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Adam Lambert at Rolling Stone's AMA AfterParty

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, November 21, 2011

Posted at : Monday, November 21, 2011


Anonymous said...

Not liking Boy George hat.

Anonymous said...

I agree; not liking the hat either. Much too big and covers his great looking hair and face.

Anonymous said...

leave the hat on the bedpost.

Anonymous said...

Adam's looking like an extremely hot Quaker!(I mean that in the best possible way.)


Anonymous said...

Adam is such a hottie!

That hat is AMAZING! Love it!

Anonymous said...

I love hats!! Like that look!

Anonymous said...

Nobody can pull-off stylin' like Adam. He is HOT!!

SharonS said...

Adam Lambert's outfit looks gorgeous and so Chic. He should model clothes too. What a sexy man. Always the trend setter. I especially like the Boy George style hat. Adam has always like Boy George and thinks highly of him.

Anonymous said...

I don't love that hat much either.It has a very wide brim,but it actually looks like it's a little too small on him( the fit)He does have a large head,& I bet it could be hard to find the right size in some styles..I agree that I'd rather see his hair & face.His hair is growing out in the back,too(YAAA!Adam please let it all keep growing.I did like the haircut he had on AI,tho,cause it was long enough to change with every performance,& short enough to spike up(but I like it fine now,if he'll keep letting it grow.)IF you WANT to,vote some on AIOTM..only IF you WANT to-lol!!also on the flecking "of the yr".Awards..url is on another former post by Tess4Adam( hope that's spelled right)

Anonymous said...

Man of thousand faces....

I like the hat . . .different...

Looks like that "I spy" cartoon white spy (Sauli) and black spy (Adam)

Anonymous said...

Loved the 3rd pic of that woman (Heidi Klum? but don't think so) looking up at Adam's hat. What was she wondering? He look awesome??? :-)

Anonymous said...

Who can change up his styles like that and each time still looks so gorgeous! Love this hat, it makes him look so handsome!!!

Anonymous said...

Well he really knows how to suprise with his look :) This time he was like an amish preacher but it was not bad, not at all.

The Dark Side said...

If that hat doesn't get him on the Fashion Police radar, nothing will. However, Adam can pull it off if anyone can. He's making a statement and I love that he is an individual and works at being one.

Anonymous said...

The noise in the saloon stopped as soon as the stranger dressed all in black entered and walked to the bar. He propped a black tooled leather boot on the brass rail and in a soft voice ordered "whiskey barkeep". He leaned back and eyed the room. "Can anybody tell me where I can find the sheriff?"

A tall heavy man rose from the poker table and approached, "that would be me, stranger". "Do you have business here?" His eyes stared coldly into the face of the stranger. " I'm looking for a friend of mine, foreign guy, heard
you had a new deputy name of Saul, is that right?" "Maybe, what kind of business you have with him? I don't want no trouble here."

"There won't be any trouble Sheriff, I'm not armed as you can see." He opened his long black coat and smiled. "Now is Saul here or not?" The sheriff nodded and said "he's got a room across the street at the boarding house, but I'm warning you, your business had better not be anything that's gonna trouble me."

The tall dark stranger walked to the swinging doors, looked back and smiled, "Don't worry Sheriff, my business with Saul is pure pleasure."

Anonymous said...

I happen to like the hat, but the fashion police will likely rip him for it. He's just such a great risk taker, and that's what I love. He'd rather risk the hat backlash than not wear it at all. Go for it, Adam!

Anonymous said...

2.01 pm SOOO GOOD!!I have a picture of the rest in my....filth...mind...Please, tell us what happend next!!I'll do it by myself but I'm too tired ..PLEASE!!!!Lol!!!


Anonymous said...

BTW I Loooove the hat!!


Anonymous said...

Shocking. The Walmart shoppers don't like the hat. Always something to whine about.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 2:01PM -

Thank you for an excellent piece of a mind tingler...Hopefully the story continues!?? Wonder who you are...

GGD Gal, western lover

Anonymous said...

Whether WE like the hat or not, Adam will wear it if HE likes it. We should know better by now.
But the hat is indeed WAY too big :)!

What I noticed is that on those pics, he is not mingling much but always tweeting away or checking his iphone. He's usually really engaging.

Anonymous said...

You must use your own imaginations
^o^ it's more fun that way!

Anonymous said...

2.42....JAK...are you there!!???Lol!!


Anonymous said...

Loving the hat. Lends an air of mystery.

Anonymous said...

love adam lambert and sauli; also like his hat.

Anonymous said...

I love the hat and his over-all AMA after party look better than his AMA suit. Adam looks much edgy, young and sexy with this look. Again, love it!

Anonymous said...

@ SG

Guilty as charged!


Anonymous said...

The Brim is too large. It looks like a Halloween costume. A Warlock. Oh well, he loves Halloween.

HK fan said...

Gosh, having a hard time keeping up, RL keeps getting in the way.
Love the look, and the hat, just wish it didn;t remind me of Boy George as he's such a slime ball, talking of which, did you catch a glimpse of another one in the vid?

Anonymous said...

I wanna hear more of the saloon story!

Anonymous said...


I knew it!!! you can run but you can't hide..stranger....LOL!!!
I'm having a great time writing to myself my own end to the story using my ..f....imagination...but please go on!!!
Good night!! here.


Anonymous said...

JAK, Take it from here, please!!

