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Video of Sasha Mallory being declared SAFE on tonight's "So You Think You Can Dance"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, July 21, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, July 21, 2011


Anonymous said...

Yippee! I voted and voted for her - she's great! The Adam Nation has got your back, Sasha!

Posted this before but looks like it didn't work .. ?

Carlos said...

Can't believe she's made it that far. I'm so glad for Sasha! Someone tell me this isn't a full circle thing in the showbiz. Adam almost won Idol and now she could win SYTYCD.

Anonymous said...

OMG, I loved Clarice! She was fabulous last night! I voted for Sasha obviously last night cause she is a Glamily. But I so much wanted the judges to let the other girl in white to get eliminated. Jordan, Judy!? Oh, whatever! Well, let's keep at it to vote for Sasha next week.

HK fan said...

Did anyone see Blush on this last night?
I haven't seen it yet, but Blush performed at the HK rugby 7's this year, a couple of songs before the finals, they were really rough. and they opened for Justin Beiber here, sang 4 songs, better than at the 7's but still not great.

Anonymous said...

@HK go to this link:

You can watch all of SYTYCD last night's performances.

Enjoy it!

Anonymous said...

@HK I really didn't care for them. But watch their tonight's performance with Snoop Dogg here:

HK fan said...

@anon 10.22 and 10.27
Thanks, I go to MJ'S to watch SYTYCD8, as we don't have it here yet, I just watched part of the Blush video...seems they haven't improved any!
And would just like to add that I think Sasha looks beautiful in the video above, and at the judging after her dance. Hadn't really noticed it before.

Anonymous said...

Yayyyy Sasha! She is fantastic and deserves to stay and WIN! She's part of the Glamily and we'll keep on voting until the end!


Anonymous said...

@10:46 She looked beautiful on my T.V. tonight and her performance IMO was the best last night. My top 3 are Sasha, Melanie and Marco.

Anonymous said...

I have been blown away by Sasha on SYTYCD. Really, I had no idea she was so amazing during the Glamnation Tour. (Um, I maybe was a little distracted....) Anyhow, I just think she's been a class act throughout SYTCD and it was great to see her chemistry with Twitch. I think Melanie will be hard to beat though....but would love to see Sasha win.

Anonymous said...

Sasha blew me away last night. I think it will come down to Sasha and Melanie. I think it should be a tie.
Both have such soul! and artistry BEYOND!!!!!

HK fan said...

I just don't get Melanie, she really doesn't do much for me when I watch her.. I'd like Sasha and Marko to be the top 2.

glitzylady said...

Sasha, Melanie and Marko are my favs as well, although they are all good. I would love for Sasha to win..Adam surrounds himself with such talented people. I do think its possible: she has a lot of support from all of us! I have a coworker voting for her too, she thinks Sasha is the best, and she isn't even a Glambert! Unbiased opinion!

Bing said...

So happy for Sasha, she is deserving. That was a spectacular performance and she proved to everyone her versatility as a dancer.

@HK fan - thanks for the many interesting links that you've been sharing with us. It's gonna be your birthday soon as well as funbunn40. I would love to be able to greet both of you on time.

@The Dark Side - BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY yesterday :D

Anonymous said...

Why can't they have adam perform??? Geez, blush was terrible, IMO but for the life of me I don't see why snoop dog is famous, why are all these rappers famous?? Sasha's performance was the best by far, I love Melonie also! Still wondering if anyones going to use one of adams songs?

Anonymous said...

She is there on her own,(Finnish)
dont`t panic,using Adam`s song is a big mistake.
If you are telling me, i am wrong!

Anonymous said...

Sasha is fiercely fabulous on SYTYCD (my favorite of the reality shows). Remember when Adam got all that flack for adding dancers to his performances? --especially directed at Sasha & Taylor? As usual, Adam is way ahead of us :). Among his many talents is that of talent scout. Love Adam's taste, in just about everything. One of the nicest things about the GNT Live DVD is that you can go back and watch the dancers--see just how terrific all 4 of them are. Love Brooke, & Terrance is incredible (got to see that man close up!--wow). I didn't get to see them so much during the 4 live GNT shows I went to, because I couldn't take my eyes off Adam, a wonderful dancer in his own right.

Isn't Brooke getting married soon? Do you think Adam will be in the wedding? They're awfully good friends.

