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Adam Lambert @ 2011 American Music Awards After Party in Los Angeles!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, November 21, 2011

Posted at : Monday, November 21, 2011

Adam has a rocking good time with friends @ the AMA after part, way cool!

Adam is looking fabulous as he rocks this super cool after party, Sweet!


Anonymous said...

Adam in a hat? It does look chilly there. Sauli put out that ciggy butt!!

Rita said...

Very cool video, love Sauli's dance. Danielle looks pretty hot and Adam, well he is perfect as always. Hey Sauli, I'll gladly smoke one with ya, after all it is your personal life and choice. :)

Anonymous said...

@ Rita

Well said!

Anonymous said...

I hope Sauli will quit smoking.It's bad for BB..I just got to that video where he was after the AMA'S.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Rita too. It's Sauli's personal life and choice. He's an adult, after all. Compromise is part of making a relationship work and I'm guessing that is the case with Adam and Sauli.

Anonymous said...

you always see Miss Danielle around. she stands by the Lamb.:) they must went out for drinks

Anonymous said...

Laws in regard to smoking is really tough here in L.A. Sauli threw his cigar. butt on the side of the building. There is a huge fine by the city and since it's a private property he can get sued for throwing his cigar. butt on the ground. I know in Europe everyone smokes in public but here in L.A. there are so many restrictions about cigar. smoking.

Anonymous said...

I want my pic taken with Adam..:( pouting.

Damn he looks HOT . . .

Man in black.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Sauli is trying to stop smoking cigs or else he got a cigar in the "goodie bag"

Anonymous said...

Smoking is NEVER ok. It may be a personal choice, but it is never a good one. It's a disgusting, filthy habit. You obviously have never watched anyone die of lung cancer you idiot. And Miss Rita, if you do smoke, your signifigant other must like licking ashtrays.

Anonymous said...

And don't get upset over the responses. When you make a comment like that, expect a few heated replies.

Rita said...

Miss Anonymous @ 11:26, yes I do smoke and that is NONE of your business or anyone elses, nor is Sauli smoking anyone's business. Last I heard, smoking is legal and Lord knows, ALL smokers know the dangers of smoking. I do NOT appreciate the personal attack on me but my only response to you is that your significant other must enjoying licking asses, because I'm pretty sure you must be a BULLY to him/her and dictate their every move. Lick my Ashtray!!

Anonymous said...

You're right, I shouldn't have attacked you personally. With your smoking habit, you're abusing yourself enough as it is.
And while it may be your personal choice, it was not the personal choice of the people in your life that care about you and will have to watch your health fail if you continue to smoke.

Anonymous said...

Beside personal choice, you can put out your cigs. butt on one of those sand ashtray outside of the building not throwing it lit on private property ground. Here in L.A. we have high gusted winds and little cigs. ash can start a huge fire. I won't say anything about Danielle and Sauli puffing their cigs. smoke right on Adam's face. Tons of medical articles is written about harms of 2nd hand smoking. You can read them on internet.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a white cigarette to me.

Anonymous said...

In the videos Adam was playing with his phone and totally ignoring Sauli even when he was dancing. Then he yanks his arm to go. Oh yeah so romantic these two lol.

Anonymous said...

Smokers do know nowadays the dangers of smoking. But it really isn't anybody else's business as Rita says. It is a bad habit, but it is sometimes difficult to quit. And it is legal for now. I have read that Adam has smoked during his tour some joint (I've seen some vids where he smokes something); that's illegal at least here in Europe. Why is it bad for BB? Sauli does not blow smoke to BB's mouth. And I don't believe he smokes in the house; we have used in Europe to go out to smoke and nowadays you may not smoke in restaurants on any public places. Somebody commented elsewhere that Adam lived half a year in a bus where most of the dancers smoked. And his brother Neil smokes, so does his good girlfriend Danielle and also his ex-boyfriend Drake smoked. So, there are lot of smokers around him. Not only Sauli.

My old mother says (she does not smoke or drink)that drinking alcohol is much more dangerous than smoking b/c when you smoke, you damage just yourself, but alchol brings so much disaster and sorrow to the world when people loose their control, commit crimes etc. Smoking does not change your personality. My mother was not afraid of my dad when my dad smoked cigarettes (out) but when he was drunk we all were a bit afraid b/c he was like another person then.

Anonymous said...

well this is a tough one for me because I have smoked for 30+ years. hate it, I know what's it's doing to me. I've tried to quit at least 10 times. To me it is the hardest and worst addiction ever!!! I really don't believe in this 2nd hand Bu__T that it kills you. As it is smokers are treated like 2nd class citizens. We all know the dangers as well as adam. peace and chill out!

