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Yahoo Music: The Most Anticipated Albums of 2012

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, December 29, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, December 29, 2011

Adam's album is included in Yahoo Music's most anticipated albums of 2012!

ADAM LAMBERT Trespassing (March 20)

His debut album never really quite found its audience, but we'll see if working with producers as mammoth as Dr. Luke, Ammo, Nile Rodgers, and Pharrell Williams can rectify that. Fans are already getting to know "Better Than I Know Myself," the first single.

Source: Yahoo Music

Thanks Merrick for the tip!


Anonymous said...

I have yahoo has my provider but always use google cuz yahoo never seems to be adam friendly. Yahoo for yahoo this time- maybe I'll re-think them. yes, this is MY most anticipated album of all times lol. I've never in my life waited for a album to come out.

Anonymous said...

the first album found an audience right away with me. glad they mentioned his album and single though.

Anonymous said...

Shout it from the rooftops! BTW, The Grammys are asking for who we want to perform on the show in Feb. Twitter "Adam Lambert" !!!!!!

coloforadam said...

I'm still so attached to FYE, wonder if I will feel guilty, loving the new stuff. Hard to imagine loving any song more than Sleepwalker or Fever or Soaked or Broken Open or...... "never quite had an audience" HUH??? Adam's audience may not be staggering in numbers but we are staunch, fierce and totally smitten for as long as he will sing and smile (and MOVE like he does).

Anonymous said...

Something positive from Yahoo. I shy away from their comments sections; they always have an axe to grind with Adam.

Anonymous said...

Found this on twitter:

Better Than I Know Myself is at #31 on Billboard's Pop Digital this week, highest debut on this chart:

Pop Digital Songs
Issue Date: 2012-01-07

This Week|Last Week|Two Weeks Ago|Weeks on Chart|Title, Artist/Producer(Songwriter) Imprint/Catalog No./Distributing Label|Peak Position

31 NEW 1 Better Than I Know Myself, Adam Lambert 19 | RCA 31

Other new-entry songs are:

42 NEW 1 Naked, Dev & Enrique Iglesias Indie-Pop | Universal Republic 42

48 NEW 1 Hit The Lights, Selena Gomez & The Scene Hollywood | 48

Anonymous said...

Twitter message was from Hooplamagnet. Nice!!!

Anonymous said...

Another one from twitter, PLEASE VOTE:

RequestAdam Request Adam Lambert
ADAM FANS: Confusion over if you can vote multiple times on Sophie's Challenge but perhaps you CAN. Small lead!…

Anonymous said...

Your vote is desperately needed here:

Fans are busy on twitter voting for Adam. You can vote as much as you want. He has to win this poll in order for radio station to play BTIKM. DO IT NOW!

Anonymous said...

The FYE album found a HUGE audience with me. Wish sites wouldn't make negative comments that only represent THEIR point of view.

Looking forward so much to Trespassing but the FYE album will always have an extremely special and important part of my heart.

daydreamin said...

Looks like the Lambert's n friends are bowling for Neil's birthday!:

milestougeaux Miles Tougeaux
Lambert family & friends bowling Bday party. Danielle kicked our ass
36 minutes ago

Anonymous said...

Well Adam sure as hell gained a massive international audience with the first album. Guess he must be referring to the US, and the world is a whole lot bigger!

Anonymous said...

I agree - many "people" in the US didn't get it. But, us Glamberts know what's good and we certainly love it. Around the world, everyone loves and gets Adam!

Anonymous said...

FYE's may not have been a massive chart topper but the suggestion that it never quite found an audience is not really accurate - 800,000 is a lot of audience in the age of illegal downloads.

Thing that surprises me about that cd is that it was actually really, really good and should have caught on more. It has so many listenable songs on it. It will be hard for most artists, including Adam, to top that cd

Anonymous said...

Today on the radio:
IIHY, WWFM and lovely BTIKM : )

Happy New Year to all of you
from Finland!

Anonymous said...

I'm from Melbourne in Australia and all week I've been hearing a lot of Adams music, IIHY, WWFM, but still no BTIKM. I tried calling a few stations but had trouble getting through but I'll keep trying. It's great that his songs from FYE are still highly popular but I'd love to hear his new single on radio!!

Anonymous said...

For some reason, NY Magazine is still listing Trespassing on it's Anticipation Index as Title TBA, which is probably affecting it's ranking negatively. (currently at 20.)

I emailed them and hope that they'll add the title in. The rankings are based on social media and if they haven't got the title in there they're missing half the mentions.

Anonymous said...

I think FYE found quite a big audience. Adam would not have had so many sold out venues when he toured. Anyway I think Trespassing will find a larger audience and will will be huge!

Anonymous said...

LOVE Adam's first album. I cannot imagine life without it and I won't live life without it! It's my absolute favourite album bar none! xox

Anonymous said...

2:08, Don't know if you're an Adam fan or not, but this time around, Adam is getting far more promotion and we real fans are working hard to get his new music to the top. Negativity gets him nowhere.

ALSO, the Grammys are asking for suggestions for who we want to perform on the show in Feb. So TWITTER the Grammys with "Adam Lambert!"

glitzylady said...

Actually, the comment re his first album aside, this is a very good article because THE REST OF THE STORY IS THIS: Adam is included in the " 20 of the Most Anticipated Albums of 2012", and listed along with some big stars..not so shabby, I would say.....Many other names are mentioned only, but Adam was one of 20 who got a whole paragraph listed after this intro:

"But even if that ancient prophecy [the Mayan prophecy that the world will end in 2012...] doesn't come to pass, there are plenty of surer bets to look forward to in 2012. Some have been officially announced by the record labels, while others have been unofficially heralded in media interviews or the artists' own Twitter feeds. We've got a mega-list of upcoming releases, starting with 20 of the most anticipated:"

I like the prediction: "surer bets" which includes Adam's TRESPASSING....