OT, but news: Adam's It Gets Better YouTube video is fixin to reach 1 million views (fewer than 2000 shy), which--at the nonstop rate comments come in on that YouTube site--it may just happen today. It would be a terrific milestone to attain before he is awarded the LA Equality Award in August.

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

we think Sasha is very good!
Whatewer music she is dancing.
rock on Sasha!

Anonymous said...

Sanni. we really need you!
we are relly going to behind you!
If you read this give us some sign,maybe some kind of,maybe,will,not sure,suukkos,house or somehthing!

Anonymous said...

Sasha,Marko,Ricky,Clarice. I don't so much see it with Melanie. I was ecstatic to see Sasha stay and sad to see Clarice go.....

Anonymous said...

Marko is a Finnish name too!
So is Sauli going to Canada!
I hope he is going to some other place...Finland!
Okay ,whatewer he decide to do,it is Okay to Us.
You just don´t get it,Sauli don´t care!

Anonymous said...

HK fan, Melanie is a very skilled and controlled dancer. She is my favorite on the show, but her waltz with Pasha this week was lackluster to me. Sasha is impressing me more and more. I told myself I wasn't going to vote for her just because I saw her twice in Adam's shows, but she is growing and improving more and more each week. Her paso doble last week was outstanding.

Anonymous said...

Kentucky Fan, yes Brooke is supposed to be getting married soon. She just had her bridal shower June 27th. I calculated her wedding to be August 25 or 19th based on one of her tweets, which is a Thursday or a Friday depending on how it's interpreted, so maybe it's not accurate. I counted the exact number of days she said in her tweet and that's the 25th. It is supposed to be somewhere here in Northern California!! Here is her tweet:

brookesauce75 Brooke Wendle
In exactly 2 months from today my name will be hyphenated...
19 Jun

I would surely think Adam will be at the wedding! She asked twitterland a long time ago for recommendations for N Calif wedding spots and I gave her one for a mountain top winery, but she never responded. I gave her a link to it.

She sounds so excited to marry her guy. Best wishes to her and her hubby to be!

Anonymous said...

@Daydreamin, As usual, you're on top of it with Brooke's wedding info!You're recommendation of the mountaintop winery sounded like a great one. She may very well take it, but maybe didn't respond in case the ever vigilant Glamberts or papps would stake it out! lol I would think Adam would be there, especially if it would be in N. Calif.His next tour wouldn't be happening yet and album should be finished. She lives and works in NY and I think her fiancee is also a dancer or in that community. She'll be a stunning bride!

Anonymous said...

@ Kentucky fan,I agree that Adam has an eye for talent. Adam really owns the stage, seeing him live, but I've also enjoyed going back to the GNT videos to see what I had missed being blinded by Adam's brilliance! I always loved the way Sasha slithered down the stairs during Voodoo and how deftly and gracefully she could move so close to the ground. Terrence is such a strong, precise dancer, also very well trained. Think he was an Alvin Alley dancer and now is dancing with Debbie Allen in Twist. Brooke's dance with Adam during the intros was so much fun and you never knew where they would take it. Wish it could have gone on longer! It was so sensuous when Adam would run his hand over her abs when she was reclining on the table. Thud! Think I'll view Adam's "It Gets Better video to add to the viewing numbers! Time for an Adam fix!

Anonymous said...

I hope Cat wins the Emmy award just to see the pissed off look on Ryan's face.

Anonymous said...

@ Bing,How did you know HK and I had b-days coming up? You must be psychic! lol Mine is August 11th, my oldest daughter Aug.10th and son Aug.8th, all Leos! You have the kindest spirit, always spreading good will! So glad you're still here in spite of the negativity lately. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@ The Dark Side, Happy belated birthday!! Hope it was fun-filled, doing exactly what you wanted to do, besides Adam, of course!( Sorry, couldn't help myself! haha} funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@HKfan,I saw Blush with Snoop Dog on SYTYCD, but didn't think they were that good, but maybe they had an off night. I hadn't heard of them before. I also like Marko and think Ricky is a cutie and also good. I've been voting my fingers off for Sasha and hope she wins. She was on fire this week and so perfectly controlled. Melanie is an exquisite dancer with an entirely different style than Sasha. They all are physically strong, diciplined and well trained. It's tough to see any of them eliminated when they'ved worked so hard and all want it so much. funbunn40

HK fan said...

Have seen Blush twice now....they weren't having an off night!
My birthday is the same as your sons...A very lucky birthday in Chinese 8/8..

Anonymous said...

