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New Sauili Koskinen Blog Post: Live Healthier

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, January 04, 2012

I have decided to live this January healthier than ever before! In general, I watch out pretty carefully what I put in to my mouth, and I have tried to maintain a healthier diet for a couple of years already. However, I will now try to make this January a real challenge for myself and eat only health food. (low on carbs, lots of protein, rich with vitamins and looooots of water) Every day a 30 - 40 min run and on top of that a workout in the gym. Whoah! One would think that this would finally chase the Christmas goodies away! After a rough December (note from M&Z: By “rough” he means the pre-Christmas parties with lots of drinks + The New Year Eve’s drinking) many Finns are having a dropless January, which means: no alcohol for a month.:D I’m also going to keep the corks screwed tight and cleanse my whole system. I’m convinced that after this I will be like a new person!
However, this healthy January does not mean in any way that I’d live in a healthy way for one month only in a year, hah!! It’s definitely a question of a healthy lifestyle as a whole. Sure, I have sometimes told quite openly about my partying and my love for hamburgers, which in my opinion is totally human, and sometimes you just have to feast and have fun without being a total hardass. The whole world seems to hear immediately if my partying sometimes goes overboard or that I’ve been eating junk food, and it’s pretty crazy because in general I do live in a really healthy way. And that’s not only in January, but other times as well, hah!! Anyway, it’s nice to start a new year with looking after yourself even more carefully, as long as you just don’t end up making empty New Year’s resolutions but also make those decisions come true and a part of your life for real!

I started jogging actively for about three years ago and it has already become a habit. I really do get into a bad mood if for some reason I can’t go out for a run. Usually starting a new sport or any kind of active exercise is often difficult for us all. I remember when I started jogging that at first it felt pretty boring and it was easy to come up with a reason why I couldn’t go for a run. I guess this is a familiar feeling for many of you too? You just have to make exercising to become a way of living for yourself, and not just a compulsive feeling of doing something. After you get that feeling into your head, you’re hooked! I don’t even think it as jogging anymore but it has become a way of living, and a part of my daily routine. In my opinion every one of us got to have some time, an hour or at least half an hour daily, for sports or to exercise. There are millions of excuses and I can’t say that I haven’t used some of them sometimes myself. I’m not trying to make an epitome of sports of myself here, but based on my own experiences it’s great to urge other people to exercise. Daily exercise is the best medicine for the minds of us all! At least it’s hardly harmful to anyone!

I started today with an omelet and fried spinach. For a drink, I made a super smoothie which contained: cocoa water, mango, pineapple, apple, coji berries, acai berries, wheatgrass, barley grass, alfalfa, kale and maca. If this doesn’t start your day then what will? Hah! For dinner, low fat meat and vegetables. In the evening, one cup of herbal tea with fresh mint leaves. Good for anyone!! This will be this month’s diet. Let’s see what kind of changes it will create. Yay!!



P.S. I found this topic from your questions. It’s wonderful how you’ve posted questions and I will answer some of them in more detail at the end of the week. Yay!! I’ll probably also write a whole blog of some other topic from the questions.


Translation Source: adamtopia


Anonymous said...

why oh why couldn't I have read your blog before eating pecan pie.

Anonymous said...

Please Admin I read Sauli's blogs but I think his blogs doesn't belong to this site!

Anonymous said...

1:19pm, I see your point. At the same time, Adam tweeted today that he is on a juice fast. So the guys are doing this January detox together. It's not too big of a stretch that what Sauli is doing also tells us what Adam is doing.

It's a different question whether we should be reading / discussing his/their juice fasts and NYE celebrations at the first place.

Anonymous said...

I believe that any news about Adam, sometimes through Sauli, is still good news. As fans, we don't want to make uncalled-for comments or interfere with their lives, but we are interested in what they are doing, just like we want to stay informed and connected with our family and friends. Adam is an important part of my life and of many of his fans, so it's natural that we love to hear about whatever concerns him. I believe that Sauli plays now a important role in Adam's life (he can make Adam happy or unhappy) and that's why I like to read his blogs just to stay informed about what's going on.

Anonymous said...

