Us Magazine Replies To Adam Lambert - A Misunderstanding for both sides
Filed Under (news ) by Admin on Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Posted at : Wednesday, August 03, 2011
From Us Magazine's Ian Drew:
"Hi all: This is Ian. I just checked the tape and the transcript of the interview again to make sure and Adam 100% did NOT say 'near' future and he was not misquoted. His quote is exactly as it is written above. If he didn't like and wanted to revise what he actually said on tape, it would have been more professional of him to simply call me and ask me to change it. I would have happily obliged and revised the quote for him. To attack Us on Twitter when we did our job correctly and did a piece to promote his VH-1 special was not the proper way to handle this."

SOURCE (Ian left this comment on the comment section.)
Thanks LIVA for the tip!
"Hi all: This is Ian. I just checked the tape and the transcript of the interview again to make sure and Adam 100% did NOT say 'near' future and he was not misquoted. His quote is exactly as it is written above. If he didn't like and wanted to revise what he actually said on tape, it would have been more professional of him to simply call me and ask me to change it. I would have happily obliged and revised the quote for him. To attack Us on Twitter when we did our job correctly and did a piece to promote his VH-1 special was not the proper way to handle this."
SOURCE (Ian left this comment on the comment section.)
Thanks LIVA for the tip!
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OMG, here we go again...Adam already tweeted that he meant NEAR future. Obviously misunderstandings on both sides, but could we just move on to other things? The interview was mostly about music and I'm sure this marriage thing was not supposed to be the main thing. The magazine just wanted a juicy headline.
This magazine "baited" Adam and here we are again with this crazy sensationalism stuff splashed all over the media.
Adam - you are right - in the future simply say nothing and move onto the next topic. Tabloids act like they are all willing to issue a retraction and change wording - but who actually does this - unless they are threatened with a law suite.
US Mag is trying to come off like the innocent news writer - who really was after a scoop and dug into an area that he had no business asking about anyway.
Another lesson learned dear Adam. Just share what you feel comfortable with about you and Sauli -- when it comes directly from you - your fans can believe it!!
Again..what I said and what I meant......lesson learned...don't take questions about personal stuff!!!!
OK US Mag.It was nice to give Adam an interview.. next time it would be even nicer, if you don't pry into his personal life.. He told you he didn't want to discuss it.
I would much rather hear about his great voice and the direction he is moving in.
So please just give it a rest..
Don't post on Twitter or Facebook until you think it through or wait a day..
John Mayer learn the hard way!!!!
Don't let your emotions get in the way!!!!
BTW..Ian you are correct...BB has learn his lesson.....We still love him!!!
you are absolutley right,,,we do still love Adam...more than ever....
OK, everybody learned, no personal relation question on any interview in the FUTURE. Stick to his music only. Adam did not attack this particular magazine, he tried to correct the overall "tabloids" to spread the fire. Ian, here again you misunderstand Adam's tweet. Double fail! Move on!People!
drama, drama, drama. I never got the impression Adam was attacking that magazine either. I bet they are lovin all this BS. I wonder if they were professionals and contacted Adam about the tweets to make sure what he meant.
10:50 AM
Really? Well done John Mayer.
Sometimes I feel like Adam should cool down too.
The interview was mostly about music and stuff, but the headline waved the flag: #Sniff-sniff Adam Lambert never marries!# Sheesh!
I don't think Adam was slamming US MAG with his tweet. I enjoy this magazine and love reading little tidbits about Adam in there. So looking forward to Adam's VH1 special this Sunday.
@11:13. Exactly. And this magazine is getting a lot of attention for this. Even though Adam said he didn't want to talk about his relationship/personal stuff, they still go and make it the headline. So not much respect there! And Adam has now made it very clear what he meant, regardless of his exact words. I'm sure he'll be much more careful about his words in interviews and HOW he says them from now on. I hope he continues with his honest tweets, they come from the heart.
LOL I think in the future there won't be any comments from Adam about his personal life.
As long as Adam is performing as an artist and building his carrier it's fine with me. His personal life is entirely his.
He'd better only talk about his music!!
Adam is a gracious, sensible, kind person. If once in a long while, he wants to let the tabloids know that they were out of line, he has every right. Don't you even say Adam did anything wrong in this instance. He should be able to talk about anything he wants, and not get misinterpreted. Geez, give Adam a break.
