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Wedding Entrance Featuring Adam Lambert's "If I Had You"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, November 13, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, November 13, 2011


HK fan said...

Saw this earlier this morning. So cool, it looked like a very happy wedding, good luck to them.

Anonymous said...

what fun, they really had the moves too. thanks for posting.

Anonymous said...

What a fun wedding!

funbunn40 said...

Adam's music fills me with joy. Hope this happy couple's life will be filled with the same happiness and joy they felt dancing to If I Had You. What a fun wedding!

Anonymous said...

OT, but the Majors & Minors show tonight was so amazing. What a great little G rated show and of course Adam was so wonderful with those talented kids. They truly appreciated him and his talent and awesomeness!

Anonymous said...

Now those are some secure people. Can you imagine what the rest of the night was like. Adam always said he wanted to make people dance and be happy. Well done!

Anonymous said...

Hope someone tweets this to ADAM ... he's sure to appreciate this original concept for his IIHY. This has to be the Coolest Wedding Entrance Ever!!

Loved Majors & Minors ... such great advice ... those kids LOVED ADAM!! This program is being repeated on Friday Nov. 18 @ 11PM ET for anyone interested in seeing it again. Just wanted to share the info.

Anonymous said...

That was amazing! I would have loved to have been there. They can move it!

Anonymous said...

OT just been on Queens Fan Site. The comments there are about 98% favourable to Adam. A lot from people who hadnt heard of him before so thats all good.

Anonymous said...

had to watch again, some of those other threads can get quite gloomy at times.I am going to find my stripper girl heels somewhere!!

glitzylady said...

@Anon 6:14 PM
Many many people tweeted this to Adam. I bet he will
LOVE it! I also love it when people can have fun, and celebrate their commitment to each other with both meaning and a light heart. And it wasn't exactly the "predictable" processional.. The perfect song if you think about it!

Rita said...

Loved this so much!!! Best of luck to the newlyweds. I'm certain Adam has watched it by now and I can picture him with the biggest grin on his face. Awwwww

Anonymous said...

Love it when I hear Adam's songs whether it is in a wedding video or on TV show like M&M. Very cool! Makes me happy.

Anonymous said...

They have been married over a year now, hope they are doing well. They probably looked at the video today and went man where did all those views come from. lol

Anonymous said...

WOAH! What a great and novel idea!! Loved it!! If I Had You never fails to give me major goosies! :)

barn weddings said...

What a happy and memorable wedding day.

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! Check out this AWESOME article by John Kearns of the Irish News. Get ready to flail. big time!!!

Once you stop squeeeing and jumping up and down, please give John Kearns some positive feedback for this incredible article. Tweet him at @JohnKearns and like the article on his facebook page (link below) and please leave a great comment.

Adamluv said...

Now that's the kind of wedding ceremony I get get behind! What fun! Even loved the orange color! And what a lovely setting. ... Adamluv