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Adam Lambert Tweets About Rihanna's 'Man Down' Music Video

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, June 5, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, June 05, 2011

Watch Rihanna's "Man Down" music video below:

What are your thoughts on it?


Anonymous said...

Can't see the vid with my cellphone but the pic is awesome! Ronnie

Anonymous said...

All I can say is that Adam looks insane. waaay too much makeup, stupid hair and looks drunk.
Video too violent , just because its seen on TV shows doesn't make it right. two wrongs don't make a right. In this case three wrongs :)
Adam always stands by the A-list, you don't imagine he might want to hurt his career, or make waves with anyone he might be singing with someday. Adam is waaay too liberal.

Adamluv said...

This video is going to open Pandoras box. Think this will turn out to be a very ugly thread since so many will write under anon. As a women, the last frame is heartbreaking and brings up too many emotions. Dont think I'll comment on this or at least not for now. My post would go on for too long. ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@11:499 If you don't like Adam or his choices why don't you focus on yourself and make your own choices. Adam has his own life and you have yours.

Anonymous said...

I just did, gave my opinion and because I may not agree with Adam, I have to be wrong. Don't tell me this is a flattering picture of Adam.
But as Adam would say, "it's all rock and roll"

Anonymous said...

To poster 1:49, you sound like a troll. I doubt seriously in your real life, you bite the hand that feeds you either. Not many smart people do.

As far as the actual song goes, I love reggae. Ri is just going back to her roots and it works well. I fell in love with it in Jamaica on vacation and again in Hawaii where they have Jawaiian (Hawaiian/Reggae blend). I consider Bruno Mars to be a Jawaiian/Pop product.

As far as the story goes, I guess Cuz found out that "No!" means NO the hard way. She was just doing what the court system doesn't have the balls to do. The emotion is raw from her because she has lived the life of a victim. I see nothing on the video nearly as graphic as on any CSI: Wherever. I think her acting was superb and she could easily transition to the big screen if she likes.

As far as the lyrics go, it's no different than "I Shot the Sheriff" back further than I'll say (cause I'll give away my age). There is nothing controversial about any of this.


Anonymous said...

@2:05 you are the one who said that you are wrong :|

Anonymous said...

I am totally agree with Adam. With all the violent and sex scenes you can be viewed in prime time TV , the vid is lame by comparing. This raise awareness to girls when they go out to party, a lot of stuff can happen. Learn to be smart rather than a target.

Anonymous said...

@1:49 You are entitled to your opinion, but Adam is liberal and lives his life to suit himself, not for me, you or anyone else. It doesn'y make anyone right or wrong, just personal choices. Adam was at a party. If he chooses to drink and unwind it's also his business and saying he's drunk really is judgemental when you weren't present. Adam has so many good qualities, I choose to focus on them. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I think Adam's on a plane. He's tweeted 4 more tweets since these four (and maybe more while I'm writing), and not from his phone. He usually gets very "tweety" while flying, doesn't he?

Anonymous said...

I am not a troll, just had guts enough to say what I feel about this particular picture. Ordinarily I am a great fan of Adam, have his music and GNT video. I don't have to hate him if I don't agree with his choices sometimes.

LIVA said...

I just finished watching that video.....not my kind of music but the video was pretty interesting.

I think it looks like a lot of those mainstream movies though so I don't get the fuss about people trying to ban it.

Still not a fan of Rhianna though.

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with @2:22
On TV daily so so much violence & sex !!!

So on reality basis, let's Focus on the positive qualities!,
Adam's human like all of us, though he sings like a ROCK GOD!!!!:):):)

He's a chameleon, changes his looks all the time to suit the occassion, that makes him a very interesting & talented entertainer right! that's why we love him so much!!!

Don't u dressed up for different occasions to celebrate life!!!
Peace all

Anonymous said...

I have trouble with some of Rihanna's videos. There ws the one that ws about Russian Roulette, and the one she did with Eminm that was violent, too. I don't think they would bother me so mucy if I didn't know that Chris Brown beat the hell out of her in real life. Tihanna is a beautiful woman and a gifted artist IMO...I have her CD with S&M on it. The songs are great..just not in love with the message.

Seattle Flag News: So far the flag has been given to Seattle Out & Proud for them to use in the parade. Her is a quote that frankly boils my but2tee: Mary Bacarella said, "We are not flying the flag this year. We don't make a habit of flying flags on top of the Space Needle and we make an effeort not to fly any flags on a recurring basis." Well,that's nice sweetie, except I guess when it is football season and you fly the 12th Man flag...or when you fly the Cougar flag for WSU or the Husky flag for UW. I would send you the link to this article, but the comments are so homophobic that I just can't. They remind my of the time Adam shared some of the "comments" he gets. There is still a lot of intolerence and ignorance in this country.
Thanks for the comment on the other site, tess4 adam!


