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Adam Lambert's Boyfriend Sauli Koskinen As A Child!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, June 10, 2011

Posted at : Friday, June 10, 2011

Very cute!

Source: mjlambliff


Anonymous said...

Too cute!!!

Anonymous said...

Put this photo and the one of Adam in his cowboy hat side by side!!!!! These guys must use today's science options to reproduce!.......JAK

Anonymous said...

JAK I was thinking the exact same thing!!!
About the cowboy hat thing I mean.
I am sure they can figure out the other thing....

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

Jeeez you aren't series. This is the photo of Adam!!!!

Anonymous said...

Is this Sauli 24/7?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

9:44 - Sauli is Adam's BF. So things about him are naturally going to be posted here. The same when he was dating Drake etc.

Anonymous said...

wonder why they put Adams pic up there too. unless to show how much they looked alike as babies. both cute.

Anonymous said...


Why aren't you at the party on Adam Lambert For
Your Entertainment music video thread?

Fan fiction, poetry, drinks, snacks, you're creative, join us!

Anonymous said...

Funny how noses change. So adorable, playing dress-up! I just have to smile ear to ear.

9:44 imagine a Brad Pitt site where you couldn't mention Angelina. Plus, it has been a pretty SLOW week for Adam news... crumbs...
One post was even about hockey..

Anonymous said...

OK, these pix are too cute!

OT - speaking of a slow Adam news day - I just saw this quote from Joan Rivers, talking about Lady Gaga being in a Starbucks, and it made me laugh: "It's weird seeing Gaga at a Starbucks. I mean, because Madonna has never done that!"

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

so cute!both of them..url for AIOTM is

Anonymous said...

It may look like Thia Media is way behind Adam now,but she's actually gaining more now than he is--Let me know if the link above @ 1:23am works for you,that is,if you WANT to vote.I'm having a few pc problems right now.Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Most men Adams age are dating or are in relationships . So what ? I dont understand why he hasnt been out promoting his career ,instead of his boyfriend , with appearances on talk shows or doing some small club dates or something to keep his talent out there. hes been "collaberating" forever it seems on the new album . Aside from Moscow and Canada there hasnt been a lot of career news . I want him performing again thats what I want

Anonymous said...

I'd say Thia Megia is going to win the American Idol of the Month for this month. I've been the only one voting for Adam for hours and the votes keep pouring in for her. Her fans took her from way behind to win the Best American Idol Contestant AI10.

Maybe they're using BOT to vote for her. IDK ... it just seems strange that so many votes are put in for her more often than not.

Anonymous said...

@2:12 AM

'hes been "collaberating" forever it seems on the new album.'

For heaven's sake, give Adam a break! He only started working on his album in February. Some artists take years to record and release an album.

Adam is hoping his 2nd album will be out in the fall so it's not a long time to wait for it.

Some Glamberts are OTT DEMANDING!!! :(

Anonymous said...

@2:12 AM

I am fully with you!!

Beto Zarirah said...

wow...when his second album will come out???

Anonymous said...

Sligo lambert ^_____^cute:
i love to play with kids adam so cute

Anonymous said...

Sauli is meant for Adam, just looking their past pictures, similar in many ways.
Adam is working Damn hard on his 2nd album right now. He won't be able to perform 365day/yr unless you want a autotune CD .

Anonymous said...

Yes Thia has gained LOTS more votes ,esp the past 24-48 hrs.I think her young voters are just voting very heavily now.Adam was almost 600,or so votes ahead of her,but she's gaining fast.Let's NOT let her win this month,Adam fans,ok?I have been voting,too,but we need MORE help,or 3:07am could be right): No bots on that contest,& you have to wait 20 min til you vote again..tons of little girls,tweens,teeens,etc.etc aren't giving up on her.That's all.Please VOTE!!!

Anonymous said...

