New Pictures: Adam Lambert Grabbing Lunch at Gjelina Restaurant
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Friday, June 17, 2011
Posted at : Friday, June 17, 2011
Adam Lambert rocks a pair of aviator glasses as he grabs lunch at Gjelina Restaurant with a female friend on Friday (June 17) in Venice, Calif.

Thanks glitzylady for the tip!
Thanks glitzylady for the tip!
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Okay....[THUD!!!] Those pants..................and everything.....
Notice the purple highlights in his hair, and the key on this jacket zipper pull (theme going here..). And for anyone who doesn't recognize the girl, its Alisan Porter, his good friend and co-writer of Aftermath...
thanks for the pics - it's great to see something new! Lucky girl. (Does he ever take those boots off? haha)
Adam looking relaxed and slim and trim. Love the leather on the pants. Anyone know when Sauli is back?
Alisan looks different to me.does anyone know what type of restaurant it is?
Love Allison's shy smile, I think this is a little too much attention for her comfort.
Wonder if her ever drives with the top down in that Mustang so that his hair get's all messed up.
One day I will find Out!
Lizard Eyes
Glorious photos and those pants!!!! :D
In every photo I see of Adam's car, it always looks sparkling clean and super shiny!!! <3
He is really working that "legs for miles" look! It's like, "Black leather jacket, black t-shirt, black jea... holy cow!" :D
OMG! Adam looks incredible! What a look he's rockin'. Lovvvvvvve those about being tall, dark and handsome.....ok, let me start breathing again. Alisan is so tiny next to our Adam, the sweet godparents of Baby Riff Cherry.
He's looking cool...nice to see him out with his good friend. Looks relaxed and happy. Wish I was her. ;)
This is an article about the UN and gay rights I
think you should read. Of course, others here should read it too.
He has a lonesome look and a forced smile
without Sauli at his side......
Makes for good song material anyway-
your Kelowna fan XXX
@Fan4Fun Happy belated Birthday, darling!
I wish I know what was happen with you.
I hope you feel better.Icon, how are you doing? I am sure you are staying with you Mom days and nights.
I think these pictures are the best photos of Adam I saw during last few weeks.
P.S. Fan4Fun , I was born on May, 28th. We are Gemini, sweetheart!
What happened to Fan4Fun? Why is everyone mentioning her?
I like reading her comments. Has she been missing on 24/7 or something?
Love Adam glasses ( just bought same glasses at Saks:), love everything about him, except.....
His smile at photo #4 is stink and this boots are annoying!
Adam, please, change your boots! Don't you remember, shoes are more important, than your outfit or makeup! You have to wear new pair of shoes every day! This is celebrities' rule!
Sligo lambert:
adam cute
What a gorgeous man. Fans, let him be and wear whatever he wants. It is none of our biz. He doesn't need negative opinions about his boots. He needs supportive fans. He is free to do repeats if he likes something. There are no rules with Adam. Tall dark and handsome is right! What a man!
love these photos, he's looking real good....but seriously doesn't he ever get too hot?
@anon 11.07
fan4fun has been very sick and has been in the hospital for the last 2 weeks, but I think she is on the mend now.
Adam needs supportive fans, but he doesn't need fanatics who follow him everywhere.
Every SMART!!!! person can understand and accept some critisim from people who love him or her for real which means to be fan for good or ofr worst.
Adam looks so gorgeous in these pictures. I love his boots. Very in fashion right now. He got a little trim on his hair with added blue/purple highlights. JUST GORGEOUS!
Adam looks so happy and enjoying his time with Alison. Glad he's out and about and still able to go to a restaurant with friends. Love his leather look, but would think he'd be roasting in the heat with a leather jacket.The key on the zipper caught my eye right away. He definitely has the key to my heart! funbunn40
Who care where Adam had his lunch?
I think his real fans are wondering about Adam's next performance, new CD or new music video. Sorry, forgot that Adam doesn't care about such a "stupid thing" as a new single or new music video release.
Sorry, I forgot we can't make any negative comments about Adam on this blog:(
Adam is smoking hot and those pants, hair and delicious looking lips. Adam please have pity on your female fans and wear something not so sexy. It hasn't been really that hot in SoCal. I love a man in leather and boots. That Sauli is some lucky dude.