Anonymous said...

2:25 PM

I believe you completely. I myself am a big Adam fan but I don't like Adam's hair do this pic either. Sad to see that people call you a troll if you are telling different opinion.

Anonymous said...

Well, first let me say I am not a fan of Rihannas, but I actually liked the song. No, I don't think the video is a good idea. Of course I also am not a fan of crime shows, but there is a difference in this and Law and Order. On that show they are finding the killer and putting them on trial. This seems like tacit approval of the killing. As a female I could understand the provocation and as an adult can accept it as a "story". However, since this is a music video any age can view it.....and will. Immature viewers will view it with different eyes and reasoning than adults will.

Nope, don't think it is a good idea for a video and you know there will be copycats being filmed immediately.

Having "had my say", I think it was beautifully filmed and Rihanna was quite impressive....

It's an old picture and I am grateful he seems to have moved on from that LOOK!..........JAK

Anonymous said...

Well I hate when people pick Adam's pictures/image apart, sorry. It seems so superficial. Have you not taken a bad picture ever??? And isn't it considered rude if someone says how awful you look in your photos, or asks if you are drunk? I don't know if something is wrong with me but I am just happy to see his photos. They give me such joy. I don't care how much darn make up he chooses to wear. I get a kick of him. I think I have a great sense of humor when looking at some of his picture (with admiration for who he is as a person, an individual: HE has guts!) Adam has a great sense of humor! Yeah,so what if he takes a bad picture. Do you want him to be an ideal beauty in pictures? He's got a beautiful heart even if you might not think that he is always picture perfect...

Anonymous said...

got a good laugh out of his tweets.The mv is just so-so.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the typos...
Here is a quote I found today..a lesson that someone learned from living with a terminal disease: We all dangle from that most delicate of threads and the only way to live a life is to love it. That's a message I think Adam sends too!

Now I feel better.

Anonymous said...

I really don't understand the uproar. If you listen to the lyrics she's not condoning shooting a man. She sings,"It's some mothers son, What have I done?" I had an ex-husband I would have loved to shoot, but didn't and my policeman friend said I would have been justified! This video is telling a story and anyone that has been out in the world knows there have been women raped, beaten and wanted justice. That in no way means that you should take the law into your own hands, but I'm sure plenty of women have fantasized about removing the perpetrator from this earth plane.The video shows remorse, so don't think this video is so detrimental to society. As Adam said, "It's acting and there are worse things shown on tv. People need to relax and worry about genocide, child abuse and other real life tragedies. funnbunn40

Anonymous said...

guns shoot video not good for this song wrong rhiana video. love adma lambert for life.

Anonymous said...

Just because any one of us is a fan of Adam Lambert, it does not mean that we have to like every single one of his looks or agree with his opinions about something or someone. We are not robots; we are entitled to our opinions just as he is. I am a fan of his music, his voice, his talent and his different styles. That doesn't mean I have to agree with his views on various subjects. He might be more liberal than I am, but that's the way of society and our personal choices. There is a lot of violence in movies, on tv programs and in life. Listening to music is a way to escape from some of the ugliness and evil that often surrounds us so I don't necessarily want to see it in a video too. I want music to entertain me, to make me feel good, to make me want to dance, and not bring me down or depress me. But that's just me. And if you don't agree with these comments, that is certainly your right to do so.

Anonymous said...

lmb,thanks for your update,I was wondering how things were going. I guess she is saying they get to pick and choose. Keep up your good work and keep us informed every now and then.

Anonymous said...

@LMB, love your quote. I wrote it down.

Anonymous said...

This picture of Adam is old, and if I remember he was singing at an industry function. Adam is very photogenic and out of all the great pictures which could have been chosen, it's odd they posted this. This picture is now going to appear in some gossip blogs when discussing the video. Yes, even though it's old...some bloggers are lazy.

Anonymous said...


I live with a portion of that quote every day.
My brother died last Fall and since my parents are also gone I was really low. The last person who remembered me as a child was gone!

My brother had a military funeral and even if you've never been to one you can imagine how it wrings your heart when they play Taps on the bugle.

