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Adam Lambert's "If I Had You" Music VIdeo Hits 21 Million Views on Vevo!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, June 26, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, June 26, 2011

Watch the music video below:


Anonymous said...

Call me troll but this stupid "ET" got 13,000,000 in two months.
Welcome to reality, Glamberts (including me)! Adam needs to have one single and one music video releases in two months if he wants to become one of most popular music stars on US Music Industry. And Adam deff wants to!!!!

Anonymous said...

i think this is awesome. 21 million is da bomb. you go bb. congrats. we love you.

Anonymous said...


Katy Perry is in a league of her own. (As much as i hate to say it.) So not surprised that she gets so many views for her videos.

Adam is doing fine. He just needs to have a BIG HIT then his career will get starting.

Lady Gaga's videos all have over 100 million views.

Anonymous said...

yay for Adam and IIHY. It is one of my favorites of all time.

Anonymous said...

@anon So, Are these good news or bad news for Adam's fans!
Or got it! Katy Perry is her own and she was not such and IDIOT!!!!! to kiss girl after she performed just few months on the stage.
Sorry, I forgot to add that she is straight!

Anonymous said...

Understand what you are saying about the millions of views other artists have. For example JLO has over 200 million views. Does it mean the videos are better, no. They have gotten to be where they want in the music industry. This is what will happen with Adam I know on his next album and video. Unfortunately Adam has had to struggle a bit more and we all know why, but in the end he and his immense talent will prevail.
I predict he will be as iconic as MJ and Freddie someday!

Anonymous said...

Sucks to see other female pop singers getting over 100 million views so easily but male pop stars don't do well in general. Adam is one of the only male pop singers that are considered well known and big. I hope he gets bigger than this. I want to see people in the streets talking about him like people talk about Gaga.

Anonymous said...

OT, Are they going to make this a site you have to register or sign in? I never heard anymore about it. Think it would be a wonderful idea.

Anonymous said...

@anon I didn't mean just female singers!
I talked about latest single released!!! Check numbers of Maroon5 or this idiot JB or any other US Music Industry voiceless products for the last few weeks!
I think Canadian love Adam a lot cause IIHY was nom:(

laurieb said...

@anon 8:18 I think Canadian love Adam a lot cause IIHY was nom:( ,,, What?

Anonymous said...

(not meaning to be a damp rag, just presenting info:)
Justin Beiber's Baby Baby song had over 500 million views a few months back. It consists of him singing to some teen girls in a bowling alley.
Some of those cute kid or cute pet videos that go viral have over 100 million views.
I'm really hoping Adam has a catchy hit song coming up that will really take off! He certainly has the talent and the looks, now he just needs the right material and the right promo.

Anonymous said...

I think we should slow down and be realistic.
Frantically pushing Adam to be a top artist in
a short period of time is unfair to him. Will we like him less if he doesn't win every poll, outsell other artists, be an instant icon?

We can't always be screaming "there is no justice" when other artists (with so-so voices)
sell more albums or have more views. They just have more fans, we can't MAKE people appreciate Adam like we do......we should take quiet slightly smug comfort.....^o^ the fact we have superior taste!!!!!!!...........JAK

Anonymous said...

I don't think SAD-Al ever left us. As I stated on a previous thread, I need a translater for some of the weird comments. I think @laurieb is in agreement with me.

I do agree that Adam needs to be promoted better. I pray Adam has many songs on this CD that the world will love.


Anonymous said...

JAK, This thread was making me ill until your comment popped up.Thanks.

Anonymous said...

You guys do realize that anything over 10 million views is a big deal right? I'm in Asia and the biggest asian singer barely manages around 500,000 views for a hit song.

Anonymous said...

@P.A.S. I am soglad you'r reacgnosed me:)
I alwys watch you gurls:) Still love AL but don't think he has any future on the Music Rock-Pop history.
Say thanks to AMA 2009, Adam!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am proud of our boy. He is doing great!


I agree. We do have superior taste! ;)


Anonymous said...

Adam & his Glamberts , us, we are a special breed of human beings. I agree 100% with JAK! We are not so-so fans of a so-so singer, we are very magical , we are passionate people with a gift to open our hearts & our minds to accept others for who they are. I am proud to acknowledge the gift Adam has, & he & his fans, us, will be rewarded in the end. Adam's dreams have & will come true, so will ours!!!! So far, to see Adam twice in concert, ais8 & GNT, front row too!, those two opportunities were both dreams that came true for me! Mwah!! k

Anonymous said...

