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Video Footage of Adam Lambert at American Idol Red Carpet 2011

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, May 26, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, May 26, 2011


Anonymous said...

Oh man, he is gettin' his "look" DOWN!! Rrrrrowr!

- Adam Fix (having a hard time keepin' up with all the new Adam news)

Anonymous said...

The boy knows how to pose, but with such beauty, can't be so hard.

Anonymous said...

This clip had me smiling from ear to ear - Adam is so so GORGEOUS!!! :D

Sauli knows how to pose too. :)

Anonymous said...

Don't you love all the excitment from press, calling Adam Adam Adam. He looks outstanding and beautiful. Love his smile.

Anonymous said...

Yeah here u can see that Sauli is used to cameras too and can pose if he has to.

Anonymous said...

It may not have sunk in yet but Adam could have cracked open a really big strong door without even knowing it; holding hands with his boyfriend on the American Idol red carpet...history in the making. He is naturally brave, a forerunner, ahead of his time.
I really like Adam's silver-tone gem-studded gloves that also match his classic intricately-designed shirt. His jacket too is very high-class. He is a beauty.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

History baby!!!!!!

That's what we are talking about!!!!!!!

Pushing the boundary in a good way and acceptance!!!!

America look at this young man who has the guts to change your point of view in life!!!!!

Rock God just arrive to show America that he is the one will Rock the World baby!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I like your passionate response dear anon 4:05.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

What a role model. With one beautiful gesture of holding hands with Sauli it speaks louder than words! Love Adam for his courage and being so comfortable with who he is. It's just not his out of this world voice but his strength and good heart. He looks so happy and I love hearing all the photographers calling his name.

Fan4fun said...

@ Lam my

I love 4:05AM's comment too (and yours). Is there a need to be non-american to SEE and FEEL sweet Adam's courage better?

Anonymous said...

Fan4fun, that is a very loaded question which I may not be qualified enough to answer. But my simple answer is it should not be the case. This anti-gay thing stems from deep-rooted Christian beliefs. Many religions do not have a problem with this perceived homosexuality threat. A lesser reason is people do not know how to deal with, for example, two guys holding hands and so they just ignore them or worse, hate them. To sum up, I feel it is not a matter of being American or not to be able to feel sweet Adam's courage better, rather whether people are open-minded and magnanimous enough to accept someone who is different from themselves. I admire the concern and love American Glamberts shower on Adam. Now my concern: Is Adam getting more acceptance by Americans? Is he safe?
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

There are plenty of Americans who love Adam, and plenty who are open- minded and accepting of homosexuality. It is true that people are gradually becoming more accepting. Although I notice at my school and other places that when people bring up Adam, it isn't to praise him, but to make fun of him for being homosexual. This has always bothered me. I found out, though, that my school's music teacher loved Adam. I found out when she noticed the big picture of Adam that I had taped on the wall of my homeroom ;)


The Dark Side said...

People who make fun of Adam are becoming less and less. To make such a broad statement on the Red Carpet of the Christian based American Idol is big. I applaud Adam for staying true to himself. This is the show that watched him week after week entertaining the hell out of the public and then voted against him to win. This isn't a rant, just a statement of fact. Thank you Adam for the in your face statement about who you are.

Anonymous said...

I am a conservative Christian who loves and respects Adam. This man is doing more to spread sheer love around the world than any one I've ever seen in my 70 years. He has the voice of an angel. I am proud to be a fan of his. He makes me smile just to see the beauty he has inside and out. I pray that he is safe in Russia and everywhere he goes.

Anonymous said...

@ -Lam my and@ fan4fun,

Thanks for liking my comments........

It is true that Adam open the doors for those people who are afraid to realize that we are one but we are different..... Acceptance is the only solution for confussion........

I admire his truthfulness and courage!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think that most of this hatred is not Christian-based at all and is a product of deep-rooted insecurities. The few homophobes I know are not overly religious, just not particularly bright.

Anonymous said...

I saw a video of a group of Westboro Baptist Church people protesting outside a venue, a couple of years back; they were carrying placards with words like "F....ts go to hell" etc. And from a closer-to-home personal experience, I do think this homosexuality fear could have stemmed from Christian beliefs and yes a lot from deep-rooted insecurities.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

.......Adam F*cking Lambert...
....Coolest Guy to ever walk this Planet...
Adam come live in UK no probs with Gayness here
its against our Laws to use Hatred towards Gay People
Loving the Lambert very much Indeed...mmm
Glambrit IOW UK

Fan4fun said...

@@ Lam my

It's very difficult for me to make a point here, and I'll probably delete this comment before I finish it, but let me try it anyway:

I'm not a very religious person but I respect myself for have been a Christian my whole life. I'll turn 58 years soon, was raised Catholic and sort of 5 years ago I turned myself into a Baptist on my own choice, and I love with all my heart the church I've decided to belong to. No members of my Baptist church hate homossexuals... but because somewhere in Bible's Old Testament it says homossexuality is not acceptable, most of them think «homossexuality is wrong BUT it can and should be fixed up for salvation» (LOL).
And I, standing my open minded life style, stay in some safe corner thinking quietly to myself: WTF? Wasn't the very Only Son of God Jesus Christ, my sweet Lord and my Savior, the ONE who was in life and death (and ressurection) totally «LOVE and ACCEPTANCE»???
Guess WHO else is all «love and acceptance» here? (Yes!Sweet Adam Mitchel Lambert! Ha!). And (oh, irony!) aren't we talking about two jewish people?
Oh, what the hell... perhaps it's only my opinion and it doesn't matter at all, but when it comes to «love and acceptance» I really believe that sweet Adam, being jewish and gay, is a million times more Christian than many people called so, people who shout out in all ways and wherever, for living, «what is RIGHT and what is WRONG before God Almighty eyes».

Anonymous said...

What Adam says at the beginning of the video?

Anonymous said...


Hey Fan4fun, today is a good day, I found a friend in Jesus. I am Catholic, had most of my education at St Theresa's Convent, Singapore. Every morning, attended catechism conducted by French priests and my Principal, a Thai nun (a Thai princess before she became a nun).
I never missed Holy Communion at church every Sunday. I love Holy Communion a lot but lately I have not been to church due to a chronic phlegm problem which requires me to remove it constantly especially under air-conditioning. Adam was in Singapore twice and both times this problem prevented me from attenting his concerts...felt really sad. 21k people jumped with him waving blue light sticks, watched them on video. I am a very positive thinker and still feel I would hear him live when he comes around again, hopefully. Other than that, I am very active and happy. I am 64.
Yeah, come to think of it, we love two Jewish guys, never occurred to me to look at it that way...totally agree with what you say about both these guys representing love and acceptance. I don't think Jesus will mind me addressing him as guy, He is very open-minded. Thank you for this warm response...made my day, I mean night.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Acceptance people that's all we need and Rock it baby!!!!!! Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Religious or not, just be yourself and enjoy what you have left in this world!!!!!!!!

Rock it hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I recognise you, baby!!!!!! dear anon 7:15
-Lam my

Anonymous said...


Hey Maddy, just curious... which picture of Adam did you tape on the wall of your homeroom, that attracted your music teacher's attention?
-Lam my