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Adam Lambert & Nile Rodgers In The Avatar Studios

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, October 21, 2011

Posted at : Friday, October 21, 2011


Anonymous said...

I'm getting more and more curious as to what Adam's new album will sound like. Sounds like it will definitely be "funky", based on the recent artists he's been collaborating with. Gonna be interesting, for sure!

Anonymous said...

Seems like Adam's co-writers and producers are really diverse for this album. Everybody wants to work with him, and when they do, they really respect him. This album is gonna blow us away! All good!

Anonymous said...

I don't think anyone in the whole world have more pic per day than Adam.Which I love, but if I were him I would be afraid to take a never know...Lol!!


Anonymous said...

it's no wonder adam will colaborate with nile. he is a great guitar man played with bowie, madonna, and all the idols adam loves. nile is a master and has been around for many years. way to go adam. this album is going to be the bomb!!!

Anonymous said...

it's no wonder adam will colaborate with nile. he is a great guitar man played with bowie, madonna, and all the idols adam loves. nile is a master and has been around for many years. way to go adam. this album is going to be the bomb!!!

Mwah!! K said...

This is wonderful! Glad to see Adam in the studio with Nile Rodgers ! Didn't know much about him until I looked at his creds! David Bowie amongst some he's worked with. I'm very happy for Adam , so proud that he has come a long way, when I think about Adam at the Upright Club, I cry when I watch those performances. A man with such a powerful voice, he deserves so much more & to have so many big name people surrounding him, Adam needs this & he deserves it! I hope someday David Bowie will be made aware of the great & powerful & amazing voice of Adam Lambert! Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

David Bowie and Adam Lambert are my two favourite artists ever so this collaboration for me is rad man!! Nile should take Adam to visit Bowie whilst he is in NY. LOL.


Anonymous said...

All the hard work, all his clarity about his goals and dreams have brought him to this fantastic place in his Life!!

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

USA and Europe have different tastes in music. People are not hyping about Bowie in Europe, but we still like disco music. Duran Duran is the same thing. Pet Shop Boys is more liked here.

Anonymous said...

Getting more and more excited. niles has worked with the best and that includes our Adam now!!! Love that he may be doing some funk. Whatever is on his album I know it will be epic. Everyone that works with Adam is blown away by his talent! Adam your time has come!!!!Is it time for the single soon, please?

The Dark Side said...

So rumors are true, Adam making music with Nile Rodgers. This is very cool. This album has all the mystery of a good novel and is being teased bit by bit to us starving fans. I can take all the funk Adam wants to give out. Fun, fun, fun!!!

Adamluv said...

Love the fact that we're being introduced to all the fabulous artists "behind the scenes" that we normally never get to meet. @Bing - where are you? You havent made a comment in ages but if you're lurking out there in TVland, a hugh Happy Birthday to you tomorrow, the 22nd!... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Thank you President Obama, we'll have troops in Iraq home by end of year. Futile mistake of a war which killed over 4,400 and wounded over 100,000 based on faulty information and stubborn notion of empire building. Unfortunately the bits and pieces of my young cousin who was blown up 5 years ago will remain.

Anonymous said...

very interesting...please keep voting for the hottiest of the hotties & on Q102 & for the AIOTM here.

Anonymous said...

the Legendary Nile Rodgers. the mastermind behind alot of hits. guitarist of Chic, producer of Duran Duran, Madonna, David Bowie and list goes on and on!

Anonymous said...

What record/songs did he produce to Duran Duran?

Anonymous said...

Please remove the idiotic comment of ANON 1:43 p.m. SG

Anonymous said...

Nile there's a guitarist for you. Monte, are you listening?

daydreamin said...

Anon 2:48 I am so sorry!

Happy Birthday @Bing!!!

Anonymous said...

Wild Boys for Duran Duran. Nile Rodgers also produced Like a Virgin for Madonna.

Anonymous said...

Nile produced Wild Boys for Duran Duran.

Anonymous said...