The tall man made a twisted smile and with a smooth move turn around leaving the sallon behind him.
It was a dry hot day, the black boot and the long coat turn dusty madrid on his way to the boarding house.
He opened the door with his glove-hand and go slowly to the front desk leaving long footprints on the old wood floor...

He took a look to the little old man and waking him up with his own tequila glass.The tall black coat man bend over the desk givinh him his cold-blue look..asking him with his unforgetable voice....

JAK, Your turn!! You started!! LOL!!


Anonymous said...

He's not like before,he's changing and difenately not care much.
This kind of style make him older.

It's good he's having fun.

LP said...

Don't stop the story, but I think we know how it ends. The tall stranger was just picking up sone sigs for Sauli, that he can later after.....

Anonymous said...

WonderWall had very low marks for Adams AMA clothes. I liked it.

Anonymous said...

OMG here goes Julianna again on Fashion Police Alert! We had to endure that 'Mac Counter' comment for weeks! Adore the hat and everything Adam wears. He is a fashion icon and that guy on the FP knows it too.

Anonymous said...

Boy George hat indeed. He is in Sydney for the NY's eve celebration's this year.
Adam WILL be here next year, because we are all waiting.

funbunn40 said...

@ HK,Haha,Perez Hilton comes to mind!..I hope Adam did mingle and was able to connect with new artists, as well as those he's already met. I preferred his award show look. The hat was off putting to me and I would have preferred a little more casual look. Just not a fan of men wearing hats at night indoors, a little ostentascious. Maybe it's too much a Boy George look and there's a lot of personal negativity connected to him, but, different strokes for different folks, as long as Adam is happy, it's all good. Hope he and Sauli had a great time.Wonder if thay attendede any other parties.

Anonymous said...

Fourth photo down, love the look on that woman's face.....damn, that Adam Lambert is fine!!!

I love that Adam takes risks and that he truly dresses to the nines for these events, in a very classy way, like his silver suit but would be so much fun to see him all messy hair and leather pants. Just once please!!!

Anonymous said...

Kesha could be one of the girls in the saloon dress and so could Tommy;) I picture that one!

Anonymous said...

@ SG

Okay, but I had intended to leave it unfinished, so everyone could finish their own way...and I remind you all "I don't write THAT KIND of Fanfic".

......"which room is the deputy in?" "Upstairs, end of the hall"
answered the desk clerk. Dusty Madrid climbed the stairs, his leather gloved hand sliding along the smooth bannister. He walked slowly down the dark hallway, his heart was pounding in his chest and his throat felt tight. Was he making a mistake coming here? Would the last bitter words between them be forgiven? Would the year apart be too much distantance to
bridge? They were no more outlaws on the run, Saul had a new life and was there room in it for him?

He stood before the door and couldn't raise his hand to knock. His breath stopped as he heard a woman's laugh and footsteps coming to the door. He flattened himself to the wall as the door opened and a young woman came out of the room carrying a large basket and hurried down the hall. The door opened again and before he could move Saul was there in front of him. They stood in the dark hall staring into each others eyes. Dusty gestured to the woman now starting down the stairway, "I'm sorry, I didn't know".

Saul reached out and pulled Dusty into the room and closed the door. He walked into Dusty's arms and his head rested on the pounding heart. "She does the laundry, you fool." "Why wouldn't you let me visit you in prison and then not let me know where you were transferred?" Dusty ran his hands over Saul's golden head and whispered, "I wanted to protect you, they didn't believe me in court and I was afraid you would be in danger too." With trembling knees Dusty moved back and sat on the bed. Saul took Dusty's face in his hands and leaning close to his lips, he whispered "Rakastan Dusty".

Tall Dark Stranger by JAK and SG

LP said...

Well done JAK and SG!!!

Anonymous said...

Loved the story JAK and SG! Please a little more?


Anonymous said...

@ CT

Nope, that story is over !

But...I think I heard that Saul and Dusty left town and built a cabin in the forest on Brokeback Mountain! They lived happily ever after!

JAK :)

Anonymous said...

More than the hat, I love the attitude I imagine is behind wearing the hat.

Anonymous said...

JAK and SG, well done! We haven't heard from Dusty Madrid for a long time. That rascal! He and Saul(i) are probably going to have many more adventures now that they've hooked up again, right? Somebody oughta tweet Adam that Dusty is alive and well and on the prowl.

Anonymous said...

Adam could wear a dried up cow pie on his head and look wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Cool hat but not sure if it should be worn at night. It really suits Adam though.

Cool outfit too, suitable for a party. Adam certainly knows how to dress for any occasion and Adam's AMA outfit was THE BEST outfit of the night for me!

Thanks to all those who contributed to the story - loved it! Adam has some fans with very creative minds. :)

Anonymous said...

Good morning here!! Thank you SO MUCH for adding me next to your tag!! I really had a great time last night, it was so funny!! Have sweet dreams!!
Thanks to all the people who enjoyed with us.


Anonymous said...

The hat is somehow scary, but Adam's face look beautiful.

Anonymous said...


@JAK and @ SG
Thanx for FanFic, lol at the thought of Sir Lambert in a western! May I suggest Camelot for next story. @ JAK you kept it clean, I won't have to tell on you!

Anonymous said...

I miss his down to earth look, Im just not in to his new styles. What happened to the cutie we used to see. Just not into these strange looks.Miss his manly look his clothes are looking too fem for me.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:06

I think you are missing the scrubbed up, normal clothes wearing Adam. His Idol self he toned down for the program. For years before Idol he wore outlandish clothes and some were very feminine pretty boy outfits.