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"Adam Lambert" in Copic Markers

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Monday, June 27, 2011

Posted at : Monday, June 27, 2011


Anonymous said...

How special to be able to do this! I want a life sized poster like this :)

Anonymous said...

this was pure mesmerizing. what a talent she has. couldn't stop watching. you go girl you are something else.

HK fan said...

wow, that was pretty cool, very impressive....I used to hold my pens like that when I was younger

Anonymous said...

Fascinating, the lips are's a wonderful likeness.....but I kept waiting for her to draw in the black line straight down from pupil of the eye thru the iris.

He is a work of art!.............^o^.....JAK

Anonymous said...

Wow! That was amazing! Fun to see Adam appear before my very eyes.


Anonymous said...

I envy you girl!!! Superb!!!! Bravo indeed!!!!

I couldn't even draw a simple picture yak!!!!

Thank you so much for this....... Love for Adam...

Anonymous said...

If I buy some copic markers, will I be able to draw like that?!! WOW! Just plain WOW! Mesmerizing!


Anonymous said...

What a talent! And what better subject to draw than Adam. She even got the freckles on his lips! Wonderful. LL

Anonymous said...

Very, Very Nice! Great Talent! Love it!


Anonymous said...

Watching those eyes come alive. Wow. And the freckled lips. {{{ fanning self }}}

Anonymous said...

What a treat to see that picture appear. You are very talented and captured Adam perfectly!!!

Anonymous said...

OT Read Singapore got its SIXTH single off FYE. It is Sleepwalker just released this week. How lucky are they?! Oh well his new single should be out by the end of August. Never been so anxious to hear new music!Hope Adam tweets something to us I know he is busy but it's been quiet on the twitter front. Miss him!

Anonymous said...

Go Singapore go for Adam !!
The artist got the essence of Adam in her painting, very alive picture, that beautiful smile is well-captured and the sparkly eyes.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Couldn't stop watching. Reminded me of when Adam was on stage performing...only had eyes for him. Couldn't get enough of him. Thank you for sharing your art.

Anonymous said...

SHEEBAZ!! What a FANTASTIC drawing!! The artist is soooooooo talented!! :-) And of course, it was wonderful to hear Adam singing whilst magical art was being created. :-)

Anonymous said...

Strut featured in SYTYCD Canada intro:


Anonymous said... won't come there another way to bring all???

Anonymous said...

What a superb drawing.

Adam has some very talented and artistically gifted fans.

judysdancin said...

This is one of the coolest things I've seen in a long time!! Such talent!!

Dinah-mite said...

Breath taking... Really captured Adam to a T!!
Very gifted girl. Thanks so much for sharing with us. That picture is just effin PERFECT! How beautiful...

Anonymous said...

FABULOUS! What a talent.

Anonymous said...

WOW Fantastic!!!!

Magiclady said...

You do beautiful work of a beautiful man!

Anonymous said...

Art was my major, but I haven't done anything serious in years. Only animals with grandchildren. My thing was drawing females with fashion clothes. Anyone remember when newspapers had drawings of fashion clothes, not pictures of models?
This young lady is very talented. I would love to do a nude of Adam. We use to use people to pose for my art class.


glitzylady said...

@P. A. S.
Hahahahahaha! That caught me by surprise!..You were talking about fashion and all of a sudden.. "I would love to do a nude of Adam"! \\O_O// OMG!!!!!!!! Sooo, if you ever get that chance, would you PLEASE invite me..I can't really draw all that well, but I could bring him his tea and would be happy to hold it for him.....That would be the "coup" of the century. (I would say a few more things while we'll on the subject of nude Adam, but I would just get myself into deep I'll stop now....). As the saying goes, "Discretion is the better part of valor ; )

HK fan said...

here's a little something to get you started on your nude picture of Adam!!!

Hk fan said...

oops, Not sure if that links right, copied it off another site, just clicked it to check and I can't find the picture its supposed to show...anyhoo, just to pique your interest, it was Adams head photoshopped onto a naked body....very..umm...interesting!

glitzylady said...

Okay, I just saw that picture that @HK fan posted, from another source, on Twitter..was just going to share that with @P. A. S. too.. so if that link doesn't work for some, here's another option..Obviously photoshopped but who the heck cares! Whoa....... ; )

THUD ........>--->-O

Anonymous said...

Glitzlady and Hk fan:

Oh my! Oh my! The long legs, bare chest, build is very similar to Adam. I don't think the chain is big enough to cover Adams.............

The male body is really beautiful. Yes indeed.
Thank you, thank you ladies. Where do you find these pics. I did look up male nudes and boners and found a pic of real Adam with tight tights on and he had a very nice, exciting growth. I did not want to leave the site. Oh to be young again, and the freedom they have today.


glitzylady said...

@P. A.S.

Yes, a bigger, thicker chain is in order....

Boners???? There is a site for that??? And you found Adam there? Well, obviously...LMAO!!!!

And you asked us where we got this picture????!!!!!!!!! HA!!!

This is going to keep me laughing for the rest of the day! ; D

HK fan said...

now I'm interested to see the picture you found!!!

Anonymous said...

That was fantastic!! Really enjoyed the effort it took and the result of this gorgeous man!!