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"Trespassing" VEVO Ad By Adam Lambert

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, January 03, 2012


Anne Marie said...

Don't worry Adam I have already pre-ordered my copy of you album already.

Anonymous said...

Start, or keep, requesting (within reason!!) to your local Top 40 and AC/HAC radio stations. Call, tweet, text, email...check out best option per station, it's easy once you look into it for a second. Most stations accept requesting via methods other than phone calling, so quick and easy! DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

cool add. I saw it yesterday, clicked and preordered since I hadn't got a chance to do it before.

Anonymous said...

FINALLY, good to see some real promo! Ordered.

Carlos said...

Get that Promo Adam!!

Anonymous said...

Promo plus fans requesting radio stations to play BTIKM will put Adam among the best.

Anonymous said...

What I can't understand is I have Sirius and on Hits 1 (top 40) they have a show called hitbound and automatically these other new songs by other artists such as Cobra Starship, etc... automatically get put on as well as songs by people i have never heard of before and Adam can not get his songs on radio!!!

Anonymous said...

1:19pm, I've been wondering the same about Sirius and Hits 1... Maybe they will add BTIKM only after RCA starts

Anonymous said...

1:19pm.i dont understand that either,I think its beacuse hes gay.Its sad but true.

Anonymous said...

3:26pm: Let's wait and see past the end of January when RCA really starts to advertise the song and the upcoming album, there will be a music video for it etc. I don't think that being gay plays a role here (and I am usually quick to suspect something like that).

Anonymous said...

Thank you Adam for posting this I ordered two & waiting very excited for your video to come out & tv appearances.My daughter picked up our carry out dinner last night she said she checked the juke box out it had a picture of you & four of your songs good news from a small town in ILLINOIS. We are promoting you all the time. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE.

Anonymous said...

YO BB!! LOVE THE AD!! <33333

Anonymous said...

I'm particularly attracted to the deliberately-cut edges or smudges off the letterings; it's so Adam, edgy and always having lots of things sticking out! This artist/graphic-designer knows Adam's ins and outs. :)

Anonymous said...

For some reason I can't see the ad! I see the headline here on 24/7 but the screen is totally black :(. Darn I want to see Adam talking about Trespassing!


funbunn40 said...

I've pre-ordered mine too and will get the one later with extra songs overseas when they release it. I wish we would have the extended album, especially since Adam is from the US and wonder why we have to wait.Nice promo from Adam!

Anonymous said...

don't forget fans, that it is actually quite a while between a song's release to radio before it actually gets decent play or recognition. It's weird... it will seem like a very long time to us, but to the "radio world" this is typical. We fans were all over the song the very second it leaked, but the radio industry will get to it in a much slower pace. I do believe it is true that a release, a sub-par one, Enrique Iglasias' songs spring to mind, seem to get immediate radio play just "because", or something, and it makes me angry... but also, do remember that it is quite normal for a single to be released officially to radio and not be noticed for quite a length of time, but it does eventually! Keep requesting, respectfully!!!, and keep the faith. As DRG (I think) said on another recent thread) We always knew!!!!

Anonymous said...

Okay, now I got the promo on my screen...yay! Adam you look good! Don't worry I pre-ordered mine Dec. 20th! I'll be ordering more though :)


Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what deluxe album means? I'm hoping it means extra songs????
