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Leisha Hailey and Camila Grey (UhHuhHerMusic) kicked off of Southwest Airlines for Gay Kissing

Filed Under (,,, ) by Admin on Monday, September 26, 2011

Posted at : Monday, September 26, 2011


Anonymous said...

Cowards. No, you don't have to protect anyone's children from seeing a gay kiss. The more they see it, the less a big deal it is. On the contrary, teachers would call this a "teachable moment": an ideal opening for parents to explain to their kids that some people are attracted to people of the same sex, and that there is nothing wrong with it.

Anonymous said...

A+ replies from Adam.

Anonymous said...

I'm certainly moving forward.

Anonymous said...

0^0 . . . now you have awaken the beast . . I mean that in a good way!

Anonymous said...

Adam is as usual, spot on with his tweets. Such a class act every time. Disappointed that this happened and was publicized right after the honor Adam and his Mom had with PFLAG. But, the more this issue is out there, the better because it creates awareness. I am tired of the narrow mindedness out there. To name a few, civil right movements for blacks, women...were hard fought. The gay civil rights movement will be also, but victory will be had. Ignorance and fear will lose; it always does eventually. BTW, I worked for SWA and I have nothing nice to say about that airline. They sure are getting bad press lately. Reap and sow.

HK fan said...

Outlaws of love is trending at the moment..

Anonymous said...

Adam really knows how to mess things up. And Tommy is always involved..

Anonymous said...

Anon@ 4:34 . . . .WTF

Anonymous said...

4:38, Adam has not got over the AMAs critique yet.

Anonymous said...

Support everything Adam says and believes in. Intelligence, open mindedness and fairness will prevail. Gay rights movement will prevail. Anon 4:34, I think you are on the wrong blog. WTF is right. ;) You know why we are here? One word - LOVE. That is it. Period. Regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation. Feel so sorry for stupid, fearful people. So glad I was raised right. So sad to be hateful.

Anonymous said...

Adam has spoken with sanity and clarity in his tweets. He has spoken to Cam and knows what happened. Once again, Adam is in a position to help educate people and promote equality. Yay, Adam! And 4:34 Huh?

Anonymous said...

Oh! Dear!!???? It's really hard for the ignorant people to understand what is going on in our society eh???

Adam Lambert the beast has spoken again indeed!!! Bravo my dear and let the world knows that you are just here listening and watching he!he!

Adam will not stop until you ignorants learn how to accept the reality of life........


Anonymous said...

Adam is so right and I am so proud of him standing up for his friend. When straight couples were seen day and night naked tea-bagging up and down on our national TV at prime time, it is very homophobic to treat same sex kissing like a crime. Go Adam go! We love you!!!

Anonymous said...

It had nothing to do with gay rights what Adam was ranting about, you dumbbells. He embarrassed his boyfriend big time, since he's never kissed him in public, only Tommy.

Anonymous said...

Statement from airline

Statement Regarding Southwest Customers Removed From Flight 2274

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Mon, Sep 26, 2011

Initial reports indicate that we received several passenger complaints characterizing the behavior as excessive. Our crew, responsible for the comfort of all Customers on board, approached the passengers based solely on behavior and not gender. The conversation escalated to a level that was better resolved on the ground, as opposed to in flight. We regret any circumstance where a passenger does not have a positive experience on Southwest and we are ready to work directly with the passengers involved to offer our heartfelt apologies for falling short of their expectation.

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Anonymous said...

WTH are you on!!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:34, Why are you on this site?? The only people 'messing things up' are the intolerant people who accept violence instead of love. Anon 4:47, you certainly know what this site is all about!

Anonymous said...

Promote equality by bullying?

Anonymous said...

If they just shared a kiss or two, who cares. If they were making out, that's a different matter. No one wants to watch any couple making out no matter, straight or gay. This overt behavior makes many people uncomfortable. I might have complained myself if it made me and others uncomfortable. Making out should not be a public forum.

Anonymous said...

Was it really Cam? Some say it was a publicity stunt. They have an album coming, I think.

Anonymous said...

UnHuhHerMusic tweeted that it was just a peck on the lips . . . . .

Why to go SouthWest . . . way to lose customers!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon @5:19 . . get over the AMA's and Atommy

Everybody else has!!!!!

Anonymous said...

