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GQ Bashes Adam Lambert For The Third Time

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, December 13, 2011

"If you wear make-up, do not grow a mustache." - GQ

Was GQ being homophobic?

Was GQ's quote homophobic?
Not Sure free polls 


Anonymous said...

I personally loved that look! It made Adam look so different yet still hot. Adam looks always, no matter if hes wearing make up or not. But that goatee looked fab on him!

What an handsome man, he handles different styles very well.

A Random Fan From Finland :)

Anonymous said...

Ops, meant that Adam looks always GOOD! :)

Anonymous said...

love it when they grasp at straws to find something wrong with Adam.I guess fashion means having no fun these days. ho hum

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ok I kinda agree with GQ not Adams best looks but it's all good that is what GQ does it's not to be mean it's just for entertainment purposes.

Anonymous said...

GQ have the right to have their opinion, and I really do not see anything homophobic in this (even if I usually find myself very sensitive to all kinds of prejudice). Let's not get paranoid.

Anonymous said...

I didn't hate that look either, but many fans did. Now they're pointing fingers at GQ.

Anonymous said...

One of these years, GQ is gonna LOVE what Adam is wearing. One of these years, he'll make the cover and WOW! I don't really care what they think. This was not one of my fave looks for Adam. He looked kind of vampire-y, but he's gorgeous nevertheless.

Anonymous said...

Nothing homophobic about GQ's comment. Adam really wanted to look "out there" for a while, and he sure did.

Anonymous said...

The original GQ-page had also this tweet: "Rules of Street Style: If you have a testosterone problem, a mustache doesn't always help." Many tought this "testosterone problem" was homophopic and offensive and after a while GQ deleted the tweet and apologized the comment (GLAAD asked for an apology).

glitzylady said...

If you re-read that tweet, they were bordering on homophobic in the "testosterone problem" comment. It wasn't the fact that they were making fun of the facial hair but the implication that because he wears make-up he is less than manly. They know perfectly well he's gay.

GLAAD issued their own tweet to GQ: (as did many others, including myself.

GLAAD @glaad
.@GQfashion Being gay is not a "testosterone problem" - Apologize to @adamlambert & the gay community. #LGBT

They have since issued an apology of sorts and deleted the tweet and comment.

GQ Fashion @GQfashion
Re: our Lambert tweet, we were thoughtless and apologize. We shouldn't make stupid jokes about people's testosterone. As always, we learn.

Anonymous said...

GQ don't like men wearing makeup? Shame on GQ then!

glitzylady said...

Instead of writing my opinion of their tweet here, this is what I tweeted to GQ:

@GQFashion : Okay, I get that you are trying to be clever, and sooner or later most celeb men are critiqued in your "Rules of Street Style". Fair enough. Fashion, whether clothing or facial hair, is subject to discussion and opinion: not everyone will agree that a "look" works or not.. Also fair enough. And Adam Lambert is fair game just like every other red-carpet-walking, fashion statement-wearing, guy out there. However, this tweet and the bordering on homophobic statement is stepping over the line, in my opinion. It's also my opinion that whoever wrote this:

GQ Fashion @GQfashion
Rules of Street Style: If you have testosterone problems, a mustache doesn't always help. @adamlambert

might be in need of a little reminder that "testosterone" is not another thinly veiled term for "straight". I sincerely hope that was not your intent, to imply that Adam Lambert, a gay man, and as a result, other gay men, have "testosterone problems" simply because they are gay. Not okay. As a long-term fan of Adam Lambert (and increasingly FORMER fan of your magazine), along with my male family members, I find your comment unfunny at very least, and homophobic. And lastly, does this man look like he has "Testosterone problems"?

I sincerely hope you will issue an apology to @adamlambert and refrain from making such thoughtless statements in the future.

The Dark Side said...

Id GQ doesn't believe that Glamberts have the buying power when it comes to magazines, they should check with RS. WTF is their problem. Do an Adam photo shoot and watch that months sales soar GQ.

Anonymous said...

Go Glitzylady, you are the girl. Love your comment to GQ.
Personally their comment left a bad taste in my mouth.
That particular look on Adam I didnt like but I dont like facial hair at all. With so many gorgeous photos out there such as the one you supplied the link for
of course they are going to pick one they can make fun of. Not Good. Still you told the girl.Do you think your tweet and maybe there were others made them issue an apology, tho I have my doubts it is geniuine.

tess4ADAM said...

Well ... all I can say is ... GQ "OBVIOUSLY" doesn't follow the polls. If they did they would know that ADAM was VOTED "Male Fashion Icon of 2011" at the Flecking Records poll ... ahead of Robert Pattison .. Zac Efron .. Johnny Depp ... and many more from around the World!!!
That's good enough for me!! BTW ... I like this look ... ADAM looks DANGEROUS & FORMIDABLE & Deliciously SEXY!! JMO

tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

I would have added one more comment. If you are a red head and die your hair black, don't grow a mustache or a beard that you have to color with mascara each day. It only makes good sense. And if ou wear face makeup, make sure it doesn't get on your stache.

Anonymous said...

@glitzlady Your comment to GQ was great! Couldn't agree with you more. They are really being dumb. If they ever put Adam on their cover it would sell like crazy. But they won't and Adam might not want to be on their cover anyway.

Anonymous said...

Adam's face and hair. Adam's decision.

GQ was rude, but that's what they do. But the testosterone crack was homophobic and low blow. Not nice.

Anonymous said...

I'm 11:26AM, and did not know about the tweet by GQ. THAT certainly is rude, not funny and borderline homophobic! I'm happy GLAAD got on this, and that GQ apologized. Free speech and all that, but that doesn't allow being rude and thoughtless.

Adamluv said...

The comment about the picture doesnt offend me. I didnt even like this look but their "testosterone problems" comment was homophobic. @glitzlady - totally agree with your statement to GQ and I thank you for sending it to them. ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

GQ are floored by ADAM...he outclasses them hands down and that must give them trama! They were thoughtless and infact disrespectful with their comment.
I once thought GQ to be a high class magazine but now I have a different opinion.

Anonymous said...

Not a fan of that look but a testosterone problem?? Are they in need of glasses?? Adam oozes testosterone!! Maybe whoever made this comment is in need of testosterone.

Anonymous said...

what does GQ stand for anyway???

Anonymous said...

GQ stands for Gentleman's Quarterly. "High fashion" magazine for men. They seem to love to choose instances when Adam is wearing a more "costumed" look than when he is wearing more everyday, but stylish clothes. I have to believe they've seen him when he's looking pretty damn good. But that doesn't give them good ammunition for their mag. If GQ was smart, they'd put Adam on the cover in a killer outfit. Talk about sales.

Anonymous said...

GQ have dissed Adam and his style in the past and , if I recall correctly, Adam tweeted about one of their comments, including his opinion that their style choices were predictable. I guess they are still trying to have the last word or they are fishing for Glambert hits to their website.

Anonymous said...

GQ had to go back 10 months to find that pic of Adam. They must REALLY LIKE HIM A LOT to spend all their energy attempting (rather badly!!!) to try to find something negative about Adam. GQ is for dull people...

glitzylady said...

Thanks. I read that this AM on twitter and just couldn't let that one go. Its a comment I wouldn't be surprised to see in the comments section in some public blog, but not as a comment on twitter by a respected well known men's fashion magazine that is widely read and that was going out to 133,000+ followers..The fashion comment was snarky, the other one was stupid at very least. Oh well, I have a feeling they'll be a bit more cautious in the future. Being called out by GLAAD has a certain amount of clout. Good.

glitzylady said...

..meant to say "the Tweet was stupid at very least.."