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New Old Video: Adam Lambert Gives Thanks Backstage (11/25/09)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, November 25, 2011

Posted at : Friday, November 25, 2011


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I remember when Adam was on that show & sang 2 songs & his mom was there also,right?PLEASE vote for BB & Allison here I just LOVE that video w/Adam speaking in cute!I wish there were some more in other languages besides the other very short one.

Anonymous said...

I thought I'd seen everything ever posted about Adam but have never seen this vid before. He is so sweet. Thanks for posting it.

Anonymous said...

Adam's mom did very well on this show having been brought up from the audience and not expecting it. I am glad Adam moved her closer to him, both looking out for each other.

Anonymous said...

hey you guys!! please vote on Mashable Awards everyday. Everytime I go to that site I never see Adam's name in the tweets its always Super Junior, whoever that is.

Anonymous said...

Adam always expresses his gratitude for the good things that have happened to him. He is so thankful to his parents.

Anonymous said...

Check out how many videos Adam has on the top 10 of the daily MTV video list!

Anonymous said...

My post didn't show up a few mins ago( on the white on black page)This page seems so glary.I like the other colors better.I said that BB has many videos on the MTV top 10 for today.

Anonymous said...

@7:04 Yes I saw that. Wow I think Adam got a lot of new fans after singing with Queen. Then again quite a few are my own views haha!

Anonymous said...

Adam singing with Queen on the EMAs was a great career move.

Anonymous said...

For those of you still searching for the EMA performance of Adam with Queen.


Anonymous said...

'Electroqueer' Teen Music Blog


Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you, 2;02! Any links with all three songs are getting harder and harder to find. So glad to see the interviews included!

Anonymous said...

Since it seems to be a slow news day, check this "older, but not released until now" vid:


daydreamin said...

GGD Gal that is one terrific Video! Perhaps Admin will post it for all to see! We need someone to do a followup with other celebs who have fallen under the spell of Mr. Adam Lambert...Rock Star Extraordinaire!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adam is so sweet. My heart breaks for him every day because he doesnt have the norm of a life that he deserves. He deserves to be with a woman, have children the way the higher power meant the world to be when it was created.
Dont give me any back lash on this either, its my heart felt wish fo,r him. He is a beautiful man, and knowing he wont have the life and family life with a beautiful woman is very sad. He is a lovli soul, good looking guy, mer-ci why oh why Adam== once he could be with a woman he would know no other beautiful feeling, deep in my heart I know this could happen for him, if only he could make it happen. He comes close, maybe someday. My wish for him.

Anonymous said...


blah blah blah.

Anonymous said...

@5:18 continued...blah blah blah.

Anonymous said...

5 18 that would be my wish for Adam too. But it isnt a perfect world. At times I think what a waste, in a good way, yes if only he was able to be with women.

Anonymous said...

I am from a country where one is imprisoned for being gay. I too wish he was straight, he would have a lovlier life.
I understand if gay people would not agree with me. Perhaps if you did have a choice, it would to be different.

Anonymous said...

You can find the Queen ema video with all 3 songs on adamquotedaily. Scroll all the way to the bottom. A excellent career move, right before the single and album dropping! His vocals and stage presence just blows me away. @5:18 Adam was born gay and it was not his choice, but he is happy and is changing many peoples closed minds.

Anonymous said...

@6:00, would you understand if straight people don't agree with you, because I am straight and I sure don't.

Anonymous said...

7 18 you dont agree if Adam were straight he would have a lovlier life? I certainly agree with 6 00.

Why in the world would one not want someone they care about to have a traditional more accepted lifestyle.
If given the choice, Adam would be straight, face it.

Anonymous said...

Nobody knows what Adam would "really want," given the choice. Being gay is what he's always been. It's as natural for him as for a straight person being straight. What must happen is for cultures that are violent toward gays to eventually evolve and become enlightened. Condemning and hurting people for something they can't control makes no sense whatsoever. It has nothing to do with religion beliefs or sexual behavior. Gay and straight people alike can be completely celibate their whole lives. It's what a person is inside. Can't change that no matter how you act sexually. It's the homophobes who have to change and just get over their hate. BTW Lots of straight people don't get married and live "traditional" lifestyles either. They just usually don't get thrown in prison for it.

