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Adam Lambert's "Whataya want from me" (Piano Cover by Yoonha Hwang)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, June 27, 2011

Posted at : Monday, June 27, 2011


Anonymous said...

That was lovely, but it made me crave to hear Adam's voice. I don't think the melody is what makes that song. Not really instrumental material. For me, it really is the lyrics and Adam's voice that makes it wonderful. But this pianist did an very nice interpretation.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful! ... crave to hear Adam's voice ... Sister, I understand!!!
(*,*) Bess

Anonymous said...

Once again, proof that music can be adapted to many different genres to suit different tastes. Adam is a chameleon and so is his music. Can't wait for the country version. It's probably already out there unbeknowst to me. Any version that someone hears will undoubtedly make them more aware of the original and can only bring more people into the Glamily. This is very positive indeed.


Anonymous said...

exactly right Sister!

glitzylady said...

That was great, but as others said, it isn't complete without Adam's voice. So nice that he chose to play it..

It reminded me that someday, probably in the not too distant future, we'll be hearing WWFM as instrumental "Muzak" in elevators, instrumental compilations..and that's good thing.

A couple of weeks ago, I really had to laugh at the irony of it, because at work (dental office..) we play only quiet relaxing music in the background, and I suddenly realized that one of the songs was "Light My Fire" from the Doors.. I think Jim Morrison, if he were still alive today, would find it rather amusing and a little weird, that his iconic sexy song from the late 60's had been turned into a relaxing symphonic tune for the dental office. Just funny. : )

Anonymous said...

A bit too rhythmic in the bottom line for me, sounds like a metronome is ticking away, boom boom boom. Too tame for our wild boy.

Still, lovely that people are paying tribute to Adam, always.

I know what Glitzylady means about the Doors, that is hilarious, I've heard that turned into muzak too. It's brutal. Rock 'n' roll was never meant to be sedate and tinkly.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Should be about time for Adam and Sauli to pop up at LAX, hope we get some pics.

Anonymous said...

Oh, when I first saw piano cover I was like yes, adam's fathers day surprize for all that were there. I wish someone taped mad world at that bar last sunday- I would love to hear that and the patrons reaction. I don't think anyone did though or they haven't come forward yet. Oh, then I saw it was WWFM,always nice to hear that song. i think we all know it from the 1st note lol.

Anonymous said...

I thought Adam is already back in LA?

Anonymous said...

I think they meant Adam would be picking up Sauli at LAX airport. I'm eager to see that too!

Anonymous said...

(note - I have a masters degree in piano performance)
Although this young man has a nice touch and plays with some "feeling", the song itself has a melody that is INCREDIBLY BORING. I thought that right from the get-go and it becomes more apparent when transferred to an instrumental style. (no offense, Pink)
It took a voice like Adam to bring this to life, which speaks even more for his incredible talent.
I'm praying someone writes a decent song for this next round!

Anonymous said...

Well, I teach piano part-time and the students are always asking for some pop songs to add excitement to the regular songs in their exam book.
I've noticed most pop songs have about 3 notes to them and a couple of chords. This has been quite an eye opener for the students haha.
Most of the pop performance scene is based on dancing, lighting, costumes, percussion effects and a good sound technician, not actual quality of songwriting or music.

Anonymous said...

I always am so impressed with the bloggers here. You guys have so much knowledge on all subjects. I am not musically inclined, sound like a dead frog, and tried playing trumpet, but didn't have enough air. I only know what sounds good to me. I enjoy hearing what you think about different types of music.

I know for sure that Adams singing smooths my life for me.


Anonymous said...

12:07 and 1:24 PM

Agree....a boring metronome. I couldn't wait for it to be over. It's not a great song, Adam has a great voice and gave it emotion and pathos.
He made it seem tender and yearning and touched our heart.....because we "get" Adam. Or I should say he "gets" to us. The director of his video for this it and enhanced the song for us also.....showed the confusion and need. Was there anyone that didn't want to hug him at the end of that video?.............JAK

Anonymous said...

Okay, so I pretty much want to hug him all the time!..........JAK

Anonymous said...

WWFM has taken on a life of its own. Adam can sing it anywhere even at church or temple and people will stop and listen. The song seems to fit only Adam; I think it's that special quality and inspiration in Adam's voice. The great pianists and others here are quite fair in their critiques but who knows, an Adam-calibre musician might just make it work, what about a violinist.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

I wanted to hug him BEFORE that video! LOL!!!

OMG! Dead frog and not enough air! I needed a good laugh today and you provided it. HAHAHAAA! Thank you! That was delightful!


Anonymous said...

This song is for Adam's voice only. The instrumental version of it is indeed BORING and it was waaayyyyy too long.

Anonymous said...

Simply, this particular song doesn't not translate well to piano solos. The passion of this song is in the singer of it, not just the notes

Anonymous said...

I LOVEDDDDDDDDDD when Adam sang WWFM on Idol when he was a mentor. I cried in front of the TV and ignored my husband (in tears). I mean - couldn't he hear who was singing!!!!!!Some people just don't get it! Glad I (we) do! I could hear that performance over and over and never get tired of it! It was the most powerful performance on TV.
As Ryan said "Now that's a performance!".

Anonymous said...

Yes nancdruuu2, especially the first part, the sensitivity in his voice was soul-reaching; perfection. The green cone of smoke that enveloped him too must have been his brainchild.
By the way, I enjoyed reading Nancy Drew as a young teenager; your name sounds like it.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

@Lam my: I gave myself this "name" because of my love for Nancy Drew books when I was young. I could always see myself solving mysteries driving around town in my convertible with my rich Dad always backing me up and, of course, loving friends to lend support. And with all that, always a prom date at hand. A great life for any teenager, but a pity life dose not always turn out that way. But now, of course, I have ADAM!!!!!(still dreaming........)
P.S...always love your posts Lam my.

Anonymous said...

Thanks nancdruuu2. Yea Adam !!
-Lam my