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NEW VIDEO: ADAM LAMBERT & Sauli Koskinen Arrive at LAX on Dec 25, 2011

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Sunday, December 25, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, December 25, 2011


Anonymous said...

Wow! Glad tmz was a bit subtle this time. Adam is so diplomatic and handled the paprazzi well.

Anonymous said...

I don't travel much, is there anyway Adam can go directly off the plane to a waiting vehicle. He probably doesn't mind the questions once in a while but sometimes just needs a break.

Anonymous said...

How in the heck does TMZ know Adam's arrival?


Anonymous said...

Stalking on Christmas . . TMZ . . r these the questions we are going to hear on interviews . .

Anonymous said...

Welcome home Adam and Sauli

Anonymous said...

Looks like Adam is still embarrassed.

Anonymous said...

Even if Adam was totally disguised . . . .I would know him by his "strut" and long legs . . .

glitzylady said...

TMZ and other paparazzi are always at the airport in LA, as well as other places..always on the lookout for celebrities, not just Adam. But he IS pretty easy to spot, and he is, along with Sauli, rather "topical" right now, so not surprised they spotted him...They were all pretty low key..and respectful, so no harm done really..IMO. Adam with his scarf..had to laugh a bit..Glad they're back and had a safe trip..Big winds in Finland, they must have left Helsinki before the worst of it hit: good timing.

Anonymous said...

I use to watch TMZ all the time, but since they weren't showing Adam, I stopped. Darn, Double Darn, just when I stop, there he is. I don't blame Adam for being careful with what he says since you never know how it is going to be edited. Glad to see that he and Sauli are back safe. Happy Holidays to all the Glamberts! Just love Adam's new single.

Anonymous said...

It is nice to hear what the pap say to Adam and Sauli in the end of the video: it's good that you are still together. That makes him a good pap in my book. And to the question are they a big deal in Finland? Of course they are. Adam, you don't have to be sorry about anything. We love you. :)

Anonymous said...

I think the Finns and maybe some Europeans too, party more wild than the Americans. Fights are not all uncommon and they occur even more in the straight clubs, because women can be fierce and passionate too. I once watched a tv show of some rich young Americans and in a night club they just sit at the table and sipped their drinks very nicely, and wanted to be seen. They didn't even dance. It didn't look much fun to me, although I don't think it's not good to drink so much that you pass out. I also happen to know that the american youth like go to party in Mexico and there they get really drunk. I don't like to see men fight or girls having a cat fight over a guy either, it's ugly, but I like to dance.

Anonymous said...

Oh, this video was so embarrassing. That pap is a total stranger for them, even he's genuinely happy they are together, it's non of his business anyway. I'm ashamed of watching this. Boys give so much of themselves to fans already, they need their privacy.

Anonymous said...

2:17, there's nothing more embarrassing than being a life ruiner. Go back to your perfect life and read twisted fan fics.

Anonymous said...

I'm just glad they are home safely.
Air travel scares me.

Anonymous said...

Of course it has to do with upbringing. Finns are brought up quite freely. I was too, and I think it's a good thing. I was brought up with my single mother and my granmother. I read traditional fairy tale books, played with barbie dolls, listened to glam rock, and I was let to form my own opinions. I can imagine people who have been brought up very strict concervative way, been reading Little Women and watching Sound of Music in their childhood, can be a bit wacko when they are adults.

Anonymous said...

adam protecting hes voice,oww im happy sauli back with adam to los angles.

now whenever he sing or perform hes boyfriend with him for support.

Anonymous said...

Great to have Adam and Sauli safely back in "Adamland". I note Sauli didn't say anything and Adam seemed very reassuring towards him. Perhaps Sauli is fed up with all the media hype that surrounds his relationship with Adam BUT unfortunately, that's what being a associated high-end celebrity is all about, the fantastic times and the not so fantastic times. However, it is their business,not mine nor anyone else's business.

Anonymous said...