Anonymous said...

7:21 omg you didn't read 5:18's condescending comment very well.

Anonymous said...

5:18 I'll be right back I have to get my hip boots on.

Anonymous said...

For those who are so sure Adam would be happier if he weren't gay," if only he could be with a woman, if only he could change and be straight, What a waste."

Don't you realize how insulting this is to Adam? You're saying he isn't good enough the way he is, the way God made him. And may I remind you that millions of straight men aren't happy with the women they are with. Being straight is not a guarantee of happiness.

I think you care for Adam but you don't really accept him. Because you are wishing away a part of him and insinuating that he is less than a complete person, that he is an imperfect creation of nature.

You don't think you are homophobic but your attitude is. Would you accept your child if they were gay and less than perfect in your eyes?
You can't wish away or pray away the gay and as Adam reminded people in a recent interview being gay is not a f**king choice.

Open up your heart to Adam and all the people of the LGBT community.
They are all God's children.


Anonymous said...

PLEASE put in some votes for BB & Allison for AIOTM..He was about 300 votes ahead of #4,but now he's not.Adam was 900-1000 ahead not that long ago.The url is the the second post in this thread.Do you have to be on twitter or facebook to vote for the Mashable Awards?If you do,then I can't vote..

Anonymous said...

7:37 and JAK your comments were lovely and spot on.That commenter has written that same comment in various forms on this blog site before.They want attention,it's sad.

Anonymous said...

@JAK You said it my girl! Always love your wisdom!I love Adam for everything that he is and unconditionally and I always will!!!

Anonymous said...

i want adam lambert to be happy sauli is his boyfriend also want adam lambert soemday to have his own child(dauhgter or son) a son that have his looks and good voice) find soemoen that cn have his own child;his flesh and blood. still he can have his partner sauli.

Anonymous said...

I just googled Adam and the first heading is Adam Lambert and Steve cook releasing deluxe album and the article is just as weird.Does it ever end for Adam?? Who in the fa la la is Steve Cook?

LP said...

Thank you JAK,
You said that beautifully.Adam has accepted that he is gay, just like a person who was born deaf would. It does not mean they cannot be happy, and have a very fullfilling life. Adam and Sauli are both very happy, and have accepted how they were born, they bring joy to each other, and to all their friends. The only thing I think Adam might wish he could change , would be he might wish he had been born with black hair and also be 1" taller. :)

Anonymous said...

9:12 would you please give it a rest. We get your message, honest we do.

Anonymous said...

5:18 Do not feel sorry for Adam HIs life is full of love. He is very blessed indeed. He was born this way and it is about time people like you understand that. I really do not understand why you would think other wise. Who cares if someone is straight or gay as long as one finds love. That is human right not just the right of men - women relationships. I know alot of very loving homosexual couples that are very dedicated to their relationships and no less happy than straight couples. It is the that very attitude that you speak of that keeps pushing us back instead of forward. No not assume anything that you have no facts on. You know what they say about assuming things.He is not illegal,he is a human being with a gift from God..a voice of an angel Now can we focus on his new music not his love life. Leave the poor guy alone.

LP said...

@ 9:13
I also googled Adam Lambert and Steve Cooke, and there will be a double album dropped with songs of Adam from "Take one" and also this Steve Cook. It was put together by Paramount studios in Hollywood. I guess nothing can be done about it. The greed for money and the hatred for Adam continues.

Anonymous said...

Adam clip on the Wendy Williams Show hxxp://

Anonymous said...

Sorry that's

Anonymous said...

Adam is a very happy person the way he is. I don't understand why someone would wish him straight. It's not a choice.

Anonymous said...

10;29 thanks for the link. That clip was on this site last week though.

Anonymous said...

This was a great video clip moment. It surprises me that people are going off on his sexuality. When will it be about the man and the music. I heard Adam say early on that he wants to be known as a singer - period. He is proud of who he is and is a trailblazer but sexuality is only a part of him. I do understand people think his life would be easier if he was straight. My life would be easier if I didn't have curly hair. I understand both sides, but this clip is a good one because it was CBS that accepted him after ABC didn't. Love is love.

Anonymous said...

So beautifully said JAK. I just wish Adam to live his life to the fullest surrounded by people that love and appreciate him.


glitzylady said...

