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Adam Lambert Featured in Bulgarian Magazine

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, September 10, 2011

Posted at : Saturday, September 10, 2011

Source: @iLadyCalderone


Anonymous said...

looks like a featured article, love his AI picture.any interpreters out there?

Anonymous said...

Lately, Adam seems to be getting more recognition from international sources:magazines, awards, performers singing his songs on talent shows,etc. I guess his time will come with the release of that second album. Let's hope that his new management team is really going to work for Adam promoting the album and its first single. They did it for Katy Perry and I don't see any reason that they can't do the same for Adam who is the best vocal talent in the music business today.

Anonymous said...

Why Adam always make him self look older ?he's have cool style and hair design cooler than this pic,.if he want to gain more new fans, I think he should style himself like Katy perry or lady gaga ,always change they style younger than they age.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks great in that picture. But you are probably right 7:29 Adam should show up in a meat suit or egg someday.Magazines pick out the photos they want, Adam doesn't have anything to say about it.This site is falling apart, I spend more time arguing with trolls and defending Adam these days than should be necessary.

Anonymous said...

@anon 7:43 PM if you don't have anything to do just arguing with trolls (I was troll of the house, actually, I think I still can be kind of trollish:):):), watch Adam music video from AI. It is a gread medicine from stress, belive me.
Relax, have a fun. They mention Adam's name in whole entire world! How come you spend any time to defend Adam? He is a big boy and he can do it without our help

Anonymous said...

@3:39 Agree. I think album 2 is going to be huge for Adam and he will be totally recognized not just overseas but here also. You go Bulgaria!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hal, thanks for your advice but I already have a mother:):) I really do enjoy those AI videos on my iPod and my GNL cd/dvd. I hope to keep adding to my collection especially after the next album. I'll have build an addition to my house.

Anonymous said...

@anon 7:29 PM What did you mean "GaGa changes her style younger than her age"?
She has outfit which makes her 80 year old woman or another one when she was embrio!
Katy Perry looks like dollar stores' Barby, which has chance to get some expensive outfits. But she never looks younger than her age on her photos. Also, I never will forget this Karry's picture without makeup which her crazy husband put on twitter.
Oh, I forgot! Tyr to find the picture of GaGa which was published on Next month BAZAAR! It's gonna be in every store pretty soon:):):)LOL


Anonymous said...

I could understand just first phrase of this comment about Adam "Beautiful, elegant or pumped up?" Didn't understand why they talk about "pumped up":)
Also, I think they mentioned that there many things you can learn from Adam. I am not sure, cause Bulgarian and Russian are different languages, but we have almost same alphabet many common words and phrases

Anonymous said...

Is that SCHOOL or CHOOL(cool) written on top left of the page?

Anonymous said...

Love love love this Adam look. He is the epitome of class, cool and impeccable style.

Wish I could understand Bulgarian.

Anonymous said...

7:43pm I hear ya.At least there is a variety of trolls on here. One with a kitty fixation another that writes a 5 inch dissertation acting like she just wants the best for Adam but it is a thinly veiled hate-a-thon.You just have to take the good with the bad and ugly. This blog is very interesting so just try to ignore the trolls.K?

Anonymous said...

adam look old fashion here,why they didnt put hes grammy dress pic or that pic he wears cross black trouses he looks cooler than this pic.

Anonymous said...

adam have diffrent type of fan,im younger call me trolls then you stupid women thatt dont have manners.adam dont have huge fans,so i hope hes 2 album be huge.

exaguration is high here,sometimes need reality checks,adam is not in cover magazines like before which i want to see him there soon enough with 2 album.

Anonymous said...

Is that Adam's Steve McQueen shirt he has on? I love his belt and hair styls here also. I can't wait to see what Adam will be wearing on Majors and Minors and Project Runway. I am sure we will have a good time critiquing it. lol. Hope he is on MTV tonight. I can't figure that one out.

Anonymous said...

Adam should style himself like Gaga or Katy Perry? You have got to be kidding. He is who he is and knows how to dress impeccably for the occasion. You may not like the hair style or the outfit he is wearing, but he is always interesting and gives us and the press something to write or talk about. He knows what is in fashion at the moment and that is probably the reason he is going to be a judge on Project Runway. He can save the "costume" look for his tour as he did on the GNT. I can't wait to see what his look will be with the release of the second album as he starts making tv appearances to promote it and then the eventual tour he will be on next year. I think the time of glitz and glam has passed and now he is on to another style, perhaps more with those interesting leather jackets, t-shirts and jeans. Or maybe something more tailored. I love him in suits. Whatever the style, I can't wait for this second album hoping it will bring Adam all the fame and success he so deserves.

Jasmine Thomas said...

Lately, Adam seems to be getting more recognition from international sources:magazines, awards, performers singing his songs on talent shows,etc. I guess his time will come with the release of that second album. Let's hope that his new management team is really going to work for Adam promoting the album and its first single. They did it for Katy Perry and I don't see any reason that they can't do the same for Adam who is the best vocal talent in the music business today.