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Adam Lambert 2nd Album Fan Trailer

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, July 2, 2011

Posted at : Saturday, July 02, 2011


Anonymous said...

Very cool! Getting so excited for the new album. OT GNL went up 350% on Amazon today. Let's get it to gold before Adam's next single comes out. I love the DVD. wonder if the excitement of album #2 spiked the GNL DVD, just glad to see the sales moving again.

Anonymous said...

Oh, this was fabulous! The music was perfect! Let the excitment build. It won't be long now!

Whoever created this is very talented. Thank you!


Fan4fun said...

Why wait for Fall?
I've already fell!
>->-O... dead!

LP said...

Loved it, hope it gets on TV a lot, but nothing is free. Maybe Sony takes care of it, and deducts it from Adams sales.
I am gonna scream if anyone asks again when is the album coming out. Adam has told us over and over, and he has never veered from what he said. It takes time, to get it together, even when the songs are finished and the music is finished, it still has to be packaged, and sent out prolly all over the world.

Anonymous said...

Great video, captured the anticipation about the upcoming album.

ItsJuliaZet said...

wow!!! adam must see it ;)

Anonymous said...

Loved this! Just when I thought I couldn't get any more excited about album 2, and now I am!

The Dark Side said...

Well thank you very much! That was just what the doctor ordered for this Adam blight I am experiencing. Cannot wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah! Talk about building the excitement! Well, that did it for me! Fantastic! Hope it gets out to the media ASAP! Thank you to the talented fans who created this great video.


laurieb said...

RCA should use this as their next bit of PR for the next album..brilliant..

Anonymous said...

This is AWESOME! Could you imagine if this could get on T.V. somehow. Captured the anticipation perfectly. Yes, RCA should use this. Someone should send this to RCA? Don't know how!

Anonymous said...

This is FS!!!!! MARVELOUS INDEED!!!! It gives me chills everywhere!!! Holy Molly!!! The anticipation is really high and can't wait to Rock with all of you again babies!!!! He!He!He!

Anonymous said...

WHO DID THIS????? TOTALLY FAB!!!! Sorry for yelling but the video clip did that to me.

Anonymous said...

come on 2nd album..fabulous promo....cannot wait

Anonymous said...

Adam sure has some clever and creative fans that never cease to amaze me. I even get amazed over the caring, sensitive and humorous comments on here.

Anonymous said...

Oh Adam!!!We cant wait! We adore you!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Did Adam say "less glitter and more leather" or something to that effect about album #2 ????

I'm so happy I got to see The Glam Nation Tour


Anonymous said...

I love the glitter Diamond Boy....

Anonymous said...

What's up with the damn choir music ?! Adam's sound was what I wanted to hear !!

Anonymous said...

soooo freakin' excited !!

Anonymous said...

Oh Adam! The wait will be worth it ! All the excitement gets me in a tingly good mood!! Woohoo!! Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

What an amazing,amazing trailer.Can hardly wait.

Ana Glam said...

Awesome and totally brilliant. Once again I'm blown away by the talent that emerges from Adam's fans. The ultimate performer with the ultimate fans. Beautiful job.

Anonymous said...

LP do you by any chance know when the album is coming out?

Sorry, just had to ask.


Anonymous said...

Anon 3:35pm

Shame on you!

*LP's scream being heard around the world* OK? :)



Anonymous said...

True and loving fans are really talented!!!! Who ever you are, I just want to thank you for this creation you did!!!! Love you all peeps.........

Anonymous said...

Adam's so sweet - he's just answered a random fan, who tweeted:
Blake Diton
I wish either @ladygaga or @adamlambert would respond to me, or follow me. I love them both, so much. I'd literally die.
43 minutes ago
And Adam replied:
Adam Lambert
@Blaykorn thanks for the support!! :)
34 minutes ago
It seems the poor guy didn't know what hit him...
Blake Diton
@adamlambert oh my god you replied, I love you. I can't WAIT for your next album, you're such an inspiration 
36 minutes ago
Blake Diton
I'm shaking with happiness, that was the best moment of my life. <3
33 minutes ago
Blake Diton
@runawaysu I'm so so so happy right now I just want to cry. I feel so lucky <3
30 minutes ago
Blake Diton
@runawaysu how could anyone not love him? He's so talented and down to earth. Best night of my life, thank you! <3
28 minutes ago
He's getting a lot of "congrats" tweets, as you can guess. A LOT.

glitzylady said...