Amen to @ JAK and others comments. Adam is looking like a happy man and is in love with a another special human being. He is gay, has had plenty of time to come to that conclusion and just isn't attracted to women "that way". I'm a straight woman, I like men..Adam is a gay man, he also likes men. We were born this way. Adam went through his teens terrified of being found out, as he told us in the Behind the Music special. It's hard being a teen and being different. Thank goodness he had a loving, accepting family to nurture him and love him unconditionally. He's very proud of who he is and happy to be in love. He wouldn't be Adam if he was any different, and is his own beautiful unique human being self.

About Adam having biological children with his "looks and his voice"..Well, its possible he might have biological children through a surrogate someday, but who knows. Years from now. The child/children may or may not inherit the "voice" gene or the "looks" gene. And Adam's pretty darn special with that voice of his. Also, there is nothing at all wrong with adopting a child. I happen to be an adoptive parent and that sweet little newborn baby boy of mine, who is now 6'1" (about a foot taller than I am..) is my child, no question. People do wonder why he ended up so tall, as my husband is not very tall either. I just smile.

HK fan said...

well said Jak, and Glitzylady..

definitely nothing wrong with adoption, being an adopted child myself. I wouldn't have had the life I've had if my 'parents' hadn't 'chosen' me as a baby.. There's more to being a parent than genes..

and to anon 5.18. What part of Adams life could you possibly feel sorry for, he's happy, in a loving relationship with a wonderful partner, has great parents, a wonderful circle of close friends, is making a living doing the thing he loves most i.e music and performing, is admired and loved by millions.....what would we all give to have lives as 'miserable' as his!!!!

Anonymous said...

5:18 - Your heartfelt wish is that Adam could be straight?

My heartfelt wish is that all societies could accept gay people as they are, and that Adam would get the acknowledgement he deserves for being the best singer in this generation.

The world will finally know Adam as we know him, and everything is finally falling into place. After that phenomenal performance at the EMAs, and then being "allowed" to present at the AMAs, now Adam is going to follow it up with an amazing album next year.

Adam will be what everyone is talking about at the 2012 AMAs!


Anonymous said...

This is indeed a strange article about Adam Lambert and Steve Cooke:

Anonymous said...

Excuse me, this one is even stranger:

Anonymous said...

Yep, our man Monte is def in this video:

Anonymous said...

@ 5:18

Anonymous said...

"Adam would be happier if he was with Tommy", "Adam would ne happier if he was straight". The same people go on about this. Wake up, it's like straight from the Bachmann clinic gays curing therapy.

Anonymous said...

@ Anon posting the links to the Adam and Steve info, vids, articles..

I for one will not be giving those sites any hits, even though I am curious about what they have to say. I don't want to give them the wrong impression that I am interested in their product.

The more attention you give them, the more encouragement you give them, and I certainly don't want to give them any fuel to keep pushing.


Anonymous said...

Also, it doesn't matter how much gay porn you watch, you can still be a hypocrite and a homophobe.

Anonymous said...

OT, can anyone tell me what role Monte had in this whole BFM controversy? He must've said something terrible for Adam to be angry.

Anonymous said...

I'm not watching the Adam/Steve links either. If I'm missing something really relevant, I'm sure I'll find out. BTW, I forgot to sign my 7:37 post. I generally sign everything I write. Just forgot!

Anonymous said...

I've never heard of Steve Cooke before this. The music is kinda dull, very simple basic rock tune and he looks like the front man from the Twisted Sister.

Anonymous said...

JAK how is the comment 5 18 and others make about Adam insulting?
No different than wishing someone to be thinner, or nicer, or blonde headed. Get real. Its only opinions and everyone has them.
True, many other couples arent happy, many are. No matter what your race,color, creed or sexuality.
LP you said it perfectly,comparing this to a person born deaf. If they had a choice, dont you think they would want to hear?
A fan wishing Adam to be with a woman instead of a man is no less a fan than one not thinking about this. I agree with 5 18 too. Yes if I had a child who was gay, I would accept and love and to be honest , I too would have a preference but what good would that do.
Adam comes from a family who show him love and acceptance. Dont think for a second they havent had these thoughts at one time or another. This is only human nature.
All of you blah blahers accept the fact that you dont have to agree with everyone, nor do you have to ridicule either.
Adam was given his life and he has done beautiful.
Actually him trying to do acts with the opposite sex, tell me he tried. Got to give it to him in that aspect.
Right place at the right time, could happen. Think about it.
I have a boss who is male and gay, heard this straight from his mouth. He is a masculine gay man. Tells me he could do what his heart desires at anytime. Sex is sex.
Adam is fierce, be there for him if ever he decides to be a king.

