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ClevverMusic: Adam Lambert New Song Lyrics

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Monday, October 3, 2011

Posted at : Monday, October 03, 2011


Anonymous said...

Yea just the tip of the the whole iceberg is coming our way! Take cover! Lol. I have absolutely no qualms about Adam's new album. He can sing the phone-book, the road-directory or even the scriptures. I will listen eagerly. :)

Anonymous said...

Watch Adam Lambert's WWFM covered by Dalileh on Sing-Off tonight:

Anonymous said...

thanks Clevver Music for the nice segment on Adam's new music. good exposure for our guy!!interesting lyrics, can't wait til they are hooked up to music.

Adamluv said...

Also agree about the nice segment and good exposure for our boy! ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I don't like the iceberg part. I have referred Adommy to an iceberg that has done damage.

Anonymous said...

Adam knows what he's doing, and no matter what the lyrics once their put to music they will turn into big hits for him I'm sure. So excited for him. I also heard that the music industry is referring to Adam's next album as the return of the 'King'. So go Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

An Adommy parody would be nice though..

Anonymous said...

Obviously the media doesn't know how seriously Adommy is taken in this fandom, because if they knew, they would have joked about it already.

Anonymous said...

I think most genuine fans understand that there will be no more Adommy and respect the fact that Adam now has Sauli who he loves and respects. There was no Adommy at the Quebec concert recently, yet it was an amazing concert with Adam at his best, a true entertainer with a brilliant voice. Adommy was growing old and tacky, and I see Adam wanting to go in a new direction this time round, and I'm sure that true fans will continue to love and appreciate him, Adam will still continue to be amazing no matter what he chooses to do.

Anonymous said...

I guess most of the fans never liked Adommy that much, but remained silent. Adam was either unaware of it or he ignored it. I bet the latter. I'm not surprised if we shall still see Adommy action a few times, because that's how Adam plays..

Anonymous said...

@10:19 I don't think we'll see any Adommy action anymore. Guess he tries to get rid of it totally cause it has led to so much hate on Sauli. He couldn't foresee how delusional some people could be.

Anonymous said...

I think the Adommy crays hate Finns. Maybe they have been raised to be narrow minded about other cultures. It would be nice to see their reaction if Adam dated a German, Swede or a Dane.

Anonymous said...

@ 12:25 speaking about being cray cray!

Anonymous said...

It's naive to think that Adam and Tommy would be a couple. They don't match.

Anonymous said...

I think the very first Fever kiss with Tommy on the first night of GNT tour was a thumbing his nose at the people who got so upset with the AMA kiss. Adam's "FU, this is my show I'll do what I want, if you don't like it just don't buy a ticket"! If it hadn't gotten such a tremendous reaction from the crowd, it would have been dropped. It would have saved a lot of trouble in the long run.

Anonymous said...

I personally doubt that the Adommy crays ever heard of Finland until Sauli entered their imaginary Adam + Tommy bubble! They are still
suffering from delusions, but at least they've learned some Geography!

Anonymous said...

12:50, I think that way too. It has hurt Adam's credibility as an artist a bit, because Adommy was tacky, as 10:04 said. Don't know if it has hurt Adam's private life. He might even use Tommy to get rid of his boyfriends, haha. He did split up with Drake the time Tommy was hired.

Anonymous said...

@12:57 Wow you really think Adam is shallow, don't you. Your last three sentences are very telling....about you.

Anonymous said...

All and all, Brad probably was the best choice for Adam. If Adam has sort of polygamous nature, I'm sure Brad wouldn't mind.

Anonymous said...

12:50 - I agree with your comment

Anonymous said...

I think it was Brad who cheated on Adam, not Adam who had the polygamous nature.

Anonymous said...

1:04, can you please rule out Adam is not shallow then?

Anonymous said...

Adam is 100% True Blue - he would NEVER cheat on someone he loves !!!!

Anonymous said...

@12:25 Finns and Swedes have same cultures. Swedish is the other official language in Finland. Sweden and Finland was one country earlier.

Anonymous said...

3:31, I know. I live in a bilingual town in Finland. :)

Anonymous said...

3:31, The weirdest is when you meet finnish guys in a night club and they can't speak finnish at all, only swedish. That too has happened to me.

Anonymous said...

Peeps, why not focus on Adam's music and let him live his life privately. This whole discussion is out of bounds and cringe worthy.