OT...Hugh Jackman has just been cast for one of the leads in the film production of Les Miz, either Javier or Valjean! There is a plan afoot to campaign for Adam to be offerred the part of Marius! He would be magnificent and he could still write and record. The link is on Adam's fan FB page.It's my fave musical of all time and I see it every time it comes to a city where I am. Adam would be magnificent! Tom Jonas played the part in the 10 yr anniversary video, but it was so disappointing and bland. He also had a problem singing in that low of a register. Michael Hall played the part in the original production and was stunning, but he's a little old for the part now. Adam can sing in a baritone range as well as tenor. I love his musical theatre side as much as his rock/pop and hope he will sneak in a little musical theatre songs for us that also like that side of him. I know right now his rock/pop is his priority. I can be patient as long as he at some time will give us that treat! funbunn40
Most cars in SoCal are clean and shiny. Plus we got car wash places every where. With $40 they vac. wax and scent your car. Also, every time Adam is out paps take pictures of him showing his Ford Mustang. IMO he is endorsing Ford. I'm sure since he is a celeb. Ford gives him special maintenance package.
I wonder since he mentions Maserati in IIHY song shouldn't he get a special deal from them? IIHY mv has over 20 million views. Radios still play it all over the world. Hope he ends up getting the convertible Maserati. I saw it in front of someone's house and it looks fabulous. He deserves to have one.
Adam - you are killin' us with your hotness!! The leather-wrapped pants are killer. Love the whole look, head-to-toe. Glitzy, I noticed the key, too! :)
- Adam Fix
Hottest man there is! Essence of cool.
@anon 12:18AM Just want to be clear.
Do you want to start campaing for Adam to be part of the Les Miz cast?!
I think you can start campaign for Adam to be part of the next "Cats" show on Broadway. Just tweet ALW that you want to see Adam in Cats' cast:):):)
@12:04 We are all anxious about Adam's second album, new singles, and mv. He said he would like to take a little more time on this second album cause he knows with the sluggish climate in entertainment industry as a whole he should make an epic album. Per his recording label he is working hard and he is going through creative phase of his 2nd album. Let's hope his album will be finished by the end of fall and we hear his new single by August.
Meanwhile, we can request radio stations to play his songs and for Canadian fans to help him win a second MMVA.
@anon 12:41AM Meanwhile, it should be nice if Adam would relise that he has to make two or three singles or music videos per year to keep his popularity!
Hopefully, Adam's new album will bring more success (and money) than FYE.
OMG, forgot (again), don't have to make any negative comments about Adam on this blog!
ADAM seems to tower over little sweetie BFF Alisan. ADAM says he wants to take his time on his 2nd album ... so be it! No amount of b**ing & complaining is gonna speed up the process ... ADAM is a perfectionist & will put out his next album when ADAM feels it is the time. I doubt he will put out 2 or 3 singles ... that's not how RCA/19 Recording has been marketing ADAM ... don't know what their strategy is for ADAM ... but RCA/Ed has re-assured fans that they DO have ADAM's best interest & will continue to do so. Sounds like a plan to me ... so I'll wait for the 'Master' to finish his work at his own pace. PATIENCE!! ADAM NEVER DISAPPOINTS!! THANX!! for the lovely pics ... P.E.R.F.E.C.T.I.O.N. Love 'n Light
A cute gif
Good morning to those LEGS! Yeah and those pants are awesome! As I said on another thread, some folks like those boots and some dislike. It is a matter of taste and an opinion. Not that deep! But Adam LOVES those leglongers passionately. I wonder if he has severar pairs of them! LOL! Ronnie
Your comments were not negative, it pretty much
expresses what we all hope for him.
Adam looks like a model, tall and smoking hot! Glad to see him out with his friend. <3
Yes Adam really rocs those boots, too. I'm pretty sure those boots have a laether strap at the top that wraps around the legs. Also, is hair is not so spikey like a troll doll. It's smotth. I like it like this better.
Adam looks so hot. I hope Adam and Alisan Porter will write a song or more together for his new album. "Aftermath" is one of my favorite, such a masterpiece! I am so happy with their unchanged friendship too!
It looks to me like Adam no longer has his brown highlights. Love it like this....
Oh, is that Alison Porter in the pictures with Adam?
