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Another EMA Interview!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Anonymous said...

I can't believe that people were yelling for Snooki. They should interview the TALENT first and then let the silly reality tv people, who have NO TALENT other then drinking, and having sex, in at the end, so as not to distract the cool interviews.
That's my 2 cents.
Adore Adam Lambert!!! and no one was yelling for him. Unbelievable.

Anonymous said...

Adam is so cool and so humble and is more talented then anyone at that event!

Rita said...

Couldn't believe one of the questions was, "Do you have Bieber fever" .... ugh. Adam's answer was so diplomatic though. I am hoping to see a helluva lot more Adam on the boob tube. Once his new single and CD hits, he will be making the interview circuits and hopefully a LOT more performances. I have a feeling Simon and Paula would LOVE to Adam on as a guest on XFactor US.

Anonymous said...

they sure were yelling for him after the show I bet.

Anonymous said...

Anyway, what in the world was snookie at the ema's for? She has nothing to do with music!!! I'll take her over Miss KIM K anyday though. That's my 2 cents.Oh how I wish bieber tried to attempt queen songs, that would of knocked him down a peg or two. sorry bad day, being mean. But True

Anonymous said...

Viacom parent company of MTV took down that fan video which was posted yesterday. Damn Viacom!

Adamluv said...

Classy answer to the dumb bieber question but that what we've come to expect from Adam. He looks good here too. ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I was just reading threads about iphone and fell on this : (look under point 2. who is at the top of the music library list!!!) :)

Anonymous said...

@1:58 thanks for the link. too tech for me however, still on a ancient (soon to be gone)flip-phone lol. However, I'm a whiz at finding all things adam on the internet!

Cheril said...

Adam had to be a little covert as to why he was there. He was honest with the Bieber question. Love that about him.

Anonymous said...

YES! Get him on X Factor, either one, Brit or American! They are major shows. If he's on, the ratings will skyrocket. I don't think the US XFactor is as high in the ratings as they hoped. Adam would fix that! He is such a gentleman. Handled the Bieber question with tact and respect. Adam is the best interview!

HK fan said...

Ha Ha, love the answer on the Beiber question, very tactful...I don't know if Simon would want him on Xfactor, but I'm sure Paula would, she's a real 'Glambert'. I don't think Adam has heard anything from Simon since Idol.

Anonymous said...

The frequent posters on this site surely know that Adam is not YET known as well in the UK as he is in most other parts of the globe. IF MTV had interviewed Adam after his amazing performance with QUEEN, the questions would have been something like "OMG, when are you performing next in the UK???!!"
The outside crowd was all over Adam when Brian May and him came out of the theatre at the end of the after party.

Adam has ALWAYS handled his post idol career one step at a time. He knows what he's doing to ensure longevity.

Anonymous said...

@HK fan Read somewhere that Simon was at the EMA's.Adam must have blown him away. Not gonna find another superstar like him on X factor or idol. Paula would love Adam on the show. Simon might be scared of how good Adam sounds in comparison to others. It would be great for Adam to go on X factor. Claude Kelly is working on behind the scenes with X factor. He wrote with Adam so it would make sense. Who knows, sorry for the rambling!

The Dark Side said...

Thought this interview as OK. And they were yelling at Snookie because she came in behind Adam as they were interviewing him. I can't believe no one was yelling for him. If so, they didn't know him, but now they do. They certainly knew who he was at the after party with Brian May.

Anonymous said...

Simon saw Adam live at the EMAs...if so, that would have made him proud, I think, because it was on his watch too that Adam was discovered. I remember he didn't stand nor smile at the AI result show. He didn't have much contact with Adam after that, possibly due to this feud between the two Simons. Did you hear Adam hint his new music might get him on the XFactor...whoa. But he might downgrade the present very high standard, as he always does of any show, such as the latest one. :)

Anonymous said...

You have to see this animated fan art of Adam & Sauli. LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

Dear5:34, that is very creative and so apt; like Adam the dominant one and Sauli the adorable one running from the fierce one. The cartoonist should continue with it and make a few more sequences. Thanks! :)

Anonymous said...

just viewed the twitpic and it is adorable. Why is Sauli running and so upset? Adam just has something he wants to give him. lol

Anonymous said...

Adam would out-sing and out-perform anyone from the X factor! Maybe it would be embarrasing for them to have him on. Wish he could have won the 5 million.
They were all "pitchy" tonight. (Altho I have a crush on Leroy Bell haha)

Anonymous said...

Hey 7:39, I know why Adam is chasing Sauli who is so adorably caricatured; Adam wants to give him the red rooster he is grabbing. Lol. I don't understand why Sauli is running away; he is the one holding the gun! Lol. :)

Anonymous said...

Did anyone post this tweet from Terrance Spencer (Adam's dancer and friend) re: the Queen performance?:

I respect @adamlambert so much.. who else would ask their name not be mentioned .. I think he was sent here to teach us all humility ❤””

Every day there seems to be just one more reason to love Adam Lambert. The list is so long .... and beautiful. LL

Anonymous said...

Excuse by ignorance but who is Snookie .... or is ignorance bliss???

Adam is the perfect interviewee.

Love the Adam/Sauli Indian gif.

shayna said...

Did anybody else notice how amazing Adam is with EVERYBODY?!?! Just wondering>_< You can bet his mom is SO proud of Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 1.39 Am
Ignorance bliss.