^Oops! 'being associate with a high-end celebrity .....'

Anonymous said...

Don't forget that Sauli has been a small celebrity himself before and he has got used to the cameras. Too bad there are still fans who never get used to seeing Adam with a boyfriend. They will have to keep cropping Sauli out of the pics, haha.

Anonymous said...

TMZ are all over the place and never miss a thing happening.
I see they won over even some of the Glamberts....don't be fooled people! They are good at their game.

Anonymous said...

OT but Kesha's We R Who We R just started playing on the radio and I was like I can't find the mute button fast enough.. xD

Anonymous said...

OT #2. I'm liking Kelly Rowlands Down For Whatever :)

Anonymous said...

#np Sak Noel - Loca People (WTF) :)

Anonymous said...

Good he's home. Now the next time Adam has to whoop Sauli's ass it will be on his own turf where his friends have got his back. That little squirt better watch out! Hahaha!

Fan4fun and Icon said...

@@@@@@ Glamily in Paradise

We are so sorry we haven't posting our comments for almost 2 months, maybe more, but we are having lots of troubles, but that's not a matter for these holidays! Anyway, we are always reading the comments in 24/7 Paradise, really worried and missing a lot the so well known tags that don't appear here anymore (hey fellows, you know who you are! Come back please!). We see that Paradise is full of «Anonymous», what is great if they are NEW commenters. But WHERE THE GLAMHELL IS OUR GLAMILY????... Wherever you may be, please don't be worried about us, our souls are going to be OK. Our love for sweet Adam is more and more big, as time goes by. We send you all Glamberts our love and best wishes for this season. A little late, but anyway... Merry Christmas to all!!!

Yeah!!!! «Meooooowrry» Christmas!

Fan4fun and Icon said...

@@@@@@ Glamily in Paradise

We are so sorry we haven't posting our comments for almost 2 months, maybe more, but we are having lots of troubles, but that's not a matter for these holidays! Anyway, we are always reading the comments in 24/7 Paradise, really worried and missing a lot the so well known tags that don't appear here anymore (hey fellows, you know who you are! Come back please!). We see that Paradise is full of «Anonymous», what is great if they are NEW commenters. But WHERE THE GLAMHELL IS OUR GLAMILY????... Wherever you may be, please don't be worried about us, our souls are going to be OK. Our love for sweet Adam is more and more big, as time goes by. We send you all Glamberts our love and best wishes for this season. A little late, but anyway... Merry Christmas to all!!!

Yeah!!!! «Meooooowrry» Christmas!

Anonymous said...

4:57 Aw, I hope they're even now. No spiral of revenge, please. When Adam travels alone he gets photographed with group of guys and he's smiling mysteriously..

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:31 AM: I didn't quite get your point, but I _am_ a sad little jerk and read twisted fan fic. :DDDD But that's fiction. Intervening real people's lives is different thing. If I had seen Adam and Sauli at Hyvinkää, I wouldn't have approached them 'cause they were on vacation, not working, and I don't know them.

Anonymous said...

@fan4fun and MyT Icon,
Yeah so glad ur back!!!! Have missed U so! Hope all is well!

Merry Christmas 2 all,

HK fan said...

its sooo good to see your post, we've all been worried about you. Please try and post more often.

HK fan said...

just saw this article from Australia, well worth a read, will definitely lighten the mood..

HK fan said...

just saw this article, well worth the read.

HK fan said...

oops. sorry for double post, the first one didn't show up when I went to check the link. Anyways don't think it worked by copy and pasting. Full link is

Anonymous said...

Tommyberts are so disappointed A & S are still together. Everything look awkward, body language is all wrong etc etc. Haha!

Anonymous said...

Ha! Ha! Many thanks HK fan for pointing us in the direction of that GREAT article by a fellow Aussie Glambert. We ADORE Adam Down Under. <3

Anonymous said...