Anonymous said...

7:07 Seriously, there are groupies who believe you. Their hope is Adam gets very drunk..

Urethra_Franklin said...

This whole "hes gay" "will he/wont he fuck a girl" discussion is soooo TIRED!! Can we please move oooooon............

Urethra_Franklin said...

Oh and BTW 5:18 Hes happier in HIS real life than any dream life YOU can cook up in your closed minded brain. Its 2011...Get over yourself.

Anonymous said...

@ November 27, 2011 7:07 AM

Wishing someone is thinner, or blonde is totally different than wishing someone was straight. You can do something about the weight and the hair, or maybe work on your personality, but you can't change your orientation. Your brain is wired the way it is, can't change that.
So, what you should be wishing for is for society to be accepting of a person's orientation.

As for your boss... if he has a desire to be with a woman (maybe just out of curiosity) then wouldn't that make him bi?

What I am going to take out of what I think you are trying to say is that your wish for Adam was that he was straight so that he didn't have to be subjected to all the hate just because he is gay. If so, then I agree with you in that respect. But what I don't agree with is wishing he is something that he is not.

And, instead if just wishing the hate away, why don't you do something about it?


Anonymous said...

@ Anon 7:07

I would be insulted if someone was wishing I were thinner, nicer and blonde. I'm chubby, crabby and brunette, but I guess I could change if I wanted to (which I don't). The difference is Adam can't change, so it is insulting.CK

Anonymous said...

Can someone give me a link to what Monte wrote about the BFM contoversy? Thanks in advance.

And the only sad thing about Adam being gay is that I can't have him!! Just kidding. Seriously, I thought we were all done talking about the gay issue!

Anonymous said...

Haha at 8 00, thanks for the cute comment over all this deep thought.
Me too, if only, bring on the drinks bb.

Anonymous said...

Monte Pittman Speaks About Adam Lambert’s Beg For Mercy:

Since last week’s announcement of the “Beg for Mercy” album, there has been an intense amount of speculation regarding this seemingly mysterious album. There has also been an extreme amount of criticism being slung around at myself and other musicians who were involved with this project. I would like to address this as honestly and as openly as possible, in hopes that I can shed some light on this for those who have until now been left in the dark.

Let me first start by clearing up the differences between “Take One”, “The Paramount Sessions” and “Beg For Mercy.” “Take One” & “The Paramount Sessions” are a group of songs written by a person under the moniker of Dublyn Jones. Steve Sidelnyk, Marcus Brown and myself performed the instrumental portion of those songs, as directed. I was asked if I knew of any good singers to sing on those songs, and since Adam Lambert and I had a band together at the time, we agreed that it would be a great opportunity for Adam, having never played in a band or recorded in a studio before, to sing on the tracks. Who wouldn’t want one of the best singers ever (in my opinion) singing on anything and everything? The whole session was engineered by Malcolm Welsford, the same producer of “Beg For Mercy.” At the time, we were all paid very generously.

The “Beg For Mercy” album contains songs that Adam and I wrote and recorded prior to him entering the “American Idol” competition. It was a collaboration between the two of us. Brian Frasier – Moore played drums; Rickey Pageot & Eric Mayron played keyboards on these recordings. I do not have any control of the release of any of these recordings, and I haven’t had any involvement with these songs since we recorded them. In fact, they have been out of my hands since before Adam completed Season 8 of “American Idol.”

Because we signed all of the associated legal paperwork, they are technically allowed to release it. Additionally, I have had and continue to have no control over the timing of these releases; I couldn’t halt or accelerate them even if I wanted to. All performers make money on all recordings that were played and/or written on.