1:53, you're absolutely right. I want to know everything about Adam, and let's face it, Sauli is our pipeline to Adam. They live together and do a lot together. Nothing wrong with hearing about their lives. Adam must be aware of what Sauli blogs. Sauli is not an "outsider" or anything, it's not intrusive if they both agree on what Sauli blogs. If some fans don't want to read it, they don't have to.

I wonder if Sauli's new healthier lifestyle will include far less drinking and no smoking. Just curious.


Anonymous said...

Oh goodness, again we're going to get side tracked by LaurieLovesAdam (a con fan and not fan of Adam) and her followers, Tommy fans.

funbunn40 said...

Love seeing Sauli's blogs on this site. Scroll on by if you don't care to read, but many of us do enjoy news as it reflects on Adam and where would censorship stop? Nice to read that Sauli and Adam are together taking positive steps, living a healthy lifestyle and at the same time, encouraging others. Yay for them! What they freely share with us is their choice and not an intrusion into their lives. We care about them as human beings as well as their talents. I don't intrude on my grown children's lives, but am happy that that they choose to share so much with me. It's a beautiful connection and I think Adam and Sauli like to share until the crazies turn it into something negative or distort it into their own agenda.

Anonymous said...

If Sauli blog does not belong to this site, could you tell me what does???Maybe we should start that shit about Adommy again? Or maybe we should discuss Kris Allen pup?
Sauli is a part of Adam life now, whether you like it or not and I am interested in ANYTHING pertaining to Adam.
If you don't like Sauli's blog, don't read it. It's a free country.

Anonymous said...

I love to see what other fans think of Saulis blog, so it is very nice that you put it in here as well :) Lets all be positive! If you don't like it don't read it BUT: Adam LOVES Sauli! And I love them both <3


Anonymous said...

Is this for real?

Recently, the Indianapolis Super Bowl host committee invited the American Idol alum to join the festivities. “Hey, @adamlambert! Will you be joining us in your #hometown for Super Bowl XLVI?” the committee said in a December 19 tweet.

Anonymous said...

Spinach is the superfood. good for colon health:0)

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhh I so agree Funbunn40! I could not have said it better. Thank U Dana

Anonymous said...

if ya wanna clean your pipe out you should eat loads of Spinach. stock up on lots of TP if you are not used to it.

Anonymous said...

I guess you can call me a drama lover, but I love reading all of the comments here at this site. It's my little escape from troubles. I know I should feel bad for admitting this, but the troll comments keep this place hopping. It would be boring here if only comments professing love and admiration for Adam were allowed. It would be redundant if all we talked about was his perfection. I doubt that I would come here as often. It's always interesting to hear how and why someone's opinions are different than mine.

Anonymous said...

Dear @3:06 PM
I told that I read Sauli's blog. I like to read his blog because I find his personality interesting. Just not here because I know it's annoying some fans.

fefa14 said...

im so with u. i like 2 read the troll comments because i want to understand why they dont like him or something that is post here.....and darn sometimes the fights get krazy lol! :)

in my personal opinion i like reading Sauli's blogs and they are good so they really dont bother me im usually a neutral person if it doesnt bother me then why argue....after it entertains me and in some way has something to do with adam then im fine lol! ...;)

Anonymous said...

Its only a few times that Sauli's blog has been posted here, and you can scroll and ignore if you don't want to read. If someone is annoyed by the posts it is their problem.

Right now its still pretty quiet on the Adam front but once the promo for the album really starts there'll be plenty of news to fill this site anyway.

This particular blog has a pretty inspiring and current topic, and at least I enjoyed reading it.

In general, I don't understand why the Sauli stuff would really bother anyone, unless they're a bitter tinhatter. There are things here about Adam's friends as well, like e.g. Alisan's pregnancy a couple of days ago.

Anonymous said...

I must say that afther reading Sauli's blog I have a deep gulty feeling inside me...I don't know what happened....It was stronger than me...I know ...Ikown...I have to be strong...but...Oh Lord....forgiveme...I'm weak....I'm so sorry...It won't happen again....(till nex month or so)...but today I must ate PIZZA!!!!Delicious sin.....:))


Anonymous said...

