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Adam lambert in the Metro paper for celebs who need to go up a pants size or two!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, October 14, 2011

Posted at : Friday, October 14, 2011

Source: @Phoenixlives_


Anonymous said...

What? We like that he wears tight pants -- don't we??

Anonymous said...

Accentuate the positive is my motto. lol

Anonymous said...

there is a misprint in that article I am sure!! It should read celebs that need to go down a pants size or three.heee he he

glitzylady said...

Here's another fun little bit of Adam trivia: He has a yarn color named after him! I saw this on twitter and thought I'd pass it along. Who knew! Here's the description of the yarn from "Decadent Fibers" and their "Decadent Colorways Yarn Collection":

Adam Lambert
"What Do You Want From Me?"
An excitingly bizarre, pleasantly likeable charcoal, black and grasshopper [lime-ish green]

Here's the link: And I have to say/ I LOVE the word "Decadent".....

Synonyms for decadent:indulgent, luxurious, sybaritic, sensual, sensuous, voluptuous, extravagant, splurging, uncontrolled, wanton

Anonymous said...

NO, NO NO! Keep the pants, Adam! We appreciate a great GB when we see one. I have always thought of Adam as "DELICIOUSLY DECADENT."

Anonymous said...

who is the first guy?

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady, I laughed so hard to the name of the yarn color WWFM. Interesting that Adam Lambert was the only artist name there. I like the color.

Anonymous said...

He said on twitter that his tight pants are around, so we don't need to worry. Keeps the pants Adam!! besides, I always liked basket_ball...

Anonymous said...

yes we love him in tight pants, show off the goods if you've got them and he sure does have them.

Anonymous said...

Baby, if you've got it, flaunt it, and you've go it. Lovin the painted on

Anonymous said...

What does it mean? I didn't get it?

Anonymous said...

A day without Adam in tight pants is like a day without music. Show us what you're working with, Adam.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Metro

You just don't seem to recognize
splendiferousness when you see it.

I consider his pants a perfect example of "truth in advertising".


Anonymous said...

I still remember the 1st time I saw "If I had you" video when suddenly, ...BAG!! adam with that white tight pants....and then I thought, ooohh "If I had THIS"...

Anonymous said... A guitar signed by adam and band is being auctioned off, if anyone is interested.

Anonymous said...

IIHY one wears white pants like Adam . . . OH BABY!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks glitzlady, for the yarn info. I've passed it along to the knitters in the family. Who knew?

I love the colors, too.

Anonymous said...

What they say about publicity, it's all good! Think those pants fit him just fine.

Anonymous said...

OMG!!!! don't listen to the article Adam???? Keep the pants my gosh!!!!

The whole package indeed!!!! :)))))


Anonymous said...

My two cents is that, the writer just couldn't resist, got too tempted and excited over the GB when its around!Haha .. save the children and wear bigger pants!

Anonymous said...

Why did they not choose overweight people? People who are not overweight can wear their pants as tightly as they want! :)

Anonymous said...

that's too much, a yarn name WWFM. I want a scarf and matching mittens made from it. I live in Ohio so I better get busy, it's cold already.

HK fan said...

I saw that wool pahe too, funny..thought the colours should be peacock blue rather than grasshopper though...and apparently its $30 a ball, so would be quite an expensive scarf.

HK fan said...

oops, have no idea what I was trying to say with pahe?

Anonymous said...

anonymous 5:56

funbunn40 said...

Like Adam, the yarn must be top of the line. Have to refresh knitting ability. Gave it up to become an Adam Groupie. Much more stimulating! No one fills a paair of pants like Adam!"If you have it, flaunt it!" "More is more," as Adam would say and he definitely has the "more" part covered, but just enough!