BTW . . I loved the AMA's and Atommy!!!!!

Go fly Southwest Airlines . .

Anonymous said...

Is TV consider a public forum? Anyone know?

Anonymous said...

Two of Adam's tweet responses were to middle-eastern male muslim individuals. As a non-muslim middle-eastern I could tell from their twitter names. Kissing and showing love is illegal in their eyes. Haterad is part of their five times daily prayers.

Anonymous said...

Are Leisha and Cam a couple? I heard it was Leisha and her girlfriend - and Cam wasn't even there. Who knows? The truth will eventually come out. Regardless of who it was, they have their rights to be treated equally.

Anonymous said...

why are people whining about kissing. grown people should act grown up and quit acting like kindergarten children. alot of people don't like watching people makeout in public. I know I don't.

Anonymous said...

The AMA kiss was alright and people would have forgotten it, but the Adommy was kissing with tongues. Exhibitionistic.

Anonymous said...

I think they acted with poor taste, kissing should be for private moments unles it is just a little peck. It doesen't make any difference if you are straight or gay.
Gays don't like being called names, but they do it right back at the straight people, calling them homophobics, ignorant or bible pushers. I am for equality, and also for good manners in public, and kissing heavily in public is not good manners.
SWA had no choice if others were complaining, and I am sure Cam was using some pretty ripe language too. Obviously they did not agree to no more kissing on the flight. I am also a fan of Adam, and he has had the good manners not to kiss publicly with Sauli. I commend him.

Anonymous said...

I suppose the Adommy will continue on his next tour. We should grow up and accept it..

Anonymous said...

Holding hands and maybe a peck is all I want to see in public . . . straight or gay!

Anonymous said...

Atommy was for entertainment . . . and I think . . .been there . . done that and will not be a part of next tour . .

I loved the Glam Nation Tour and will miss it but we must move on . .

Anonymous said...


You are completely out of line!!! WTH do you mean?

Take a hike!!

Anonymous said...

I am sure the "Adommy" days are over, and the next tour will be very different . Adam created a monster with that fan service, because too many fans did not have the intelligence to accept it for what it was, in spite of Adam's REPEATED comments about it. Tommy may not even be on the next tour. Adam may require much more skilled musicians.

Anonymous said...

Just kidding, I'm not gonna grow up. I kiss goodbye the Adommy and the next tour.

HK fan said...

@anon 5.56
Could you tell us exactly what happened seeing as you must have been there on the flight, seeing as you're sure Cam was using foul lanaguage and that you know they didn't agree to know more kissing.
And that SWA had no choice. They did have a choice, they choose to go the route they did. Who knows why, we don't know all the details, maybe the flt attendant was having a bad day and took it out on them. Chris Sligh (was on AI) was also kicked off a flight last week for argueing about taking his guitar on board, (although different airline I think). And was SWA the airline that kicked the guy from Greenday off a flight for wearing his trousers too low.
I know airlines have the right to not accept passengers that are obviously drunk or abusive, but to kick people off for kissing or wearing the wrong trousers is wrong.
And what on earth have Tommy or the AMAs have to do with this?????

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 6:10...............Good-bye

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:29 - thank u for your support (4:47). Luv what you said about violence vs love. Absolutely!

Anonymous said...

Cam and her girlfriend also had a choice, to stop making out on the flight. but did not want to comply. Cam always uses foul language, I have heard her, she is a low class brit.

Anonymous said...

I thought the dumbbells weren't on this site anymore. Tommy and AMAs? Really? What a dope. This IS about civil rights. And gay rights are the last frontier. We will prevail on this issue. America has become so conservative, ill-informed, and intolerant. But they are the few. The smart, open minded and non-judgemental people will win! Kissing between two adults - nothing wrong w/it!

Anonymous said...

How does SWA get away with this crap? I have also read news stories where Southwest Airlines has kicked people off flights for wearing short skirts they thought were too short. And they also kicked a film director off one of their flights recently for being too fat -- after he was seated, with his seat belt fastened and the armrests on either side of him down.

Yet, Southwest didn't do a thing about it when I complained during a flight because the guy with the seat next to me got on the plane stinking drunk, key falling all over me while we were in the air, and even threw up on my jacket! Worst flight of my life! I would rather walk than ever fly on SWA again.

Anonymous said...