In the car on the way home with all my children with me, my husband gave me a tiny white box.
It had a shiny silver pinky ring with LOVE LIFE
engraved on it. I never take it off, it's twinkling as I type....................JAK

Anonymous said...

I think it's a very bold video, and I can understand why it would be offensive to some people, but I personally like it.

Anonymous said...

In regards to all the comments about the photo posted, it's likely the only photo the OP could find with the two together. My first thought was that I felt it made him look trashy out of context, but that's because he's wearing stage makeup, which almost always looks trashy up close. Look at any photograph of a ballroom dancer up close and it looks like the makeup is over caked on because it needs to be seen from a distance.

Anonymous said...

I like this video ,reminds me of BOB Marley.. This is the first time I actually like one of Rihanna's songs.She told her story and was repentive.
Somehow when women fight back in a video it's OMG. There is so much sexual violence in Rap and yet that's so cool.

Anonymous said...

Not with me it isn't! It's dreadfull!

Anonymous said...

The video is ok. Pretty mild compared to many. I understand the message. She was raped, I guess, and then shot the guy. Wouldn't make me run out and buy the song or anything. If Adam likes it, fine. As for the pic of Adam, it's old. He isn't always posing for a glamour shot. Just let him look normal for once. Doesn't bother me. He's beautiful inside and out.

Anonymous said... what is so different from..."Momma.. just killed a man..put a gun against his head pulled my trigger now he's dead..Momma life had just begun but now I've gone and thrown it all away....." Queen..Freddie Mercury 1975...some of ya'all are too sensitive!! and as for Adam's look in the picture..he himself said he is finished with glitter..:)

Anonymous said...

I think this video may be banned on VH-1,like many others have been( or maybe there are 2 versions.)I don't like violence,period,but many other videos,esp with men,have as much,or more violence in them that this one does.The gang killings,etc w/and w/o rappers are common,& if they don't show it,they sing about it many times.I wish the violent ones wouldn't be shown even on you tube,but for now,many are.

Anonymous said...

Already showing in Australia on TV.

Anonymous said...

Personally I reckon if you don't like it then
just don't watch it. I believe in freedom of expression.

Anonymous said...

When ADAM has the budget Rihanna
prepared from the planet to take off...because
he will blow it sky high with Glambert fever!

Anonymous said...

Adam will make a video of rape and murder?

Cheril said...

Opinions are neither right nor wrong period. In this case, I am not a fan of the song, but I do not see anything in her video that I would not see on any given night on tv. I love Adam but I hate that picture of him, which I believe was at the VEVO party.

Anonymous said...

I don't like it because I don't like Rihanna, but Criminal Minds -- a network tv show -- and plenty of other tv shows are infinitely worse than this video. Big whoop. I mean, c'mon-- AI had Flo Rida on a couple of years ago singing about a blow job.

But Rihanna broke the rules, like Adam did -- women can be sexy, but not violent and men can be violent and sexy, but only if the objects of their sexuality and aggression are female "hos".

HK fan said...

well, I just watched the video, was expecting a lot worse. Its really only the first small bit, before the song starts where she shoots the guy, and maybe the last 30 seconds. Its certainly not as graphic as many music videos. I quite like the song too.
@anon 4.18, it doesn't seem to be the lyrics that people object to, but the graphic scene at the beginning of her blowing someones brains out...we didn't get that in Bohemian Rhapsody.
So although I don't find the video too bad, I don't really agree with Adam, on the 'worse things are shown on crime programmes' thing. The thing with tv programmes is like SVU, CSI etc I have a choice to watch them or let my younger kids watch them, I just don't turn the programme on. But with music videos its a bit different, my 9 year old loves pop music especially JB and Katy Perry, she likes to watch MTV where 90% of the videos are fine to watch, but then suddenly something iffy comes on with no warning like Rihanna S&m (which I found far worse),or the full length Telephone which I wouldn't want her to watch. Its hard to then control what she watches as you don't know when a 'bad' video is going to pop up. But on the one, if they just start the video from the start of the actual song (i.e without the shooting), it won't be too bad at all. Then just has the implied shooting at the end.

Anonymous said...

Yep, Freddie just played the piano while he sang about killing the guy. We are getting way too graphic today. I am glad I am not raising kids, I'd have to forego TV altogether with all the inappropriate viewing that I would not allow children to see. It must be very hard to be a parent today. I was considered a deprived child
by my friends. We had one television in the house and I was allowed 1 hour a day, with parental approval of my choice. Poor me and yet I grew up to be semi-normal and successful.

The Power of No! CK

Anonymous said...