@2:12 AM

Adam is a human being, not a machine fulfilling all your requirements. His relationship with Sauli is perhaps the most important part of his life right now. Let's allow him that. Life is not just money and fame.

He has been working very hard and he needs a little break - time to learn about himself as he states in the interview with Michelle Collins:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the cuuuute pictures!

Anonymous said...

Adam has found his soulmate for sure!

Anonymous said...

auto tune or real voice?????

If you can't wait for Adam to perform again , just look for another artist to push.....

Love u Adam!!!!!!! Where are u my dear!!!!!!!

Take care.............

Anonymous said...

EXCUSE ME! Don't you fucking some folks have a life of your own at all?! Ditto to 3:13 AM and 4:20 AM! Adam is working from day to day with his #2 album. Working for us!! From continent to another. During spring he entertained us by attending tens of Awards and b-days. And we got hundreds lovely pics to look at. Then the Moscow gig with videos and pics. Of course I'm waiting for his new music too, but I have a rich personal life as well. It is LOVE to feel joy for Adam's happines with Sauli. You don't need to have the same taste for men, but Adam choose his own. Artists have their personal lifes. Just like the rest of us. Why should Adam live as a monk only for our entertainment? Need a beer to cool down... Ronnie

Anonymous said...

For every 10 or so votes for Adam,Thia Megia is getting @ least 20!!Come,on,fans,put in some more for Adam,please.URL is above @ 1:23am.Give adam all the time he needs to put out a great album.

LP said...

What would you do if Adam got so tired of people bugging him to hurry hurry as if it is a life or death situation, that he decided its not worth it, and went back to theatre.
You won't be satisfied when the album does come out, then you will start nagging again for singles, DVDs and when is the tour going to start?
THE ALBUM WON't be out for at least 4 to 6 months.
And dont think that it is all free to make an album, it takes a lot of bucks, do you think all the collaborators are free and all kinds of hidden expenses. Adam is just starting, let him get joy out of making his second album. Some of you are just sucking all the joy out of it for Adam. Okay I'm done LOL.

Anonymous said...

They were both so cute when they were little! And they are even cuter now as adults. About the career thing, Adam seems to be working like crazy, travelling around the world meeting people, working on the album probably as we speak. So he has my respect for doing his thing the way he wants it and having time for Sauli as well.

Anonymous said...


Well said and to the others to this so called fan who is very demanding. Adam has been working hard as well as taking some well deserved time out. He is not taking that long actually to write an album - everyone is just so impatient. I am happy for him to take as long as he wants so he is happy with end result. Cut him some slack and there is plenty of adam goodies to continue to watch on you tube and the likes!!


Anonymous said...

Yes 4:44 and 2:12!!! Totally agree!
Oh and Ronnie @5:38, quit preaching. Some of us are sick and tired of hearing about Sauli ALL of the time. Some of you need to start a separate fan club site and title it - "Glamberts obsessed with Adam's lovers".
I know I sound preachy myself but Pulease!!!

Anonymous said...


Adam is not promoting his boyfriend. Sauli is his partner and goes to some of the events with Adam. They are a couple, like any other couple, and are in the spotlight, same as any other popular couple.
You can not control Adams life. I hope you are young and can get a life of your own. You sound jealous, are you?
Adam has worked two years straight w/o much of a break. He is not in a 9 to 5 business. When he goes out he is promoting himself, he stays in the news. In fact I read some where, he gets to much press, compared to other idols, stars etc.
He can not please everyone, so if you are a true fan, than love him, and let him run his life.

We all miss him, but harping on it will not change a thing. When he is ready, we will receive.

Anonymous said...

some of these comments about Sauli are from the same person. They make a comment about Sauli then agree with themselves and write something else obnoxios down the line. It is usually no surprise what the article is going to be about so just don't read it.There are some articles I skip over,it's no biggy.get a life.

Anonymous said...

7:40 AM

Thank you! You said it all.