Again, this incident involved Leisha - not Cam. Adam and Cam are just tweeting about it to support equal rights for everyone.

Anonymous said...

My hubby & I used to kiss at the supermarket. Should we have been kicked out because some non-open-minded individual was offended? I thought the USA was a FREE country ... where does that freedom begin & end? Who has the right to complain? If kissing is offensive then put up a sign ... NO KISSING (just like the NO SMOKING sign) ... and that should apply to everyone ... not just SAME sex couples! Is this a FREE country or NOT?? You can't have it BOTH ways (YES for some & NO for others) so make up your minds BEFORE you make up the RULES!!

Anonymous said...

Could someone please clarify . . if someone really knows what happen . .

Anonymous said...

America is doomed!!!!!!

America is the land for ignorance!!!!!!

You are not the Free Country at all!!!!!

What a shame!!!!!

Anonymous said...

This thread is like WTF!? Clueless people!

Anonymous said...

Adam should move to Burbank.

Anonymous said...

from experience: never fly Southwest.

Anonymous said...

Adam should move to my house:) :)

Anonymous said...

There are a lot of people from different countries using SWA and any other airlines. A lot of religious don't approve kisses or any other emotions on the public. I think Adam changed some of the stage moves:) in Malasia because he respected this country religion and traditions. Why we have to be upset and angry about the people from Malasia or India or Japan who never show their romantic emothions on public don't like to see it in the airplane!
I don't think it depends from airline!
Also, these passengers would be upset in any countrie's airplane!

Do you know that Japan women never appear in front of the guests if she has monthly period?
Can you imagine their reaction when they saw two women kiss?Doe
We don't know of these girls had just kiss or French kiss or may be their were drunk and want to make love in the plain.
I know, Adam is the smartest, perfect, etc person on this planet, but if he respects traditions of other countries, why somebody else has right to f............... it?

Anonymous said...

Hal was this plane flying over Japan or Malaysia? I think the tradition of US allows kisses on an airplane and I have seen many young couples kissing on flights over the US and like Adam said I never batted an eye.What next,on my next flight should I ask if anyone from Japan here? Ok I better stay in the restroom its that time of the month.

Anonymous said...

It's been two years Adam's been seeking approval to kiss Tommy. Why are they not together and do it privately? Just do it Adam and stop whining.

Anonymous said...

don't feed the cray crays.

Anonymous said...

Adam is feeding the crays ALL the time. Let's join them.

Anonymous said...

@7:39 PM I thougt US is the country where people from any countries get respect. We can change traditions or religions people who visit US.
You can't request from our guests to change their traditions just because they are just visit our contry for few days.

Anonymous said...

I agree that a light kiss should be fine (any sex couple), but I don't like seeing people make out in public, especially a small crowded place like an airplane where you can't really walk away if you don't feel comfortable. However, who knows the real story - any eyewitness?

Anonymous said...

HAL I have been on many flights across the world and never saw any nationality even flinch at the site of a public kiss. Maybe you have so I can't argue with you there.

Anonymous said...

So, all airlines have to make addition in the passenger's welcome rules: "Never pay attention on anybodies' sexual emotions, this is not your business!"

Anonymous said...

Some people just like to show it off. Gay or straight. Straight couples have kissed passionately in front of me, but it never turned me on. Neither did I get jealous. Sometimes it seems fake and I wonder are they as passionate when no one is watching.

Anonymous said...

@8:12 PM Have you ever visit Irac, Iran, India, Japan, or Israel? I mean, did you use their local airlines, not just international?

Anonymous said...

In my country gays go to jail seriously and in Iran people get hanged for simple word called gay,still close minded people live in around the world.

I wish by time world changing people mind change as well,my family hate gays but I do support gays.They said I'm stupid and scum.

Bunch of retarded people still living in the planet.

Anonymous said...

@anon 4:47Pm SWA is only airline I like and use for many years. I never will forget all problems which I had with Delta, Horizon, and many other airlines. But SWA have the best service in US. Sorry, but I have a lot of reasons to disagree with you. One of them, when I was on short term disab it was only airline which didn't charge me when I had to cancel and change the date of my flight. When you are on wheelchair, this is very important, dear. Cause I didn't have to pay $1,000 penalty, which I paid to Delta!!!

Anonymous said...