Adam is way too liberal you there upthread say... um, are you new here? Whatevs. Entitled to opinion, it's all good... but hheeeelllooooooo, are you new?

kathybags said...

I dont think guns need to be in any music video,!!!!!! Rihanna looks great on the outside.but angry and hurt on the inside.Adams irish thearpy does not help!!! too many innocent people including small kids are getting killed daily,in our cities.I IOVE ADAM and Rihanna perhapes you are both in a place to help get any guns out any music video.

fromthegrey said...

Really don't get what all the uproar is all about. Watched the vid and my reaction was pretty much "meh." As Adam has said, it's not that deep.

Anonymous said...

I have to say that I have trouble with all the mixed messages Rihanna sends. She appeared publicly after the thing with Chris Brown to talk about other women not letting this happen. Then she gets in touch with Chris Brown once again. Then she does the song with Eminem, I Love The Way You Lie, about abuse. Next up she does S & M with lyrics "Whips and chains excite me," and now she sings about killing a rapist. Sorry, but regardless of the fact that it's art, some DO get impressions from the lyrics. I guess you have to decide as an artist what exactly it is that you're selling and how many mixed messages are there.

Anonymous said...

Don't you just love how people at this site start throwing out the "troll" accusations the minute someone doesn't stick with the party line here?

Anonymous said...

Well, this is a fan site, yes. It does seem kind'a like trash talking if someone comes here and posts things like: "All I can say is that Adam looks insane. waaay too much makeup, stupid hair and looks drunk... Adam is waaay too liberal."

But we all have our opinions. If we are going to have a site where we pick at Adam then it seems to follow that we will pick at each other or ourselves also, idk.

Anonymous said...

I have two older brothers and can't imagine what it would be like to lose either one. I always enjoy your heartfelt posts. We are both lucky to be blessed with such great husbands.

I think one of the reasons I get crabby lately is that I am watching everyone else's videos and I am impatiently waiting for Adam's video. I know it will be creative and compelling! I used to stay up late to watch VH1 but I just don't care as much...not a big deal who is #1 to me.



Anonymous said...

Justpeachy where ya been?!! Good to hear from ya!

I agree wholeheartedly with anon 6:38 above. Rihanna seems to send mixed messages...!


Anonymous said...

6:42pm sorry to say it is usually true.8:35pm you said it so well!!

tess4ADAM said...

Being an ADAM LAMBERT fan (PROUD Glambert) ... I take umbrage to any post that says anything like a derogatory comment about ADAM when it infers that he looks 'insane or drunk' ... if I want to read that BS I'll go to a public site where they throw that crap around ... I come to an ADAM fan site to exchange ideas with other fans & where there is LOVE in our comments about ADAM ... even when we're 'critiquing' his latest style .. comment .. or whatever!! that's why the commenter @ June 5 1:49PM is being taken to task ... not because everyone has to AGREE with us about ADAM ... there is a BIG difference between "critique & CRITICISM". Your comment sounded much too SNARKY ... especially since the pic w/Rihanna is from his VEVO party ... when VEVO was just starting ... probably the only one of ADAM & her. ADAM hasn't looked like that in a VERY long time ... not ADAM 'now'!! That's all I'm going to say about this post ... gonna Shut Up before I say something UNkind which isn't ADAM's way ... JMO .. Peace .. Love 'n Light


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if that person is new here or new to the internets. I was new to the online community when I first started following Adam, during Idol in 2009. But, this is a 'ADAM FAN SITE' and NOT a GENERAL GOSSIP SITE where you just comment on who you hate, etc.

My mistake, I guess, is checking out the comments occasionally and finding critiques of, for example: I don't like Adam's hair up, I don't like Adam's hair down, I don't like Adam to wear make up, I don't like Adam to have a drink or look drunk, I don't like him dating Sauli, Drake, or ANY ONE; I don't want him to be gay, I don't want him to be liberal, I don't want him to sing pop, I want him to sing rock, I don't want him to like Gaga, I don't want him to tweet Gaga, I wish he would stop asking to work with xtina... and everything that people complain about. It drives me nuts how people do not want him to be himself but who they want him to be.

I just got a bit riled up by coming to the comments and reading how someone hates him or his looks. I just hope he is happy with his own choices. And these people who come here to complain about his face and hair, or his political leanings and lifestyle... well, I think that they are lucky that a photo of them is not posted here so that we can see how fugly they are and how messed up their life is since it is so convenient to judge him... I'm done.

Anonymous said...