I love love love If I Had You. A HUGE favourite of mine and it went double platinum where I live.

A release every 2 months is ridiculous in the extreme! However, there were hits just waiting to happen on his For Your Entertainment album ... very disappointing for Adam, for us and for the great unwashed who never had a chance to hear them unless they bought the album. Let's hope there's a whole lot more promo work done and subsequent single releases on his 2nd album.

Anonymous said...

'Still love AL but don't think he has any future on the Music Rock-Pop history.
Say thanks to AMA 2009, Adam!!!!

WTH are you talking about - Adam not having any future in the music rock-pop history - as if YOU know!! He and his music are much loved and in demand 'round the world now with people crying out for his 2nd album.

'I think Canadian love Adam a lot cause IIHY was nom:('

I'm with laurieb .... What??

Anonymous said...

I'm a Canadian and we really love Adam here.... I believe that the 2nd album will be outstanding and fierce!!!!!! Adam will be Iconic like Freddie Mercury and you bet it will be!!!!!

Anonymous said...

OT Went to my granddaughter's recital yesterday and one of the dance numbers was called "For Your Entertainment". At first I thought no I doubt this will be Adam's song but it was, it was a compliance of "Feeling Good" (his AI studio version} then they went into a remix of FYE and ended the number with IIHY. Needless to say I was so surprised and happy, it just made my day.


Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure in the If I Had You party in the dark woods, among that mass of rather peculiar and exotic humanity, I saw a fleeting glimpse of a vampire or two......attractive, seductive ones,
after all it is an Adam video!!!......JAK

Anonymous said...

1:05, I'm with you! We Adam lovers are a breed apart. We appreciate quality over quantity, depth over superficiality. Sure, I'd love Adam to be at the top of the charts and have a bigger fanbase. Sure, I'd love to see him skyrocket to the highest level. But the journey is gradual, and each day he gains more respect. The Glamberts recognize the best when they see it. Wherever he goes, we'll follow.

Anonymous said...

I loved all of adam videos, but my favorite is for your entertainment, especially that sexiest look he gives in that with the snake. Oh My. I do think adam will get to the stasis we are all wishing for but I do think the infamous AMA performance really hurt him so early in his career.

Anonymous said...


Don't let SAD-AL upset you, he or she, just likes to yank our chain occasionally to make us bark!................*o*.. JAK

Anonymous said...

Adam has a lot to be proud of! Don't forget people, Adam has had adversity to overcome that other pop stars have not! He is brave to come on the scene as himself - out and proud! Us true Adam fans know his courage and how far he has come. Adam's future looks nothing but rosy to me.
Congrats Adam!

Anonymous said...

5:03 AM wow, I bet that was the best program ever!! Glad you got to see it. Good dance studio.

laurieb said...

I think we all knew this was going to be an uphill battle for Adam and his fans, you could feel and see it long before the AMA's. Adam is precisely who he wants to be and will land exactly where he means to. My hiking boots and backpack are always at the ready.I am just along for a wonderful journey, wherever that may lead.

Anonymous said...

I love all things Adam, but Bruno Mars videos are kicking his but right now. That is one pop male star that is on a roll right now. I hope Adam's second album will have as much success as his.

Anonymous said...

My favorite Adam video is WWFM. He is a great little actor.

Anonymous said...

Well, Bruno has an aggressive promotion dept. He's been around a little longer, right? Great fan base. No sex appeal to me, but I guess the music is ok. Nothing against him. Just don't get what his "magic" is. Adam, on the other hand, makes my heart race, my skin tingle and my jaw drop. And Bruno's kicking butt. Go figure.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam was poised for greatness right after Idol. I remember when he was on Oprah that she said his anticipated album had the most pre-sales of anything in history including the Beatles. There was a major buzz.

Everyone talks as if it was a pre-determinned uphill battle, winning fans one at a time.
I disagree - I think it was a combination of an unfortunate mishap at the AMA and the fact that none of the songs were particularly strong.
(dodging tomatoes right now..) Even tho the FYE album was good, there wasn't a real crowd pleaser other than Fever. I think if he had recorded, Oh no no, instead of There he goes, it would have been a major hit. I don't think the promo team was really on top of their game.

I'm thinking the turning point will come with album 2!

The Dark Side said...