HAL, I know what you mean. I've been to gulf countries. To be honest, I went there because I found the culture interesting and the men attractive. People are very discreet there. I am too so there was not any problems.

Anonymous said...

The best place for gays freedom is Europe maybe.

Anonymous said...

Hal the flight was probably empty because they kicked everyone off for being gay, fat and wearing their pants too low. J/K

Anonymous said...

ot, but I read on another thread that we are $5000 away from making our PennyRoyalStudio goal.Don't forget to order your peace pendant before Oct. 1st if you are going to get one. They are quite nice and so are the peace hook earings.ty

Anonymous said...

@anon 8:44PM Did you mean that you put your weight, sexual orientaion or design of the clothes when you book your flight?
Also, thank you for disrespect somebodie's health condition! Hope you'll never go through the sh.... I went through.
Good luck, try to reschedule your flight on Delta or Horizon! Have few hundred dollars in your pocket when you call, e-mail, or text them about your problem.

Anonymous said...

If Adam thinks gays couples kissing in public is so great why don't he ever kiss his bf on the cheek hmmm?

Anonymous said...

Try to ask Adam why don't he kiss his bf. He don't want to talk about it or he will get angry. Let's keep talking about him and Tommy instead.

Anonymous said...

I think inside some clubs Adam has manage a kiss or two....w/Sauli

Anonymous said...

9:27.......go away

Anonymous said...

This thread is funny its like series discussion turn into crazy hyper fusion and fiction.the one who creat the site should write a book about comments here.

Anonymous said...

No point in feeding the cray...let them live in their fantasies.

Anonymous said...

this cray is like a broken record and I bet her personality and love life is just as dull.

Anonymous said...

This did make the CH 7 news tonight. It was about Leisha and her girlfriend. No mention of Cam. I think it was a publicity stunt, since she is an unknown actress.

Adamluv said...

The title of this thread said " ........ gay kissing". What is gay kissing? Is it different from straight kissing? Inquiring minds want to know. Sorry couldnt resist the question! LOL! ... Adamluv

Adamluv said...

@anon 11:31 - Cam is Leishas girlfriend. Or did I misunderstand your comment? If so, disregard mine. ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@8:12PM I went to Turkey last year. At the airport, one straight young married couple were kissing each other so passionately for more than few minutes. Local authorities went to them and told them very harshly "hey you can't do this kind of stuff in this country". I was scared and it reminded me of that 70s movie about the American prisoner in Turkey!? Forgot the name of it. Anyhow, I thought authorities of that country were gonna throw them in jail. Every time I get reminded of that incident I have a cold sweat on my forehead. Yes, still a lot of people in this world are closed-minded. Hope change is gonna come soon!

Anonymous said...

No right or wrong, just two sides of every story. Everyone has their beliefs & has a right to their beliefs.
Public or private, it is our responsibility to know what is acceptable & what is not.
To me , if your feeling each other out in public, it's groping. I mean is having sexual intentions in public acceptable behavior? A kiss to show love & respect, a different story, & I think that's what the intentions were in this case. & they should not have been kicked off. It's ridiculous!
Now with Adam & Tommy on stage,(amas), it was FYE! & it was entertaining, but I know some were not pleased with it & that's ok, good thing the kiss was in the beginning of theGNT show, overall, it was HOTT!! Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

The Adommy crays are desperately searching for flue. Anything will do for them. Let's not feed them. They will vanish little by little and the fandom will very soon be much healthier.

Anonymous said...

Why are we making this an international problem? This happened in the good old USA.

Anonymous said...

I have always found SouthWest to be one of the best airlines to travel interstate. Infact one of my best flights into Vegas was with SW. (and I do travel often).I have found Delta to be rude and very unprofessional,internationally and interstate and always late! Plus my baggage has always been wrecked with them. I do so hope though SW resolve this problem as I cannot tolerate homophobic behaviour.

Anonymous said...

This made front page Aussie news too.

Anonymous said...

Just get a life ignorant people in America!!!

You belong to Iran, North Korea, China and Russia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@Anon 4:12am
I am a long time blogger here originated from China, please do not insult other countries just base on one incident. We may have other people from anywhere around the globe who also admire Adam. Love and Peace!

Anonymous said...

Remember to get your Peace Pendant B4 Oct1 . .Penny Royal

Anonymous said...

