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Two New Sauli Koskinen Shirtless Photos (From His Recent Blogs)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, January 7, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, January 07, 2012


Anonymous said...

the best looking part of Koskibert is the Glambert eyes.

Anonymous said...

He's a doll.

Anonymous said...

Adaukoskibert should jog together! they do everything else 2 gether.

Carole said...

Sauli is not too skinny he's in darn good shape and taking care of himself!

Carole said...

Sauli is not too skinny he's in darn good shape and taking care of himself!

Anonymous said...

Carole...I agree, he looks terrific, in very good shape and good on him for working so hard at it.

Anonymous said...

loving the tats. Wish my s/o was in that good of shape.It's a shame a certain no one is going to run this thread.

glitzylady said...

I think Sauli looks just right...not too skinny...My hubby is a marathon runner, built like Sauli, (small-ish, blond, and in his case, Norwegian...) and is as healthy as could be...Trust me. : )

Here is another picture to add to the "Sauli gallery": This one taken at Burning Man..Very easy on the eyes, and shirtless, and as I mentioned to some friends this a.m. when I sent this picture to them (we share our "finds"..), this is what Adam wakes up to each day....and of course we know what Sauli wakes up to....Two, oh so lucky guys!!!! (I borrowed this from someone else....)

Anonymous said...

@ 5:18 PM

They jog together. Sauli wrote about it in a Hollywood blog.

Anonymous said...

whoa GL thanks for that link!!

Carole said...

glitzylady - agree with you when I first saw that photo of Sauli from BM I taught "now that's what I call HOT!" :)

Anonymous said...

6:00 PM Correction:

He told about them jogging together in a radio interview.

Anonymous said...

my husband doesn't know it yet but Cafe Cleanse here it comes. lol

Anonymous said...

5:18pm: Someone had to take that jogging picture :-)

Anonymous said...

@ glitzylady....

Boy is it HOT here in Florida tonite! ^o^ ...Pic...sizzles!

I think Sauli jogs for joy...Adam jogs for the boy!

Is there a couple naming contest going? I vote for Lambertauli!
Sounds like a race car!


Anonymous said...

I like it that his hair is growing out. Now...does he still smoke? Not good if you're a runner.

Anonymous said...

all the sarcastic comments are gone. I was entertained:)

Anonymous said...

he needs some pork sausages to put some weight on those bones.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sauli and Adam sandwich would be called ADamGlamkoskilamb.

Anonymous said...

I bet there's plenty of sausages in the Bertkoskinen household.

Anonymous said...

ha, ha JAK I like yours the best!!

Anonymous said...

WOW! FAB photos of Sauli. Thanks for the link to the Burning Man photo too, glitzylady.

Sauli likes to keep fit, he looks great and it definitely shows but it's a shame he smokes, for his sake and Adam's.

Anonymous said...

He's muscular and healthy-looking with a million-dollar smile. No wonder Adam can't keep his eyes off him. And vice-versa. Love the combo-names you guys have all made up. Very funny!!!

Anonymous said...

Sauli looks nice and healthy. Just never liked this tattoos.
For God Sake who is Koskibert and Adaukoskibert, etc?
I think people who are makeing these kind of abbriviation are sick.

Anonymous said...

Can we all just agree that smoking is harmful to your health and drop the subject? We've heard it and heard it and heard it.

Anonymous said...

Sauli is the perfect mate for Adam, he looks beyond great, he cleans the whole house and he loves to cook. He is thrifty so he sleeps with Adam to save on the washing of bed sheets. He loves to read, and writes blogs that make us all laugh, and loves all those weird TV shows that Adam likes. He sees the funny side of everything and has his pics taken dressed or undressed. What more could Adam ask for.

H said...

ha, ha, agree with JAK and @anon 8.09pm...

Anonymous said...

Not sick, just having fun! Try it!

HK fan said...

oops H was me...

Anonymous said...

Nothing is permanent in this world:)

So just enjoy what you have right now:)

When it's your time, you are gone that's all:)

Just relax and keep on moving he!he!


Anonymous said...

8:09 how about skywriting the lyrics to BTIKM?( sorry this is my daily plug for BTIKM, had to fit it in somewhere).

Anonymous said...

He's adorable

Anonymous said...

Wonder what songs sauli's listening to on that i-pod (adam maybe lol) Yes, smoking is the worst thing ever, but unfortunately I smoke and jog also. At least a mile aday, so you can still breath even if you smoke. Sorry, had to put my 2 cents in because we are treated like second class citizens- It's our death no one elses. We only have ourselves to blame.

Anonymous said...

I agree, I'm responsible for my
hypertension, I know how important it is to watch my weight and I have! I've watched it increase every year! Bad Nancy!


Anonymous said...

8:42pm: Someone asked him what music he listens to while running. He responded in his blog post earlier this week, right now it's Rihanna's latest album.

I paid attention to this because I'm also a runner and always looking for new music for running purposes.

Anonymous said...

I don't like tatoos but its just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Tats are important to people who attach special meaning to them, then they are cool.
Sauli has really picked up with Hollywood life and he has become a fashion/fitness guru. He has had a darn good teacher along the way too.

Anonymous said...

When you get older what happens to your tats? Do you have to improve them to keep them look good?

Anonymous said...

If Sauli REALLY cared about his health, he'd stop smoking.

Anonymous said...

Agree @3:09 AM. I ADORE Adam and I don't want him subjected to passive smoking but it seems he doesn't mind.