Anonymous said...

Well looks like Adam has the best of both worlds, drinking and smoking.
He drinks and others drink and smoke. So what, its his business.
He also admits to having a jealous streak, when it was time for him to go, its time to go, period.
Forget Sauli dancing around.

12:22 how do you know Sauli doesnt smoke in the house?
Everybody knows everything it seems about Adams life and well ya dont !

Anonymous said...

Don't get me started talking about cancer - so I won't. However, Adam is a SINGER - please Adam don't smoke! Please protect yourself at all costs! You are loved by SO MANY
Can't help myself,

Anonymous said...

12:30 PM I can ask him if you want. It just isn't a habit in Finland. You always go out or to balcony. I try to ask him.

12:20 PM Yeah, BB is behaving rudely. Maybe he loves his IPhone more than his partner and friends. He ignores Danielle as well.

On the other hand he has sent Sauli chocolate and champaign on their anniversary when he was in Belfast and promised to arrange something special when he comes home. He has a romantic size too. And we don't know what happens in their bedroom.

Or, do you start again the discussion that there is no love between them? Then I'd say that Adam is a really really big lier b/c he claims that he is "in a great relationship" and "in love" and "really, really happy". Or was yesterday night the turning point in their relatioship (Adam stopped loving Sauli for some reason)? Only future will tell.

Anonymous said...

12;47 you are so sweet. You can ask Sauli? You're a friend of his? Oh my god, let me make you a list, just kidding. But thanks for explaining the custom in Finland about smoking on balcony. that is very respectful in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

I wonder who Adam is always texting when he's with other people? Who can be so important? Maybe it's telling the car they are almost ready..

Anonymous said...

Sauli may just go for that girl in the shorts, he's flirting.

Anonymous said...

He's always texting, you guys think thats rude?

Anonymous said...

Adam is prob. Texting something work related to celebs award shows are work not fun. Or he is texting the car no one know unless you were there and hanging out with Adam.

Anonymous said...

Everybody knows that smoking is dangerous but for heaven´s sake, where do these mother hens come from?? I cannot imagine that anyone in Europe would make this such an issue.

If you live in a big city like LA, smog and air pollution can harm your health, all you have to do is breathe. Being overweight is serious health problem. Life is a serious health problem. Enjoy it while it lasts.

And no, I do not smoke.

Anonymous said...

Sauli looks a bit drunk and Adam looks a bit bossy as they leave. I'm sure they didn't realize they were being video taped. Can't make a judgement based on a 10 sec pic of their life tho ..

Anonymous said...

Texting with others around you is pretty commonplace among today's media savvy generation. Maybe he was tweeting something or sending a message to someone. Personally I think it is rude when you are with others and they are so busy on their cells. But in a celeb's case it may be business related and making contacts/networking. I also noticed Sauli and one of the girls with a cigarette or cigar and thought smoking was banned in restaurants, clubs, etc. but I could be wrong. Sauli seemed to be having a good time dancing around. I would love to see a vid of Adam and Sauli dancing in some club. How great would that be?? Adam certainly had a good night with the warm reception he received as he came on stage to present One Republic. All in all it looked like a very positive reception for Adam with Sauli and his friends.

Anonymous said...

who was the guy sticking his lips on Sauli at the beginning of the second clip? hehe~ both are in danger...

Anonymous said...

Oh, good grief, Adam didn't pull at Sauli in any kind of rough way. They just had to get going. Sometimes these little things gt so overblown. I'm sure Sauli didn't think anything of it.

Anonymous said...

Adam was texting for his friend to join them. The one on the second video. I believe he is the same guy on his IIHY mv and other artists mv. I forgot his name.

Anonymous said...


He is Adam's friend Leo. All Adam's friends seem to love Sauli.

Anonymous said...

If you are concerned about Adam's health pls ask him to leave LA:

Anonymous said...

Adam's voice is his future success, I am sure he takes good care of it. During the tour he babied his voice so he wouldn't strain it singing night after night. He's a grown man not a teenager ( fair game to nag). I gave up nagging my children when they turned 20....they appreciated it and I quietly added an extra half hour to my prayers at night.

I don't say a word, just one "Grandma Look" and my grandson turns over his cell phone to me when he comes to visit. Our time together is too short and too seldom and too precious for distractions. Fortunately next to his Mom, I'm his second favorite girl! Occasionally we share him briefly with a cutie! MINNIE MOUSE that some of you have met, was his most recent!


Anonymous said...

For god sake for the whiners, you don't get any satisfaction indeed ha?????