I guess the meaning "near future" was implied but Adam did not say that and should not have ranted for them to "get it right".
At least out of all this, we know that Adam might consider marriage someday - yay!
Wonder if Adam will reply to the mag with an apology to make things nice again? Might help.
is this magazine for buy?i think adams sometimes get mix feeling of what hes sayimg and hes meanting.twitter its dangrous place to write.
hes said what he meant on twitter about the interview, of what this translate to what he said not getting married.
focus everyone on vh1 voting.enough of trouble,its too much.
Just don't f*** with Adam that's the message indeed!!!! He knows his rights baby!!!
Loyal fans will not give you a free ride to mess with our Rock God!!!! I don't care with the tabloids because the fans are the one will make ADAM THE BIGGEST STAR EVER!!!!
We love him and we rock with him hard!!!
adam said not getting married on interview and he said it on twitter what he meants was not in future.he dosent seem attack us magazine,because hes saying tabloids,
hes nice guy,why magazines are sensitives.
I wish the same person would quit posting so many times.We get you don't like Adam. No big deal.move on little doggie.
Big win, win all around here. No bad publicity! Publicity is publicity. Adam you may have to back pedal a step or two and tweet an apology to the US Mag guy. Seems that foot in the mouth is yours! LOL Pretty sure that Finland fans were not happy campers. Your fans take you as you are...we are like that.
I believe the reporter waited until Adam felt relaxed and safe and then asked the loaded question about marriage. I'm sure Adam did not want to answer the question, but under stress, he volunteered more infor than he really wanted. I'm sure Adam did not memorize the interview, he only knew the result, more tabloid interference into his personal life. Adam is only human. I'm sure it wasn't just that particular interview, but the culmination of reporters wanting to know all his personal business for no good reason other that making scandalous reporting (re Outlaws of Love).
I wish they (the world!) would just leave Adam alone about his personal life. It's about the music period! And yes, Adam again has learned a very painful lesson unfortunately.
Love you Adam!
i think in future mag would be more careful with adam.i hope adam see the writer us mag and pologise that didnt meant them just others tabloids
@@@@@@@@@ Hi Glamily in Paradise!!!!
We ARE BACK HOME since a couple of days ago, trying hard to catch at least 50% of the whole thing about Diamond Boy and his «lives» (wow!!! 10 days WITHOUT Internet, I mean, Internet OK during 5 or 6 minutes at most then... OFF!). Only yesterday I made to watch to the Saint Agatha's videos... during all those days I fed that other island I barely could read the 24/7's headlines, no way I got to read your comments, so I don't know yet what is going on here, if Paradise land is in peace or in some war (another one!?).
About the marriage:
- Hey Icon, we just want your sweet uncle Adam happly single, even when in the wonderful company of your uncle Sauli! Right?
- Meaow-ha! Meaow-ha-ha!!! Right, mommy! We just want them to be «HAPPLY SINGLED» for a long long long time... for ever!!!
ALL PEOPLE WHO HAD BIRTHDAY IN JULY (Adamluv, MGF-MassGlamFan, AG, The Dark Side... who else????) I'm so sorry I couldn't congratulate you fellows, but I had positive thoughts for all of you and special prayers.
Those are tabloids, they twist, bend or hack whatever they want to increase sale. Professional? Those writers? How many are actually understand the basic principal of journalism. Can't we see the title of the interview to believe how professional they are? WTF Adam need to apologize for them? Ian, check your own resume.
Never a dull moment being a glambert, that's all I have to say! Last scandal was adam levine, then previously before that was james durbin.God I love that man BB lol
US isn't a tabloid so they shouldn't take offense. Other tabloids and blogs were picking up the story that Adam never wanted to get married. Secondly, US, as far as I can see Adam did clarify exactly what he mean. US - get a thicker skin.
The magazine did Adam a favor. If he and fans keep reacting that way, nobody will touch Adam with a ten-foot pole.
Yikes! Gotta agree with ian on this one.. this too shall pass! Adam just thought he said near. Honest mistake but should have gone straight to the source. Crap.
And btw fans should not go apeshit and throw accusations at the writer!! Gives us all a bad name and makes adam fans look dumb!! Loosen up adam fans!!