Love the Aussie article. So clever and tongue-in-cheek. Those guys have a great sense of humor down there. And they LOVE ADAM! Glad our boys are home and safe. Now, on to the new video and the new MUSIC!

Anonymous said...

The fans will never forget Adam's mistakes and they will make Sauli's life hell in the US. That's why I prefer Perez Hilton over the Glamberts. Perez know when to stop hating.

Anonymous said...

I think it's sweet when Adam pats Sauli on the back .... kinda like 'hang in there, honey, we'll be home soon'.

They've been thru a lot and probably need rest and some alone time. LL

Anonymous said...

I would have stuck a wad of gum right on the camera lense. TMZ should be off during Christmas. what is up with these annoying paps????

Anonymous said...

there's tension in the body language. maybe trust issues???

glitzylady said...

Just a thought: The day the paparazzi stop caring about Adam is the day we start worrying that he isn't news-worthy anymore. The TMZ guys weren't so bad..Adam and Sauli are most likely expecting some paparazzi questions..Airports are public places...No harm done. Loved Adam's pats on the back for Sauli. Both smiling. Hoping they can relax a little before Adam gets busy with promotion and performances.

LOVED the Aussie Article! "The Day The Sky Fell Over Finland"! Its good to have a sense of humor about it..And I have a feeling its pretty close to what happened..

My love to Adam and Sauli and a pat on the back to both the guys...What a week!

Anonymous said...

So happy Adam and Sauli are home safely. I loved how Adam patted Sauli on the back and Adam and Sauli are really tired. Hope they get some rest. Things will start getting crazy busy for Adam with promo for the new single. A lot of great appearances to look forward to in the New Year. Can't wait to hear him sing BTIKM live, It's gonna be awesome!

Anonymous said...

Just want to focus on the music. I can hardly wait until his video and the numerous live performances. "2012" is going to be amazing for Adam and his fans. So excited!!!

Anonymous said...

glad Adam and Sauli home and safe. Adam will feel betterer with mom, the Cherry's and friends like Alisan and Terrance around and so will Sauli.and I am starting to feel like myseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelf too.( just had to get that plug in there)

Anonymous said...

Yayyy!!!! Our boys are back safe with a good spirit indeed....

Ready to rock baby:))))


Anonymous said...

Here is the same video but better quality:

Anonymous said...

9:22 I was just thinking that Terrance and Sutan are the fun guys. The next tour will not be the same without their humor.

Sheila_B said...

HK Fan

Thanks for the link to the article from Australia, I loughed so hard!

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy Adam and Sauli are back in LA none the worse for wear! Can't imagine what life would be like to live under a microscope! Fame - a two edge sword! Now back to the beautiful music - can't wait to see Adam's new video of BTIKM when it comes out! It certainly rings true with everything that's been happening of late. We love you BB and are in it with you for the long haul! Peace and happiness always! nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

@7:20am laugh now. You'll be crying later. Promise.

Anonymous said...

Love love love the Aussie article!!!
the truth , nothing but the truth that US media Do not want!!!
Love you Adam, can't wait to hear your 2nd album!!!

Anonymous said...

7:37 What "fans" are you talking about?

8:24 Huh?

Anonymous said...

Singing BOYS ARE BACK IN TOWN, BOYS ARE BACK IN TOWN... and looking happyyyy!!!

Anonymous said...

Now that Adam is back home, I suppose his focus will be on making the video for the new single and of course all the promos for the song. Can't wait to see him make the rounds on the talk and entertainment shows. I think Leno and Ellen treated him the best and really appreciated him. But I will take him on any show just to see him and then to hear him sing. The coming year 2012 should be a spectacular one for Adam.

Adamluv said...

Actually I thought the TMZ guy was being very nice and polite and appeared to like Adam! His job is to ask questions and dont think they were inappropriate at all. ... Adamluv

The Dark Side said...

TMZ must have a 24-hour watch for celebrities coming and going at airports and other high profile places. They don't miss much. Sauli probably laughing at Adam's attempt at hiding his face. LOL Own it Adam, we love you!

