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Adam Lambert Live in Shanghai

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Monday, January 2, 2012

Posted at : Monday, January 02, 2012

From TheTeamNoPants:

It's short and some parts doesn't even have visuals but we now have a video!
Thanks to the participant (my friend's friend) who took and shared this video with us. :D

TCB (just a intro)


Anonymous said...

Glad to at least get a taste of what he did in Shanghai. Somebody really hid their camera/phone to get even this much. His vocals sounded fabulous, of course, and the crowd seemed to be into it. Being a private party, we likely will not see an "official" video, but glad to get whatever we can. Makes me REALLY eager for the new music and tour!

Anonymous said...

Strut . . Thanks . . he sounds great . . hope there is more to come.....

Carlos said...

I Need like the officially recorded version that Amway must have somewhere. It sounded great!

Carlos said...

But thanks really! I'm guessing it wasn't allowed to have videocameras cause it seemed like that person was hiding at parts. We appreciate the effort :)

Anonymous said...

How is it possible that Adam sounds so good when he always sounds amazing when he sings..but he sounds so good ..cannot wait for more this year

Anonymous said...

Wonder why Adam did that gig for Amway. I've heard lots of negative things about them. Aren't they anti-gay rights?

glitzylady said...

Adam was invited and obviously appreciated at this Amway convention/event, and no doubt was very well compensated...I think that's the important thing....

And OMG!!!! Did he deliver!!! Wow!!

Anonymous said...

WOWW!! He sound GREEAT!!!!and the few sec. that you can see him...looks STUUUNNINGGG!!!Thanks for the effort!!


Anonymous said...

TOTALLY agree, he SOUNDS and LOOKS GREAT...Thank you Admin and TheTeamNoPants (such a funny tag you have!)

Here something to fill in the he darkness during IIHY - this short clip from Helsinki concert (Nov 6, 2010) ALWAYS makes me smile - an OLDIE, but OH SO GOODIE - play it LOUD and follow the MASTER’s instructions: NOW JUMP!!!

GGD Gal, :):):)

Anonymous said... above

JUMPED SO HARD the link fell off from my post...


Anonymous said...

... ooopps, it happened AGAIN, soooo sorryyy

Here's the LINK finally I hope:


Anonymous said...

No top hat, no tails, no cane, no bindis, no glitter and yet, perfectly gorgeous.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

band sounds good no dancers just adam

Anonymous said...

Ditto to the comments: Adam sounds fabulous - looks gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hard to believe how great Adam is time after time, but he's just that GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The band sounded great - although I always enjoyed the dancers (and Adam dancing with them!), Adam needs nothing but a mike in his hand to entertain! Droooooooooooooooollll!
(WOT: Did you hear Kelly Clarkson endorced Ron Paul!----Kelly--What were you thinking!!!!!!!!(still luv u tho-free world)

Anonymous said...

@3:38PM I don't care what Kelly Clarkson did or dind't! As a matter of fact I didn't care about her at all.
However, when I saw her photo in the mall today, it made me very upset!
How come Adam never wasn't invited in any public advertisment or commercials?
Do you remember his last appearance on Oprah or Ellen of Jay Leno shows?
Sorry, but nobody care about "Project Runaway" or "Minors and Majors":( Most of the people never heard about these shows.
Do you know that only 15% of Americans watch AMA or Grammy's?
But 50% of Americans watch Oprah or Ellen shows!
About RCA promotion, I thought Adam changed the management. Where are these agents right now? Don't they have to promote BTIKM or Tresspasing instead of RCA? As far as BTIKM was out of top 200 on itunes, I think Adam's management needs to think about great commercial for Tresspasing! I think one million dollars it would be more than anough to get just one or two commercials on USA, FOX and E! channels. I am sure Seacrest would announce Adam's new album on E! news with pleasure.

Rita said...

That was the best performance of FYE that I've heard from Adam, in fact I thought it was the recording playing until I saw him singing it. That Ninja Glambert risked life and limb to get what he/she could and it is very much appreciated!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Admin and TeamNoPants for the glimpses which show a glorious performance by Adam. Unmistakable with or without mind's eyes saw it all! Yea Shanghai too love my favourite song FYE!! I notice Adam delved quite a bit into his powerful high notes...ingenious, as far as I know they love the high register; that's how they sing Chinese opera. This probably will not be the only engagement nor the last for Adam in China. :)

daydreamin said...

@Rita, I TOTALLY thought the same thing about FYE! It sounded really good!

HK fan said...

@daydreamin and Rita,
I thought the same about FYE, its not a song that seems to be his strongest live, but on this video he sounded amazing.