FREEDOM OF SPEACH IS here to stay!!

I have really nothing agaist sauli but please! Give sauli fans and supporters his own fan club or 24/7 if you are so desparate to promote him. Too much sauli things even though he is part of Adam's life.

By the way I am not complaining Adam's next album as he can take much time spending as he likes, I enjoy GN Live and loads of YT! LOL!

Anonymous said...

This is anon that posted at 7:40. I did not post at 2:12 or 4:44. I shoudn't have said "totally agree", because I agreed with only certain points 2:12 made. I do NOT want Adam to rush his next CD. I want him to take his time. I'm just amused and somewhat exasperated over the obsession with this Sauli person.

Anonymous said...

You know, I have never seen a music artist work so darn hard, & Adam has been at it since well since he made it to AI. The man has struggled for years to get where is at today. What makes his story so unique, is why did this gifted man have to struggle like he had to? Why didn't anyone grab him up? Adam is not just another talented singer, he is a gifted vocalist!
Adam has worked his ass off! Let's support him with whatever time he needs! Adam deserves this time to make his music, he deserves his true love.Adam deserves our love & our positive energy! He really does.
It makes me sad to feel any negativity or hate.
We are fellow Glamberts/ friends, let's be true to ourselves, to each other.
You all don't know how much alone I feel when I don't have a fellow Glambert to hug, to share my admiration with. You all are all I have. So please, let's take one day at a time! I don't know each of you very well, but I do love you.
Have a good day everyone! Mwah!! K
Ps 24/7! No mo jd, please! Unless it is absolutely critical!
Pss sorry I missed the party, but I work nights .& so I'm pretty much sleeping thru the day & late evening hours!

Anonymous said...

anon 1:23 thanks for the link but I am totally burned out on that site.Thia is a sweet girl if anyone wins it besides Adam I hope it is her this month. This is truly one poll that seems useless to me.

Anonymous said...

Who decide what they show here? Sometimes it's bothers me that here are pictures of Sauli too much because I know some Adam's fans get irritated by it. It's not Sauli's fault that they show pictures here of him or Adam and Sauli together. You should complain to persons who decide the content of this site.

Anonymous said...

Adam said that he's already got 18-20 songs done, and he's still working on more. It seems to me that when he gets the album done, he'll have some songs left for album #3. So maybe we won't have to wait for 2 years for album #3 to come out, maybe it will be ready sooner.
I know it's pure speculation, but... could be something to comfort us while we're waiting :-)

LP said...

@ 8:07

It's not an obsession over Sauli. We love Adam, and Sauli is part of Adam now, so we love them both. Some have been obsessed over Adams toes or being shirtless, that is just stupid. Sauli is a likable and good looking guy, that Adam seems to be very very serious about. If he is part of Adams life, then I like to see pics of him or them. The album is another part of Adams life. I don't hear complaints about Riff, he is also part of Adams life, I love seeing Adam with Riff. I don't see why Adam can't have work and love in his life, this album is going to be good partly because of Sauli.I don't think we are obsessed with Sauli at all, just love him. Is that too much to expect of the most important person in Adams life right now. Adam hasn't stopped working because of Sauli, but he certainly has had to put him on the back burner at times, because of working on his album. Just try to love them both and get a puppy , that will take your mind off of it for a while, LOL

Anonymous said...

I wonder how much Adam has done songs by himself before? I'm a little bit worried how much he have experience of that but I understood that he is co-working with other song writers and singers?

glitzylady said...

To those complaining about Sauli getting a little attention here, a word of unsolicited advice: If you don't like it, don't bother reading it. Its really as simple as that. He is part of Adam's life. Most of Adam's fans like to know what's going on In his life and Sauli is now a big part of it, so either deal with it, or just ignore it, and come back when there is some new Adam news.. I think we are all feeling a little deprived in that department, and its bringing out the "cranky" in some of us.. In the meantime, as the saying goes "Quit your bitchin'..." The admins here are trying their best to provide something, anything, for us to read/see/enjoy during this void in "anything Adam", and I for one appreciate it. One more piece of unsolicited advice: If you don't like the way things are done here in this blog, I would suggest that you go start your own.

