bloody awesome...The MaxiDrome will rock!

Anonymous said...

Anon. 1:33 P.M.

You astound me. Delusions of grandeur and inane?

Did JAK twist your tail, obviously you really

resent her. Why? Because she's liked?

Have you no sense of humor? Capt. M

Anonymous said...

@1:12, don't get wrong I loved Adam doing "Enter Sandman", but those heavy metal songs are exactly what they are & only guys with that " I wish I could sing" kind of voice sings those songs. Metallica is the heaviest I will go cuz I think the lead singer is awesome., but he's not Adam Lambert, no one is!
I was thinking, maybe Monte & Adam should do a lil Citizen Vein!!!!!
They had some great music!! I just hope the guys & Cam have fun!!!
ImI ROCK ON !!!! Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

Before going to twitterville, JAK !!!!! Ur poem ROCKS!!!!!!!!
I'd like to keep it in my journal, I met a lady thru another fan site , awesome writer she is, she is kinda like a mentor for me. Wonderful lady she is !!!
Thank you for sharing ! Mwah!!! K

Anonymous said...

I'm hoping some day Adam will do a cover of Don't Stop Me Now by Queen....whenever I watch the video of Freddie doing that song I think ADAM
ADAM! He's got the voice to do it justice. Plus the lyrics are appropriate for where he is right now. "Don't Stop Me Now!" WLL, Sandman and 20th
Century are great, but give a listen to Freddie
and imagine Adam singing it! Whew!......JAK

Anonymous said...

Many thanks to those who liked my silly poem, they actually sort of write themselves almost on a daily (or nightly) basis. I've been rhyming since 5th grade.....maybe I was the first rapper!

CL....yes, I've been writing about Adam since
......first performance on Idol.

Obviously I have one irate critic, relax, I'm not trying to compete with Keats, Frost, Poe,
Coleridge or Shakespeare.................JAK

Anonymous said...

1:33 p/m

What compels you to sit in judgement over JAK's
comments? You've done this before I believe.
I remember you jumping her in the past. We all have a right to express our opinion, my opinion is you are off your rocker! CL

Anonymous said...

Poor @1:33 pm ... no sense for aesthetic culture ... suppose YOU compose a poem for US to critique ... I'm willing to give you equal time. Submit it here on this thread & show us YOUR poetic prowess ... I DARE YOU!!

Just another elderly lady with appreciation for TALENT ...

Anonymous said...

I appreciate my defenders, but a quick change of subject............some of you may recall that I have a bit of a crush on James Blunt!!!!!

Well, yesterday I made the ultimate sacrifice. He was going to be on Ellen's show and I had my remote in hand to tape him when he came on......
..............I sat thru 47 grueling minutes of Beiber (Bieber ?) before James sang his song. 47 minutes of worship of the boy wonder!

Now, THAT'S true devotion to a crush! Oh James, the agonies I suffer for you..........and Adam!
......... :-) JAK :-)

Anonymous said...

I want to hear more of your Adam poems, I promise I won't compare you to Shakespeare.
I like silly poems. JR

Anonymous said...

Sligo lambert^___^cute:
woow i like adam so much this pic

Anonymous said...

That pic is so hot! Adam looks very rock and cool! Ronnie