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Big Announcement!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, November 18, 2011

Posted at : Friday, November 18, 2011

Wonder what it could be about? New Single title? Album news?


Anonymous said...

OMG a million times! What could it be? I won't sleep tonight, that's for sure.

Anonymous said...

engagement?? LOL :)

Anonymous said...

hope it is about the album or single or another guest shot of him with Queen.

Anonymous said...

He just twittet is about THE ALBUM AND THE SINGLE!! OMG!OMG!OMG!!


Anonymous said...

Could be:

- Announcement about the new single release date
- Announcement that he will perform at the November 30th 2012Grammy Nominations evening
- Announcement that he will be at the AMAs
- Announcement about a personal matter
- Announcement about a television performance around the holidays
- Could be something else :))

Anonymous said...

Previous post sent at the same time as Adam's new tweet. So eager to hear this announcement tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Now! I need it now. O how now brown cow will I stand it until tomorrow. New single O please.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert's LATEST TWEETS, yayyy!!!:

@adamlambert Hollywood
It's about the Album and the single. !!
26 minutes ago

adamlambertAdam Lambert
Big announcement tomorrow!! :)
47 minutes ago


The Dark Side said...

Well he has said he is not getting married at this time, so maybe he has changed his mind,, music, music!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah Finally the news about album 2 and the single. I don't know how I will sleep tonight haha. Maybe he will perform his new single New Years Eve in N.Y> That would be awesome!Hope Adam knows how happy he is making us!

Anonymous said...

OMG! Adam you're killing us! Is iit the new single???


Anonymous said...

He's getting married???!!!

BTW, Sauli's hair - yuk!

Anonymous said...

Sauli's pregnant!

Anonymous said...

"It's about the Album and the single. !!"

Anonymous said...

Read that new album is called Trespassing..out Spring 2012.
Saw that on twitter. Is that right?


HK fan said...

New album called Trespassing, out in spring 2012, song on the album with the same title written by him and Pharell

Anonymous said...

How long till Spring?

JAK :)

Anonymous said...

Adam just said on twitter that his new album is going to be called "Trespassing" and its coming out in the spring!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think that is a great name for an album. Leaves lots to the imagination. Pharrell is the bomb! That song should be unbelievable!
Whoooo hoooo! First single?

Anonymous said...

album titled TRESPASSING. I don't know what he is referring to in the title. It might be that people are trespassing when it comes to his privacy????

Anonymous said...

Trespassing album name. This more like ghost or stalker chasing someone.
I hope release single early because some fans moved on or become someone else fan.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:48 - No REAL fans have 'moved on' or found someone else. Get real! Adam has been in the media A LOT, especially after his performance with Queen. Anticipation .... it's perfect!

TRESPASSING - Adam storm is definitely on its way! LL

Anonymous said...

@5:01 Exactly ! No true fan has moved on. If anything Adam has acquired many new fans, especially after his epic performance with Queen. The timing is right to drop the new single soon! So excited I feel like jumping. O.K. I will just go do that now haha cause I can't sleep!

Anonymous said...

"Trespassing" has so many meanings. It can be symbolic of so many things in life. I'm sure the songs have this theme with great songs to carry it through. I'm on pins and needles, skin is twitching. I'm gonna FAINT!

Anonymous said...

Be honest, I wish it will be announcement about Adam's another stage performance! On AMA or Grammy's Nominations or ...whatever!!!
Cause, a lot of the new albums, singles and music videos were released during last few weeks. May it would better postpone the new single and release it on New Year night:)!!!
I thinks this is great decision to release new album on spring. This is the best time for romance, love, new adventures, and Adam Lambert new CD:)

Anonymous said...

Finally, some news about the new album. If it is released in the spring, then we do need that first single as soon as possible to hold us over. It would be great to have it now, but January around Adam's birthday would be a nice gift from him to us and we could reciprocate by making it a number 1 hit. I like that title TRESPASSING. It has so many meanings to it and in reference to Adam's life since he said the songs on this album were more personal. I guess we will learn more tomorrow with more details.

Lorraine said...

I love the title of Adam's new album-it has substance- and can convey many meanings at this point in his young life and career. I'm so excited to hear the tracks;maybe he will surprise us with his new single and perform it on the AMA's Sunday night. As I said before, it's a Sweet November.......

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Sauli's hair - yuk! He's such a good-looking guy too. Hopefully, it's a passing phase (like Adam's passing hairstyle phases!)

"Trespassing" - an unusual name for an album. It'll be soooo good to hear the songs on it.

Anonymous said...

Please stop whining about Adam`s or Saulis`s hair,why can`t you be/or think like 1.14 PM

Anonymous said...

I think Trespassing is a very attention getting title.
For me it is in relation to Outlaws of Love, trespassing into the conscious mind of people who oppose the free expression of the LBGT Community.

The picture is gorgeous, these two guys have become so close that though they look very different they seem very unified.

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

he's sayin' the crazies are TRESPASSING on his property and into his love life.

Unknown said...
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