Its all about the money behind these artists. Idol stars are not given the push these independent artists are given, nor the budget. It's simple math. Sleepwalker should have been released as a single, but RCA didn't do so. The fact that Adam has come as far as he has is on talent alone, and his loyal fan base. Gaga and Perry are putting out singles right and left. They have also been out longer than Adam. The teenyboopers are propelling Bieber just as they did Miley. Parents buy the Bieber merch to keep their kids quiet. His success is not a trade secret. Will it translate when he is no longer a teen idol, but a 5'4' adult? This is not a Bieber slam, just a question. Same question can be asked of Miley.

Anonymous said...

@anon at 10:40, I'd forgotten Oprah said that. But this topic has been on my mind so much lately.....and here it is being talked about on this thread too.

Here's a related article I just found from Sept. 2009:

Adam Lambert's upcoming album is finally available for pre-orders via online sales giant Amazon, and its impact is being felt on the bestselling album chart. Lambert is this year's American Idol runner-up and has been the subject of far more press attention and anticipation for his first post-Idol recordings than any previous competitor. Consequently, with only pre-orders his yet to be titled album is ranking #3 on the Amazon sales chart. This puts him in the company of the powerful sales surge that greeted Susan Boyle's I Dreamed a Dream when it became available for pre-orders. Without a doubt any leaks or presentation of singles from Adam Lambert will be greeted with a frenzy from his fans. If it comes close in quality to what is anticipated, Adam Lambert's release could be one of the top selling albums of the end of the year.

I remember we all thought he would outsell Susan Boyle.


p.s. @tess4ADAM, I've left you the link for that video you wanted on several threads now....including The Turf thread + the How Much Would it Cost to Book Adam thread.

Anonymous said...

I like all the positive reinforcement Adam receives here. I am a new fan and this site just floors me.

Anonymous said...

Let's face it. Along with the budget and promotion issues associated with Idol as opposed to the "independant" stars, Adam is edgy, controversial, not bland nor very mainstream. He doesn't "blend." He stands apart in many ways. The album-buying public tends to go for safer, more acceptable stars, even if they do over-the-top goofball videos, try to be shocking, etc. It's still pretty much the same stuff. Or the public buys what everyone is buying, Gaga for example. I'm not dissing any of these other stars, but this is the way it is. Adam, though he has a large fanbase worldwide, is still not hugely accepted by the masses, despite his superior talent. I have faith that his talent with get him far in the long run, just in a different way. His fame came in his late twenties, so he didn't start as a teen idol. I know he has teen fans, but you get my point. He'll never have shrieking tweens show up by the millions. That's ok. He's on a different path.

Anonymous said...

It might have been too soon to have the first release with S&M undertones or have a song about gay male love. Unfortunately, people might have been more welcoming with a catchy pop or rock song right after the Idol frenzy. The album sounds good because it's Adam's voice, but I agree the songs are
not all radio material. WWFM has quite a boring melody as you can see when a piano player tries to do it, and IIHY almost sounds post-ABBA.
It's frustrating to see that talent not reach bigger potential. Here's hoping success for the next material.

Anonymous said...


I think Adam did an amazing job on his first album which was mostly recorded while he was touring with AI8 concert and released so quickly. I don't think his management promoted the album enough and they should have released one or two more singles.

Hopefully they realize he has the proven ability to go "gold" internationally and they will let go of the purse strings alot more.

(This is me venting...RCA YOU'RE TIGHTWADS!!!)

Anonymous said...

If Adam had sung a catchy "baa baa black sheep I love you", he'd be off the charts. Most people like catchy mindless stuff. Like someone said earlier, it takes a different breed to appreciate Adam.
AND, he had to take other people's material for his 1st album, (their rejects in some case) and make it shine... which he did. With this next album he gets to make it his way!

Anonymous said...

In reference to Bruno Mars, I had heard him sing, but had never seen him perform till last week on the Today Show. There was a huge crowd and he gave a "show". Terrific band, even brass instruments....they were all dressed alike, black suits and hot pink shirts...Bruno too.
Smooth moves....I asked my husband "who does he remind you of"? He gave the TV a quick glance and said "the 60's, Vegas, Sammy Davis Jr. with James Brown dance moves"! He hit it perfectly.

It was cool, it was fun, it was entertaining.
What is a surprise is that today's audience seems to appreciate it....I mean, not just those of us over 65!

I don't think Bruno HAS any "magic" just a good voice, pleasant personality and great band! JAK