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Always a Queen!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, November 10, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thanks GGD Gal!


Anonymous said...

Yup, we are who we are. Best to accept it.

Anonymous said...

Adam, to much vodka martini, babe
Did Bryan and Ridger like it?

Anonymous said...

Adam you are the Queen and King of Music!!!

Anonymous said...

we missed what was said in the beginning, it looks like they are all starting to laugh at the end.

Anonymous said...

Ada, give us the single for Christmas. And everybody gonna be happy, darling.
Performance with Queen was fantastic, but nobody will put it in the air. New single, Adam, please. I even don't want to know about new album. Hopefully, we'll be alive after 12/20/2012:):):) to buy it for Christmas gift fir somebody who'll still remeber you:(

Anonymous said...

boy we really got rid of that troll didn't we?

Anonymous said...

Adam is the pop-rock king!!
In the game of chess, the queen has a lot more power than the king though. By the way, the date for me today is 11/11/1111. What a beautiful number! :)

Anonymous said...

@anon 7:17 PM

You're funny, LOL!

Anonymous said...

Loved the comment from anon at sentiments exactly. About the new single...I thought I read somewhere that it would be out in January(maybe). I guess all the legal issues in which Adam is now embroiled are holding up the release of the single and album until 2012. It seems that quite a few individuals have had a listen to some of the songs from the album (including Leila) and have nothing but praise for them. Every time I read another comment about the album, I just get more excited but also let down because we, as his fans, have heard nothing(except for Outlaws of Love) if he intends to include it. The performance with Queen should hold us over for a while, but wouldn't it be great if he released that new single around his birthday? Then we would have something to celebrate with Adam .

Anonymous said...

7:28 that would be so cool, I was thinking exactly the same thing as you.

Anonymous said...

I love it that Adam can make fun of himself. If you take yourself too seriously, it can drive you crazy. He puts a smile on my face and an extra beat in my heart. This had to have been a major highlight of his career performing with Queen and has many people talking about him once again in a very positive way. Brilliant as the Brits would say.

Anonymous said...

ot, I watched XF tonight and they had that Jesse J on there the one Adam likes so well. She is very cute and if she was singing live she has a set of pipes on her. Didn't care for the song but I am slow to like anyones singles. I was so wishing Adam would have his single out now and maybe could have been on XF and I bet he was wishing for the same thing.

Anonymous said...

I think I have to buy Bieb's and Sysan Boyle new albums. Even if kid doesn't have voice and SB still can't make the decision what kind of music she has to sing these albums are new. Tired to listen and see Adele's albums everywhere.
I think, I will give up on Adam.
He doesn't have any future as far as he is staying in the past and trying to impress people singing with Queen.
Where are your own songs, Adam?
I think it is much easier to perform with Queen instead of give world a chance to know Adma Lambert as a singer and performer his won songs.
Good luck, Adam.

Anonymous said...

8:03 please follow the light.

Anonymous said...

8:03pm:please get a life elsewhere. what makes people come on here and write such dribble. i don't understand what such a person would get out of wasting their time like that.

Anonymous said...

@anon 8:08PM The person who loves Adam from the first time he/she saw him on AI. The person who tried to belive during the two years after AMA that Adam can get big performances and awards. Seems, he doesn't care and, actually, never will get any awards or noms in 2012 or 2013!
And this is not about awards! This is about this little tiny mistake which cost Adam his carrier. And, like I understand, he doesn't have any chance to get American Music Industry attention.
Love Adam forever, but as far as he doesn't have any future, want to find another singer who will impress this world

Anonymous said...

8:03 is not even clever... or ironic... or anything compelling at all. It wouldn't irk me so much if 8:03 and the likes of 8:03 were at least clever and showed a little intellect.

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness 8:21, perhaps you should focus your time and energy on something more central and integral to your own life and pursuits. I love what Adam Lambert has brought to my life, and I blog here and there, but then I go live MY life... it aint that deep. If you're a troll looking for kicks, have a good laugh now, if you're serious, re-evaluate time I think dear.