Anonymous said...

does Allison Iraheta talk with Adam anymore? she disappeared off the planet.

Anonymous said...

9:29 AM .... the site for that video opened but it wouldn't play the video. :( Thanks anyway. I've seen the original.

11.14 AM ...."The Boys Are Back in Town" - haha - well said.

The Aussie article - what a hoot! Our Aussie sense of humour! Thanks for posting the link HK fan. <3

Anonymous said...

I wonder what Mombert will to say to the "boys".

daydreamin said...

Loved the Aussie article! Great sense of humor. I need more of that in my life!

Anonymous said...

Aussie article was brilliant. I hope Adam and Sauli can relax and enjoy a New Years Eve with family and friends at home.
Can't wait to hear Adam's new album!

lorraine said...

Wish there was a secret exit for celebrity arrivals at airports so they could deplane privately and go home peacefully. I feel sad seeing cameras and reporters shouting questions/comments at Adam as he's trying to make his way home. I have no problem waiting to see him on a stage again-and no need to see him trying to just live his life- like any other human being.

Anonymous said...

To you the body language reader. Do you also read body gestures? I have one for you!

Anonymous said...

@ Fan4fun and Icon...!!!!!!

Such a relief to hear from you!
We have worried about you! Please ask your neighbor to contact us if you are going to go missing like that again! (don't say anything in front of Icon...but you know the keyboard is beyond his capabilities!)
Though he is a remarkable furry person!

JAK...welcome home!

Anonymous said...

So glad the boys are back home. But now I'm a little worried about New Years Eve!! The booze will be pouring! I sure hope Adam parties in private 'cause y'all know those nasty paps are gonna be on the prowl, just waiting to catch him doing something "inappropriate"!

Dear Adam, please be safe (and discreet)!! I worry about you bb!

Signed, just a worrywart :)

Anonymous said...

Please come back Helsinki as soon as possible to make a concert!
Happy new year to Adam and Sauli - be happy!

A fan

Anonymous said...

I clearly remember Adam got a 'purple fluffy thing' at the Sydney Mardi Gras! Ha! ...and he
waved that thing around too!Ha!

Anonymous said...

The US need to lighten up and adopt the Aussie humor. Proud to say I am one of them, who also loves and supports, promoting Adam Lambert with a passion everywhere I go.
Instead of using wasted negative
energy...turn it into positives and promote this man and his amazing off the planet music. This is what it's all about...not dwelling on useless speculated gossip.

Anonymous said...

TMZ are everywhere in Hollywood waiting to pounce 24/7, and that is their job. Not one to boast about but they are not going to go away. Neither is the likes of PH who is in raptures over Adam and it drives him crazy. He needs to stick to Johnny Ruffo and give Adam a break! Ha!!!!
Plus if you believe all the media reports then you need to get a life because they twist and turn the facts inside out to gain media attention.

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for Sauli, I know he was looking forward to visiting with his family and friends who he hasn't seen for such a long time. I'm sure his parents must be just as worried about him as Adam's would be, but I blame Adam for this incident, he's a bully always wanting things his own way, I'm sure patting Sauli on the back at the airport was more to save himself from embarresment rather than any real concern for Sauli. I hope Sauli wakes up to him and leaves him to back home to Finland where he will be treated with the love and respect he deserves.

Anonymous said...

I can't stand people who judge you were not there maybe sauli was the aggressor of maybe no one was and it's just blown out of proportion.

Anonymous said...

@ 4:52 AM,

I pity you my dear.....

You don't even know what happened there and here u are making judgement already.

U are the bully indeed!!!!


Anonymous said...