SG I had pizza today AND a brownie. I should have just patted them on my stomach because that's where they are now.

fefa14 said...

ur so right!! :)

OMG SG!!! i LOVE ur sense of humor!!
which inspires me 2 confess 2!!

i started doing some excersie with my mom and then we had lunch and to be honest a wasnt full!! so in my mothers back i ate a lot of ICE CREAM lol i felt and still feel so guilty but it was soo good!! 3:P and the thing is i ate ut again lol!! ohhh the guilt!! XD

Anonymous said...

There was a gift basket in the office today. I took some cookies and tiny biscuits wrapped up (I thought it was cheese!) on the pretense of giving them to my husband. I ate them all - after I had lunch! He'll never be the wiser!I was doing pretty good too. (sigh)

Anonymous said...

I love sauli's blog...and any info about him as well

Anonymous said...

Who is Sauli trying to impress?
Another who would he be without Adam?

Anonymous said...

He would be a winner of Big Brother Finland with an online show, a comfortable life and lots of friends in his home country. Not exactly a loser. Possibly better off than a lot of posters on this blog. LOL.

Anonymous said...

What is Big Brother? I know it's a reality show, but what did the people participating have to do to win?

Anonymous said...

He's gonna get Adam so healthy he will be boring. I like reading his blogs.
Adam will be on the wagon for a while, he wants to show he can be a good boy, after the Finland brawl. Cant blame him, when you read about his new single, a mention of the fight is right along with the song news.
Just like the AMA stunt.
I do like this side of him, he is human and not perfect. Funky boys always are the hit, go for it Adam stay as you always are.
Dont even let love change you.

Anonymous said...

Big Brother, Housewife shows, Teen Mom's, Jersey Shore, all junk shows.
No talent needed what so ever.
He was a winner for doing nothing.

Kind of like the Seinfield show I suppose, omg that was funny.

Yes he'd be pretty good off in Finland today, not riding Adams coattails. But it was Adam who chose him. Lets not forget that fact. After a few drinks, got all hornied up seeing cute Sauli.

Anonymous said...

Who was the girl Sauli dated a few years back?
He lived with another guy for over a year, and also dated chicks.

Anonymous said...

the super crays are here.

Anonymous said...

I see super invested fans are here again. Could you not get side tracked with Adam's personal life and concentrate on what is now important which is to promote Better Than I Know Myself?

Anonymous said...

Yes lets not get side tracked and do our best to promo BTIKM.

I would like to see a picture of the girl Sauli dated though. I read about this about the time when he 1st met Adam. Finish article told a little about Sauli, also read he was in a relationship with and lived with another guy for a year and a half.

Hope no one thinks I'm a super cray, whatever that is, I'm just nosy.
Why do people have to be so mean?
Its a free country, people have a right to say what they think.

Anonymous said...

If anyone doesn't like Sauli's blogs or tweets, they don't have to read them.

Anonymous said...

cry me a river

Anonymous said...

7:07 You bring this up alot I'm surprised you haven't found your answers by now since it means so much to you.

Anonymous said...

I read somewheres that Adam used to sing anthem at San Diago sporting events and we have seen video of him at Army event with
just him singing no band . . . this would be great . . . I get chills just thinking about it!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sauli won Big Brother because he was so sweet person that everyone just loved him. He won because he was being himself and not pretending to be anyone else. So many of you seem to be able to only think the worse of people... it makes me sad for you. :( Try to get better <3

Love wins.

lorraine said...

To 6:26 I am trying to recover from a pretty bad case of the flu here-----and---just finished reading your comment. After reading "After a few drinks......." I went into a major coughing fit because I couldn't stop laughing. All this nit-picking of the Adam-Sauli relationship seems so silly to me,but somehow your comment gave me the biggest,most hilarious chuckle of 2012 so far! Now -I'm off to find my cough drops.....

Bing said...