@ HK fan, Good to know! I'll tell him!....@Daydreamin and Kentucky fan, forgot my tag, must be getting senile! funbunn40

Bing said...

Hi funbunn40, i've been meaning to say that i miss you so much as well as the other regulars who have not been posting lately. Remember our GNT days here, those were incredibly fun even when we've become night owls LOL! I would always cherish those moments which also gave us the chance to share the special experience with glamberts around the world. Such precious memories here in 24/7! Can't wait for PART 2 next year :D Btw i keep a small birthday book of our 24/7 glamily, remember that crazy game we played last year hahaha.

RL doesn't allow me now to post like i used to :-( But i manage to take a peak each day and quickly go through a few threads only. Despite and in spite of what you are referring to funbunn40, i will never leave 24/7 because this is my favorite place when it comes to our Diamond Boy. I will never let those ANONS who intentionally spew hatred here destroy our spirit and camaraderie.

Of course I respect our diversity in opinions but i've noticed some comments which are far too ridiculous already to be coming from a fan who truly gets Adam. And the personal attacks on Sauli and our regulars are totally unnecessary and awful. That's why i'm really glad that we have Eva, Urethra, Kentucky Fan and many others for being forthright.

For me ADAM MITCHEL LAMBERT is the epitome of everything that is positive and beautiful so why delve on the exact opposite. I can also see that Adam has this unique ability to turn an ugly situation into something that is reasonably acceptable. I don't know where he learned to do this but he is very smart in handling difficult situations. I admire this in him because it takes a lot of wisdom and emotional maturity in order to do that.

Let us not allow a few ANONS to turn 24/7 into an ugly site. We have so many great posters, you being one of my favorites funbunn40 and there is so much to learn from each other.

Hey @Sister i respect your decision to take a hiatus but please don't take too long, we need you back soon. I truly enjoy reading your insightful comments.

So sorry for the rant guys.

Love thru Adam,

Anonymous said...

@ Bing, So glad that you will be here for the long haul. You are a kind, powerful source that is the core of this site, among the other special ones whose comments come from a heartfelt place with respectful intentions, even tho' we may have differing opinions. It will be exciting again, once his tour begins with videos and interviews again. Can't wait. We'll have many more late nights, anxiously awaiting the new videos to be posted. Adam has so many talented, generous fans, making the videos and sharing their Adam experiences. It's almost like awaiting the birth of his second baby!Thanks for your always kind words! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@Bing Jul 23, 6:50 AM -
Just LOVE, LOVE your post, you said everything I wanted and was gonna say - so much more eloquently and beautifully than I ever could…

I’m also often unable to comment due to RL, but love this site and will stick around as long as 24/7 Paradise provides us with news about our Sexotic Singing Bird Adam!

GGD Gal, up and running…(for a change)

Bing said...


Oh yes @funbunn40 we will surely be in this together for the rest of our lives. And thanks too for your very loving words. Always take good care of yourself.

@GGD Gal - well it's great to see you posting again \o/ \o/ \o/ i'm sooooo happy that you're a lot better, up and running this time! Thanks for those kind words GGD Gal. English isn't my native tongue so i must be very careful with my choice of words otherwise i might be misconstrued. I just don't want to add anymore to the misinterpretations that happen here every now and then.

You know i'm a little nostalgic these past few weeks that's why i miss our GNT days. The only consolation is that my hands are full now that's why i'm able to cope. Hopefully i will have a better schedule next year, just in time for Adam's next tour. Btw i'm already saving up for that one because his tickets are very pricey.

I'm glad to see you again GGD Gal. Stay safe and well. Hugs to you and funbunn40 :-D

Love thru Adam,

Anonymous said...

@Bing -
Feeling nostalgic, missing GNT and graving for Adam perform LIVE…and still FEELING GOOD (remember those stairs, the white suit, that smile & swagger, pheeewww)! And I’m also feeling grateful, when I think back these 2,5 years with ”everything Adam”, this site and Glamily included! I have said this before, but seeing him on AmIdol S8 that one night - whether it was coincidence or fate or meant to happen - is a moment I cherish for the rest of my life! Could not have happened in a better/worse time…

GGD Gal, wishing you and all of us happy AL times!

Anonymous said...

@ GGD Gal,Bing and all, We will have many more great Adam times, starting with the St. Agathe concert coming up. I'm really getting curious about the new album and wonder how he'll top the GNT. It really was a vocal and visual extravaganza! Think we're going to have a lot of late nights waiting for the new tour videos! funbunn40

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