Canadian... I may be wrong with my assumptions, however I know one thing jet-lag and alcohol are no excuse for violence of any kind no matter who started the argument it seems both of them were in the wrong. However I have heard Adam admit to having a temper in the past and have seen how it has ended up getting him in trouble. I love both these guys and would hate to see them break up, but violent behaviour is what was reported, it was just pure luck that no one got hurt, next time they may not be so lucky. There is also the emotional side of this too, and sometimes this can leave more harmful scares than physical ones. We all make mistakes but making exuses or joking about it is not right and this is what Adam was attempting to do. Only time will tell, but he needs to put his words into actions perhaps get some councelling to help him sort through issues centred around his anger.

You don't have to agree, but I'm entitled to my opinion, I'm a huge fan of Adam's but that should not mean I have to agree with everything he says or does, it's because I care I speak openly and that's my right, and I think it's a pity more people don't do the same rather than simply worshipping someone no matter how talented they may be at any cost.

Anonymous said...

I don't blame Adam but I do feel as badly for Sauli as I do for our BB.

Sauli was probably looking forward to the holidays and showing around his beautiful boyfriend and, as they got off the plane in LA, he probably had a reflective moment and fell a little flat inside. The trip he had been looking forward to for so long was over too fast and the main thing everyone was focussed on was a bad moment. Plus, however small the incident, I bet he had to privately assure his family and friends over and over again that it was no big deal. Families are like that. They worry.

And then, first thing off the plane, the papparazzi start asking questions.

It was nice that Adam rubbed his back as well as patted it - much more consoling - as if he read the signals and knew that Sauli needed it.

I worry that this incident is going to follow Adam right through the promo interview cycle so they won't be able to retire it the way an ordinary couple can. Sending love and good wishes their way.

Anonymous said...

@ 8:32 AM,

If you really care, get the facts straight then you type your opinion....

Everybody has a temper even you don't drink....

In your previous comment, it sounded that you know him better than anyone else.... Please give me a break my dear. You are not the only one who disagree with him ok?? Blaming Adam won't help you at all my dear....


Anonymous said...

MOMbert should spank him on his bare ass and tell him NO wrestling on public sidewalks.:)

glitzylady said...

A couple of last words on this from me:

Adam and Sauli are the only ones who know what happened and they can work it out on their own without our advice. They had a quarrel, and as Adam said :

"Violence is not to be taken lightly. Embarrassed by drunkenness. No punches thrown, no injuries and no charges. Media always exaggerates."

Unsubstantiated rumors from tabloid blogs and one in particular, "He who shall not be named (PH)" gave rise to wild speculation and implications of "Adam beating up Sauli, Adam beating up bystanders, Adam going berserk," which ultimately was proved to be complete crap, according to the official Helsinki Police final report. No "violence" "no charges". Something obviously happened to cause Adam and Sauli to engage in some "drunk hugging" or "drunk wrestling" and no doubt words they wish they could take back.

I don't dismiss violence in any form but I would ask that people "consider the source" of the things they hear before condemning either Adam or Sauli as "violent". Seems to me they love each other very much and would not hurt each other intentionally, either emotionally or physically. That said, sometimes things do happen for a reason..this was likely an opportunity for both of them to reflect on their relationship and renew their commitment to each other. I choose to believe Adam is the good and loving man he seems to be.. I also sincerely hope this never happens again. I would assume that is the wish of Adam and Sauli as well. Life is a learning experience and sometimes those lessons are hard, and in the case of celebrities, very public.....I don't think Adam is perfect, who is???, but I'm not presuming to give him advice..I'm sure he's been giving himself enough of that....And kicking himself in the butt...We are usually our own biggest critics, and I'm guessing that would be true in his case as well.

Time to move on...

Anonymous said...

Wise words from Glitzylady

Anonymous said...

I find it a little funny to assume Adam woukd be the one beating up little Sauli. Adam is not the athlete, not the gymnastic muscled one. My money woukd be on Sauli.

Anonymous said...

Canadian Dec.27th, 11.19AM ...That sounds like a threat and I refuse to buy into it. Oh, and btw I am not your 'dear', so let's just drop it shall we.