These comments are getting so comical now esp. 2:30. I have the solution, I say Adam, his fans and US MAG meet at the White House for a beer. lol
I believe Adam's honest answer to the interviewer was he doesn't see marriage in his future, period. I think he tried to correct it to say "near future'" only after he saw Glamberts freaking out about it. So congrats to the whiners who pressured Adam into changing his story Now he looks like a liar. Good luck to him ever getting an interview with Us weekly again.
If US Mag had just quietly printed its story, I don't think Adam or the USA Glamberts would have thought anything of it. I would have thought that he implied "near future" because who can predict the "far future?" What really ticked him off was that the tabloid that Sauli works for in Finland ran the headline "Adam doesn't want to marry Sauli." This is the tabloid that Adam was angry at because Sauli's feelings were hurt. And I don't blame him. We all know he is very protective of Sauli.
Adam was mad at Ilta-Sanomat?
glamitup, 6 exclamation points on one little comment and you want other people to loosen up? ok
Lesson learned: Do Not discuss anything in your personal life; keep all that information as private as possible. No comment, or I don't want to discuss that part of my life. Let's focus on the music, the next album, etc. And why don't those reporters stop asking the same questions about his sexuality, his relationships, etc. I know that probably sells more than the music aspect, but leave Adam alone. His life will never be the same now that he has gained some degree of fame and success esp. in respect to his personal life. Hopefully incidents like this won't happen very often and we can all spend our time talking about the second album. All the buzz seems to be positive, a highly anticpated release. Adam's personal life is nobody's business even though many fans believe it is. Leave the man alone to enjoy life, his friends, and family. We might feel protective but should not be intrusive.
he said, she said. This is getting out of hand! I am getting the kegs ready for the White House.
@2:53 US Magazine is not a sleazy tabloid, they have been around since the 80s. They are as mainstream as People magazine. Maybe he was referring to that Finnish gossip rag.
August 3, 2011 3:03 PM That´s just what I am thinking of !!!!!!!!!!
I don't think any of this will keep the media from covering Adam. The mags and tabloids like the buzz no matter what. This current issue is not really about whether Adam wants to ever get married or not. It's about him inadvertantly saying something he didn't meant to say. Innocent mistake. But in the celeb world, it becomes a huge, exaggerated big deal. Adam jumped the gun in his tweet before checking it out. Maybe he ought to say he regrets doing that and clear the air so we can all move on. I want to concentrate on the BTM show, the Do Something Awards and the new CD.
I don't drink but I'm coming to the white house too! I'll bring the hefty disposable cups & the ping pong balls!!!! Mwah!! K
Sauli works for Ilta Sanomat and it´s pretty obvious Sauli will inform Adam about the headlines in that newspaper.
I am more than sure Adam wanted to point out what he was thinking about the headline " adam lambert will not marry Sauli" thing.
maybe Adam just didn´t want to mention the tabloid because sauli works for it.. ?
This makes sense to me.. (That´s how I feel.)
Why the heck even ask ADAM a personal question such as this in the first place? Sensationalism!
Well, they got an international response and added attention, which I guess is what they really wanted! Give the Glambert a break!
I gave up Star magazine after a decade because they never wrote anything positive regarding Adam (only sensational crap), and now US Weekly can kiss my a&!. Tabloids don't write the truth and they misrepresent constantly. This will blowover as all things do. Adam is the most open, honest person ever, and tabloids don't deserve him nor my business any longer.
@343, Now I am wondering why the gossip site Sauli works for didn't ask him or warn him before they ran that headline. I mean that was kind of mean to do to Sauli.
Ilta sanomat wrote only about the marriage thing. not a single word about Adam´s music, his career nor anything else.
the only thing they told was " adam will not marry sauli". :(
Adam does not need to apologize for this.
The headline is misleading. Adam never said he will never marry. If the reporter really thought Adam said he doesn't see himself getting married in the future (which is different than saying he will not marry, he would have made sure he heard that right or even followed up on that one. I don't believe that tabloid writer is as righteous as he wants us to believe.
Neil Adam...tweeting before thinking...ohhhhhhhhh...those kids
I don't care what other fans think about what had happened about the interview or any tabloids that put Adam in an awkward position.
In my opinion he doesn't have to apologize to any of them period.... They can say anything good or bad about Adam and it doesn't matter as long as they don't touch his love ones indeed.