@DRG, @funbunn40, @Paolo and all the others who don't mind seeing Sauli's blogs here please count me in! 24/7 is the only place i could visit lately due to RL and it's always a pleasure to read his very interesting and honestly written blogs every now and then. I did enjoy this particular post about staying fit because i can very much relate with it. I'm so familiar with what he is doing now since i'm into Atkin's diet myself. And i even order my WheatgrassPowder from Malaysia because it is quite expensive to buy it in Manila. Also jogging is an excellent form of exercise and i envy him so much that he has the time to do it. It is so wise of Sauli to take good care of his health this way because Adam would definitely appreciate this being a health buff himself. We ought it to ourselves because we will be the ones to suffer later on if we take our health for granted. So i'm truly glad that he has this regimen.

I won't say that i'm exasperated by the amount of negativity thrown at our boys here. But i'm extremely amused at the time and effort that is devoted just to dampen the good spirit and vibes of our 24/7 Glamberts. I could understand very well the diversity of perspectives but wishing for bad things to befall another is just beyond me. All my life i would always count on the good side of a person no matter what. So it saddens me to see someone who is bent on destroying everything that is beautiful and who is relentless in spewing hatred. I can never be proud of doing something like this for it is such a shameful and cowardice act. So typical of a loser and an envious being. OBVIOUSLY MISERY LOVES COMPANY! JMHO

So 24/7 Admin all i can say is thank you so much for all the hard work that you do to maintain this Glamtastic site for the Glamberts around the world. You are doing a fine and decent job and please bear with us too specially with our idiosyncrasies LOL.

Anonymous said...

I agree with your every word 10:51. Rakastan.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear the boys are trying to live a healthier lifestyle! Just hope Adam doesn't get too skinny lol.

I wonder if Sauli's gonna cut back on the alcohol and smoking too? I've never understood how someone can be a runner and a smoker too?! Plus, don't want any second-hand smoke messing up those precious vocal cords of our Adam! Perhaps I worry a tad much, no?

Anyway, on with the show! Can't wait to see Adam sing BTIKM on TV!!

AdamLuvr in Tx :)

Anonymous said...

Anon 4, 2012 6:13 PM Sauli was super cute in Big bother. He got thousands of fans. Still I sometimes looks those old fan videos which they made of him and of him and Niko. It was such a beautiful bromance between those two. Usually I don't care to watch Big bother.

Anonymous said...

BAHAHAHAHA!!! Honey, it don't matter HOW healthy your diet is if you're just gonna finish it all off with a cigarette. TUT TUT. Moron.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5 1:56 AM Well hello Jana_pe :)

Anonymous said...

Sauli has never being dating any girl. Not as we know anyway.

- greetings from Finland

Anonymous said...

Hey Sauli, I suggest you give up the alcohol and cigarettes if your really serious about caring for your health!! These things are so counter productive to simply eating healthy food, and I might add that with any healthy diet you need to have a balance, you only need to eat 3 healthy, well balanced meals per day to be healthy, I agree with the excersise but I think it's important to choose a form that you enjoy in order to stick with it. Even a brisk walk each day can be good for you, or gardening,or swimming , there are many physical activities to enjoy, not everone is into jogging or the gym.

Anonymous said...

Thank you 12:55, but what made him win? I was just wondering what the premise of the show was. Is it a contest like The Bachelor?

Bing said...


@GGD Gal i left a post for you at the "2012 First New Photo: Adam Lambert with Sauli Koskinen" thread :D

Anonymous said...

Surely Adam will not be loving this lifestyle for too long! De-tox
yes, but in moderation. Whose waving the chocolate icecream at Adam?

Anonymous said...


Basic scheme of Finnish Big Brother is that people are locked in a large house for three months, isolated from the world and televised 24/7.

Each week one of them is removed. Housemates themselves vote who is that going to be. TV viewers vote out of those two who are getting most votes. At the end of show one of them is going to win 50 000 (?)€ prize.

So basically in order to win you have to be socially talented and likeable, you got to have very good nerves as you are ripped from your life and comfort zone and you have to know how to deal with the stress.

It does not measure what you can do, if you define a talent very traditionally, but it measures who you are and what kind of person you are. And it´s all shown to the viewers.