He looks really tall and so gorgeous. Love the pants, love the boots, no matter he´s wore them before. that a cell phone in his pocket...right side of picture?
If it is...I WANT TO BE CELL A PHONE :0 :)
Perhaps Alisan IS helping him with another song. They have to be at least discussing his 2nd album when they see each other.
I love his car. That Mustang is my all time favorite and I hope he keeps it for a long time and doesn't go too Hollywood. He's so hot just keeping that car.
Maybe there will be a new picture of the godparents with Riff soon. But, I'm looking forward to the weather warming up a bit so he can take off all the leather and just wear a black T-shirt to expose those arms.
I LOVE THOSE BOOTS!..I love that he goes out wearing the same clothes and that he kept the Mustang........I think Adam had a rough time
the last 10 years financally before Idol and he
is careful with his money.......
OMG....just what I needed
I know I'm not his type...but can I
just drool :)
BTW...your nails are looking nice BB....I'm so
enjoying looking at this new pics...I know we
have a lot of older ones but this is like
getting a new bouquet of flowers....fresh,
pretty, sweet and beautiful....
"Who would want pics of me walking to my car"
Anon 9:55 PM - You take the pants, I'll take what's in them ;-)
Hilarious! hahaha!
PIC #2
blonde lady checking out Adam........imagine seeing that hunk of Burnibg Love" strutting down the street....."Can't keep my eyes off of you"
@ Hi all Glamily in Paradise,
ATT: «Diamond Nurse» @ funbunn40
Directly from Adam Lamb... errrrrr,
directly from (excuse me!) «Fun4fun 24/7 News and Update»,
Thank you all for your prayers and candles and get well wishes but... NOPE! I'm not «on the mend», on the contrary (oh, glamhell!)
My friend Rute (from my church) and nurse of this hospital finally got me a special permission to take me home for 24 hours under her personal care and responsability as a «gift» for my birthday. So, on June 16th night I finally could go home (in weelchair) and hug and smell and lick and bite and pet my Purrrrrple Heart Medal Hero GaberCAt/Dogbert Icon (his happiness deserves its own report and you'll get it, as well as my two big good surprises on my birthday June 15th).
But, oh boy! Yesterday afternoon I felt sick again and that something was wrong, Rute brought me quickly back to the hospital, I took another emmergency TAC... and voilá: besides my pleural effusion's relapse, guess what????? I GOT ALSO A PERICARDIAL EFFUSION!!! Doctors said my emotional mood is to blame BUT IT IS NOT!!!
SWEET ADAM AND SAULI ARE TO BLAME (amazing nasty boys) once I can FEEL that diamond couple, every single day, broadening new horizons INTO MY HEART making it get enlarged!!!!!!
Come on, sweet Adam, stop doing this to me for a while, you two guys, give me a break! Think with me, let's reason it together: you should protect your PATRIMONY!!!!
PS: Hello everybody worried with me! Thank you all, so much!
After lunch I'll let you know my impressions and my (dream?) «WHITE VERSION» of those sweet Adam's clothing.
Watch me, I'll be back... SOON!
Love his face in #5 it up to 400%...I think he still has invisible a little pout going on those freckled LIPS...I'm so jealous of Sauli...
Pic# looks like braces..........
Hello,female friend? Come on. Let's show Alisan Porter a little more respect. I love Adam's straight up hair do. And,right, the legs...
I love how the show biz types love being seen out and about with Adam. He is eye candy, arm candy, leg candy, leather candy, etc. etc. I know the priority is the new album being a BIG SUCCESS, but in the meantime, I love just droolin' over the guy. BTW, I like the Les Miz idea, but CATS? NO. Who could see that beautiful face with all that cat make-up on? LOL.
What a morning here in Toronto Canada indeed. Hot weather but nice and these picturesssssssssssssssss!!! I'm not going to complain!!! Please give me a break Adam I don't need this right now!!!! Holy magalolly!!! Damn it!!
WHY ARE YOU SUch A F******G gorgeous man?????
Holy Crap !!!!! I'm dying to see you again so help me GOD!!!! I need my coffee right now!!! Where's the kitchen I couldn't even move my feet right now!!!
Just stare, stare, stare, Oh!! forget about coffee....
This is my breakfast in bed!!! The phone is ringing right now, hold on it's my boyfriend... Shoot not now I'm busy with Adam sorry call later!!! LOL!!!
