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Adam Lambert VS Bruno Mars

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, June 3, 2011

Posted at : Friday, June 03, 2011

FUSE TV has a new poll up on their website. This time, comparing Adam to Bruno Mars. CLICK HERE to vote for Adam!

Thanks Merrick for the tip!


Anonymous said...

well bruno mars did win in grammys..

Anonymous said...

sorry will not be participating in these useless polls but thanks for posting 24/7

Anonymous said...

Once again, two talented artists who are totally different in another useless, meaningless poll. Adam is without equal, of course, and I always feel like I should vote. So I did. (If winning polls turned into winning Grammys, Adam would have a full shelf of the things, but JUST WAIT.)

Anonymous said...

technically?i like adma lambert voice all his songs si unique and one of a kind. cnanot deny that hes the best voice in todays generation and for ever.

Anonymous said...

Yep, I found out about this poll a few days ago and I've been voting for Adam of course. I noticed if I vote several times in a row, Adam's numbers go down (?) but if I only vote a couple times a day I notice his numbers continue to go up!


glitzylady said...

First of all, remember that this poll is not about Adam or Bruno, and who is "better" (Adam in my opinion...), but about their FANS...

Well, since I'm a fan of Adam's, I would have to vote that Adam has the best fans of course!!! And I think it is absolutely true...even if I don't know anything about Bruno Mars' fans..who could be just as lovely and loyal. I do think Adam perhaps inspires more intense loyalty and deep passion amongst his fans, and those I have met tend to be incredibly nice. I also have to say I like Bruno Mars voice and music, but that's as far as it goes for me.

Anonymous said...

Sligo lambert
of cours adam

Anonymous said...

This IS Adam's site - so who else would people vote for ? STOP with these silly polls please!
Would rather see Adam's tweets or pix tnx.

Kelowna Fan XXX

tess4ADAM said...

I think you all have it wrong ... WE are NOT voting for ADAM on this poll ... WE are VOTING for OURSELVES ... the Glamberts .. Lambrits ... ADAM's fans WORLDWIDE ... which artist has the BEST fanbase ... ADAM or Bruno Mars ... not a big deal ... the winner of this poll will face off against either Chris Brown or Michael Jackson's fanbase for the ULTIMATE BEST FANS ... don't know about the rest of you but I think ADAM has the BEST fans ... the title of the poll says WHO does ... then it says PROVE IT!! SO I'm PROVING IT by VOTING as often & as MUCH as I can ... hope you will ALL join me ... Love 'n Light to ALL ADAM's Fans Worldwide


glitzylady said...

Good point, but I pointed out the same thing at 11:19AM! Just thought I would mention that! Just didn't want to be put into that "you all have it wrong" category...and I do think ADAM has the best fans! You and me included!

Thanks for being such a great fan, and reminding us to vote...

Anonymous said...

Ok, it's almost 9 pm in London. Adam and Sauli must have walked thru the lobby by now! Pics, we need pics.. Do I have to fly over there myself?

Adamluv said...

Does anyone know what was the outcome of the Adam vs. Enrique Iglesias fans from a couple weeks ago? Last time I voted, Adam was ahead but never saw final votes. ... Adamluv

tess4ADAM said...

@Adamluv ... don't know the exact numbers but I think ADAM won that one with no problem as he did vs. John Legend which now puts him (or I shouold say us) against Bruno fans ... the winner then facing the winner of the match up between Chris Brown & Mj fans ... MJ fans are TOUGH. If people think WE are OTT about ADAM ... watch MJ fans ... they're something else ...

@glitzylady ... like I said in my post ... sometimes I get a little carried away about voting but this time I'm not fighting for ADAM ... I'm fighting for US & WE are the BEST!! THANX!! Love 'n Light


glitzylady said...

Yep, we are!

The Dark Side said...

Well these polls do keep our boy in the public eye, so I guess they serve a purpose.

Adamluv said...

@tess4ADAM - thank you! Gave you a shout out today on an old thread thanking you so much for your love and support of Adam! ... Adamluv

tess4ADAM said...

To everyone ... we have to remember to keep a United front on behelf of ADAM & Ourselves ... so no matter how mundane & unnecessary some of these polls seem to be ... we can't let ADAM come in second place or less ... ADAM doesn't fit in those places ... he's our Beacon ... Shining Star ... so he deserves a place of Prominence ... #1 ... Love 'n Light to you ALL


Anonymous said...

It feels good to vote for Adam anytime I get the chance! Just got this news from the local PFLAG in Seattle. It looks like they aren't going to fly the rainbow flag over the Space Needle this year for Pride Parade. I am putting a link to a petition to sign if you are interested. It is such a big ray of hope when you see that flag fly. Here is the link:


Adamluv said...

@lmb - just voted! Thanks for posting this! And you need to comment more here at 24/7. I've missed you. ... Adamluv

glitzylady said...

What???? No rainbow flag?? I'm off to vote...Did they give a reason??? You'd think since I live in the Seattle area I would know more about it..but thanks for the heads up!

As Adamluv said..jump in any time!

Anonymous said...