@ Anon 2:12 AM
Adam has a right to have a life, and that life now includes Sauli. He is not "promoting" him, whatever you mean by that, but is merely proud to be seen with him, and at last feels comfortable enough to hold his hand in public. Not promotion at all, just pride and love. From what I understand, Adam has been working his ass off for the last few months, spending hours every day in the studio. We haven't seen him on TV, etc., "promoting his career", because he currently has nothing new to promote, speaking of "promoting". I would LOVE to see him every week on some show or the other, but I don't expect that will happen until he gets a new single out, at least. Then he'll make the rounds just like every other singer..As Lady Gaga recently did when her new singles/album dropped. Oh, and I seem to recall a concert in Russia recently which I think qualifies as furthering his career..And he has another concert coming up in Quebec next month. For all we know, he has other appearances in the works, just not yet announced. I would also guess that he is also possibly in "talks" about other opportunities to "promote his career". I think we just need to trust that he has much more going on than we know.

@Anon 7:40 AM and 8:07 AM
No one that I see here is obsessed with "this Sauli person" and your snottiness toward @Ronnie is unwarranted and very rude, in my opinion. I like learning more about Sauli personally. I am not amused but I AM exasperated over the negativity expressed about Sauli.

Sorry, but that's my response to some of the negativity here on this thread. I suppose I'm guilty of it myself now, but just needed to express my dismay, and also my support for those who keep 24/7 up and running.

Anonymous said...

8:07 here. Maybe folks aren't obsessed with Sauli. But it seems that way sometimes.
It's almost unfair to him in a way. If he ever breaks up with Adam or vice versa, I know that some of the Adam crazies will go from worshiping Sauli to villifying him with only a snap of a finger.
I already have a puppy. A sweet little pomeranian named Bean!
- Abby

Anonymous said...

For those of us missing the sound of Adam's speaking voice here is a fan vid from a few weeks back highlighting an assortment of interviews.

Anonymous said...

Apologies to Ronnie. - Abby

Anonymous said...

well Abby get another dog then. I am so sure these dinky postings on 24/7 are going to make us go beserk when/if Sauli and Adam break up.

Anonymous said...

Hey, guys get the Adam loving feeling back and watch the fan vid posted above @ 9:25.

Anonymous said...

Hey @9:34, I think that was a fair assumption based on some of the posts by SOME of Adam's fans. You seriously don't think some of his fans are OTT? I'm not talking about all of his fans or even the majority. And it was just an assumption. MY GOODNESS! Don't be so touchy.

P.S. But I truly believe that SOME will go beserk!
YOU need a puppy. They're great for lowering blood pressure. - Abby

Anonymous said...

Personally I don't see any problem with posting pics and news about Sauli and other persons in Adam's life. Promoting his bf? If Adam holds for example his bf's hand on the red carpet, that's because he's proud of him and wants to share the experience with him, straight couples do it all the time. And we've gotten so many pics of them together, 'cause they've spent so much time together, as couples do. If somebody wants to read only music related news, there are other websites to visit or just skip the personal stories here. 24/7 is doing a good job here, thank you for that! Adam & Sauli are 2 very positive persons, let's try to enjoy their happy outlook on life.

Anonymous said...

Adam is working really hard on his album and we should be happy not worrying where he is or why he isn't tweeting that often. We know by now he is a perfectionist and I am willing to wait a bit longer for a super album #2 that will have lots of hits on it. This is a really important album for Adam so we need to be patient. In the meantime fun to watch all old videos.

Anonymous said...

I am going to have a beer with Ronnie.