@6:26 AM Yeah! I love Alisan Porter, she is such a talented artist. I have re-watched the Zodiac show Alisan's singing ability is so great! I was glad to see her she was invited to GNT in LA last December sang duet with Adam Aftermath.
Enjoy Alisan's sweet performance when she was 5 years old!
sexy godparents day. they should a duet on the next AL album. AP has pipes.
#1 Adam looks so handsome in those pictures!
#2 I'd LOVE to see him in Les fav musical...
#3 Isn't it hot in California? Adam always looks like he's dressed for winter weather. Not that i don't like it, but yikes....i'd be sweating!
Adore the boots! ADAM oozes of stardom!
He looks amazing!
In any case, I am from Connecticut and my son recently decided to go to UCLA for college. I wonder if my enthusiasm for all things Adam Lambert played a role in his decision!
What a lovely way to start a Saturday morning!
Super photos and excited chatter. He does look quite scrumptious and I'm glad to see he can go out with a friend and have a casual lunch.
Though it is my dream for Adam to be a Broadway headliner he can't do both at the same time and the recording takes precedence. It will mean more traveling to sell it once it's ready to be released and then appearances and videos and then
hopefully another tour. His time is pretty much nice for him! Steady work!
Who said we can't make negative or critical comments about Adam....if they are our opinion?
What we shouldn't do is make hateful or bullying comments to each other!
I've been critical of his haircuts....or lack of hair....but that has nothing to do with my admiration of his superior talent (and stunning good looks!)..................!
If there are any hockey fans here you can go to: my fox boston live
and watch all the goings on in Boston (live).
It's been a wild an crazy 2 days and the "duck boat" parade is about to begin. There have been so many championships in this town in the past 10 years and fans are so PROUD!
I love the Mustang...reminds me of AI and the best singer to ever set "boots" on that stage.
Hope he keeps it...even if he gets newer car....
@6:52 right now (9:00 am) in Santa Monica temp. is 62F degree. In the valley area temp. is close to 20 degree higher than coastal cities. Venice is about few minutes from Santa Monica and it's by the ocean. For the past few days we had a early spring like kind of weather.
Just wondering if Adam needs someone to shine his boots.....hehe
I'm a Canadian and sad the Vancouver lost but it's okay...
Congratulations to all the fans of Boston and u deserved it........ Yay!!
So tall, so hot! so dark beautiful. If I saw him on the street, and I do go to L.A. alot, I would faint!
Can't WAIT for the next album, but I will.
Thank you, anon Adam fan @9:24 from Canada. It's been very special here for a few days. We had a lot of people from Canada and LA in our city of Boston to celebrate.
By the way, our Red Sox are in 1st place!
The excitement and SOUND of the crowds in Boston reminded me of being at one of the GlamNation concerts last year. My ears were numb for a few days.
Back to looking at our gorgeous boy!
wow you must really excited
I can't wait for us to scream again for our rock god to rule the world again......!!!!!
I just saw this little article and I just had to post it here....From "Socialite Life"..I REALLY like the title of the piece: "Adam Lambert is Just Fine People". There are some additional pictures similar to the ones above and it also mentions the upcoming VH1 "Behind the Music" episode starring Adam..all positive things.. Yay!!!
I also love this quote included in the article about the new BTM series, reprinted from the New York Post article a few days ago:
“We are still looking for triumph and heartache, just a different kind of triumph and heartache,” says “Behind the Music” executive producer, Stephen Mintz. “We’re still looking for compelling stories that include good music so I think there’s now certainly an emphasis on current and relevant artists.”
Fits Adam to a "T"..don't you think??? So happy that his name is being associated with words and concepts like "compelling", "good music", "current" and "relevant" and he is being recognized by the music industry as worthy of that recognition. We've all know that for a long time.. ; )
Those pictures really are fabulous, he looks so gorgeous! For those of you in the LA area, Allisan and the Canyons are performing the next 2 Tuesdays at Molly Malones. Hopefully, their CD will be on sale since a couple months ago they had just completed all the songs. ... Adamluv
Surprisingly, it's not that hot in L.A. in June, there's something called "June gloom" that makes it kind of cool, especially near the ocean... and that restaurant is right near the ocean (well, about a mile, anyway...).
