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Q102's Ultimate Idol Bracket: Adam Lambert VS Clay Aiken

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, May 5, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, May 05, 2011

Adam is currently leading with 74.42 % over Clay's 25.58 %

Head over to Q102's website here to vote for Adam!


Anonymous said...

I vote Adam :)

Anonymous said...

Something suddenly changed in the voting. I can´t vote without entering my e-mail address and then wait for a mail to confirm my vote. This happened after Adams numbers suddenly jumped up from 33% to 74%. Perhaps they are trying to stop people voting with software.


Anonymous said...

Oh, was there something fishy with the voting? Anyway, I like this. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow Adam shot up!!! Finally! Thanks for posting the web site.

Anonymous said...

posted this on another thread here too...

OT -

Sauli to stay in LA!?!?!?!

Just saw a link on On the Meaning of Adam Lambert reads...get ready!!!...


GlamOfTheOpera: This is huge! Sauli got a job as radio Aalto’s entertainment reporter and he will be based in LA! HUGE I tell you!

PrincessPaulaE: @AdamLisSexy I called the radio station that hired him (: and they confirmed it

Anonymous said...

There was definitely something wrong there - the more I voted, the more Adam's numbers went down. And I'm not the only one saying that. It was as if my votes went to Clay instead of Adam. And mind you I was voting in hours when people in the US are asleep. Now I don't think Clay has fans outside the US. I don't know that anyone's heard of him outside the US (the first time I heard about him was when Adam was asked about him in some interview).
But all's well that ends well, and I'm glad they fixed it, although now I'm suspicious of the previous round, where Clay bit Carrie Underwood.

Anonymous said...

Love will find a way!..............JAK.. :-)

Anonymous said...

it seems to be working now....Adam is way ahead of clay, yes something was wrong....but has since been fixed...check it out!!!

Anonymous said...


Yes, love will find a way. :) It makes me feel really happy inside to think that Sauli will be living in LA and he and Adam can take the time they need to develop a beautiful relationship that isn't build on a world wind visit to the U.S. Some normalcy in everyday life (if that's possible for them). :)

Anonymous said...

Yea! for Adam winning over Clay. I voted my butt off for Adam.

Yea! for Sauli getting job in LA. Hope he can go on some of Adams concerts as entertainment reporter. Life is good.

Anonymous said...

Numbers going down again for Adam kinda fast. Keep voting!

Anonymous said...

Adam dropped 7% since this was posted, so it def means that something's fishy. It isn't humanly possible to vote so much in 4 or 5 hours!

Anonymous said...

I smell it too Cassie. Something is not right.

tess4ADAM said...

I've been VOTINg non stop on that site & the numbers NEVER went UP for ADAM till now ... now it's happening AGAIN .... BS that's what I say!!! They better FIX it again, This never happened against Ruben or Jordin ... figures the Claymates would pull something like this ... Clay has been Idol of the month *3* months in a row that I know of at .... ... where you can only vote 5X a day but he always manages to start out at 70% or better & he stays there the WHOLE month ... no one has ever WON besides him!! BS I say .. BS!!


tess4ADAM said...

Well ... just checked the poll again ... 66% to 34% ALREADY ... REALLLLLY???? BS!!! KEEP VOTING GLAMBERTS!! ANOTHER UPHILL CLIMB!!!


Anonymous said...

same here, the more i vote the lower adams score gets! what's up with that?

Adamluv said...

Just voted and Adam is way ahead. I personally have been voting for days and never had a problem so hope this continues. I had no feelings for Aiken - neither pro nor con - until he made some totally unnecessary and unkind remark about Adams singing. Now I dislike him! ........ Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Adamluv, the numbers are dropping for Adam real fast. Keep voting. Something weird is going on. Clay can't possibly have as many fans as Adam.

Anonymous said...

David Archuleta has passed Kelly Clarkson. DA:s fans will certainly vote against Adam. Why have they changed voting again? No e-mail requiered any longer and Adams numbers dropping. This is a fishy poll indeed.

The Dark Side said...

Just a moment ago voted and Adam is about 20% ahead of Clay. Also voted for Kelly. Had no problems. Gotta say, I really dislike these polls. I can imagine many feel the same way, no matter who they are voting for.

Anonymous said...

Tweet Q102Philly and let them know if you think something is fishy. After some of us did, they did require the email address for a while to stop Bot voting which is software that can vote many more times than a human can in a certain amount of time. Now the email box is off and the numbers go up and down again. There is no way Clay with his 5000 followers could drive down the vote within secs like they did the other day without some shenanigans going on. Adam has over a mill followers so it doesn't make sense. Be nice if you tweet them, I think they are trying to make it fair but if things start going down fast again they should be apprised of it.

Adamluv said...

Just voted again and its Adam 64% to 35% but I guess it an change real fast!

Anonymous said...

It is going down every couple minutes. Someone is using some software to not play fairly.

Anonymous said...