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

I don't mind all the "Sauli-ness" on this site.....I just miss Adam!! I feel like he's dropped off the face of the earth! I just wish he'd tweet something, anything!! So we know he's ok!! LOL! :-)

Anonymous said...

Lizard Eyes & Ronnie, I might want to join you...Cheers! Or should I say "kippis"! LOL :)

Anonymous said...

Good Grief!!!!

Since you can't be loving on Adam, you're hating on Sauli and each other. Wow, you sound like a bunch of 5 year olds. Adam must be really proud of his fans now.

glitzylady said...

Okay!!!! Here's something that was just posted on twitter! So, she also said ""I just got back to the US!" so apparently he is here, but she didn't say if he was going or the a LITTLE news and a picture.. ; ) TA DAAAA!

@yellowdove07 Christy
Just met Adam lambert at the airport
9 minutes ago

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady I agree with everything you said, and couldn't have said it better. I love seeing pics and hearing about all of Adams friends and family and especially his BF Sauli. If there is a post that I'm not interested in I will skip it.
Why do some people think that they should be catered to???? Also not very ADAMLIKE to be so nasty, please just spread the love and only read and/or watch the threads that interest you, why deny those of us who want to see and hear about Sauli and/or anyone else who Adam loves and admires.
Love and Light to all.
We all love and miss Adam so please stop all the bickering
Live and let live.


Anonymous said...

Adam should have the true freedom that every human being has the right to live your life to its fullest, responsibly, free thoughts, movements and actions to achieve your goals and personal happiness, with the greatest possible respect for his life private, despite being a public man. Adam would like to focus more attention, very logical, and creative musical analysis of his art. Adam loves his fans, representing love and positive energy that moves and gives life to his beloved world of music.
One way of showing our admiration, love and respect as a great artist and human being is to give time to live and create without pressure us, and he has the personnel and the environment, while we, channel our anxiety, to hear his new creation and see it in action, listening and analyzing music before and after Idol, when you go with presence at events, interviews, daily reports we receive from this dear Blog 24 / 7, links and comments of specialized and dedicated fans who nourish us and keep the dí all events surrounding the magical world of our beloved superstar Adam .. "What good is worth waiting" with Adam not only be good, but WONDERFUL!!!
Sorry for the mistakes of translation. Regards.

Anonymous said...

Two cute pics of Adam and Sauli as kids and this thread turns snarky. How is that possible?

@Ronnie You rock. We all know that.
@LP "get a puppy" LMFAO
@Glitzylady You go girl! I agree with all you said. Ditto on the rudeness toward Ronnie. That's just NOT ok. We should should be able express our opinions and thoughts without directly attacking another person here.
@Abby Nice of you to apologize to Ronnie, but then you came right back made snarky comments to others. What's that all about? -And that is rhetoric question, so no response is required. :)

Part of putting out an albun is the creative process and Adam loves to collaborate. Why shouldn't he take the time to enjoy the process of creating? This is HIS career. This is HIS life. Yes, we miss his appearances. Yes, we want to see him on talk shows. Yes, we want new music. Yes, we want an tour. And for me, I want all those things along with the rest of you, but I am also enjoying Adam sharing his life and love with us. Everthing Adam experiences in his life becomes part of who he is and also becomes part of his creativity. I think we need to embrace all of who he is and all that he experiences, because it is that which brings us Adam and his beautiful songs and beautiful voice. And...I do love all things Adam and Sauli for many reasons that many of you are already aware of. :)

Now, I need to get on with Chapter 7. Holy smokes @Glitzylady...I won't be getting anything done this weekend!!!!! You know what I am talking about. LOL. Sizzling.


Anonymous said...

Adam changed his Twitter avatar again. How many has he changed it this month? Anyway, here it is:

Anonymous said...


Beautifully stated. Thank you.


glitzylady said...