He is fierce and ready for anything because he is a grown man and he can protect himself from the vultures!!!!!
don't forget to watch Sasha tonight on SYTYCD. It's getting down to the bare wire. Don't forget to vote if you like her.yay sasha.
August 3, 2011 4:20 PM That´s what I´m thinking too.
I am from Finland and I am so sure that Ilta sanomat saw the original US magazine article, but ONLY the marriage thing was told..
I'm glad Adam posted what he did on Twitter. That's a sensible response. The tabloids are known for f-ing with people. What did they expect with headlines like that? He claimed to be innocently promoting Adam's VH1?? Wouldn't you expect a headline regarding that?
Ok, it was about the Finnish tabloids then.
@ Canadian that's tough but it's true....
He is an International Superstar and sensational and I'm loving every minute of his success. To the tabloids just kiss my f****** a**
August 3, 2011 4:33 PM. You´re right.
Adam don't wanna get married. what is the big deal? He will be a millionaire and I don't blame him. All the hot hands out there wanting his hard earned money.
2:52 You believe what you WANT to believe and spread what you want to spread. Adam wouldn't say such a thing knowingly.
I dont wonder at all If Adam was mad at Ilta Sanomat.
Adam Lambert´s Finnish fans were annoyed too because of the headline in that magazine.
the tabloids need to lay off the gd sex life and talk about his music. the repetition is becoming a bore.
A Finnish fan here, again. Personally, I don´t care if Adam will get married or not but The headline felt little "impolite" If thinking of Sauli.
It kind of put Sauli into the bad light here (in Finland) and all over the world If someone can understand the Finnish article.
Anon 4:39, speak for yourself only. I'm a finn and I wasn't annoyed about the headline, because there simply wasn't any reason to be annoyed. Is there a tumour in your humour.
I would get these tabloids and paparazzi for harrassment. I would put up with their shit for 5 minutes. Asking personal questions about sex life and where they take a shit is ridiculous. Personal life is Personal. who does these morons think they are? It is a wonder they don't ask when they last took a shit. I'm serious! I would get up and walk off from those pathetic interviews. No one cares about when or where the sexy time takes place. Get on with the music!
I wouldn't put up with the paparazzi and their shit for one minute. I would tell them none of your damn business. It is ridiculous that an artist has to discuss their every move with the world. It isn't right! I would tell them where they could stick their tape recorder and walk off. Discussing personl relationships and personal matters should be off limits. I would get them for harrassment.
August 3, 2011 4:50 PM You´re not a Finn for sure.
Adam is not a moron to jeopardize his relationship just to please this garbage of s***. You don't out smart Adam because he knows that FAME IS ONLY TEMPORARY!!!!
what 2:30 pm and 2:52 pm said
"Title gives the impression that he did not want to ever get married (and especially not with Sauli). Adam really just answered the question that is not going to get married even though it is now legal."
someone left this comment into that Ilta sanomat headline and 397 persons liked it. I think it will tell more than Your comment, August 3, 2011 4:50 PM
So, 397 Finns were annoyed about the headline. I wasn't, and it's my opinion. I don't believe Sauli was hurt by it. Now it looks like Finns are urging Adam to marry Sauli.
August 3, 2011 5:14 PM do write something in Finnish and let´s see if You truly are from Finland..
A few times Adam has mentioned his greatest fear is being alone when get old. He sure will not let anything to jeopardize his real life #realness. He is very intense with his feeling, I always think that he may give up everything for his love when he cannot stand anymore. Now at least, I know he has someone and somewhere to grow old when "it" strike! May I join some of you to the White House tour?
To all of you who doesn't like our Adam and his boyfriend just f*** o** and leave this site!!!
This site is only for those who would like to enjoy Adams music not his personal business!!!
You are just waisting your time here and pls. just go somewhere else indeed.....
My take on all of this is that when Ian asked Adam about marriage, knowing Adam, he had already told him he didn't want to talk about his personal life. When Ian asked the question, I think Adam simply shot off (maybe angrily but without showing it) that he did not want to marry-just to get him off his back about his personal life. Adam, I'm sure never guessed in the moment that it would blow up in to this headline, so thus had to now qualify that he doesn't intend to marry in the NEAR future.
