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"Underneath" Demo! (From Trespassing)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Skip to 1:04 to hear the demo snippet! (Although this isn't Adam's voice singing the song.)

"Underneath" sounds....
Don't like it
Not sure yet, need full version! free polls 


Anonymous said...

Bit hard to tell from that little bit. But sounds like "the voice" will be predominate. I hope anyway.

Carlos said...

LOVED it! Sounds like the type of ballad that showcases his voice. Is that his voice? It didn't sound like it to me.

Anonymous said...

That really just isn't Adam's voice...

Anonymous said...

Of course it's his voice.

Anonymous said...

Not his voice

Lily said...

Definitely not Adam's voice!

tess4ADAM said...

My kind of ADAM song ... can't wait to hear the full version!! This album keeps getting Better-er & Better-er ... IMO

tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

how do you know this song is from trespassing?

Anonymous said...

Def kind of song he needs to put out there. I thought the whole first half of FYE was, well, not so great. This sounds current.

Rebecca said...

i love tom shapiro work so i have great hopes that this will be a great song with him and Adam working together

Carlos said...

@1:10 PM the video was uploaded for EMI Music and it says it's from his upcoming release.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's Adam's voice, but the little bit of the song sounds great. There is suppose to be 2 ballads on his album so maybe this is one since the other is OOL. The song Honestly that Kelly sings is my favorite on her album!

Anonymous said...

Sure sounds a lot like Adam to me. And I LOVE the sound of the song. If it's not Adam, it's pretty darn close. The song sounds beautiful and really shows off his voice. I hope it's true that it's on Trespassing. My heart rate just went up a million times. This is a REALLY GREAT sounding song, IMO. Things are heating up, Glamberts!

Anonymous said...

It's not Adam's voice but for sure the song sounds great. Can't wait to hear the full studio recording of it.

OT, Roger Taylor of Queen talks about teaming up with Adam again in 2012:!

Anonymous said...

"Underneath" sounds like a pretty ballad that Adam "could kill"..Why can't BB just tell us the exact date that the single"BTIKM" will be out?( or RCA)Why all the mystery??..unless there's still a legal problem.I sure hope not.I think maybe that the record co. just want us to keep checking back every day.(??)

Anonymous said...

I hope this song is an example of how Adam has put his voice "up front" on this new album. This is how non-fans will hear that one in a million voice over the background music, no matter if it's a ballad or an upbeat song. The single is close at hand now! Anticipation is a good thing!

Anonymous said...

Not Adam and won't be on the album.!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

8:50, how do you know for sure?

Anonymous said...

Probable a demo given to Adam before he changed direction on his album. Not Adam singing.

Anonymous said...

LIKE it much so far, but hmmmm, I dunno... How can some of you be SO positive this is NOT Adam's voice??? Maybe not as we know him NOW, but I had to question it. -->It CERTAINLY IS his pronounciation and tiny bit of a lisp he sometimes has... Go back and listen to the very beginning of AI, his audition, THAT certainly does not sound like the amazing all powerful Adam we know NOW (or SOME the you tubes BEFORE AI)

Ever listen to any early Elvis?? Even with his amazing- booming- beautiful baritone, some quick clips of early recordings do NOT sound baritone and sound NOTHING like him.
I'm *Not INSISTING this IS Adam, I'm just saying hm... maybe not, but..?

At any rate I agree with 3:37 that is the the type song Adam could KILL! I hope it's on the album and I can't WAIT to hear what Adam does with it. I'm totally expecting AMAZING =)
DEF likin' this...

Anonymous said...

OK... I'm back. 2 things:

@ Jadam and DRG... YEESSSSS!!! Absolutely! I agree 100 percent. I hope his VOICE is 'out front' like this. I LOVED FYE & thought every song on it was GREAT, but I DID wish his voice was more UP FRONT and not so burried in the thechno...

Now I've gotta enforce even more my post above.
I went back and listened like 5 more times. I'm TOTALLY questioning that demo-- that it just may BE Adam. The more I listen, the more it sounds like him the way he sounded on 'No Boundries' which I'll probly catch flack for, but I thought was a good song he was GREAT on. Just listentened to that again too... (OH Youtube is a wonderful thing!) > I wound up with a big smile on my face and a slight lump in my throat.
Hope every song on the new album does that to me, and this "Tresspassing" album smashes the charts with the best of them. I so want Adam to be recognized as the astounding entertainment Icon that he is, and recieves the respect, accolades and success that goes with it that he SO deserves.

funbunn430 said...

Need to hear more before giving an opinion, but sounds like it would showcase Adam's beautiful voice as long as it's not in the country genre that Adam loves so much! lol

tess4ADAM said...

After listening to this clip several times I'm becoming more convinced that it is ADAM doing a rough cut. Sounds like his falsetto to me ... if it isn't ADAM ... someone is doing a pret-ty good imitation ... I dunno. In any case ... if it is on the album it sounds like an **ADAM song** ... the kind I LOVE to hear him sing ... hope it is ... JMO

tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Of course it is Adam's voice! I love it!