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Adam Lambert with Fan in London (Nov 4)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, November 10, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, November 10, 2011


Anonymous said...

the Lamb gets around.

Adamluv said...

So rare to see a picture with someone taller than Adam! And the fan looks as if he's dressed for really cold weather whereas Adam is dressed for Los Angeles Nov. BTW, does the fan have an extra long pointer finger? Inquiring minds want to know - LOL. ... Adamluv

LP said...

Yes it is cold in Nov. in UK. Adam's buns must be as blue as his blue suede shoes. LOL

Anonymous said...

OT but so exciting--finally got my Charity Water photo today.

choons said...

His hair is growing back at the sides!! yay. More hair will keep his ears warm.

Anonymous said...

Check this out, takes only 4 secs, but makes you smile a lot longer...

GGD Gal, lol lol lol

Anonymous said...

sorry to disappoint you but apparently this was taken before the Emas'.....

Anonymous said...

2.42 That's really funny!!I always think I can't adore him more but somewho I do!! Lol!!!


Anonymous said...

What a disgrace to Queen by The Voice judges earlier this year. Just listen to them and what a shame that radios plays their musics every 15 minutes:

We should tweet them Adam's performance of Queen medley and tell them this how you suppose to sing Global Icon Queen.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget this:

The episode of Majors & Minors featuring Adam premieres Nov. 13 (7 p.m. ET/4 p.m. PT, The Hub).

Anonymous said...

@3:58 PM

Thanks for the link. Not a bad effort although it certainly didn't need Xtina's vocal acrobatics.

It must've been chilly when this photo was taken though Adam isn't all rugged up.

Anonymous said...

Is Adam still appearing on that fashion show on the Sundance channel on Nov. 18th? The note has been on my calendar since Sept.

Anonymous said...

Let me keep it simple... dayum Adam looks good here!

Anonymous said...

So, if this picture was made by November 4th this year, can you explain what Adam did with his hair?
Did he grow them up and after all shave for the EMA performance?

Anonymous said...

8:52 Only his stylist knows for sure.

Anonymous said...

Yes,Adam had his sides & more growing again & got them freshly shaven again before the EMA performance.I really still hate that haircut,but maybe he will let it grow now..I HOPE so!!Please put in some votes in the Flecking "of they yr "awards for Adam in 5 categories.doesn't take long & also for BB & Allison on the AIOTM.THANKS.

Anonymous said...

1:35 so nice to hear you got your picture and I hope everyone did.

daydreamin said...

GGD Gal LOVED the 4 second link!!! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

@daydreamin - thank you, Adam just makes my day (almost) every day!
Besides his VOICE and all things beautiful inside and outside, he is such a goof and comedian! Eloquent and SOOO quick witted, just love his sense of humour!!!

Thank you also for the shout out earlier - I try to hang around every chance I get, just a bit difficult right now due to RL… And I’m so worried about Fan4fun & Icon…wishing all the best and hoping to hear from them soon…

Is it my imagination (or careless following) that you’ve been posting less frequently also? Hoping e-thing is ok with you, you’re such a devoted fan and excellent information seeker! Take care, daydreamin!

GGD Gal, loving Adam blindly NOT!!!