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That's a Wrap For "Better Than I Know Myself" Music Video!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, January 7, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, January 07, 2012

Here is a tweet from Ray Kay, the director.

Here are tweets from Dannel Escallon, cinematographer and dancer from the music video.

And here is Ev Salomon (someone involved in shooting the music video) complimenting Adam.


fefa14 said...

wooooooo!!!! yeah a new video!! man i gotta see this man on tv being #1 again i need it!!!! XD c'mon adam surprise us with ur awesomeness!!

so maybe thats why he hasnt tweeted and stuff maybe he is just to busy working on blowing our hair back with his sure to be #1 video full of sexiness maybe some emotion amd again awesomness!!! :)

Carlos said...

So it took 20 hours apparently.. I need to watch stills or something!!!!

Excited to see what they made for us.

Anonymous said...

This will more emotional and electrifying indeed:))))

Can't wait to see it!!


The Dark Side said...

My voting finger warming up! Can't wait to see this epic video. Have no doubt it will be epic. Adam is a showman, and being one is what he does best.

tess4ADAM said...

Hope we get a sneak peek soon. I'm so IMpatient when I know something GOOD is about to happen .. guest appearances ... upcoming album ... PLUS ... I read this on Google so I'm going to post it for EVERYONE to read it. Not knowing any legal terms ... you all can determine for yourselves WHAT it means ... I COULDN'T!?! Love 'n Light

tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

20 hours!! WOW!! I want to see the video (about 4 minutes) which is gonna be great and the 19.56minutes (aprox) of the making off!!!WITH NO CUTS!! We want all the details....all!!


Anonymous said...

tess4Adam . . . .WTF . . I don't know what it means either????

glitzylady said...

Adam's tweets:

adamlambert Adam Lambert
@Ray_Kay thanks for everything!! Can't wait to see it!!
39 minutes ago

adamlambert Adam Lambert
The BTIKM video has been filmed! We wrapped just before 4am! An intense 20 HOUR day!! Thanks to the amazing crew! Can't wait to share.

MiMi said...

Yes, we meed some pictures or a video behind the scenes of the shoot. Didn't anyone at the taping have a cell phone? I am sure it's top secret. I hope Adam knows how crazy we are all getting waiting to see and hear him perform BTIKM this month on Leno and Ellen.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see our boy on this new video! Smoking hot, I'm sure!

Anonymous said...

Looks like it's time to start watching VH1 and Fuse again! It was so much fun to watch WWFM be #1video week after week. IIHY didn't do quite as well, but was in the top ten for a while. Hope this one does even better than that!

Anonymous said...

there better be some hot women in the video. a little skin as well!:)

Anonymous said...

will a leather outfit make an appearance?

Anonymous said...

will we get a chest caress?:)))

Anonymous said...

It seems that "peeps" in the music industry know how fabulous Adam is because they know "talent" when they see it . . most of the general public (and they have the right) like less talented singers . . I just don't get it.

Anonymous said...

I hope he wears those "white jeans"


Anonymous said...

@3:06 haha Love how Adam looks in those white jeans but doubt they will be in the video. Would be nice if he wore them on a TV show or somewhere. The ratings and our hearts would soar! Really can not wait to see this video. 20 hours, Adam works so hard and just know it will be great!

Anonymous said...

3:04, you just said a mouthful. The general public's standards for singing are pretty low. That's why it's so hard to get wider recognition for Adam. I think a lot of people think he's just a novelty. Everyone he's worked with in the industry has loved him and respected his talent. But the music buyers out there are content with a much less. Oh well. We have our work cut out for us

HK fan said...

I hope we get some photo leaks, more than just the hand...I'm pretty sure we got quite a few with the IIHY video.

Anonymous said...