Dang, always wanted to go to that restaurant. It's hard to get reservations there. If I went and saw Adam sitting at the next table, I'd probably pass out.
LOL! Yup, AFL lookin like Rakstar, what's new??
Luv him.
@Fan4fun, you're such a sweetie! I do hope your health returns to normal status! You & Icon, so much love!
I remember Adam saying that he wished he was taller, I'm like huh?
Isn't he 6'1 w/o the boots? Those are his Rick Owens boots? I like them , but how tall does Adam want to be?
Mwah!! K
Love those boots!
Someone mentioned a cell phone in photo - I think it's his car keys.
Such an awesome thing to having been able to "witness" the start of Adam Lambert's international career - from AmIdol S8 to this day - and still, after more than 2 years to be this EXCITED to wake up to a new day and see, what he's been up to lately...
I've said it before many times, to me he is the perfect example of nature's most precious art - my heart, eyes and soul have a feast staring at him, his pictures, not to mention listening his VOICE...Thank you UNIVERSE for Adam F. GORGEOUS Lambert!!!
GGD Gal, eagerly waiting for more…
@11;28, you are right about it not being hot in June in So. Calif. especially at the beach so Adams attire is quite appropriate. Now let's see what he wears in July, Aug. and Sept. (the really hot months)! ... Adamluv
@glitzylady That is a great article. the description does fit Adam perfectly.The music industry is coming around and realizing the amazing talent of Adam that we have known since the first time he opened his mouth to sing. I fully believe when album # 2 comes out there will not be many who will be able to deny his talent!!! He looks so hot in these pics, love the whole look!
@12:05 Adamluv In the hot months maybe a little skin from Adam would be sweet!lol
Just a fantasy- adam in a swimsuit commercial or calvin cline underwear commercial. Oh my, he always has so many layers on- I can dream can't I??? He's so gorgeous no matter what he's wearing.
I agree that Adam would not be doing musicals at this point, but a film, maybe.
My husband is a musician who played in bands for quite a few musicals. The group found it very difficult to do Les Mis night after night because it is so sad. One of his bandmates actually got a clinical depression during the run. I guess it helps to not pay attention.
ps. Alison has nice legs too (tho not tall..)
pps. I wonder if Adam will go to see the Canyons this Tuesday - let's get someone over there with a camera..
Despite our fantasies, I find the serious male artists usually do not feel a need to show their skin so not expecting that anytime soon... We can still think about it tho!
It's too bad that Tommy seems to want to do this "porn" stuff - maybe he needs more confidence that his playing skills can stand on their own. Is this really what he wants to be known for? (and say he's staight? I know, I know, it's a sliding scale..)
OT - I'm from Vancouver and feel terrible watching all this riot coverage. This is not what Vancouver people are like at all! Most of the trouble came from drunk young men who came in from a fairly rough suburb about 2 hrs from here planning for trouble. Vancouver city on the ocean has a very mild climate and the people are equally laid-back. Congratulations to the Boston team for playing a great series.
Nice pictures of Adam and Alisan. Hope they are collaborating and planning on single. Their voices are good together. Adam does love those boots, which add another couple of inches. I'll have to save this post for all the glam. btw what is with Tommy and this "porn" stuff all about? First I am hearing of it.
Cute new pic of Sauli just posted on his facebook
(am I allowed to talk about Sauli?)
I think the porn stuff they mean is Raja's new video where Raja and Tommy are doing very sexy kissing with each other
Vancouver fan, no need to feel badly or take what happened personally. I think we have all heard that it was planned by those certain hoodlums and the good sports fans of Vancouver were pitching in to clean things up.
Heard via Twitter that Adam and Alisan are working together on music tonight (Sat). Maybe something for the new album?
So exited to hear that Adam and Alisan are teaming up again! 3:25 PM thanks for your info!
mean while back at the ranch. did you know it is the year of the monkey. If you add the age you are going to be this year and the year you were born it will be 111.just fyi til more Adam stuff.
I don't want to think about age please!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm still young at heart though!!! LOL
I hope Tommy will stop this kissing with different guys cause it will affect his career in the future.h
He'll be okay with Adam but I prefer no kissing anymore for him...... Just my opinion guys...
Love and peace.....