I can totally understand why Adam said what he said in this scenario. Adam would never jeapardize any plans he may or may not have with Sauli (privately or shared with Sauli-who knows what they have discussed before now and especially in light of the New York gay marriage issue)and he certainly doesn't want to announce any such plans/thoughts in the media first!
paparazi-tabloid; fond of gossip;is that how they make money should be all about music-album question therye redicul;ous. they dont ask elton john about his relationship-its crazy mentlaity tabloid.. twisted brain.
No enpä taida.
August 3, 2011 5:20 PM I am so with You.
What comes to August 3, 2011 4:50 PM that person is NOT from Finland.
Maybe she/he just hates Sauli and Finnish people and wants to cause here some trouble.
oh, and count me in for beer at the White House (though I am more of a wine person- I'll bring the wine.)
Now that Congress is on vaca till September, maybe we can invite them too, get them drunk and have them party together-maybe they'll get along better come Sept.
daydreamin ;)
August 3, 2011 5:26 PM kerros ny oikeesti et mitä mieltä oot vaik saulista? ja miks oot täällä vaan piruilemassa muille?
No ei oo mitään Saulia vastaan. Tänne vaan kirjoittelen mitä mieleen juolahtaa. :)
muuten vaan sit trollaat täällä ku ei oo muutakaan tekemist.
I never underestimate Adam. If he says that's what he said...then he did.....end of case...
moving on.
muutenkii tääl vit-- suomalaisille ja etenkii salelle, ja sitte vielä säkin heittelet noit veemäisiä kommentteja tänne.. järkee vai ei
OMG what is with all these accusations of who's a real Finn and who's not?? LOL this place is nuts.
@ daydreamin
I'll go to the White House and even be polite to Congress and have a drink...anything but tea!
Adam should be more concerned with Sauli getting a job!
The US mag interviewer has Adam's words on tape, he can prove it. I think Adam owes that man an apology for going off on him on Twitter. You guys do realize if other magazines don't want to give Adam an interview now because they think he'll cause problems it's not good for his career right? Do you care about his love life more than his career? Apparently some fans do.
Siis, Adamista pidän ja siksi tänne kirjoittelen. En ota tätä kuitenkaan liian vakavasti.
If Sauli works for iltasanomat, then I work for wordpress. LOL!
@JAK, meet you and every one else at The White House! :)))))
This hasn't played on the West Coast yet, but if anyone wants to see Sasha's dance tonight on SYTYCD, here it is:
You guys are so f*cking stupid! Adam doesn't care about anybody but himself. He's in New York right now doing God knows what. All this hype will soon die down and Adam will be a regular person once again. We will definitely see him on celebrity rehab one day.
Anon @ 305, im hurt!! The fact that i get my point across with the exclamation point has nothing to do with this!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahaha i just love adam, as we all do and just want things to be smooth sailing at all times for him because we know what a great guy and awesome performer he is!! I know we are all at times over protective of him and therefor need to lighten up! Thats all i was saying. Didnt mean to come off mean!! I would never be unkind to the group of people that are adam crazy just like me!!!!!!!!!! Love,glamitup(the exclamation queen)!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can anybody translate in English few comments above which been written on Finish? I deff want to know what this person is talking about.
I totally agree with you! HA!
OT - Sasha was great again tonight on SYTYCD. She is so light, never sluggish. Mel is a good dancer but her hair style seems so old fashioned, almost like a little kid. I also think they give way too much time to the (count 'em) FOUR judges rather than on the dancers and the routine. Maybe they have to fill up the 2 hrs...
all righty then, I think all bases have been covered by the tag people, trolls and anons, real Finns and fake Finns. Just want to add Sasha was wonderful tonight. Please vote if you thought she was great too.1 888 836 7604 see yall at the White House, don't wear flip flops.
Crap! Im back. Just went and read the us interview! All the questions they asked and they pull "adam says he wont get married" as the title!! Now who picks that out to be the title of an adam article? So stupid! And " openly gay" appeared again too! The comments were not very nice either. Ending my nite on a sad note. Bummer whats wrong with people?
703 flops is all i have! Lol
Tabloid journalism has always been after sensationalism. That is simply how they get noticed so what else is new. I think Adam's rant was for the tabloids. Now if the writer considers their mag a tabloid then i guess that's already his problem.