That was so great! Adam shocked the heck of the guy! I actually sent out a tweet about what a lucky guy @Blaycorn (his twitter name) was, just in general and I got a tweet back from him, thanking me..for being excited for him. You just never know who is going to respond. I guess everyone on Twitter who follows Adam hopes that might happen to them.. I have a good friend who had Adam respond to a tweet of hers and she was so you never know! He lurks...

Anonymous said...

OT don't know it this was ever posted here, it is a very funny interview of Adam in Albany. It happens to be one of my favorites.


Anonymous said...

The trailer doesn't match Adam's plans to have less glitter and more reality. I don't think either that he will have that kind of sex appearances anymore.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:45pm, I agree.

Anonymous said...

OH ! VERY COOL! Gave me goose bumps and I can't wait!!!

Anonymous said...


It has been a while since I have seen that interview. Adam appeared so very comfortable, just himself, and seemed to be having a really good time. It gave me an "Adam laughter" fix! :) Thanks for posting it.


Magiclady said...

Loved the trailer, just made me want new music now!

Anonymous said...

@4:45 PM

I also agree, that trailer while well and lovingly presented is passe'. It is not representative of what he has in store for us
next. Clips from Moscow and the upcoming Quebec performance will churn up more interest and hopefully new fans, those who didn't enjoy the stage drama of GNT will look at him again with new eyes. @ lmb......we might say "Adam has begun to "evolve"! lol.........JAK

Anonymous said...

I'm curious, I've never followed any artist in my life but adam. Do other fans do this kind of stuff, for thier artists or are we just a rare breed. So many talented glamberts out there- is this normal? Don't get me wrong, being a glambert is part of my life!

Anonymous said...

This trailer whilst not possibly representing what is to come it does show the diversity of his looks etc and what has happened over the past couple of years and I love it love it for doing this - it shows the creative diversity of the man and he has only just got started!. It does really give the feel of a film trailer with supsense and that is the point really - surely.

Fantastic job!


tess4ADAM said...

This reminds me of the background music for the trailer for the film ... 2012 ... with the music building & building ... leaving you in suspenseful anticipation for WHAT COMES NEXT!! Yes!! ADAM's Glamberts are a creative & talented group of people ... much like our Glam King .. ADAM LAMBERT!! 'kay ... now back to VOTING for Mr. Twitter ... hope I can VOTE enough to get ADAM on the first 25 leader board ... here's the url for anyone who wants to VOTE for ADAM ... Love 'n Light


Anonymous said...

The trailer gives a sense of grandeur and suspense. Maybe the videographer didn't want to reveal too much so using this kind of grand choral backing doesn't tell that much except assures us it will be a smasher as suggested in the music. But I like all the past video clips of Adam from the moment Simon said: Tonight you really emerged as a star.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

@Irene Rose, it's been quite awhile since I've seen that vid and enjoyed watching it again. I love the comment about Adam Levine as well as Justin Beiber and his tongue needing training wheels. Adam, along with all of his other amazing talents, never ceases to amaze me with his quick wit! I love that about him. Thanks for sharing!


Anonymous said...

@ 11:44 PM

The purpose of a trailer is to show what is to come - NOT what has been.

I don't think this trailer is doing any good for Adam's future career.

Anonymous said...

'Srike again' is correct! He will send an explosion over this whole planet with the
brilliance of the new album! It will be a masterpiece and will leave the world breathless!

Anonymous said...

How lucky is RCA to have Adam. He will be a world superstar, a legend....and don't they know it!

Anonymous said...