Anonymous said...

8:21 good I guess you be going now,run along.

Anonymous said...

@anon 8:26PM Okay, do you have any idea when Adam will release his new single or album?
I don't. So, for God Sake, how come many of Adam's fans (you, ladies can't be included to the list Adam's real fans) have to wait and wait and wait....till rest of theire life?
Adam just a big lier.

Anonymous said...

8:49 all the more reason for you to run along now, plenty of new albums coming out all the time everyday,hitch a ride with one of them. bye hope to see you never.

tess4ADAM said...

@8:03 .. 8:21 .. 8:49 ... your comments would be laughable if they weren't so INANE!! Nothing you post here is understandable ... you speak incoherently ... very hard to follow!! If you feel that ADAM has disappointed you ... then what in the Universe is compelling you to come here & post such ridiculous remarks? You don't want to be ADAM's fan anymore? Then by all means ... find someone who is more suited to your taste ... we Glamberts have his back in the face of adversity ... you're free to find your happiness in ANY artist you choose ... we won't try to stop you!! Peace 'n Light

tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

a bicurious one at that;) right Lambert??? huh huh

Anonymous said...

@anon 9:02PM The problem is that I am not very rich person. And I tried to save some money to buy 10 of Adam's new albums. As far as I have 5 FYE, 2 remixes, 6 Acoustics and 4 NGT DVD, I hoped to buy these 10 albums before Christmas. So, after all I will spend all my money on Christmas gifts and can't have even $10 to buy Adam's new album
Call me TROLL after all:(

Anonymous said...

8:49 sorry to point out the obvious but you can't spell. I'm up for listening to all opinions but your posts are embarrassing and I know you want better for yourself. You won't regret spending the time to learn how to spell better. Reading helps, an evening community college course. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Blog Administrator, where are you????? You were doing such a fine job of removing troll comments. Please continue your previous fine work!

Anonymous said...

So tired of these jokers coming in and marking the reputation of Mr Adam Lambert. You have to wonder why they even want to waste their energy with such waffle! Go figure!
Adams class will always remain intact!

Anonymous said...

Moderator your attention is needed here please!

Anonymous said...

10.23 well said!!

Anonymous said...

I wonder how Adam feels about leaving this part of him behind..
maybe he just wants to concentrate on his music.....hoping for single soon...wish every thing in his life wasn't so complicated...

Anonymous said...

Guys, it's okay if someone has forgotten to take their medicine???

This person just need some attention from us. Have pity on this person and it will be okay.....

We know that no one can break the wall between Adam and his fans indeed!!!:)


Anonymous said...

If you ignore the troll it will go away...don't waste negative energy on it when you can say something positive about Adam

Love and Light

shayna said...

OMG!!!!! Adam you look like you had fun!!! ALL HAIL THE QUEEN;) and let him live long;) You know what's awesome... Adam Lambert looks AMAZING in and out of drag!!! I wish he would come to oklahoma for the pride festival june 25th-27th. That would make every dream(other than a few...i'm 17 what can you expect?) come true lol!!!! I Freakin Love Adam... So does my Girlfriend

shayna said...


shayna said...

The anon person who is putting adam lmabert down obviously has no idea how hard it is to write your own music,look that DAMN good,be an amazing person,and sing songs that bring back memories for those who feel nostalgic..GO SUCK ONE!!!! GET A LIFE!!! you obviously are not a "true" ADAM fan... I am and so is my girlfriend... WE ARE BOTH GIRLS!!! What's that make us hmm..? You need to think before you run your mouth about something you both don't understand and never will get the grand opportunity to understand. So either stay off this site because we are ALL adam fans or just go with the flow. His music is amazing...GET USED TO IT!!! Thank you very much!!!

to anon 8:03,8:21,8:49

Anonymous said...