Sometimes BB-winners are pretty controversial, gamers and not so likeable. But Sauli was very much liked because of his outgoing, always positive and sparkling personality.

faty-1999 said...

I think Sauli has a very healthy lifestyle, but I do not think he needs to diet ... I think it is quite thin, but hey it's his life, his choice , and it is not I who will prevent him from doing what he wants! I guess it also encourages Adam to do the same, a couple very attached and happy. I can not wait for the album Adam !!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

For those wondering about Sauli's past loves, google him.
You wont find any news about Sauli by googling his name without Adams name showing up.
Its all about Adam, Sauli's riding the wave with Adam.

Anonymous said...

Thank you 7:28. It sounds interesting.

Anonymous said...

If you google his name 2010 or before, there are lots of hits and no Adam is mentioned..

So.. just leave it..

Those who cannot stand that Adam is in love with Sauli, please contact Laurie loves Adam in Twitter.. there is a small universe for those who still think adommy is real.

Anonymous said...

7:20 I brought this up before? I dont think so.
You must be speaking of another.
If I've seen the facts, I wouldnt be asking.
Rude rude rude.
This site is profoundly inconsiderate, if comments are not to anothers liking.

I did have a Finnish fan say he did date a girl in the past on another site, but couldnt provide a pic either.
Maybe this happened when he was finding himself.

Anonymous said...

Live healthier and be happy.....

I only eat one pecan pie a year, it's my birthday pie and I don't share!
I read Sauli's blogs because they make me happy.
I smoked one cigarette :( in 1954 and I'm still here! But spent my whole childhood around secondhand smoke and I'm still here!
I'm sure Adam would be happy to sing at the Super Bowl game...just as long as he didn't have to watch it!
I don't know name nor have I seen a picture of "possible" girl Sauli dated, but I have seen photo and know name of Adam's Prom date...
Lauren Pittman! This info does not affect my physical or mental health. So is just filler!

My colon is pink and lovely (interesting film) and I ate spinach once in 1943!
I wouldn't mind going on a juice fast. My own concoction...lemon,
pineapple, coconut milk and vodka!
You may wish to add slice of orange and a cherry for extra fruit!
This juice fast makes you healthy and happy!

JAK :)

Anonymous said...

@ lorraine

For you I suggest lemon juice, honey and whiskey. Hope your cough is better soon. I myself have a lingering sore throat. I'm treating it with ice cream, it's briefly soothing.

JAK <3

Anonymous said...


I love your comments always make me laugh, you have a great sense of humor. I think that your healthy fruit juices are highly recommended.

From Barcelona

Anonymous said...


You're like Adam!! Never boring!!Can I hire you as a relative?, just temporary!!I promise I'll be good and leave back home savely!!!:)))


Anonymous said...

@ SG

What a nice compliment...I could use a few new relatives and to be even slightly compared to Lord Lambert is shiver inducing!

Since we are both wordy...I volunteer to pay for my own ticket and offer myself to be his chatty seatmate (see following thread) if he's traveling alone to the UK for any reason. I am completely harmless looking so wouldn't alarm him or his bodyguards. However I would insist on Virgin Atlantic flight and upper class (doesn't that sound deliciously snobby and self indulgent) seats.....truly the only way to fly! Lots of leg room for our long legs, he's only 2 inches taller! You wash up with hot towels, change into provided cosy knit sleepers and lie back flat with snuggly blanket and pillow on your comfy bed.
He could sleep and I could peek at him all night!

Don't fret, I'll tell you all the details when we get back. If he snores, etc. I'm sure when exiting the plane he will assist an old lady walking with a cane!

Okay, I think I know what I'll dream about tonight....bye


Anonymous said...


Hi, my brand new relative!!
What a story!!!Why I didn't read it before I went to sleep!???I hope right now you're dreaming about it!!
So...only 2"'ll be really close to his eyes......lucky you!! I'm only 5.4..well I can use high heels!!!
Peaking on Adam while he sleeps......I could do that for hours!!!
Good one! the old lady with a cane, I'm sure he would love to help you and you would be MUCH MORE THAN PLEASE,wouldn't you!!???:))
Waiting for more info about what Adam do when he's sleeping....