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Videos of Adam Lambert getting a Tattoo!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, May 19, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, May 19, 2011

And more pictures from Celebrity Gossip and JustJared:

And Adam himself tweeted a picture of his tattoo!

Adam Lambert's photo: Based on drawing by Hans Haveron and tattooed by Kevin Lewis!
Adam Lambert on WhoSay


Anonymous said...

what the heck kind of tats did they get?

Anonymous said...

I read they were commitment tattoos Adam has a skull with a key but I cant make out what Sauli has anyone know????

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so HAPPY with his key! And the first time I heard Sauli talking some words to Adam. Someone said in twitter that Sauli felt quite a bit pain. I hope their tats will recover soon to smooth skin!


Anonymous said...

Just like thieves?

Anonymous said...

this is 9:40am sorry did not see pictures at first. I rather like it. Adam does look so happy here. My brother wants to see some Kat now. LOL

Anonymous said...

Commitment tattoos ? Till death us do part?

Anonymous said...

Adam's tat looks great! I'm glad he still has his car. Adam is very smart when it comes to finances.
Ot who does Adam think will win AI ? Haley of course. I saw her performance, she fell going up the short steps in front of the judges table. Those are the steps Adam danced around during "Black or White" performance.
I think Scotty might win cuz he is original. Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

Adam holds the key does Sauli have the lock??? Still cant see what tattoo Sauli has??? I am glad they are so happy they make a great couple!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Committment tattoos is a total rumor being thrown out on the gossip sites. Adam's been planning a new tattoo for a long time. Not everything he does, says, thinks or feels is because of Sauli.

Anonymous said...

Adam will soon explain the meaning of the key, I bet this means a lit to him. The key is big compare to the last two. it is very artistic and I actually like the hearts shape that make up the skeleton key head.

Anonymous said...

David Immerman just tweeted that he has the same key tattoo as Adam's! Is he joking? :(

Anonymous said...

Smart to have the car brought to the door. Sauli is getting in very fast - he is learning the routine well, haha Nice how the callout pronounced his name right.

Unfortunately for Scotty, to me he bears a resemblance to a young GW Bush.. with a bit of howdie-doodie.
Seems like a nice kid tho, will def get a contract

Anonymous said...

to Sanni 9:55 am - what part of the video can you hear Sauli talking words to Adam? I can't notice it

Anonymous said...

11:00 AM; I'm not Sanni, but I watched the videos and in the first vid about 0:20-0:21 Sauli shows his arm to Adam and says something about "back" or "black".

Anonymous said...

Who was there to take these pics? Do the paps stake out this place knowing that celebs might come there to get a tattoo? Or did Adam have someone there to take these pics so they could be put out there for all to see? Interesting all we need is to find out its significance to Adam. I guess we will get that soon enough.

Anonymous said...

I recently heard that skulls often represent wisdom (that's where the brain lives). It's not always a morbid thing.

Anonymous said...

@11:00 AM. Sauli is standing in front of the mirror and turns towards Adam. Sauli said a couple of words to Adam there. The voice is too weak in my computer to hear what exactly. Sanni

Anonymous said...

That key looks like a real key.

Anonymous said...

I love to stop the first video on 0:58-1:01 when they just entered the car. They look so happy and cute.

Anonymous said...

So it turns out Sauli got some red and orange flower that looks nothing at all like Adam's tattoo. But I'm sure it won't stop anyone from creating some ridiculous theory that a key fits with a flower and it means they're secretly engaged or something. Lol

Anonymous said...

As much as I hate paps, I'm somewhat grateful to them.
Mixed feelings. :o((

LP said...

Sauli already had a sleeve tat on his left arm. I wonder if they added or changed something he already had.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:09 PM Yeah, it seem's that they didn't take matching tats. Wisely done. It may well be that Sauli didn't take any new tattoos. I would love to know what that key represent to Adam.

Anonymous said...

I think what Sauli said was Is she suppose to be in the Back and Adam says I think so

The Dark Side said...

Leave it to Adam to do something totally out of the usual. Couldn't see what Sauli's looked like. The tattoo artist has a whole Johnny Depp thing going on.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to keep voting on Billboard fan favorite vote.Check other box on bottom and write in Adam's name. RCA said this is an important one. Will be televised and voting goes to tomorrow at midnight. Love Adam's new tat and he looks sooooo happy!

Anonymous said...

Adam look's happy with his new tattoo.

Anonymous said...

Love Adam's protective look over at Sauli hoping that he is ok. Had this weird thought that Sauli's artist dug in really hard because he is jealous of Sauli (oh, how our small brains work sometimes..)

Anonymous said...

Another poll, but only one vote.
The best Idol performance. Semi-final:

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:50 PM LOL ouch.

Anonymous said...

I think the paps are behind the window and all the words you can hear is them talking..

Anonymous said...

Maybe Sanni was just saying that we saw Sauli talk to Adam, cause that's what you can see on the video. I also think we haven't seen that interaction on film before :)

E Maya

Anonymous said...

But surely they have talked before or could they use only body language. I know they both are very clever on that.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:38 PM Speaking on body language I have never seen anyone flirting so beautifully than Sauli when he was in big bother and Adam well he is amazing.

Anonymous said...