Another update on the "Adam sighting' at the airport..that I posted above at 10:32 AM: It appears that some eagle eyed peeps with great investigative skills have determined that the picture/sighting was at the Food Court at the Miami he might be leaving (?) Miami to go where??? All pure speculation, but that's all I've got for you for now... ; )

Anonymous said...

Sauli is real, not some kind of fanfiction. Without him, we won't see any smiling faces of Adam. See how happy is him on the twitter airport picture. We all connected with Adam, and we all care about him and his surroundings and friends.

glitzylady said...

I'm surprised you emerged at all! LOL!!!!! Yes, I do know what you're talking about ; ) (Do I EVER!!!!!!)

Anonymous said...

Glizylady, 9:58AM, IreneRose, Sister;

I agree all what you say. I don't understand why some people don't just skip the news they don't want to read about. There are many other threads that don't say Sauli-word. Read about Vancouver fans, James Durbin -thread, Sasha Mallory, Christina Aguilera, Kara Dioguardi etc. just a few people mentioned in two days in these sites. And there are threads about Adam's videos etc. you can watch. I don't understand either the speculation about A & S. breaking up. If it happens, it happens. That's life. Then there will be some other guy, Eric or Stanley or Will about whom you will start complaining. As Sister said, all this fuss about two cute pictures. OMG.

Anonymous said...

Sister, you don't think 9:34's response to me was "snarky"?
"well Abby get another dog then."

Whatever. I'm over it. I don't want to be negative anymore. I believe someone said in an earlier post that if we didn't want to read posts about Sauli, we should skip it and read the others. That's probably best. I'm just glad Adam's happy. - Abby

Anonymous said...

Glitzlady, you're the best at finding stuff!!
Woo hoo! He's alive!

Looks like Adam is going for the incognito look. Wonder if he's headed to Finland? Hope the girl tweets more info - obviously they don't understand how much this matters! haha

ps. regarding the album, some of the best artists take years to produce a great album.
We don't just forget about them. Same thing with actors waiting years to find a great script and often then are nominated for awards.
Hurrying does not result in creativity.

Anonymous said...


I knew you would respond. :) Yes, there have been other comments than just yours that tend to be snarky. I acknowledge that. But if I commented on every snarky comment I would still be writing!

And, I agree with you...I am just glad that Adam is happy.

By the way, Abby, glad you signed Abby to your post. Some people don't have the courage to identify their posts by a name of some sort, especially when the "bad bantering" begins.

Peace all.

Now. On to Chapter 8!


Anonymous said...

Lily Bop
@yellowdove07 Did you meet Adam in the Miami International Airport? Please, we need to know!

@lilybop2010 nope

This Christy also tweeted a minute earlier:
I'll never tell :)


Anonymous said...

Can they just tell it's Miami by the wall color and ceiling tile in the picture? Wow, what sleuths!

OK now be need peeps at the LA and Helsinki airports... My guess is he's coming home to LA after some serious work in Miami all this time. Then it will be almost time for Sauli to come back to US (sorry I mentionned Sauli haha)

glitzylady said...

@Abby 11:05 AM
Thanks for posting your "name". It helps so much to know who we're talking to. Usually a good thing, once in awhile a bad thing. We've all been jumped on at one time or another, and it doesn't feel good, but it happens. Thanks for continuing the dialog. You are so right: Adam's happiness is so important to me too, because he deserves it, and whoever is there in his life that helps to create and nurture that happiness, is important to me too, for Adam's sake. I'm so glad he has found this apparently sweet soul, Sauli, to share his present life, and possibly his future with.

And just a general comment: I love the cute baby pictures of Adam and Sauli, and I cannot imagine why they would generate any negativity. Unbelievable......

I would love to join @Ronnie, @Lizard Eyes, and the others for a beer...I think we all could use one....How about at the Miami airport with Adam?!

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:40 AM - the pictures are a very good match. So maybe he wasn't at the international flights, but the local ones?

Anonymous said...

