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First Single Update!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Anonymous said...

Come on Adam!! I'm sure he knows which song is the first single, but he likes to "play" with us, so we don't ask for the tittle.O.K we can wait...I think....

Anonymous said...

OMG! This is actually going to happen. Thought I dreamed it. In a few weeks, November will be here and so will this single. I'm ready to explode just imagining Adam singing something NEW and INCREDIBLE.

Anonymous said...

yes get finishing it up Adam.It'almost ish time, ya know.

Anonymous said...

This makes me want to scream I am soooo happy!! The first single of many I hope off this new album. Need some new Adam music, so excited to hear it. Maybe by next week Adam will tell us the name of the song and some promo will start. The radio in my car is not working too clearly, gonna take it in next week. Needs to be clear when Adam's song starts playing on the radio.

Anonymous said...

I love a catchy beat, I hope next to that beat Adam's soaring beautiful voice can shine. I do not need a male version of Blow by Ke$ha, that song has a crazy beat too

Anonymous said...

Cam and TJ are acting like they're the godmother and godfather of the new single/album. I don't know why I'm not comfortable with that.

Anonymous said...

Yeah! I am going nut too!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Makes me feel that C and T are blackmailing A.

Anonymous said...

SO EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ROCK ON ADAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Heh, it pays off to be desperate in this fandom. You'll get a tweet from Adam and from Tommy if you're really desperate.

LP said...

Finishing touches, prolly means working with his band. wonder how long it takes to actually make the CD, after Adam lets it out of his hand. Haven't seen anything about early orders.

Anonymous said...

ohhhhhh yeahhhhhh

Anonymous said...

I had so much fun with Adam's FYE album and expect to this time also.My favorite is the Glam Box, I noticed they were all sold out on Amazon. Oh yeah I also love the live GNT cd/dvd. Oh wait a minute I also love the special edition FYE.Hang on a sec I also love the FYE remixes and the Acoutic Live!Ep OK I'm leaving now.

Anonymous said...

looking forward to the mv that goes with the single, Adam loves making those videos.

Anonymous said...

I almost have the feeling I might not like this as much as FYE, but it doesn't matter, because I don't usually buy every album an artist releases, even if I was a big fan.

Anonymous said...

Adam has an incredible voice and I really miss his singing!!!!!!

Few more weeks??????????? Fine with me as long as I hear his voice again indeed......

Bring and Rock it Adam!!!!!!

We miss u so much......


Anonymous said...

I can't wait for the single. It's like a drought without hearing some more Adam tunes. Although the first album will never get old for me!!!

Leigh said...

ARRGGHH! I'm reduced to incoherent happiness right now.

Anonymous said...

Adam...he is making us NUTS waiting for the release of the first single. Each time I read even one sentence about, the anticipation grows and the anxiety increases. This single has to be something that will knock people off their feet, that everyone will want to hear, and that will be the incredible hit that is radio friendly. I know it won't disappoint, but the wait is becoming unbearable. Give us something, some clue before we all explode into the galaxy!

Anonymous said...

We are getting nuts because we really love and care about him!!!:)

Yay!! It's like I'm having a baby!!!

Push!!! Push!!! a bit more and it's coming!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Thank you, Adam, for keeping us in the loop all the time! You are so thoughtful to let the fans know what's happening 'cause you know we're going crazy with anticipation! We want it to be perfect just the way you do so we'll just keep waiting ........patiently.


Chrysalis said...

I am so excited for the new album! I can't wait for the tv appearances, I hope he has a lot. Also, I hope there are plenty of "bonus" songs either to download or on special/international editions of the album. A couple of my fave songs from FYE were on one of the internation editions.
It will be so crazy exciting to learn of the title, cover artwork, first sing,etc. So much goodness to look forward to!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it about time for us to hear a few snippets from some of his new songs?


Anonymous said...

All I can say is Please Hurry up otherwise we will all be forced to beg for mercy!!!!! Not!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

So I was going thru my Adam library and thought we ladies in waiting would enjoy this from the past:

Anonymous said...

Anon @5:42 C'mon! At lease warn us we're going to need a cold shower or a hot man when you post something like this. :)))

Anonymous said...

love when he tweets about his album in the making and his single' he is keeping us in the loop. adam baby i love you. keep on making beautiful music forever

Anonymous said...

5.42 THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!!! I just woke up 'cause I could sleep so I decided to check this side for a while...and WOW!! now I can't or....don't want to...take thouse images from my head...instead of sheeps....I always can count how many times he moves his sexy hips!!, no helping..instead of falling sleep I'm falling for Adam!! LOL!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@5:42- thanks for that, I forgot all about that amazing SEXY performance and I saw it live on AI tour. Brought back lots of memories of that night just waiting for adam to come on stage. The place went crazy for him!!!