Adam should kiss a chick in his next video. Hot leggy young supermodels devouring him in one bite!
Well ladies, thanks for filling me in on the weather in California. God knows why i always thought it was hot out there!
It's been in the mid 80's here in Connecticut this week and very humid. I just assumed it was hot on the west coast too!
To 4:34 - I think it might take more than one bite to devour Adam hehe
After watching the videos about Alisan Porter when she was 5, I finally realized she starred in "Curly Sue"! I bet the rest of you already knew that!
Ha Ha Ha
We must be bored, with not much personal life. We come to Adam's site and chat about the weather, and what's worse we are actually interested :)
Yes Alisan Porter played the title role of "Curly Sue" and I loved that movie! She was so cute when she was little, and as a grown up she is briliant artist! I wish her all the best in her future projects WITH or without Adam!
Thanks for the beautiful images, full of beauty and friendship!
Watch me, I'll be back ... SOON! Sure, Fan4fun creative, well I'm glad you're positive, I'm sorry your relapse, this visit to your beloved home, give you encouragement to put a lot of willpower in your recovery, leaving aside your
concerns, stop thinking in solving situations for now, give yourself this time to you, full of peace and tranquility, focus your attention on something wonderful is going Adan, stay in the hospital long enough so that doctors can do your work and your body returns to normalidad..Everything will go well. God is with you!
You have the picture of Adam on your nightstand?
I am glad that icon and your friends are good.
Adam Russia WLL improved version
Doesn't everybody have a pic of Adam on their night stand? Mine happens to be on my dresser.
If you have $605 you to can have a pair of Adam's Jeans! :)|CallType=Product&prodId=05I013&season=sale&gender=men&group=clothing&des=106&cat=&seasProdID=53I
hey 4:05pm you are right. I was born in 77 and I will be 34 this year=111. My dad was born in 50 and he will be 61 in Oct. =111. Thanks for the FYI info.
@4:05pm I want to correct you. FYI, this is year of rabbit or cat, you can check Chinese or Japanese calendars!
Never heard about "111" but I assume this number doesnt' have any connection with Asian Calendar.
2004 was year of Monkey. Next year of Monkey is gonna be 2016.
@Glitzylady, am I blind? I don't see the purple highlights. I am sad to see his brown top go. The color really suited him. The black does seem to be a softer black though. You guys are right. The pants are hawt!. Lucky little Alison. I think she and I are about the same height, though he is so much taller than her with those beautiful boots.
@daydreamin I think glitzylady is right about purple highlights. Usually, I don't like any colored highlights, but Adam hair look perfect,almost natural. May this is the reason you can't see it:)
four unusual dates this year also.1/1/11, 1/11/11, 11/1/11, 11/11/11. Some new atricles better come up soon or I will bore you guys to I'm done.
Would you like to buy Adams jeans?? paste & go here....
The level of gorgeousness is illegal.
Look at that nose.
Sorry for being so shallow.
Can't help it, I mean, come ON.
And of course, and mostly, can't wait for the next album but....god so sexy!
I just couldn't friggen imagine...walkin down the streets of beautiful sunny L.A. with this gorgeous, wonderful, hunk of a man friend, never mind the fact that he's famous and can sing his f'n face off!!! Oh my word....the unimanigable fantasy...just to be walkin' down the street strutting next to Adam F'N Lambert.....I'd be proud as a peacock and beaming a huge proud smile...oh wait....I think she is....haahahaha...Oh I know, I know...Adam's probably thinking the same ole thing....."geez, I'm just walking to my car...what's the big deal" hahahaha....Oh, if he only knew what that does to all of us daydreamers....sigh....BIG FLIPPIN HUGE SIGH AND WISH UPON A STAR TO BE THAT GIRL RIGHT NOW!! Just love that man, just love him to pieces, for everything he does, for everything he stands for, for everything he's so capable of. Just so damn proud to be a Glambert! Mmmmmmuah to Adam.....just a big Huge Mmmmmuah!!
AND, BTW - that girl is a cute as bashful and full of dimples, heehe....yep, a cutie that's for sure : )
@Fan4fun - Dearest Brasilian/Azorian/World Citizen Spitfire/Firecracker Glamsistah!!! And I mean all this LOVINGLY!