Anon 4,34/5,19/5,56 why don't you go to visit websites according to your ignorant,retrograde,useless brains.Maybe you'll feel more confortable around people of your same level.
Anon 6,55 at least in the USA you can say whatever you want, in "other" countries you can get kill for beeing gay or a woman showing her hair in public.
Ancient civilizations Romans, Greeks even Woodstock, they all show love in public and it was O.K but not in the 21st century!!?? so..sometimes it seems we really didn't get too far, did we!!?? but I would like to THINK THERE'S STILL HOPE!!!Love!!!

Anonymous said...

The other passengers had complained about the kissing. The incident, I suppose when they were removed from the plane, was taped, so there's evidence what happened.

Anonymous said...

6:41, Freedom of expression, freedom of expression. Adam was tweetin' from a bar? Adam, it's ok to kiss in the bar and even outside the bar.

Anonymous said...

I don't want to pressure you, Adam, but you could kiss Sauli in public, too. Otherwise it seems like you are under the Adommy fans thumb. Are you?

Anonymous said...

OffTopic (sorry): Sauli's new blog translated (funny as always)

Love the last chapter, where he's talking about the Fleckingrecords poll for the most loved celebrity couple, which Adam & Sauli won by the way...He says "me and my boyfriend"... :)

Anonymous said...

Sauli cannot say Adam's name, because if he does, the haters call him a famewhore.

Anonymous said...

Name calling is bullying or harassment. It has nothing to do with freedom of speech.

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to say that it doesn't give a good impression that Adam is overlooking this hating INSIDE the fandom and feeding the cray. Makes his relationship look worthless.

Anonymous said...

@8:33AM. I don't think it makes it look worthless. Adam obviously considers reasoning with the haters or "cray" a waste of time. He's had to deal with all sorts of haters all his life, people are still tweeting him mean stuff about his sexuality etc. In my opinion he's just trying to live his life with his beautiful boyfriend and ignore the hate. Keeping the focus on positive things.

Anonymous said...

You go BabyBoy!!!!

Anonymous said...

Keeping the focus on positive things, while hurting someone, is disregardful.

Anonymous said...

By the way, it wasn't Cam with Leisha.

Anonymous said...

These news of Leisha and SW Airlines are spreading all over the world. In my little remote corner of the globe it has made it to many tabloids and other media. No mention of Adam in this context though.

Anonymous said...

They don't mention UhHuhHer either. In the papers it says L-Word star Leisha Haley and girlfriend were kicked out of SW flight.

Anonymous said...

Adam knows the real story. There's been wrong information in the news. UhHuhHerMusic (?) will release their official statement soon.

Anonymous said...

It says Leisha and her girlfriend but Cam is NOT her girlfriend. Was she kissing Cam or someone else> I'm so confused.

Anonymous said...

Since none of us were there, it's kind of hard to judge what really happened. Were they simply exchanging a kiss or were they tonguing and groping each other. All I know is I wouldn't want to be in the third seat next to a couple, gay or straight, who were going at it like there was no tomorrow. On the other hand, a simple kiss and show of affection is an entirely different story. I suspect there has been information left out in this account on both sides of the incident. We'll have to see how it all plays out.

Anonymous said...

7:29 thanks for the blog link. I was also wondering how that Flecking poll turned out too, thanks for the info. It's so cute Sauli mentioned it.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad they like Sauli in the UK. :)

Anonymous said...

The Adommy crays are really funny. They believe that this kiss in the airplane really happened. They believe it though they have no picture of it.

Many people have seen Adam and Sauli kissing publicly in many occasions (Helsinki, Paris, LA, New York). But the crays don't believe it, because they don't have any pics... :D

In fact there is a picture of Adam and Sauli kissing in Helsinki, but the crays say the pic is of Adam and Tommy. If so were the case, Tommy were wearing Saulis' clothes.

scroll down..

Anonymous said...

don't forget the peace pendant or other PennyRoyal products if you were thinking of getting any, gurlies. goal almost there.

Anonymous said...

The videos of the UK promo tour gigs from Heaven are my happy place now. Adam had the dancers, but no Adommy action there and Adam is interacting more with the audience. Tommy doesn't look too happy though. I remember some of the fans didn't like the dancers at first and demanded Adam should leave them out of the tour. How stupid.