I truly think AL acts like a man and a woman. just my theory.

shayna said...

there's a few problems with someone who can put a man down who has revolutionized the 21st century gay community...I'm 17 and can spell better than him/her... I'm pretty sure that's sad... We all need a LOT of Adam in our life.


Glambert Rebel!!!!

shayna said...

he's atractive in every single way though so it works for me. If i didn't have a girlfriend...;)

shayna said...

he's atractive in every single way though so it works for me. If i didn't have a girlfriend...;)

shayna said...

he'd wear the dress proudly!!!
if ya'll wanna contact outside of the slandering my e-mail is For adam fans ONLY!!!

Anonymous said...

a QUEEN needs her dress? right! throw rhinestones and glitter on that damn thing!!! MAKE IT SPARKLE!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Freddie Mercury would have approved Adam's remark!

In a biography of Freddie I read recently, it said that for several months he dated a guy who happened to come from the Queens section of New York - and Freddie loved to go around introducing the two of them as "It's the Queen from Queen with the Queen from Queens!"

Anonymous said...

Freddie bedded women. that's where him and Adam are different.

Anonymous said...

Stick a big rock right on the toes of the stilleto.

Anonymous said...

I think he was jus`t relieved!
You little,eeny, meeny, miny, moe,trolling face`s

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adam is QUEEN of the World.

Anonymous said...

have the funny farm people started a settlement here? lol

Anonymous said...

9:43 no its just the same trolls , boring as ever.

Anonymous said...

Just give a thought to what Adam stood for in his world-class EMA performance; a heartfelt first-class tribute to Freddie Mercury. 1.2 billion viewers, repeat 1.2 billion and this magnificent man did not want his name mentioned because he loves and respects so much another music icon. Who else do you think in such a competitive music industry would forego such a huge opportunity for fame, success and monetary gains? If a couple of you here could just learn a fraction of what love and respect mean as demonstrated by Adam, you won't be ridiculing him now! I think he is both king and queen and we should respect whichever he feels more he is.

Anonymous said...

I bet the trolls listen to Adam Lambert while they are riding the trolly.

Anonymous said...

did he buzzsaww his sides??? a close cut. watch the ears!

Anonymous said...

10:12, Some of these people weren't ridiculing Adam. I think they were just laughing along with him.
I do have a legit question. If anyone can answer it, I'd apperciate it. What do any legal issues with "Beg For Mercy" have to do with delaying current music releases from Adam?
If it does, those legal cases can sometimes take months to resolve. We may not hear any new music for a while!

Anonymous said...

2:39 I wish I had the answer to that. Adam prob. just has to do what his legal advisors or label tell him to do. Sometimes things just work out for the best and I hope this is one of them. We will just have to let Leila dance away on her own for

Anonymous said...

It's ironic, that it's pretty much the same fans, i.e. Monteberts and Tommyberts, who whine there's no new music from Adam, but who also support the bastard album. Crooked fans.

Anonymous said...

Not all support the bastard album, but they seem to sympathize the band members. Some are unhappy about Adam's relationship. I'm not talking about the adommy fans now, but women who have a hard time accepting Adam is gay, because it ruins their fantasy. Some don't approve he's in a relationship with a non american. Quite a few of them support Cheeks. What I remember Cheeks is not the most tolerant person either.

Anonymous said...

I still think that to advertise BFM as Adam's new single is a marketing fraud.

Anonymous said...

these poppycock comments make me laugh so hard.

Anonymous said...

6:50 ha.ha, this whole thread is troll city.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the Tommyberts see every flaw in Sauli, but Tommy's upturn nose is pure perfection. Love makes blind.

Anonymous said...

My point is that we have been too nice for too long for the Tommyberts. That's why they dare to call us haters. Give them back what they deserve and they will stop. Tit for tat.

Anonymous said...

Pop my cock! what???

Anonymous said...

I ADORE ADAM but he's said he wants to be known as a singer, not a gay singer or an openly gay singer. However, if he continues to make a comment like this, the gay or openly gay singer tag will be with him forever.