Fan4fun and Icon it's great to hear from you again. I miss reading posts like this LOL. Btw other celebrators for July are Dinah mite and 3 ANONs haha. You stay safe and well Fan4fun and Icon. Kind regards!
dont know what is wrong with people but have watched St Agathe vids for the probably 100th one could swish that racoon tail better that Adam,,,He is tall and handsome ..sings so wonderfully and can dance..I think the tail helped him keep his rhythm and it
Come on, let's all wear flops with our painted nails and toes to join the party in White House with Adam's music. Remember to bring a bucket size cup,we need that for tonight! LoL
This to will pass like all the other crap he gets thrown at him. It has to be a big adjustment for him. I do think it was a misunderstanding and it is all how you read it really. I for one could care less about what the headlines say untill I hear it from Adams lips I really do not put much credibility on it. Look at J-Lo and Kings of Leon right now they are putting up with some heavy crap. My advise to Adam is to count to 10 or sleep on it before you comment or react to things. Better yet deal one-on-one with who you are directing your anger at and Don"t involve your fans "cause you know from the past what happens. Look at the above 100 plus comments. It devides people. Now that clown of a reporter is getting more publicity than he is worth. Is this all really worth it. Let's talk music OK? Sometimes we can be our own worst enemy running our mouths.
Grasshopper want to know where Glitsylady ?
The best thing we can do especially for the loyal fans is just enjoy what ever we hear from Adams voice!!!! That's the most important anyways that's why we are all in love care about him right??? Who cares about other things we only here just to enjoy Adams music indeed. If you are not happy any longer just leave and find another artist to enjoy with????
For me the hell with those assholes!!!!
Has Adam tweeted anything since this kinda blew up? Hope Adam can wiggle out of this to Sauli, since he did say , he didn't see marriage in his future. They may have already agreed that they wouldn't marry, just live together. The Federal Law does not recognise any state that has made it legal, so there is not much advantage in getting married. Sauli at this time only has a visa to stay here, if he has a job in Finland, which right now he does. Adam and Sauli's future is very uncertain, what happens when Adam goes on his tour. Adam has said before that it is unfair to both of them, to be separated for at least 6 months.
8:20 pm don't worry your nosey little head any longer. Sauli has a good sense of humor, just join twitter and follow the both of them.
Adam did clarify what he meant, not in the NEAR future. Sauli also tweeted, not YET. They obviously are not saying never. But they are young and Adam has busy times ahead. They have their hands full with work and taking care of their relationship. All I know is that I have NEVER seen Adam so happy before as he is right now with Sauli and so much in love.
Adam is magnanimous. There is no need for him to apologise. He has every right to express what he feels correct for him at any given time of any conversation. If he did not increase sales nor attract any attention, would what he said have mattered at all, let alone splashed all over the headlines.
-Lam my
I am notjoining in this conversaton, because I need to pack for the White House beer party! I have to find my pearls!!!!!
Wine for me too daydreamin! I bring "the box". LOL! Nothing but the best for us. Sometimes quantity is more important than quality.
See ya'll in DC!
I think Sauli knows how Adam feels about him. I doubt that Sauli feels it is necessary that the whole world know at this point. Love his sense of humor. (And Finland can relax, you have nothing to worry about)
Sister, you are hilarious! I too have always loved a good box of wine haha
I think Adam was angry because he feels like he was misunderstood. I'm glad he corrected it on Twitter the way he wanted it.
Could we just let Adam and Sauli enjoy their love in peace? This is a happy time for them. If or when they decide to tie the knot, it will be when they want it, not when media wants it.
BTW, Adam, Sauli and Adam's mom Leila went to the McQueen exhibition together, that's really sweet.
At the exhibit, they had to line up for a long time waiting with all the other people. Can you imagine being in line beside him all that time, gah!
Anon 4:45 PM It put also Adam into bad light like he is a jerk who is insulting his bf in media.
@Anon 9:20 PM
Then you best hurry on to DC before it's all gone!
Tabloids and magazine are two different thongs.why us magazine writer think Adam was meant or after him on twitter? Adam meant tabloids. I didn't know mag is called tabloids.?I hope Adam read this and do something about it. I hAte when Ganesha and storm starts.
Adam doesn't need to do anything. It's obvious he doesn't want people being being careless about his life. No one should be offended by his tweet Geesh.