Just enjoy what you see or scram!!!!!


Anonymous said...

From vampire at the entrance to Zorro at the exit!!!

Anonymous said...

For the ones too worry about the cigarette smoking, why don't you starting protesting on the streets asking the government to ban the cigarettes??? It will not be banned because by blaming the cigarettes they can increase the tax charges and make more money. They do not clean the polluted air that your breath everyday for the same principles. What are they going to do if they clean too much? they are going to blame who? what will be the reason then to increase taxes?? WAKE UP.

Anonymous said...

Love hat, love whole outfit, love our diamond boy.
However, I think that it was too much Sauli in this party and ADam didn't have chance to talk with anybody else. JUST MY PERSONAL OPINION

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:08 PM

You WAKE UP we need to increase taxes cause the country is broke, the middle class is dying, we are headed into a 2 class society, the rich and the poor. We are in debt to our earlobes and don't you dare blame it on Obama, blame it on George Bush and his tax cuts to the rich and his borrowing money to fight his damn useless wars which have killed and crippled a good part of this generation of young people. I'm willing to pay more taxes and I'm far from rich, barely clinging to lower middle class, sliding into poor more every day. WAKE UP OPEN YOUR EYES!

Anonymous said...

7:35 STFU!!!!

Anonymous said...

smokers, don't smoke w/ antismokers around. antismokers, get your butt somewhere else if you don't like it. you'll end up having everyone happy! :)
btw, what does BB stands for?

Anonymous said...

@6:08 & @7:35 we all need to wake up cause with increase or decrease taxes 1% rich will find ways to avoid their fair share of taxes. One party says let's decrease taxes so rich can create jobs. That was done for 8 years, rich got richer and people lost their jobs and economy got worse. Now with increase taxes nothing has changed still people are losing their jobs and their homes. We need immediate solution to economic problem of the world. People are upset that 1% population of the world is using 99% of world's resources and 99% is only getting 1%. People of the world are on their edge and sooner or later it will explode as we witness it's exploding in other parts of the world. Corporations are dictating governments to their own benefits. Governments are having layers of security forces to control their own people so they can exploit their own countries' natural resources. The world might face another world war if we don't solve this problem of greed.

Anonymous said...

Anyone want to hear something really stupid? Second hand smoke is worse for you than smoking.

I don't smoke, but I am logical. Does the smoker not breathe in the smoke he has just blown out?

Don't drink, do a doobie, eat sugar, drink caffein, talk on the phone while you drive, drive too fast, or walk in front of a bus.

And while you're not doing all that, clean up the PLANET by throwing your trash in a bin. What BS!!! Never mind that China has the worst smog in the world and the wind blows all around the earth, America is going to save everyone on the PLANET from climate change by you throwing your trash in a bin.!!!

What a SWAG!!! That's Scientific Wild Ass Guess for all of you in Rio Linda.

Anonymous said...

BB stands for Baby Boy

Anonymous said...

6:51 PM
Never too much Sauli! He is smoking (oops!) HOT! And how do we know with how many people Adam has discussed in the party? How many hours did they spend there? We have only a few minute's clips here when they are leaving the party. Just a really really tiny part of their life in that evening.

Anonymous said...

I was also surprised to see Sauli smoking, but it's actually quite common that Finns smoke after a few drinks, and only then. It's a cigarette or two during the night. Not good, but not the end of the world. I've never seen / heard Sauli smoking before, and he certainly does not have the voice or the skin of someone who smokes a lot. As someone else commented, it's rare that Finns smoke inside, even with the bad weather :-)

Anonymous said...

Geez! Just leave Sauli´s smoking to him. Adam takes weed which is illegal. So shut up folks!!

Mary said...

Ok, so here is a boyfriend who smokes and a friend from way back who also smokes. Seems to me that Adam loves smokers.

Anonymous said...

Danielle is the one going at Adam with the smoke and he don't seem to even notice.

Anonymous said...

I'm a Finn, I don't smoke, but I don't get all the witch hunt against smokers. I think it's good that people are not allowed to smoke indoors. Here in Finland it is not allowed to smoke in bars or night clubs anymore. No one smoke inside their houses anymore. Not even smokers want their apartment to smell bad, but for heavens sake let the people smoke outside. If you don't like it, you can always move away from the smokers. I'm sure more people die of illnesses caused by overweight.

Anonymous said...

It's romantic that Adam and Sauli occasionally are possessive about each other. It's amazing how much Adam's friends seem to like Sauli. The guy who kissed Sauli, in a friendly manner, is Adam's friend I think.

Anonymous said...

2:27 how in the world do you know who Adam was texting?