Nice...very nice : )

Anonymous said...

0n the radio sophie poll,just now,Adam had 49.11% & Mikey Wax had 50.89%(WHO IS HE??)..SOMETIMES you can get in more than one vote--other times,it says"We've already counted your vote"one of the polls that can be confusing..just try & get as many votes in as you can...then try again later.What's the url for the srtist you want to see singing on the Grammies??Do you have to be on twitter?

glitzylady said...

Off Topic:

Interesting: Details Magazine #FollowFriday today...

Is there another Adam Lambert cover and/or story coming up in DETAILS?????!!!

Hope so!

#FF @longformorg @buzzfeed⁰⁰ @mental_floss @gawker @hellogiggles ⁰⁰@hitRECordJoe⁰⁰ @adamlambert ⁰@slate @wired @AHeadlongDive @vulture

Anonymous said...

I just voted for Adam at the Sophie radio poll and Adam is slightly ahead, so keep voting.

Anonymous said...

Better Than I Know My self
I LOVE this song!!
Fan from Finland

Anonymous said...

Adan tweeted this vid - flattered, he said!

GGD Gal, thank you Adam for being the inspiration in my life for almost 3 years now... Happy New Year, BB!

Anonymous said...

After analyzing the billboard chart, I found out that BTIKM without any promotion (just internet buzz,) was no. 1 debut pop single track and no. 8 debut single track last week. That's not bad at all. Also, there was a poll on USA Today and 15% of fans bought Trespassing album on AO in order to get free BTIKM download. The free download according to RCAPromo won't be accounted by SoundScan as track sales. So if you are one of those who got free BTIKM download you can buy it for .99 cents from Amazon. This will help BTIKM to chart high on various reports.

Here is the Amazon link:

Anonymous said...

Adam tweeted this vid by Jamie Glambert, said he was flattered - Go, Jamie!

Thank you Adam for being such an inspiration in my life for the last (almost) 3 years… and the ride continues!!!

GGD Gal (posted this already once, but it vanished somewhere...)

Anonymous said...

And he tweeted also these before the twat above...

adamlambertAdam Lambert
You all got my back and I feel that love!!! Thank you!!

adamlambertAdam Lambert
Just a quick thank you to all who are helping get BTIKM noticed! I wouldn't have been able to make this album if you weren't so passionate.

Ain't he abso-effin-lutely grand!


Anonymous said...

some highlights:
Adam and Tommy!!!!

Anonymous said...

11:29, thank you for the great sales news! My hopes are high that both the single and album will reach the top. With virtually no official promo yet, it's doing really well. RCA has got to be pretty happy.

And, thanks, GGD Gal, for the link to the video and for posting Adam's tweets. He DOES love and appreciate us. Oh, and he's the hottest man on the face of the earth. And the most exciting. And the most fascinating. And.....

Glamberts! I know we're working hard at promotion! I've bought and bought. Now it's getting everyone we know to give Adam a try.

The Grammys want people to twitter their suggestions for who they want to perform on the show in Feb. Let them know it's gotta be ADAM!

Anonymous said...

As of December 30, BTIKM is 76 on the Billboard Hot 100 one week out.

Anonymous said...

I love adam's first album and I thought he did great.It was popular and still is popular here and all over the world.. Don't get the" he never found his audience remark.". He found a world wide audience., and a tour of 100 performances everywhere.
IMHO that's a roaring success,especially first time around. This new album will probably be huge.
We can't forget that some people download the music for free ,Not nice but it happens.

Anonymous said...

I love Adam's tweets to us. I am glad he feels our love and support for him and his music.This month should be exciting with promo and then hearing his song on the radio! It's doing very well and just wait till a month from now!

The Dark Side said...

I am one of those who cannot wait for Trespassing. March seems so far away, so will settle for BTIKM video and seeing what types of songs get leaked before the unveiling. Adam is playing with the big boys this time around.

Anonymous said...

I think the "never found his audience" remark was a polite way of saying that the album didn't sell a gazzillion copies like Gaga, Beiber, etc. It fell below the anticipation and the hype for the over all public. It was made in a hurry with some lack of experience.

I hope this one is better. I hope he concentrated on catchy dance tunes more than telling "his story".
Not everyone has the knack for coming up with the right chords and melody to make a hit which people like. Adam's strength is singing and looking gorgeous, that is enough without feeling he has to write everything as well.
(Note: I am a professor of music, with specialties in composition and harmony analysis)

Anonymous said...

OT I see Katy Perry and Russell Brand have filed for divorce. : (

Anonymous said...

I also loved Adam's first album; the best that I have heard from any artist. I believe that it just did not get enough promotion, but I think it sold very well anyway . RCA really has to do their part this time and promote, promote, promote!!

Anonymous said...

You can also rate the song on Q104.

Anonymous said...

@1:24 I also just saw that on the news Katy perry and russel's divorce- I have to say I didn't see that one coming like all the others. Geez we think they have it all but seems they are all unlucky in love or is it all public stunts??? Sorry, don't feel sorry for any of them IMO!

HK fan said...

re Katy and Russell,
I watched E news a couple of nights ago (we're a few days behind here,and I would like to add I don't normally watch it...)anyways they reported some mag or something had had a poll asking how many thought Katy and Russell would announce their divorce in 2012, 100 % voted they would, so obviously many people saw it coming!!!

Anonymous said...

katy and russell who saw that coming

Anonymous said...

Looks like Adam won the Sophie poll.

Anonymous said...

If you read Russell's book you probably wouldn't imagine anyone
being married to him! Weird but sadly amusing.