In literature, art of painting, movies the artists deal much with their pain & dark side, and are able to express themselves quite freely. And reader/watcher knows what to expect and can choose the movie, book or painting.

But for video directed music artist this is more complicated. Rihanna´s vid is a sad story. A short film. And as such a very good one. The news on the TV are hundred times worse. But for a kid this is confusing. Rape is a horrible crime but shooting is no solution.


Anonymous said...

come on. that was just a music video. i don't get whats the big deal about it.
glambert from Iran

Anonymous said...

This is nothing compared to what is being shown on tv. People need to get a grip!!

Anonymous said...

I love Adam's hair in the pic! I loved Adam's hair at his club nokia show, yowza!!
I didn't like Adam's hair when he was in the bottom 3 on AI s8. That was after the "Feeling Good" performance, wasn't it?
Oh hell, love Adam no matter what, right guys?
I thought rhianna spent more time on the video than the song, it sucked.
Mwah!! K
Ps anybody here been a victim of a sexual crime? A victim of any crime?

Anonymous said...

The picture above ISN'T a good one of him. Sometimes, he has an off photo. No one said they hated him that I can see. Being a fan of Adam doesn't mean you can't have an opinion other than something that's been "approved" by the masses. How thin skinned can some of you be?

Anonymous said...

This video deals with issues that are very real, tragic, sad..rape and subsequent violence.I guess the stories need to be told, I just hope parents take responsibility and find out what their children are watching on videos, tv, and film as well. Children are impressionable, and could think that revenge by killing is OK, if they see a celebrety do it, they are not always able to seperate reality from fantasy. I have worked with children who have watched a parent die from being shot by the other parent or jelous lover and those chidlren are never the same again.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:18 You say you're from Iran, which I don't believe for one minute. In your country if a woman is raped she must have four men come to her defense to say she was raped. If that does not happen, she is stoned to death for adultery or a male member of her family will do an "honor killing" because by being raped she so dishonored her family. Either way she's dead.

Anon 5;02 I agree totally about this portion of your post:

"AI had Flo Rida on a couple of years ago singing about a blow job.

"But Rihanna broke the rules, like Adam did -- women can be sexy, but not violent and men can be violent and sexy, but only if the objects of their sexuality and aggression are female "hos".

Anonymous said...

Ronnie dear

Well said! In spite of (or because of) the fact that you tease me I have decided to add you to my list of potential adopted grandchildren.

That makes Adam, Neil and you! A nice start!

Anonymous said...


In answer to your P.S......yes I was a victim of a violent crime. Fresh out of college I was secretary to the president of a bank. We were held up and robbed, on his way out he grabbed my arm and dragged me toward the door. Thank God I
remembered the FBI agent who had taught us what to do in a robbery.........he said "NEVER let yourself be taken hostage, go limp and fall to the floor, hopefully they won't be able to carry you and a weapon. It's better to be shot in the bank than in a field somewhere. At least in the bank you can get help quickly."

I fell face forward on the carpet and lay there while he rested the shotgun on my back, he said "sh**" and ran out the door!

Want to know my profound thoughts as I was flat face down waiting to be shot? It was "I can't die I'm getting married in 3 weeks!"

Sooooooooooooo as I mentioned way upthread I don't watch any crime shows, none, zip, nada.
That's why I'm in my room typing instead of in TV room with my guy watching some murder and mayhem program..............JAK

Anonymous said...