Wonder what this tatt symbolizes to Adam. Key to life, universe,love, happiness? Adam also purchased a picture from the artist,Hans Haveron who created the art of the skeleton key used in his tattoo.The pic that Adam bought is on Hans Haveron Art web site. Intersting art and Adam's style. You can see the key incorporated in the 2nd picture [I think, in brown tones and huge eye on top] on the site that is really creative and interesting and which one I prefer. It also shows the pic that Adam purchased, that is unusual also and I'm not sure of the artists meaning. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Saw on Amazon today GNL cd/dvd went up 40%. So everyone make sure you buy one or get it as a gift for someone. Let's get Adam to gold. He is more than halfway there!

Anonymous said...

Don't know if this true, but just read somewhere that Sauli did not get a new tat. He just had them add some color to a tat that he already had. Adam's tat is in very good taste and he will probably let us know soon what the exact meaning is. He always keeps us informed.

LP said...

that sounds possible, because Sauli already has a sleeve tat on that arm. They are very pretty, flowers and on his chest he has 2 birds, beautiful. I don't think Adam would have gone for flowers, LOL

Anonymous said...

Usually I don't like tats (except for Adam's of course) but I gotta say this skeleton key is amazing. The detail and coloring looks like the key is real! It's in very good taste. Now, I'm waiting until Adam let's us know the significance of the key.


HK fan said...

As I was waiting for my daughter to finish her dance class yesterday, one of the other mums was talking to her daughter in a foreign language. I listened in, then said to her, are you Finnish? she looked at me very surprised and yes, how did you recognise it? I said, long story, but someone I know is going out with a Finnish guy!!!

Anonymous said...

All I can say is....nice tattoo but I hope he's done with the ink. Too many tattoos and your skin just starts to look dirty. I kinda wish he would have stopped after the infinity sign. It was just nice y'know....the eye of horus and then the infinity sign above that. Really classy. The key......well, it's his body, but those things are permanent and I think with the key, it's just starting to look overdone. One has to remember that not everyone looks good covered in ink.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam would look the best covered in "me" haha

Anonymous said...

check this out .....

Anonymous said...

I also hope he's done with the ink.I like his tatoos. I like the eye of horus best.Want to get it on my ankel.

LP said...

From looking at past pic of Sauli's tattoos, it looks like he is adding flowers or ribbons to his arm, one at a time. Prolly too expensive and painful to get it all done at one time.But he has definitely added a flower. He was also talking about his upper back, and thigh.

Anonymous said...

Haley is out!!!!! and my daughter was screaming right now. Well for me is Adam and Adam only ha!ha!ha!

Anonymous said...

If anyone out there is wondering why Sauli keeps his hair so short, just look at the back of his head. His hair is sooooooooo curly and would go to dreads if it wasn't straightened which he hates to do. Adorable guy in every way from a biased Finn.

Anonymous said...

Adam just tweeted sad for Haley but its all good can't wait to hear her music. I'm sad too. She so good and like a pro already. She'll do just fine,maybe Adam can have her open for his next tour. They seem like they would get along, both very cool!

Anonymous said...

hey, you aren't suppose to say who went home, I got in trouble one day cause I told. LOL

Anonymous said...

wow, his hair is curly, curly, curly. Why couldn't I have been blessed with some of it!!

Anonymous said...

2:57am when you say the cd/dvd went up,did it go up that much in price? That's a big jump 40%.Glad I got mine already.

Anonymous said...

Adam just twitted sad for Haley but it's all good. Can't wait for her music. WTF wrong with America? Go country?

Anonymous said...

Adam also tweeted Yeeehaw American country Idol! Ha!Ha!Ha! Got to love him!

Anonymous said...

A key? Of all the things that exist in the universe? What was he thinking?

Anonymous said...

dare say Adam will let us all know the meaning of his new tat.......WHAT STALKERS WE ARE!!!!
Glambrit IOW UK

Anonymous said...

@ May 19, 2011 12:52 PM

Thanks for the link to the poll. Adam is currently on 55.73%.

C'mon Glamberts - PLEASE VOTE! It doesn't hurt!

Anonymous said...

The key tattoo looks sexy and meaningful. A key opens doors and Adam has had quite a few opened to him. It could also be interpreted as the key to Adam's heart...Sauli.
-Lam my

Hk fan said...

If you look up skeleton key on urban dictionary it gives you several meanings.
Sad Hayley is gone, she looked so shocked. I was half expecting it but hoping she's get through, especially as she definitely had the loudest and longest cheers in the live audience.
Don't think I'll watch next week, I don't dislike Scotty and Lauren, just find them kind of bland, their songs all sound the same and just don't keep my attention. Always find myself drifting off doing other things.

Anonymous said...

Wow - love the tattoo! It is really a little surprised at the size of it, to be honest, but it's beautifully done. Nice, Adam!

GIOW - I missed you SO much (we all did)!! Real life is super crazy for me, so I read comments as much as I am able, and leave a few here and there, but just can't keep up!

Did you meet sexy gramma JAK from FL? She is a riot!!!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

A key denotes control and the ability to open doors... of opportunities for himself and for others. He is also a person who likes to be in control. But I think most of all it represents Sauli who is the key for unlocking his heart.
I don't know why but I'm fixated on this sexy key tattoo.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Hey Glamsista Adam Fix..yeah Real Life has been very mad fast and crazy for me too this year but i am getting there..catching up is hard going but slowly getting there too lol....did leave you and Glitzlady a message on the Black Birds in hollyweird thread :)
Yeah i have bummped into JAK a while back and again this week also on the Black Bird Thread..yeah shes a scream another Mad Crazy Adam F*cking Lambert Disciple ...... YAY its all good :)
Glambrit IOW UK