There you go....Leila will be the witness when Sauli
and Adam get married in NY after they purchase lovely outfits from McQueen and then (Neil too) will meet us at the White House for a drunken reception.
Then the tabloids will want to know if one of them is pregnant yet. They saw the bump!
The following report will have them breaking up.
Then the divorce and the settlement.
Been there done that...ho hum
The End
Live the Life boys and don't read any of the crap!
Does US mag interviewer consider US mag a tabloid? If not ... then why take offense at what ADAM tweeted? Could it be a GUILTY (I use this as a LOOSE word in ref to US mag writer) CONSCIENCE!?! Ouch! that stung my fingers!! ADAM has a right to tweet (or not) if something is wrong ... why should ADAM be careful ... whose LIFE are we talking about here? NOT the idiot that wrote the article ... AND we only have his word that it's on the tape the way he says ... anybody HEAR the tape??? I BELIEVE ADAM!!!
HAHA Sister, you ARE hilarious! Packing my bags and bringing the wine (you bringing red or white?). I'll bring the other. Who else is coming? Let's drop this subject of marriage and go party in DC along with the Glam God!!
@tess4ADAM!! 11:04 PM (august 3)
I've been thinking the same thing, but have been trying not to post on all these negative threads. There are so many on this thread that are so quick to put Adam in the wrong and believe a journalist, (because we all know how accurate Journalists are in their reporting). All you still have is this guys 'word', no proof. Even if Adam didn't say the actual word 'near' a lot can be implied by the way a sentance is said, and He sure sounds as though he implied near future at the very least, not the abrupt ' never get married' that was implied in the article.
@ HK fan
Even though the guy said he has the tape, we have to make sure it is unedited and in original sequence and to be proved by CSI. I only believe live interview by Adam . Still in my first era of Adam obsession , I found Adam's live interviews on youtube being re-edited and really made him look bad and people did believe. Interview directly broadcasting from TV stations have more credibility. You know, Adam lives in a rock style but with a big heart, all I need is to trust him.
Fan from Canada
I trust Adam's tweets and what I hear straight from his mouth. Anything else is hearsay and can be misinterpreted or misunderstood (especially if no clarifying questions are asked). So Adam, please keep tweeting to your fans (and tell your cute bf to do the same)!
come on fans, this guy Ian is being decent here.
maybe he didnt say "near" so what... relax shit happens...
It always amazes me how people chop and change their opinions at times like these. Have some bloody faith in Adam and support the guy instead of feeding hyped negative remarks.
Adam has NOTHING to apologise for! Total admiration for him being right down the line.
Time to support and embrace this super talented man 100% and concentrate on his music.OMG, Adam is the most talented entertainer on the planet!
So pull together not apart!
Yah!! Shit happens!!!! That's why before you judge you wait until he twitts or say it in his own words.
Life is full of obstacles so just enjoy what you like to hear or if you don't like it, move on folks!!!!!
Ian called Adam "the infamously open Lambert". I knew right then the journalist was not on Adam's team.
It's amazing how attached so many of us are with Adam. Even the haters- to come here and give our precious time and energy like we do just shows what an influence Adam is going to be!
Sometimes when people say: I don't see myself married in the future...I have heard this numerous times, not just from Adam; they can mean they don't strongly believe in marriage, not for the time being. Frankly how many does. So news quickly and opportunely relate it to Adam not wanting to marry Sauli. And of course, Adam will burst out when he had no intention of implying that at all. Why would he want to stall such a wonderful relationship he has right now with Sauli by hinting he doesn't want to marry him? Moreover, Adam is such a caring person by nature. So when transcripting a conversation from the verbal to the written form, one has to be very sensitive and aware of not just, what transpired but in the context of what may have been implied and not rush into conclusions.
-Lam my
Adam chose to be a superstar. There is nothing private in a superstars life. You should all get a life and stop reading the articles if you can't handle the aftermath.
Adam and his fans do accept the fact that a superstar's life is not so private anymore but reporting with intention to distort what Adam actually meant is not acceptable both to Adam and his fans. Even if he had left out the word 'near' regarding future, how could it be concluded as 'never' regarding getting married. Ten years from now, if Adam and Sauli were still together, they might want to get married; but he can't visualise that now, therefore the words, "I don't see...." So picking on the word 'near' which has been left out is splitting hairs.
-Lam my
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