11:40AM. I'm guessing LA too. And that Sauli will join him in a week or two. Folks at Adamtopia are deep into research at the moment, details to be found there...Adam is free to be wherever he wants, but this is sort of fun though. Keeps fans busy. LOL. Safe travels Adam!

glitzylady said...

The last I heard on Twitter...It was at the American Airlines, Domestic Terminal.... But guess we'll see...maybe! Either way, it was nice to see his smiling face in the picture...And know he's on the and from somewhere!

I'm thinking she knows more perhaps but is keeping it quiet for Adam's sake..That's really nice of her to do so.

Anonymous said...

At least we know that he is happy and okay!!!!

That's the most important to us right??????

So just wait and see for the next post indeed!!!!Folks............

Anonymous said...

This is my first time today checking the 24/7 site, my favorite Adam site btw. I can't believe the bickering going on either 'bout Adam and Sauli etc. I don't think it's any of my business what Adam does with his private life although I adore hearing anything at all about Adam because I love him so much and am definitely obsessed as many of us here. I think we have to respect his privacy and when he wants to share news or pictures with us, he does so very generously and thoughtfully...really never forgetting his fans. I sincerely appreciate what ever tidbits he shares with us. It makes me feel more connected to him I think.

Recently, on another thread there was a posting from the ALFC listing upcoming events. Now those same events are listed on AO. Sorry if this is a duplicate posting but here is what is listed on AO:

6/19 Toronto Ont. Canada-Much Music Awards (TV Appearance)

6/21 Sydney, Australia- 2011 APRA Music Awards (TV Appearance)

7/29 St. Agathe dn Feux Festival (Concert)

8/10 VH1 Behind the Music TV Special

8/18 VH1 The Do Something Awards (TV Appearance)

For those listings as TV Appearance it has not been clarified whether Adam will present, perform or just be in the audience but when the Mod was asked to explain it seemed as though they thought he would really be there in person. I don't personally have any further info....just wanted those here who may not have heard or seen about these upcoming events to realize Adam is hard at work between finalizing the 2nd album and promoting his career with appearances. I really admire his strong work ethic.


LP said...

Well I am going to say that word"Sauli" ,that bar-b-que and concert put on by the Finland radio station is tomorrow the 12th. Sauli said he would be there, would be nice if Adam could get there too, but maybe not this time. Peace and love.

Anonymous said...

Adam was not listed at the muchmusic award show, which was held today, and on TV on the 19th june.

glitzylady said...

@CT The last I heard (on ALF fanclub site) Adam will not be appearing in person at the Much Music Awards, and it is not known about the Australian one..nor is it known yet about the Do Something Awards,.

From the main page of ALF (Adam Lambert Fans):
MuchMusic Video Awards
"Although Adam is nominated for Most Watched Video of the Year, he unfortunately will not be attending the award show as he is very busy recording his new album! Fans should still tune in to see if he wins! MuchMusic channel (Canada) 9pm ET"

Anonymous said...

This thread is way too long.We need another subject!!Like i said before,if certain people don't want to vote for the AIOTM,then DON'T!!!This may be the last mo that I try to get people to vote there..all these comments on here about Sauli,speculation,etc,etc,& time's so longgggg!!This Magia is about 400 votes,or less, behind Adam,when she had been about 600 behind..A few votes won't do it this time,so Adam fans,it's up to you.

Anonymous said...

This thread is about Sauli's and Adam's childhood pictures and that's why there are comments about Sauli, speculations etc.:) If you want to get people to vote, you should try to get a thread that is about this AIOTM. Could it be possible to get that subject? I don't know how it happens. These comments about voting make this thread just a bit longer.LOL

Anonymous said...