Anonymous said...

its not that easy to just stop smoking... its gonna affect your mood, your energy level and all that... its decision one must do because of their own reasons not because some random people in internet are wining about it...

Sauli looks damn hot - smoker or not. ;)

Anonymous said...

Danielle and Sauli could help each other to stop smoking.

Anonymous said...

They jog together. Copied from Sauli's FB:

Robin Hatcher So who thinks Adam is running along side of him and snapped this?

Sauli Koskinen I do ;)
10 tuntia sitten ·

Anonymous said...

Sauli looks really good and healthy!!He's also very possitive about live in general.BUT as Marilyn sang...My heart belongs to Adam!!:)

About the tatoos, Sauli's maybe are too big, but I agree with Anon 1.00am, each tatto is importat and has a special meaning to the person that has them.It's something hard to explain and very personal. I know that because I have 4, small ones, and they really mean something to me.


Anonymous said...

Actually it's true, if Sauli is doing so much to achieve a beautiful healthy body which he has; then he should at least give it a go to quit smoking which basically is putting toxins in the lungs. Otherwise it seems to me it's like taking one step forward and two steps back. Maybe he is trying, we don't know that.

Anonymous said...

Has Sauli ever said that he smokes every day? Maybe he smokes just sometimes?

Anonymous said...

I wonder how much Sauli smokes - maybe not as much as we think. A few friends of mine smoke just casually, when they are stressing about something or after dinner on a night out with other smokers. They can't give it up completely.

It's likely Adam asks Sauli to smoke out-of-doors - not too big a deal in LA. That's what a lot of non-smokers ask for (I do.)

Anonymous said...

Doesn't Adam smoke sometimes too?

Anonymous said...

@8, 2012 5:13 AM
In Finland it's a habbit to somoke out-of-doors also in winter time without asking it.

Anonymous said...

I remember Adam saying something like having just a few puffs now and again, more for the fun of it. This reminds me of the special puffing performance he did on his GNT in Amsterdam. Wow, he could even blow smoke rings; I laughed like crazy because it was so deliberate, you know, Adam the theatre maestro, but some didn't take it so lightly. I'd say also, Adam beats Gaga's smoking performance. :)

Anonymous said...

Who wants Adam to have a long, healthy life with a brilliantly successful singing career? Well, passive smoking aint good for his gorgeous vocal chords.

Anonymous said...

Adam said ages ago that he no longer smokes. He said it makes him sick.

Anonymous said...

All we need in this world is some love.

Anonymous said...

Sauli sleeps with Adam to be thrifty with the washing of the bed sheets? Can I volunteer for that job!!!!!!!!

Regarding good names: How about a Lambwich with a little Sauli on top?
Yum! (sorry)

Anonymous said...

About smoking: I've seen Sauli smoke in pics/vids only once, when they were leaving from AMA after party. He doesn't have a hard smoker's skin or voice, and I don't recall him making any references to smoking... I thought he does what many Finns do, has a cigarette or two when drinking. Those who watched BB / know his history better, does he actually smoke on a daily basis?

funbunn40 said...

Sauli's very physically fit,looking good and is a good influence on Adam,setting a good example. It's much easier to exercize when you have a partner to keep you inspired,exercising with you. He and Adam have such beautiful eyes and are a great looking couple.

funbunn40 said...

OT I used to smoke, always outside not to subject family to the second hand smoke and quit 21 years ago when my husband who never nagged said, "I'll really miss you when you're gone and so will the kids." That did it for me. It's hard to quit,is a personal choice, psychologically and physically addicting and preaching only stresses the smoker more. I've held a human lung in my hands, permeated with black,disgusting,stringy tar and the sight of it, knowing mine probably looked similiar, stressed me out so much I left the autopsy when done and went out and had a cigarette! Go figure! I knew the dangers, but that still didn't do it for me. I quit after months mentally addressing it,reprogramming my brain and then locking myself up in my house for four days when my husband went out of town so I wouldn't kill him! lol It worked because I was ready to confront it and realized my luck would run out. I don't fault any smoker, as I've been there.I doubt that Adam smokes now. Even in Amsterdam on stage he inhaled maybe twice, the rest of the time just blew out the smoke for effect. He does take care of his voice,hydrating between songs and warming up before singing. I think Sauli would also be thoughtful and careful when smoking. It's also his personal choice and his business. He otherwise seems very health concious and may be trying to quit.

Anonymous said...

It was not that hard for me to quit smoking after 30 years put the pack away and never smoked again and that was 14 years ago.I'm going to quit coming to this site God forbid you say something someone disagrees with and your attacked.Everyone just has to love Sauli.Everyone knows whats best for their relationship.Do you know Sauli or what goes on in him and Adams private life?NO! I'm not a troll or a hater but I don't have to agree with every wonderful thing that is said.I think Sauli should cook and clean he doesn't do anything else.Oh I forgot he writes a blog!!!I bet he gets paid well for that!I don't know Adam or Sauli personally but neither do you.I just love and support Adams music.His looks are perfect.I have seen him on tour and can't wait for the next one.I can't wait for the new album.As I said before I don't know him or Sauli personally and their private life should be just that PRIVATE.Thanks and bye.

coloforadam said...

Maybe it's not cigarettes he is smoking. An occasional puff on the "other stuff" is not harmful, not addicting, may soon become legal and not even worthy of mention.

Anonymous said...

@ 4:39

You are such a pleasant person, you should keep your life private, set down, have a chat and a smoke.