Please read your friend, HH's wonderful words @Jun18, 6:04PM over & over again --- let the hospital people take care of you, stay as long as needed, everything else will sort out eventually.
Have you and Icon in my heart & thoughts!!!
GGD Gal, sending you Sexotic Singing Bird/Diamond Boy therapy
Anon@11:49..pic# 5......keys are in his hand...square item still in pocket......
whatever it is wish it was meeeee!!
He has his necklase pouch thing on which is the one we think sauli gave to him!! He seems to wear it more when sauli is not around.
He is beautiful man personifed - inside and out - they don't come any better than this! This is not to forget his outstanding talent and voice.
He could play the next batman with those eyes and mouth!!Lol
spooky that 111 year thing does work, I was born in 65, will be 46 this year =111,
Give up your dreams of seeing Adam with no shirt, haven't you noticed he does not have a tight tummy? He is slimmer than he was on Idol but if you recall even his younger days photos at Zodiak club and some photo sessions he wears a high waist cincher type band around waist, even in video for FYE when he was his slimmest he wore one. Does it matter if he doesn't have admirable abs?
I'm not going to give up my dream especially for Adam. Remember there is a saying, if you dream make it big!!! Yup!!! It's free anyways, and you don't have to pay tax for that right??? LOL!!!
Oh!! I love this site indeed!!!! Way to go FOLKS!!!
And for those of us who want to feel the summer sunshine with Adam: (click on the gif)
thank you!! for the sunshine gif! It is breathtaking - I've been watching it for way too long now...
I know, right?
Gosh I love those freakles !!!!!!!!
I would like to lick him from top to bottom.....
Hmmmmmmmmmm eat as well!!! Super gorgeous man shit!!!
I saw this in a comment on Adamtopia and wanted to bring it over for Fathers' Day (hope that's allowed..)
In honor of Father's Day...Eber did an interview with a San Diego radio station. I can't remember if it was during Idol or right after, but there was a lot of hoopla around Adam. The DJ asked Eber how cool it was to be Adam's dad "right now" and Eber responded that it had always been cool to be Adam's dad. I thought that was such an awesome and supportive thing to say. No wonder Adam turned out so well.
Read more:
I READ somewhere that ADAM & Alisan are collaborating on his 2nd album ... probably adamquotedaily ... I get most of my news from there or here or Google ... so my take on these FANtabulous pics is that ADAM & Alisan are probably taking a break for lunch while they are working on his new 'Masterpiece'. I first became aware of Alisan when I saw her in The TEN COMMANDMENTS: The Movie ... I have the DVD & she has a fantastic voice ... they would fit together so well ... much better than Xtina ... ADAM & Alisan have the same FINE quality to their voices ... Xtina .. IMO .. should only be a soloist ... her timbre is more gravel- ly ... but that's JMO. THANX!! for these GORGEOUS pics of ADAM ... I'll add them to my folder on my PC ... don't have ADAM pics around the house ... only on my PC for MY eyes only ... @Fan4fun ... I have you in my daily conversations (prayers) with my BEST FRIEND ... so you do what you are told & I'll try my best to help you from here with my JESUS ... Love 'n Light
More pictures. Have these pictures been here?
@Anon. June 18 4:34PM
If ADAM were to ever kiss a female in a movie ... the ushers would be 'scraping' the women in the theaters off the floor in 'buckets' ... can you just imagine the scenario? ... MELTED women everywhere ... HELP call out the Glamulances ASAP!!! LOL (Just a little humor to brighten up this day)
Love 'n Light
Anon @ 5:54 very few man have tight abs.....and they have to work to get them and keep them ("Jersey Shore anyone)
Adam looks fine without his shirt...but Adam is very self counsious about his complexion, his weight so I don't think we will see any "tummy" shots
I kind of like it when he shows a little skin...
a little tease!!!!!!
@tess4ADAM - you are such a ray of LOVE & LIGHT! Thank you and stay well!
@1:37 PM! Just so! A sleeveless tee is hot. Two bare arms are much more sexier than the whole naked upper body. Ronnie
The last time I saw a pic of Adam having lunch in Venice, he was with Drake. I wonder if he and Alisan were at the same restaurant.