I have also been voting consistently for long periods of time and votes always went down not up!! then i had email thing once and now gone back to without. Bullshit!! Last day today to get AL through this round - which we have to - and then next week all hands to the pump.


tess4ADAM said...

Just the last few times I have been there to vote ADAM is losing his lead SYSTEMATICALLY ... .10% at a time but slipping down no matter how fast or often I vote ... NEVER an increase for ADAM ... only Clay ... like I said before this is BS & I wish someone would DO something about it .... "DISgusted"

Anonymous said...

Same thing here when I vote, it is BS but will continue to try anyway.

Anonymous said...

Adam continues to fall on this poll. Clay Aiken fans are using some auto-voting software. It may have been stopped but they've found another way around it.

Did anyone else vote on the Blablist polls years ago? If you did, you already know how vicious Clay Aiken voters can be. They will stop at nothing to annhilate any opposition and frankly, they're the nastiest fans on the planet.

I lost all respect for Aiken when he came only because he has a child, ditto Ricky Martin. On the other hand, Adam was honest from the start. He said he came out when he was 18 so no big surprise there. Adam has integrity; it's a pity others don't possess such an admiral quality.

No matter who wins this poll, Adam will always be THE ULTIMATE AMERICAN IDOL.

Anonymous said...

Clay Aiken ...... Queen of covers.

Anonymous said...

@5:09am - exactly although you're being far too complimentary.

Claymates continue to auto-vote and they won't rest until Adam has no votes left whatsoever.

The radio channel thought they fixed the auto-voting yesterday but they didn't.

There were a couple of moles on Adam's forum yesterday, randishing the Clayton banner so to speak. One of them actually admitted he/she used scripts" which means they'd devised something to increase the number of their votes.

If radio stations et al are going to run polls such as these, they should put captcha or similar in place to alleviate any chance of cheating.

I'll be so glad when this poll is dead and buried.

Anonymous said...

Latest score:- Adam has gone from 74.42% yesterday to 55.39% as I type. Go figure.

tess4ADAM said...

ADAM's numbers are now plummeting as I type ... keep VOTING ... try to stem the tide & if AIKEN wins this poll ... that's the LAST time I will deal with q102 whatsoever ... someone should put this on GOOGLE just to make everyone AWARE of what is going on ... can you say 'Kris Allen" AI REVISITED?? What a bunch of HORSE MANURE!!!


Anonymous said...

Voting on this poll is a loada BULLSH!TE!!!

Ew .... Clayplates (Oops! Did I say that? And I meant it!) inventing votes. They are sooooo insanely jealous and desperado to win this poll. Pity Kelly or David who are next in line for this loada BULLSH!TE! Excuse my grammar but I've had a gutfull of these mature aged cheating Clayplates who pack vote.

Anonymous said...

I'm not going to vote on any more polls that include Clay Aiken because his voters are CHEATS!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Clay had the first Bieber haircut. This voting is a scam. Nothing is honest anymore.

tess4ADAM said...

I posted on several sites that Clay's fans are using other means for voting on all polls that include Aiken ... spread the word on Twitter ... FB & everywhere else that IF we want to WIN this for ADAM we ALL have to VOTE ... as many of the 1M+ fans (Glamberts,etc.) we can get to this poll .... lets not just lay down & DIE ... lets FIGHT but do it FAIRLY .... Love 'n Light


Anonymous said...

The 1st Bieber haircut??!! lol I think pretty boy Justin Bieber does a lot more for that hairstyle than Clay Aiken could ever do, and I'm not a fan of Justin Bieber. Only Adam for me. :-)

Anonymous said...

Clay Aiken's auto votes continue to crunch Adam's votes. Shame on you claymates. You will stop at nothing to win anything connected to Clay. Then again, maybe Clay is voting for himself!!

Adamluv said...

it's now 3;23 PM and Adam is at 54% and Aiken at 45%! Aikens fans are voting like crazy! UGH!

tess4ADAM said...

Can Nothing be done about this BS they're pulling? They should not be allowed to participate on any polls after this ... this must be the way they beat? Carrie Underwood ... are they so INSECURE about Aiken that they have to CHEAT to prove that he's better than any other idol contestant in every poll? Apparently the Claymates have NO confidence in his ability to win fair & square ... doesn't say much for Aiken's talent now does it?? Maybe if they didn't have to CHEAT to get recognition for him ... he'd be more popular than he is. They're just HURTING his career ... not helping it!! Well ... back to voting ... I'm not quitting till the last vote is cast!! Light 'n Love to all Glamberts Worldwide ... KEEP VOTING PLEASE


Anonymous said...

@May 6, 2011 8:00 AM

Clayplates .... love it! LOL

It doesn't take much of an imagination to coin a few phrases with that tag! o;

Anonymous said...

I'll be so glad when this poll closes so I'm not subjected to seeing Clay Aiken's ugly mug every time I vote.

Glamberts UNITE & vote for ADAM!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Okay he won! Is there a prize? JAK