I do not think these polls do ANY good for Adam. The people who are fans of Adam are already fans. When someone(radio station, tv station, etc) makes it a contest between Adam and someone else, I believe it alienates potential fans. People who love Bruno or whoever is pitted against Adam in a poll are more likely to see Adam as competition and may be even dissuaded from giving his music a chance and therefore miss out on becoming a fan of Adam's.
This is more likely an assurance if Adam's crazies start tweeting nasty tweets about the other performer or their fans, or starts posting nasty posts on blogs. And we all know they've been known to do it. I remember a recent poll that ended up being a contest between David Archuleta(sp?) and Adam. Well Adam won, but I was aware of some horrible tweets about David and his fans from the Adam crazies. Do you all honestly believe that type of behavior gains Adam more fans? - normal fan

Anonymous said...

Voting for Adam whether the poll is meaningless or not. I don't post any nasty tweets. I just get on with the job at hand. Sending nasty tweets means less voting time for Adam and I'm not a nasty person. It's all well and good to sit around navel gazing about Adam's hot looks and gorgeous voice - I love doing that - but I need to be more pro-active in my support of him and that's the reason I vote for him - to support and promote him as best I can.

Anonymous said...

@ lmb. DONE! I signed petition and wanted to comment, but after signing couldn't comment. Why won't they fly the flag? Are there a lot of conservative voters against it? Hope they will change their mind.Glamberts are a mighty army and will step up! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

anon 4:57am you said it so well.I use to be one of those fans you described but I have matured some. Now on comments I try to say something interesting about Adam instead of going balistic over everything.- semi normal fan

Anonymous said...

Hi again
I don't know yet why they had no plans to fly the flag. I am hoping it was just an oversight...that someone dropped the ball. Thank you glitzy, funbunn40 Adamluv and everyone else for signing the petition! Some days I feel like we are getting closer to civil rights (like the day I was asked to speak at a high school human development class where I shared how Adam's honesty in interviews helped me so much)...but then there are a lot of things going on nationwide that don't look good for us. I will post more often. We will win this war...because our weapon of choice is LOVE. We Glamberts are a mighty army, indeed!


Anonymous said...

this is anon 8:38am I just voted for the flag.I hope it helps. It was so easy to vote, even for me. lol

Anonymous said...

Thank you anon 8:38. Every signature counts.I am so proud to be part of the Glamily on 24/7. I will let you know if I get any news.


Anonymous said...

they can be a good couple, why not?

tess4ADAM said...

ADAM vs. Bruno is down to 52% - 48% .. in favoe of ADAM ... but when I tried to VOTE I got a message that I've reached my LIMIT?? WTH??
Is anyone else having that problem?? PLEASE! When you VOTE ... vote one for me .. 'kay??

@lmb ... I just Voted for the 'flag' too ...
Love 'n Light


tess4ADAM said...

Hey! everyone ... ever since I've been VOTING on these polls I've NEVER been 'kicked off' of one for OVER-voting if there is such a thing ... guess my 'rep' has preceded me ... "here comes the MAD VOTER" ... LOL


Anonymous said...

Terry, you are the queen of voting. - normal fan

tess4ADAM said...


Love 'n Light


Anonymous said...


Glad to hear from you again, yes, I voted.....
but we know that THE MOST important voting will be done in next state and federal elections.
Ground that has been gained in equality can be taken away and progress can be stopped in it's tracks depending on who we put in office state to state and in Washington.

Perfectly kind sensible people often vote without finding out where a candidate stands on an issue and the LGBT acceptance can live or die in a ballot box.

Sorry, on my soapbox again......

Did you see my comment some weeks back that at present a judge has ruled that children can be adopted by their gay or lesbian foster parents?
Our last governor let it far new one is keeping quiet, but I'm afraid he will strike it down's not his "cup of tea"!

We just have to wait and see. Love from JAK

Anonymous said...

Right you are on all counts. My niece was able to adopt the twins her partner gave birth to recently in Minnesota. She told me it was both the best day and the worst day of her life. I will give her time to tell me the whole story. In Minnesota if you try for adoption and get the "wrong judge", you can't try again! Until that point, if anything had happened to her partner, those children, who consider both women to be their moms, would have been placed with a stranger rather than with my loving niece. This is what fair-minded people need to know.
We should all be sure to check out how our candidates feel about these things. One party is waaaay more LGBTQ friendly. It's not the one that begins with an R. Enough about politics, but this does impact Adam's life...and a whole lot of other really decent human beings!
Thanks again for the signatures. I will let you know if I hear anything.
Also, I have been asked to be the next President of my PFLAG chapter starting in Sept. Glamberts rule!


Anonymous said...

Adam behind Bruno Mars.......on FUSE POLL....

tess4ADAM said...

As for the ADAM vs. Bruno poll ... you guys are gonna have to do my part for me ... I'm LOCKED OUT!! Can you IMAGINE ... and I'm a damn member of that FUSE site ... well ... no more ... I guess our fanbase is going to lose this one ... let them battle it out with MJs fanbase ...

@lmb ... Right now there is a Marriage Bill in the legislature ... not sure which rep here in NYS is pro ... have to check into that ... also signed the petition for NY Yankees to make a vid for It Gets Better campaign ... they only need 175 more signatures ... have to go back & see how that one pans out ... hope they BOTH get a thumbs up ... Love 'n Light

tess4ADAM (aka EQUALITY 4 ALL)

tess4ADAM said...

@lmb ... forgot to mention ... I'm a member of the other party (but by no means just one of the 'flock' ... got my own ideas about things too) .. so you got my vote ... GOOD LUCK Madam President ... GIVE 'EM HELL!!!
Love 'n Light