Thanks, glitzylady for the update on the MuchMusic Award Show and the other mentions....don't know why AO has listed them as TV Appearances but as I posted earlier the Mods weren't too specific about it thanks for the info. Oh well, I was really hoping we would catch a glimpse of our dear BB again! Ok, so we'll wait patiently for the Quebec, Canada concert vids. In the meantime, I've been watching a lot of old vids and interviews plus, of course, the DVD of GNT. Brings a smile to my face every day.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

They look so cute and funny <3<3<3

Anonymous said...

@Sister, @glitzylady, @Lizard Eyes,@LP, @Loulou, @Mwah!! K, @Irene Rose, @HH, @Cassie! Thank you dears! Had a long walk today with my parents dog and THE BEER! So now cooled&happy again. And Abby, I'll forgive. Nice that you have a name! Adam's happiness is the main thing. It's like his "8" tatt which he talked about recently. It is giving and getting back. Fans give him energy and he gives music back and so on. It is night here. Summer birds are singing in bushes. Must get some sleep now. Love you! Ronnie

Anonymous said...

@LP 12:35 PM

Radio Aalto's concert will be broadcasted in Finnish TV Channel 4 (tuesday to friday 6-6.45 pm and next sunday 4.45 pm).

Anonymous said...

I just love to look at those cute pictures.

Adam is very excited and thinking "am I not gorgeous am I not gorgeous".... and very well aware about what's happening.

Sauli is more like thinking "what's going on, why are you taking pics"..

As we all know Adam has always loved to dress up.

Anonymous said...

Ronnie beautiful night, accompanied by the song of summer birds, very rewarding your greeting makes us feel more united as brothers, by our admiration and love for Adam. Happy week everyone!

Cheril said...

They were both so cute as little guys and gorgeous as grown ups. So glad they found one another. So glad that Adam is the kind of person he is that within reason he lets us into his life and shares his joy. He was living his dream and now he has someone to share it with. Perfect.

Anonymous said...

Am I too late to share a beer with you guys?!?!??! LOL.

Well, I'll pop the top on one anyway. :)


Anonymous said...

DAM I hate this site!! I felt guilty so I started voting on the poll again. So far 20min x3 and now I am obsessed again. I like it better when I am fighting with everyone. lol oops 20 min is up got to go.

Anonymous said...

I need a beer!!! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Sauli and Adam are the cutest, as babies and big boys! Want to kiss those cute little cheeks! Glitzy said it all for me above! Peace, y'all! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Well I learned a lesson.....SOMEONE listens to these comments. When this thread began there was just a photo of Sauli.....imediately I remembered the cowboy hat photo of Adam and suggested in my comment that the hat photo should be put up beside Sauli.....and SHAZAM.
the next time I came back....there it was!!!!!!

I was happy to see it but it spooked me a little,
do I need to watch my mouth? That's gonna be

glitzylady said...

Yes, Big Brother is always remember that! LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

the clown picture is not Sauli - it is Adam. I have had this photo of him on my computer for over a year.

Anonymous said...

@1:36 PM, June 12. You're kidding? Need a double Bourbon, no ice...

Anonymous said...

And above it was me, Ronnie

Anonymous said...

Then it is ADAM? While watching the picture, gives the impression of the shape of eyes, eyelids, ears, round face and beautiful as Adam.

Anonymous said...

Top photo is not Adam, everything is wrong, shape of face, eyes, hair (Adam never had long blond hair), his baby hair was red! Go to Gorgeous Edited pictures thread, bottom picture of the two of them. Check out shape of Sauli's ear! Look up photo of Sauli on Adam's lap or any picture of Sauli! The top photo is Sauli.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:36 PM You must been joking. The top picture is def a picture of Sauli as a child.

Anonymous said...

Sauli found that top picture when he was repairing an old house where he was born to his twin sister's and her's family. He told that he found all kind of old stuff but kept just pictures which are always nice to watch and in those pictures live family memories and history.

Anonymous said...

I continue that Sauli told that in his blog, I don't know him personally

Anonymous said...

Sauli was a beautiful baby. This is such a sweet picture. funbunn40