From a purely artistic standpoint, I must admit that I am proud of this music, after finally hearing clips of these songs again as of last week (hearing finished for the first time here: I still think they’re great songs years later. There is a lot of heart and soul and positive energy that went into this at the time, which I cannot deny. I have always composed and performed music because I love doing so and because I have a true passion for it. It’s in my blood. And when we recorded these songs at the time, we hoped anything we did would be as big as it could possibly be; no limitations. And I’d imagine that would still come through in this music.

I can’t deny that “Beg For Mercy” is something we both put our heart and soul into at the time. However, I’m focused on my new album, “Pain, Love & Destiny”, which was released last week, and Adam is hard at work recording his new album.

With that said, my honest thoughts are that if you like what you hear, you should buy it and support everyone involved with this album. And if you don’t like it, then you shouldn’t buy it. As fans, that is your prerogative. However, illegal downloading of any music is wrong any way you look at it.

But I urge you to please not fling any unnecessary negative criticism or anger at any musicians involved with this project. At the end of the day, it’s just music. And music is the reason we’re all here, right?

Thank you for your support and for allowing me to address these rumors. Listen for yourself to the songs and you be the judge.

Monte Pittman

Anonymous said...

Monte's statement just show us again that Adam is in big trouble and Monte is ready to put hium in sh..... After this kind of testimony at the court, Adam will big problem!
Now you know that Monte isn't Adam friend anymore and deff doesn't plan to stay with Adam for future. He just needs more money and can't wait for the next tour.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Monte

Methinks thou dost protest too much

The timing of these releases stinks of avarice, deception and collusion. They are poor quality and I understand Adam not wanting
them out there. The court will decide. But keep in mind Justice is not always just!

Whatever happens Adam will survive and thrive. The friendship ???????


Anonymous said...

What a lot of drama on a thread about giving Thanks!


Anonymous said...


Drama indeed! @ JAK have you noticed this blog can worry a hangnail into an amputation? lol

OT..I am now both Minnie and Mickey on alternating days here in the Park. Does that make me a
bi-rodent? xxxxxxoooooo <3

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for posting that, anon @ 8:07. That makes the controversy a little more clear to me.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why Monte's statement would cause Adam problems. The release sounds legal - snakey and manipulative, but legal. Didn't Adam know before he got famous, that this is the way show business works? Didn't he know if he became famous, that someone, somewhere from his past dealings would try to make money off of his fame? I know I'll get attacked for this, but isn't that a little naive?

Anonymous said...

If all of us thought we'd become famous someday every time we signed something, we'd all be geniuses and fortune-tellers. Of course Adam never thought he'd be famous when he signed off on this music, at least not as famous has he has become. Each player in this lawsuit brings a different agenda to the table. Adam brings a desire for musical and personal integrity. He can afford, both financially and personally, to let this music stay unheard. Monte, (though not poor, I'm sure) would love to see this music pay off for him and his family. Is he riding on the coat-tails of Adam's recent success? Of course, he is, and he feels justified, seeing as he contributed honestly to this music at the time it was made. I believe that he and Adam HAVE been true friends for quite a while. Monte is trying to take care of his own interests. Do I like it? No. Monte has thrown the ball into the listeners' court and trying to absolve himself of responsibility. "The public should decide if they like the music and should buy it if they want to," he is saying, in effect. He wants to distance himself from looking greedy. He emphasizes the artistic contribution he made and not the benefit of potential sales. This Steve guy is an opportunist, plain and simple. Doesn't seem to have a real relationship with Adam. All this being said, Adam may lose this one on technicality. He'll may have to face it, take care of it, and move on. We'll still be here.

Anonymous said...

Adam has nothing to be ashamed of. He was being sincere and trusted them. They should be ashamed for being fraudulent and trying to mislead the consumers. Even though they are now marketing BFM as pre idol stuff.

Anonymous said...

@ November 27, 2011 9:42 AM

Adam may be a lot of things...naive isn't one of them. This isn't his first time at bat with these guys.

Of course, all of his die-hard fans know what that music is,but the casual fan or any new potential fans looking for Adam's music may not know the history and think that this is who he is now as an artist.

As for the Monte issue, we don't know for sure what the whole story is. We've only heard Monte's side. Who knows, maybe Adam was advised by his lawyers to break his ties with Monte, at least until this is resolved. Isn't Monte still under contract with them?