@DRG- you are right, we have our work cut out for us, but we are growing by leaps and bounds. If this new song can get radio play like all the others so less talented we will get adam to the top! Interesting interview with bruno mars on pierce morgasn the other night. He got rejected alot and had that break through (just the way you are)song and now look at him. I feel adam is even more talented than bruno mars and I love bruno. It's just going to take time for the masses to except adam! 1st and foremost the music industry has to get behind adam and promote him to death like all the others we hear everyday. Also what the kids like today (most of it is not real talent imo so it's so frustrating to us glamberts when the best talent is right in front of us. we are a fierce group of fans, it will happen for adam and us!

Anonymous said...

@DRG- you are right, we have our work cut out for us, but we are growing by leaps and bounds. If this new song can get radio play like all the others so less talented we will get adam to the top! Interesting interview with bruno mars on pierce morgasn the other night. He got rejected alot and had that break through (just the way you are)song and now look at him. I feel adam is even more talented than bruno mars and I love bruno. It's just going to take time for the masses to except adam! 1st and foremost the music industry has to get behind adam and promote him to death like all the others we hear everyday. Also what the kids like today (most of it is not real talent imo so it's so frustrating to us glamberts when the best talent is right in front of us. we are a fierce group of fans, it will happen for adam and us!

Anonymous said...

@ 4:28 PM

I agree, Adam should wear the white jeans again. I'm having an informal anniversary party next month...he would be welcome to attend and of course...Sauli could come too and wear his Burning Man outfit. We always take lots of photos! I'll share!

JAK :)

daydreamin said...

@Tess4ADAM it sounds like Adam had a written agreement with that label (recorded up to as early as 8 months before going on Idol) for them to be able to sell those recordings. I am guessing Adam stopped Amazon from selling and shipping any, possibly because of the requirement by Idol that they can't have signed any recording contracts prior to appearing on Idol. Adam probably tried to stop this from 'getting out there' because he technically shouldn't have been able to be on Idol. Anyone feel free to comment as I may not have it right, but that's how I took it.
It didn't help that the apparent dissing between Monte and Adam occured because now Monte wouldn't be paid for any of his due of profits from the sale of the album, (if I have this right).

Anonymous said...

I have read a lot of information regarding this lawsuit and it has nothing to do with Idol. They were just being spiteful when they put that out here. Adam didn't have that kind of contract. He just signed away the rights to his music and his name for the work he did for them for a small amount of money. He was broke at the time. So hopefully it can be settled for not too much money.

Anonymous said...

Oh the music industry is in for a treat....those who shunned will now sit up and take notice big time
when this music video hits the world! Adam is the cream of all the entertainers out there! No one
can stand in he's shadow, infact not even close! The Adam invasion is about to take the world!

Anonymous said...

Let's see some hot guys in the video and forget the women.

Anonymous said...

I'm so tired of watching videos with hot girls!! Let's bring Adam's hotness and sexyness!! and the white pants too!!


Anonymous said...

The way I understood it was that an Idol contestant couldn't be CURRENTLY signed to a record label. I thought that if a contestant had a record deal in the past, but not currently, then they were ok to be on Idol. I'll bet that numberous Idol contestants have had some sort of record deals before trying out for Idol. I could be wrong about this. If so, sorry. Maybe someone here knows for sure. Anyway, I hope Adam gets through this thing with minimal financial damage. Oh, and WE'RE GONNA SEE THE BTIKM VIDEO BY THE END OF THE MONTH! YAY!

Anonymous said...

Adam had several videos out before idol and many contestants had made recordings, before Idol. Adam and Monte and the guys from Madonna's band were paid for the work they did on songs later turned into Beg for Mercy. Those songs were sold to them. It was a way for Welsford and Colwell to try to fool people that it was Adam's new album. That's why Adam wanted to stop the Amazon sales. If they had put it out as Citizen Vein there probably would have been no fuss.
But they needed Adam's name to sell it!

I don't hear Idol complaining or making excuses or accusing Adam of lying, pre Idol. Don't you think Idol checks the eligibility of contestants with their lawyers?

Monte wanted that album to sell because he's trying to get his solo career going. Understandable
but kind of sneaky. Like Welsford and Colwell. They're mad cause Adam's complaint made them lose a lot of sales.

Messy business!