I suprise if Adam has any chance to work as far as he has to make pictures few times per day in his studio.
About album. Did Adam said that FYE was some sort of "camping" album? Did he talked about it because to many artists (not just artist but biggest stars of industry) were invited to produce his first album? However, suddenly I relised that this is gonna be another "camp" album, except Adam's name would be mention much more as a creator of the songs. But this time the biggest stars are not invited(or they didn't want to be invited)to create this new "dying to buy" album.
Call me sarcastic, but I hope that all of this myths and legend about 12/20/2012 is a big lie. Cause I want to buy Adam's new album on next Christmas. I don't think anybody care about time. Remember,"time isn't important, life is important" So, I hope nobody will die on December 2012 and we can celebrate Christmas listening Adam's new album(I hope we will)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just my personal opinion, please, don't kill me for this comment:)

Anonymous said...

What a great birthday present our troops coming home. My peace necklace is coming tomarrow and all my family,friends,co-workers helped me celebrate too. So blessed! Now I am ready for Adam's music to come as my next gift that keeps giving. His picture on the Advocate is fierce. He just takes my breath away with his gorgeousness!(new word Adam has that effect on me) Did I mention Adam is hot!

Anonymous said...

@ SAD :(

I promise not to die on December
20, 2012. That would spoil the family Christmas and I wouldn't get my presents!....I always like my presents since I buy them myself, wrap them and the person giving me the present gets to unwrap it and be surprised! My own system and very successful!!!
........Cheer up! Don't be gloomy, we have a great year coming up....
lots of music, lots of Adam!...JAK

Anonymous said...

@JAK 8:54PM Always like to read your comments! Okay, most of them. You have an amazing scenice of humor, young lady!
You know, I can be very sarcastic and pessimistic sometimes. And when you said that you don't want to spoil your family on next Christmas i thought that I want to spoil them. Cause they need few dollars to pay for student's loans, house, and medical:) I think that my absence on the next Christmas would help them little bit. Hope they will never read this blog comments
Still hope that Joan is going through her annual laser cosmetic rehab surgery. And as far as I know Perez just counts the days till Adam's album release, he will not be such a pig, or rat , or snake, or...whatever he is and never will make a comment about Adam's bizzare outfit

Anonymous said...

5.16 Where's you sense of humor?? You lost it??

Anonymous said...

@JAK 8:54 The Mayan calendar ends on December 21, 2012, so don't worry about the 20th.

Anonymous said...

You foolish people who are happy our troops are coming home from Iraq before the end of the year should be mad as hell at Mr. Obama for announcing that fact to our enemies who will now go back into Iraq and try once again to take it over. What did ove 4000 soldiers die for when that happens? Nothing! Shame on you!

Anonymous said...

Did you know that Obama has recently sent troops into Uganda to try to quell the civil war that has been going on there for over 20 years? If you didn't know that either pull your head out or spend less time on the computer and more time educating yourself on this president who thinks he is a god!

Anonymous said...

@1:49 & 1:54, I agree with everything you said but I don't want to start anything here.

People just need to listen and read everything they can.

Anonymous said...

@ 1:49 & 1:54 & 3:52

Yes people should be informed.
Fact # 1--Pres. Bush signed an agreement with the Republic of Iraq in Nov. of 2008 that all U/S forces would be withdrawn from Iraq by Dec.31st of 2011. Look up 2008 Status of Forces Agreement! So I guess he told the enemy when we were leaving!

Yes, what did 4400 troops die for?

The Sunnis and Shiites will NEVER EVER kiss and make up. Should we stay another 10 years and wipe out another decade of our troops?

Fact #2--Congress, CONGRESS! overwhelmingly (both houses) passed a bill in May of 2010 to provide political, economic, military and intelligence
support to protect Uganda citizens from the kidnapping, murder and rape atrocities of the LRA. Look it up!

I'm all for people being well informed. You should try it. First step is not getting your news from Fox Network.

Anonymous said...

Oooooooooh hair pulling. I love it.
Agree about Fox News.

Anonymous said...

@ 1:45 PM

I got the 12/20/2012 info from SAD, I personally use the Aztec calendar!....JAK :)

Anonymous said...

@JAK The AZTEC calendar ended over two hundred years ago. I guess you died then???? 2/47 is allowing a zombie to post here.OMG

Anonymous said...

I said I was old!!!!!!! ^o^ JAK