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Adam Lambert Performs "Better Than I Know Myself" Acoustic on Sirius Radio (02-16-2012)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, February 17, 2012

Posted at : Friday, February 17, 2012


Anonymous said...

JAK here.........My ears are in ecstasy!

R said...

Can go to Sirius My hits 1 and vote for Adam. Vote now vote often!

Anonymous said...

Only Adam Lambert can visit all these radio stations for a promo of BTIKM and do the acoustic version so well that it gives you chills. He is just so good. The interviews must become very repetitious for him with many of the same questions, but that's the reason he is there. What a sweetheart, so charming and polite, honest to a fault. I think I know more about Adam than I do some members of my own family and friends. I hope all these promos bring radio play for BTIKM to make it a hit. Adam certainly deserves it.

Anonymous said...


If your ears are in ecstasy that means you feeling good!! Glad to know!!


Anonymous said...

@ SG

Thanks dear, I am fine but I have a lovely blue bruise as big as a dinner plate!.......not where I'd want to show anyone! :)

Anonymous said...

@JAK That really was ecstasy! Hope you are feeling better. Bruises take so long to go away and change so many different colors first!

Anonymous said...

Good to hear from you, JAK! We're all enjoying the ecstasy together! He just gets betterer and betterer.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that of late, Adam isn't doing the rock scream in this gorgeous heartfelt song. The song is divine and doesn't need any rock embellishment.

Anonymous said...

JAK here.........Remember a few months back when NOTHING was stirring Adam-wise and we were suffering from a lack of Lambert news? Now, threads are zipping by so fast. If you are absent a couple days, threads have come and gone....I have to go hunt them up in past comments......for fear I'll miss something. OCD! How lovely to see his sweet face so often and lo and behold....some of the interviewers are actually asking original questions! We are suffering the tortures of the damned about another postponment of album date, but are appeased by the the tantalizing expectation of guessing when and where he will be singing with Queen again!!!
Such are the joys and woes of fandom. Life is good!

funbunn40 said...

@JAK, OT Glad to see you back on 24/7and hope the procedures weren't too uncomfortable. My oldest daughter is going thru' batteries of tests and it's no fun. Eating fresh pineapple is very good for bruises as long as it doesn't interfere with any of your meds. The enzymes promote healing. On the bright side, blue is one of Adam's fave

Anonymous said...

JAK here... OTT(medical query)

@ funbunn40.........I shall send my male nurse and official snuggler out for fresh pineapple today...I love it! I am fine, but really angry and puzzled. With your medical background, tell me this...In the past few years I have had 2 cardiac caths and now renal angiography because extensive testing showed past heart attacks and blocked arteries and now renal stenosis (moderate to severe)....AND....tests were all wrong! Heart and kidneys are fine and dandy and completely clear! So the pain, discomfort and money(which could have bought me a small yacht) were all needless.In your years as a nurse are there many people who fail the tests, but ace the exam?
This is getting tiring, expensive and moderately painful! Therefore I'm a bit crabby. On the plus side the doctor looked like Gerard Butler with a very short curly beard! We laughed and joked and recited poetry (mostly risque limericks) thru the whole thing!
When he informed me my kidneys and arteries were lovely, he kissed my hand. I do love a doctor who butters up old ladies! Now it's back to trying to find meds to control BP, new batch seems promising! :))

funbunn40 said...

@Jak,OOT I think I would like some answers regarding those erroneous test results. Who interpreted them and what steps are being taken to prevent it from happening again. After any medical lab work or procedures I request the actual detailed reports from radiologists, surgical procedures, pathology, etc. I keep separate charts for each med. specialist and internist. I always then have personal immediate access and it was very beneficial when I cared for my husband after he had brain surgery along with other issues. Hospitals and humans make mistakes. I've learned to be vigilant and on more than one occasion prevented medical errors that could have put him in serious jeopardy. They involved diabetic medication and a contrast dye situation that I happened to catch. Errors aren't that common, but we all can't assume that doctors are infallible and medicine will always be perfect. They see too many patients and hospitals and medical personel are always overworked and understaffed. Ask questions and get another consulting opinion whenever you have doubt. You are their employer and are entitled to all information and accountability. I would want to know how and why this occurred. These tests should be clearly labeled with your ID and sounds like sloppy lab work, an unqualified interpreter or you were given another patients results. Also if all is clear and tests were wrong, how do they explain your symptoms and discomfortand high b/p? Sometimes the right combination of meds can solve the problem once they determine the cause. Medicine is like solving a murder mystery. You need to study all of the clues and rule out all of the prime suspects. I would want to get to the underlying cause. I hope this all makes sense and helps and things will get on the proper track. There will be plenty of bed dancing whe Trespassing comes out. We have to get you in prime shape! I have to work on myself too, as my body's also falling apart! Wish nthe outside matched the inside! ... Apologies to all on this site for my lengthy OT, but Jak needs to be kept in tip top shape!

funbunn40 said...

Oops. Please excuse my typos above. Brain not in sync with fingers!

Anonymous said...

@ funbunn40

Thank you....I keep a medical journal (since 1990) and I always get copies of CT, MRI and Ult Snd readings.....but they are all from my near by very nice private hospital. This is my last test I'll have there! I'm switching to a larger inconvenient hospital but hoping that will be the end of unnecessary probing into my innards! My doctor and I are having a chat Thursday! ^_^

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