Anonymous said...

That kind of incidents make us see that EQUALITY, and ACCEPTANCE are still unconquered, but we will get there soon.

Anonymous said...

you guys are all sick, get a life, adam would want you to.

Anonymous said...

Honestly I need to listen to both parties what and how it went otherwise I can not judge.

Anonymous said...

Yes, equality is when you have the same rights and the same obligations.

Anonymous said...

Agree with earlier post - I've flown SWA many, many times and have never had a problem in the least. I also suspect there's more to this story than we're getting - my gut feeling is that "the kiss" was more than a peck on the cheek. The girls were removed from the flight not because of the kiss, but because of their reaction when asked to stop whatever behavior other passengers, who have also have rights, complained about.

Anonymous said...

if you wanna makeout, get a room. people don't wanna watch that kind of behavior.

Anonymous said...

Press release from Cam about the incident

Anonymous said...

For me I want to hear more about Adam's music. Too many articles about others than MUSIC.

Also I hope Adam Lambert Fan Club Site would function as before. Please sort the site/fan club more attractive for members.

Anonymous said...

Adam is sometimes TOO protective to his friends. Is it really good thing, I don't know. Adam should hear also from SWA!!!

Anonymous said...

Well, it was Cam and Leisha after all. That explains why Adam got so involved. I assume the "modest kiss" is comparable to the Adommy kiss..

Anonymous said...

And Cam tweeted to Tommy: "<3 You Kitty". I guess we don't need anymore proof about Adam and Tommy.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Camila Grey and Leisha Hailey statement

We have always promoted tolerance, openness and equality both as a band and as individuals. We both come from loving homes where our parents not only love and accept us, but are also proud of who we are. We believe everyone has the right to live openly in this society as equals. In no way were our actions on Southwest Airlines excessive, inappropriate or vulgar. We want to make it clear we were not making out or creating any kind of spectacle of ourselves, it was one, modest kiss. We are responsible adult women who walk through the world with dignity. We were simply being affectionate like any normal couple. We were on the airplane less than 5 minutes when all was said and done. We take full responsibility for getting verbally upset with the flight attendant after being told it was a “family airline.” We were never told the reason the flight attendant approached us, we were only scolded that we “needed to be aware that Southwest Airlines was a family oriented airline.” No matter how quietly homophobia is whispered, it doesn’t make it any less loud. You can’t whisper hate. We ask this airline to teach their employees to not discriminate against any couple, ever, regardless of their own beliefs. We want to live in a society where if your loved one leans over to give you an innocent kiss on an airplane it’s not labeled as “excessive or not family oriented” by a corporation and its employees. We find it very disturbing that the same airline who lauds itself as being LGBT friendly has twisted an upsetting incident that happened into our behavior being “too excessive.” The above is not an apology and we are in the process of filing a formal complaint with the airline. We hope that when all is said and done a greater tolerance without prejudice will evolve.

Anonymous said...

Their album must be selling like hot cakes.

Anonymous said...


Southwest Airlines Sparks Outcry After Kicking 'L Word' Actress Off Flight for Kissing Girlfriend
The Hollywood Reporter – 22 hours ago.. .

... .

The news that The L Word actress Leisha Hailey had been kicked off a Southwest Airlines flight -- for what she claimed was a result of her kissing her girlfriend -- sparked an outcry on the Internet Monday.

In a series of tweets, Hailey wrote that she and fashion designer Nina Garduno, who have been together since 2006, "were escorted off the plane for getting upset about the issue."

PHOTOS: 12 Hollywood Airline Controversies

"I have been discriminated against by @SouthwestAir," she tweeted. "Flt. attendant said that it was a 'family' airline and kissing was not ok."

Meanwhile, a SWA rep did reach out to Hailey via Twitter.

"I'm so sorry!" read a tweet from SWA's account. "Can you please follow/DM [direct message] me more details so we can get to the bottom of this? Thanks!"

Kevin Smith, who was kicked off a SWA flight in February 2010, which he claimed was because he was too large to fit in a single seat, retweeted a message that read: "Via @brett0929 'you see @leisha_hailey's trouble w/ @SouthwestAir? booted for kissing her girlfriend.' Sounds like a case of Too Fab to Fly."