OT...@Mwah!!K, I also was a survivor of a violent crime. I don't choose to use the word victim for myself. A 16 yr old, over 6ft young man held a knife to my neck and tried to rape me when I was 35 and newly married to my 2nd husband.It happened in an apartment complex hallway on Halloween. He came towards me with a ski mask pulled over his face,grabbed my neck and said if I screamed he would slit my throat. I remember saying, "Is this a Halloween joke?" I thought my heart would jump out of my chest and kept thinking, "Don't panic, look for an opportunity to act." I had to suffer a few personal indignities but managed to get the knife away by watching his hand relax,(My hand was never cut) knocking him off balance as he was crouched behind me, grabbing the blade jerking it upward and throwing it down the hallway. It sailed like a feather, traveling so far I was amazed. It was the adrenaline. I easily could have sunk that knife into his back & for a split second the thought occured to me, but I've been taught to preserve and protect life and I made the right choice. I got to my car, went to the police station and the police knew who he was. The day before he had tried to accost a woman in a parking lot with the same knife. The police found it on his kitchen counter. My husband traveled for a living and came home that evening wanting to see the movie "Looking for Mr. Goodbar." It was a movie in 1978 about a woman getting murdered. I didn't tell him what happened to me until the following day as he had a stressful trip with airplane trouble and he was so glad to be home, I didn't want to ruin his day. Later he was horrified and felt so terrible taking me to that movie. He wondered why I was so quiet, as you all know, isn't my usual nature! My first husband was dangerously violent and came close to taking my life more than once. In an indirect way it gave me the tools and calmness to survive this attack. My 2nd marriage was like my upbringinging, peaceful, respectful and totally happy. I've seen and lived extreme sadness, despair and unbelievable love and happiness. I know I'm capable of surviving anything and life is not black and white, but very gray. I had 30 years of unbelievable happiness that lives with me today and you never know what strength you have and how you will react until it's tested. @ JAK So glad you also survived your ordeal. What doesn't break you makes you stronger. My son was also robbed at gunpoint while living in Miamy moving into his apt.Thankfully he also kept a cool head and a guardian angel was watching over him. We've been lucky. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@12:33 i`m not a lair. i`m from Iran.and i don't need to lie about where i`m commenting from.
by the way your knowledge about Iran is what you hear from American networks,which is not always true.
anyway i don't think i said anything wrong.
p.s: i don't think you could judge a nation by its more respectful and logical.

Anonymous said...

@JAK & @funbunn40,
Thank you so much for your stories.
I am also a survivor, of a sexual crime. Let's just say I suffered internal injuries, punctured holes in my uterus & my intestines. Ended up with a temporary colostomy, blood transfusion from severe loss of blood, & scars to remind me every day.
I appreciate women like you, for being so brave & mentally strong in your dealing with your troubled experience. & thank you very much for giving me the strenghth to share my story as well. Thanks guys! Mwah!! K

glitzylady said...

I am speechless right now. @Mwah!!K..I am horrified to hear your story and I am so glad you survived it. It must have taken a great deal of courage to talk about it. And I am so sorry. Also thank you to @JAK and @funbunn40, and so happy you two are also here to talk about it and flail over Adam.

@funbunn40 I wrote a long commentary about this video and Rihanna, but did not post it (its still lurking around out there somewhere..). In it, I also brought up "Looking For Mr. Goodbar", which I also saw in a theater, and I think it is THE most terrifying movie dealing with rape that I have ever seen.. I could barely walk out of the theater afterward, because the last few minutes made me feel like I was going to pass out and I started to cry. I felt like it was happening to me. I've never watched it since. I also have a story (I think so many women and more than a few men as well do), and it is the reason that I understand the passion and rage that Rihanna's character displays, which is a result of her feeling of helplessness, violation and her need to have the ultimate power over the man who tried to take her power away. Killing someone is NOT the answer, but I understand the "Why". I personally can think of much better punishments for sexual predators. I bet you all can too.

Anonymous said...


My other message I left you disappeared so I'll try again. You never ever forget a horrifying ordeal and some have scars to remind them. I was a lucky one. But time and love help and life is good and there are lots of survivors among us............<3 <3.....JAK

Anonymous said...

@ MWAH!!!K, You are a brave survivor and I'm so sorry for what happened to you. Every hole and scar signifies your strength and will to conquer the evil that was done to you. My father once told me to never give another human being the power to break your spirit, words that gave me strength when needed. I'm glad you have dicovered the love, beauty and humanity that Adam reminds us is out there, not the ugliness that inhabits some that can't conceive of what is the basic meaning of love. I once told my ex-husband that with my last dying breath, he would never control my mind or thoughts. I would never be his possession or object. I was a human being, worthy of existing and respect, as you also deserved. Thanks for sharing what affects so many of us out there. @ Glitzylady, Lorena Bobbitt comes to mind, but just fleetingly, not Looking for Mr. Goodbar was really traumatic and I was numbly silent and I think, in a state of shock. When I told my husband what had happened to me earlier that day he was beside himself with remorse for that movie, never knowing beforehand what happened to me, but even he had no idea how violent the movie would be under normal circunstances. The movie shook him and of course was made more horrific after my experience. I still love Helen Reddy's song, "I am Woman, hear me roar!" I also agree, killing is NEVER the answer, but accepting punishment and consequences for criminal behavior certainly is what's needed. Rihanna's not condoning murder, but showing the pain and hopeless feeling brought about by rape. The murder just wrought more pain, not a solution. It's a music videoof Rihanna's creative expression. I for one can't censor her choice to make it. People can choose whether or not to purchase or view it. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Thank you. LOVE to all of you! Mwah!! K