9:23 PM

I'm not quite sure I'd call Glamberts normal, yet I'm happy to be one....proud to be one. I do think they tend to exaggerate expections for Adam. Feats he can't possibly achieve,

I don't think he will be a legend, nor a world superstar (internationally known yes), I don't think his 2nd album will be brilliant or a masterpiece. (I do expect it will be the closest to his true feelings and talent that we have heard yet). I don't think the Adam we love will leave the whole planet breathless. (There are too many haters who will never accept him no matter how beautifully he sings)

I'm just hoping for a really sellable album that wwill further along his long term goal of making a good living doing what he loves.

Anonymous said...

The haters will stay forever and our Adam too!!!

I'm not going to stop believing that one day, Adam will be legend and he deserves everything that is happening to his career right now. Slowly but surely indeed. He is genuinely a great guy and focus of what he wants to achieve for his future.

Enjoy every moment of success and live your life to the fullest indeed!!!

Anonymous said...

LOVE the promo clip .... the footage, the music, everything about it. I wish I'd seen Adam on the Idol tour but I don't live in the U.S. I would've just LOVED to have seen his sexy hips move the way they did!! :D And the FYE clip is my favourite clip, followed closely by Time For Miracles. :-)

Anonymous said...

It will be a bit narrow to focus his entire career based on home sales and acknowledgments. His international album sales are almost double or even triple in comparison to the home sales. He is accepted as who he is internationally with little or no questioning. The point I am trying to make is Adam may not necessarily need a 100% home backing for his superstar status to take off or come to fruition. Sony Music is promoting him vigorously in the worldwide arena. I think the chances of Adam becoming a legendary singer/performer are extremely high. He stands poised on the threshold of movie stardom as well; the sky is the limit for Adam. Don't write him off so quickly. I am not building castles in the air; just my humble perspective.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

A footnote to my above comment: Adam's US homebase is still the most important, to spearhead his career to superstardom.
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

@Lam my I agree with your post. I do feel Adam will be legendary,the thing is beyond his amazing voice is the it factor that few others have. Not since Elvis has there been a more charismatic sexy and mesmerizing performer. Just check his twitter account it goes up a lot on a daily basis. I'm going with what Paula Abdul said, he will be iconic!

Anonymous said...

Thanks dear 9:00, yes iconic!
-Lam my

glitzylady said...

Two things:
@ Anon 3:17 AM
The video "trailer" is a fan video and beautifully done. It wasn't really intended to promote his new music to the general public so much as just build the excitement, amongst his fans who are already pretty excited (understatement..LOL!!), and to highlight his career up to now...I loved it for what it's worth. It's fun. I doubt anyone will see it but us fans: rather like "preaching to the choir" though! I DO hope Sony Music/RCA/19 Entertainment promote him like crazy when his single comes out, in anticipation of his new album. I also hope he has a killer music video to go along with the new single. All it takes is one great song to get things going. I expect that will be the case. He has learned a lot since two years ago, knows what works, what doesn't. I'm guessing this one will definitely "Werk"!

@Anon 6:12 AM
I personally think Adam will be legendary in this world as time goes on, and not just for his music. He is multi-talented and in addition to his music career, I think he will also eventually do some Broadway (he has said he would like to at some point, but wants to concentrate on the music for now), movies (yes PLEASE!!), TV, and will be a positive force and an eventual and inadvertent spokesman for the Human Rights movement. He is so well spoken and personable that it is just a matter of time before we see him guesting as a host and actor on TV shows, and I can see him hosting shows such as the Grammy's etc. Not out of the realm of possibility (and one can dream!). Obviously not right away, but in the future. I am hoping his new album IS fabulous and sells millions around the world. It is also possible that none of that will happen, but its nice to envision. I do understand your hesitation to predict that he will be iconic, but I think its a very good possibility. Hoping so anyway! One step at a time for sure!

Anonymous said...

@anon 4:37 AM I am positive that RCA are very lucky to have Adam. However, I think the Adam is not so happy to have contract with RCA.

Great trailer! It would be fanatstic commercial for ADam new CD.
I don't think that RCA will pay for any TV, radio, or magazine commercial.


Anonymous said...

That was so incredibly awesome! Hope I spelled everything correctly, I'm kind of shaky!! Lol!!
Just love this crazy boy!!

Anonymous said...

wow thanks to the fan who took their time to do this!!