Anyway, this will all be resovled soon and we can put this behind us also.

Never a dull moment!


Adamluv said...

To the naive, living with the 1950"s mentality comments here - you dont have to be straight, married, romantically involved, nor have children to live a wonderful, fulfilled, happy and satisfied life! If I had the power to make Adam straight, I would not! He is perfect as is is!!!!!!!! Just concentrate on your life and leave Adam alone. And so many of your responses to that absurd early comment were so much more eloquent than mine, and I thank you!!!!!! ... Adamluv

HK fan said...

@anon nov 27th 9.42am
I think the issue with Monte statement for Adam is basically that Monte wnats this music released, and has promoted it, whilst Adam has stated he does not. Also the timing, with it being released just before Adams 'real' album and being promoted as Adam Lambert not Citizen Vein. Many fans feel that Monte has stabbed Adam in the back and has put money before friendship. Adam stopped following Monte on twitter and has not said anything to defend him, which also leads to the conclusion that they are no longer friends over it.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Monte wants to make money on this BFM album. The problem is false advertising and Adam not authorizing release of such an album under his name only. Also, he won't see a penny from sales of this album. This album isn't produced professionally. Its whole purpose is to screw up Adam's career. Adam's attorney should look into Welsford's legal immigration status. Just because he speaks English doesn't mean he is an American. He is from New Zealand. He has no work ethic. I don't think he knows meaning of ethic. He uses talented artists like slaves. Money is his ethic. Amazon sent emails to its members as BFM is Adam's new album. Fraud, deception, exploitation, greed written all over this album.

Anonymous said...

Somebody said "what's the Monte's issues?" Like I remember Monte release the album pretty soon after the GNT. May I have to refresh my memory.
I think Monte and Tommy didn't have any success after the GNT.
And it's seems that Tommy much smarter than Monte. Cause he still waits for his time and his fame.
Monte's idea is "I want it all and I want it now"!
Sorry, darling. this is music industry. No, I am not right. Do you remember for how long time some of the genious artists waited for their Victory Moment?
And some of them still didn't get it US! Guess who?
80% of my co-wrokers don't know who is Freddie Mercury. Some of them remember "gay band "Queen"!!!!
Monte, please, wait for the some minute or second of the FAME. Or you're gonna bet forgotten forever.
Actually, how many people knew your name until Adam brought it to the American Music Industry? Nobody had any idea who is Monte:)
Come down, Monte. oh. sorry it is too late. Probably you lost any chance to go for the next tour.

Anonymous said...

Sorrym Monte. But if you would be smart person, you appologised and try to help Adam in this very difficult time.

Anonymous said...

I feel Adam's advisers/management messed this up quite a bit for Adam. This is not the first time these people are trying to cash in on Adam's fame. They settled it more amicably the first time round. They could have done the settlement more subtly so as not to waste precious time with regard to Adam's new single and album release; isn't that also money down the drain. The lawyers/advisers/management did not do enough research. But I think it'll blow over, Adam has gone through much worse, I think.

Anonymous said...

@7:06PM Infortunately, nobody knows if Adam went through a situation worst than this one. Cause this time tere are a lot of money invited
I hope our Diamond Boy can afford Diamond lawyer.
Cause, it will cost thousnads and thousand $$$$ to hire the good lawyer. This is a music industry. Attourney has to be very competent and knowlegeable about this cases. i don't think they have any particular laws in the department:(

Anonymous said...

Hi7:47, I'd rather not Adam spend any more diamond lawyer's fee. These exploiters know what they want and how to get it. Adam could have left a loophole in a signed document for them to be so blatant. Just settle it quickly and move on with the release of his new single/with video and highly-praised album. This way he'll get back all the wasted time and money.

Anonymous said...

F''' you, Monte!!!
I just can't understand one very important detail.
Why Adam supposes to have much more problems than anybody else in his carrier? In this particular situation he has the problem with his "good friend"!!!! Darling, always will support you. For better or for worst.


Anonymous said...

thanks for all the different views about the "beg for Money" and the other CD.I read somewhere they threw in the Idol and My space stuff to smear his name and hoping something would stick. What a mess, next year when Forbes does the yearly Idol incomes Adam will be -6 million. It makes my stomach in a knot.