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Fellow Glamberts/Glamily in Paradise:
Due to some havy medication I've been taking in the hospital, the lack of salt in my meals and lots of oxigen in my lungs, I guess I'm not able to reason quite well lately, but I think I've been showing my gratitude here and there to all of you who have been giving me advices, support and care in face of my recent little tragedies. I guess I should give back more attention and respect to all of you instead of using all of my clear mind moments to get back my sense of humor that I refuse to lose to my illness... you guys please, be nice and forgive-me.
So, I'm going NOW to thank you all again, everybody together, and you fellows please keep in mind that the order of tags bellow is totally aleatory, not in order of more or less importance. All messages were VERY important to me and you know how many messages and their size you posted. I really hope I'm not missing any of you, but if so please forgive me.
Here you go, amazing friends in Paradise through sweet Adam:
@HK Fan, @Adamluv, @funbunn40, @HH, @GGDGal, @Sister, @Glitzylady, @LIVA, @HeartAdam4ever, @Mwah!K, @daydreamin, @delilah5, @Dana, @Bing, @Tatiana, @Eva, @Ronnie, @Lam my, @JAK, @lmb, @P.A.S., @Adam Fix, @Dinah-mite, @LBS, @Cindy, @Sweetie, @nancdruuu2, @GLB, @Indigo, @The Dark Side, @(*,*)Bess, @Tess4Adam, @brownie and the three @Anonymous (June12/5:18PM, June15/6:30AM and June17/11:02PM.)
You have no idea how much inspiring it is for me to come to this amazing site and find out the very much I can count on you all. Also, thank you Ladies in Admin. for allowing me to share my personal daily life with my Glamily.
well there's hope for me this morning then as I am wearing a sleeveless top!!!
You seem perfectly clear and lucid to me, there is no way I could remember all our "names"! You did a great job.
Don't worry about your sense of humor I don't think that ever deserts one no matter what the circumstances are. Try to be patient, getting well can't be rushed and we are all thinking of you and wishing you well as hard as we can. We miss Icon's adventures!.............<3 <3 <3
Adam tweeting about that "Lamberati" that's what fans are calling patience BB
right now I like you in that Mustang.....reminds me of the year you knocked AI on their a very nice way!!!!
he needs a Lamberghini covered in glittery paint.
Had to come back to look at the #5 pic. If I was Sauli I would be on my way to LA already!! LOL!!
Poignant appreciation of our beloved Fan4fun, touch our hearts, and ask only want health and wellness for you. From here, we feel your wonderful humanity. your sweet love for Adam and the members of this blog, good humor, you'll have forever, you will not lose is proper and intelligent people, like the good humor is healing, when you wake up you have a large, beautiful smile and give thanks for another day and keep it, you radiate internally and think positive,I am healing, I'm fine." at all times. Lean on the spiritual strength of Adam.
Dear friend, treatment, your strong desire to heal, together with our prayers, are doing their effect and you'll be fine!
Receive an embrace of strength and joy that should hold ....
Her infectious laughter and tenderness, always accompany you !!.....
her contagious laughter and tenderness, you always accompany!.....
@ Dear HH
I feel so grateful for your beautiful and poetical words, so many times said to me or about me!
I'm pretty sure my sweet Lord Jesus Christ won't mind if I elect YOU my personal «GURU». He won't mind it at all for sure... He already supports, since the very begining, my huge love for my sweet Adam Mitchel Lambert, even he being a Jewish and I at first a Catholic, now a Baptist Christian (Oh, well! Jesus was Himself a Jewish too!!!!).
I am very happy Fan4fun dear, to see your good mood the day, participating actively in Paradise! hoping that follow progress in recovering your health, full of joy, energy and optimism.
If friend, Jesus loves us and is with us all without distinction!
Thank you for your comment. Spend a happy day and smile widely!
agree with you about pic 5, my favourite too, the face!!!
@ Anon. June 20,9:59PM
Thank you!
Just curious: is it YOU, HH???????
Si, creativa Fan4fun se me olvido escribir el nombre.
Un nuevo y reparador dÃa, creativa Fan4fun!
Dice el refrán: Poco a poco se llega lejos.
Entonces gradualmente, sigues tu tratamiento, manteniendo una actitud bien positiva, como hasta ahora y la compañÃa de Adam a través de 24/7, pronto alcanzaras, la total recuperación y un feliz regreso a casa!!
Goodbye beautiful photos!
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