Green Day frontman Billie Joe Armstrong, who earlier this month tweeted that he was escorted off a SWA aircraft for wearing sagging pants, has yet to weigh in on the incident.

STORY: 'L Word' Actress Leisha Hailey Tweets She Was Kicked Off Southwest Airlines Flight After Kissing Girlfriend

But the news did spark an outcry online, where many criticized the airline. Several in Hollywood, THR readers and other followers of the news were divided in their reactions to the incident, which sparks passionate responses on Twitter, Facebook and the comments section of

Among them:

One Tree Hill actress Sophia Bush (via Twitter)
Dear @SouthwestAir you seriously told @Leisha_Hailey that she could not kiss her GF on the plane & escorted them off? I see straight couples kissing on planes all the time. Is discrimination a standard part of your policy? How sad, ignorant, and disgusting. #LostCustomer #NOH8

Anonymous said...

So, Leisha was with her girlfriend Nina NOT CAM

Anonymous said...

Actually one of their song " Black and Blue" from EP is very good if you like electronic music. Cam has a very good sexy voice, very soothing. I bought it on itune last week when Adam tweeted about the girls music.

Anonymous said...

No, Cam and Leisha are the real couple. Not very nice for the third part who's name was all over the place. I think she'd deserve an apology. Not expecting that to happen though knowing what kind of people we are dealing with here..

Anonymous said...

The publicist for a lesbian actress and musician who says she was escorted off a flight for "one modest kiss" of her partner says the encounter was not a stunt for her band's upcoming breast cancer awareness tour.

Leisha Hailey, best known for playing Alice Pieszecki in the now defunct Showtime lesbian life drama "The L Word," asked her Twitter followers to boycott Southwest Airlines after the encounter Monday.

The airline responded that Hailey's display of affection was excessive and drew customer complaints.

The actress and her partner, Camila Grey, denied in a statement released Tuesday that the affection they showed toward each other was inappropriate.

"We want to make it clear we were not making out or creating any kind of spectacle of ourselves, it was one modest kiss," the written statement said. "We are responsible adult women who walk through the world with dignity. We were simply being affectionate like any normal couple."

Hailey and Grey acknowledge they became upset after the flight attendant reprimanded them. They said the attendant told them that Southwest is a "family airline."

Anonymous said...

This article said it was Cam . . .WTF . . no wonder no one believes what is written in newspapers.......

Anonymous said...

If I see a couple in love, be it gay or straight, give each other an affectionate kiss or two on the lips, I always get this warm, fuzzy feeling inside of me. When I see or hear people hating on others because of their sexual orientation, my heart weeps.

Reading through this thread made me feel deeply disappointed. So much ignorance and hatred around still. I'm 25 years old. I wonder if I will ever see the day when I can travel the world with my partner and walk the streets holding hands with her without having to be afraid.


Anonymous said...

@10:21 am - Get real, there is no picture of Adam and Sauli kissing!! Don't show me that blurry blobs photo or the one where Adam's holding Sauli's face & Sauli's laughing like it's a big joke. Hint -IT IS and the joke's on you guys.

If there was even one pic of Adam's lips on Sauli's lips you SAULI CRAYS would be tweeting it 500 times a day!!

Anonymous said...

I have been on flights with people creating a disturbance with excessive kissing and groping.
Since we were halfway across the Atlantic there was no way to put the couple off the plane and repeated requests were ignored. We were all happy when the co pilot came and got one of the exibitionists and put them in another seat far away. No overtly sexual act in public is okay.

Anonymous said...

A kissing pic of A & S is so rare that it's gonna be worth a lot of money.

Anonymous said...

Where is Uretha Franklin when you need her????!!!!

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

People have tweeted about Adam and Sauli kissing tho. I remember that one went something like "just saw Adam Lambert, in a bar, in the hallway, under a moose, snogging a Finn" I remember that bar was decorated that way in the pictures we did get.
They are bf's and they live together and they are in love. Who could believe they actually don't kiss? I think the fact that they keep this private shows there is more depth to the relationship.

Anonymous said...

@ E At 2:46 PM

I don't think the majority of comments on this thread show hatred of same sex couples, the comments disapprove of public displays...any couples who think an airplane is a place for making out would be improper. I spent 7 miserable hours listening to newlyweds consummating their marriage under blankets on the way to Hawaii.

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