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Adam Lambert's New Song "Better Than I Know Myself" Being Promoted in Japan TV Shows

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, February 08, 2012


Anonymous said...

WHY isn't our country proud of this talented young man? Thank you Japan!

Anonymous said...

oh my godzilla

Anonymous said...

Double thank you to Japan!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm not surprise how the Japanese respect and love Adam so much....

Adam has the charisma that no one can't resist indeed:)))))

Thank you Japanese fans for all of your support!!!! YAY!!!


Anonymous said...

Adam and the birthday cake in BRAVO magazine via @AdamsGlitter91

Anonymous said...

Adam's overseas fans are his bread and butter. They totally get it. The U.S. is still so clueless about Adam's talent. No other male singer is doing pop like he is, with such a pure strong voice and with such originality. We got our work cut out for ourselves, fans! The world WILL see.

Anonymous said...

Japan is a great market to crack and they do love him over there. Thank you Japan. The U.S. will eventually realize the treasure that is Adam Lambert!I hope now that he is back in the U.S. he will do more promo and get on T.V. again.I request everyday and do whatever I can to support him.

Anonymous said...

One more from Japanese TV.

Anonymous said...

American DJ's are very,very,very arrogant. Sorry BB but you have more recognition and respect for you extraordinary talent out side US.Sorry to say that,but that is how we Glamberts feel.

daydreamin said...

Thanks admin for getting that link up! I was just coming on to post a shorter link to this.

Anon 5:14 it's the music directors that seem to have the control over what goes on radio according to what Sandy Stec told me. She told me if it were up to her, the dj, she would have Adam playing all the time. Anyway, I have been calling this guy and he just says "I'll see what I can do". WTH?! Why did you guys interview him?! Anyway maybe it goes through channels but it's been several days now and I haven't heard it yet on this station...grrrr! And they wonder why Glamberts are passionate? Right now I'm frustrated.

Anonymous said...

Can I say this please, It's hard to understand sometimes what is DEMOCRACY about especially in the U.S.???

They try so very hard to help other countries to be free especially human rights why can't they do that in their own country?????

I don't want to offend my American friends here but sometimes it gets into my nerves...
Very conservative Americans should realize that new technology is moving
fast quickly:)

Just my opinion folks no hard feelings please:(


Anonymous said...

On my local radio station Adam has been in the top 3 on the 7 at 7 countdown every night but they do not give him the praise like Lady gaga and Kelly Clarkson. Its sad that other countries get him and our own is mute. I am happy though that they are at least playing Better than I know Myself. The feedback on there comment section is all positive for it though. Slow steps indeed but sooner or later they will get it.

Anonymous said...

Regarding radio?I'm just hoping that this time around he will get all the support in Europe,and UK and off course Australia, and other Asian countries so the US radio will feel like they're slacking and is forced to follow their counterparts out side the US.

RJ lvs AL said... are so right about Adam's bread & better coming from his overseas market. They get him and love him. But, isn't it strange, because most probably don't understand a word he is singing!!

@Canadian..not offended, as an American re: your are correct, we do believe in freedom as a democracy. However, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, etc. give Americans the right to say and write articles as they please. Some do awful things that are above the law i.e. The Westboro Baptist Church (that picketed one of Adam's concerts with their hateful posters), are an example of that "so called freedom of speech" and they could not be arrested. Also, the extreme right wing conservatives in our country, will do all they can to instill their beliefs and hatered whenever they can!!

Some of the posts on other sites disgust me. I am thrilled that Google will no longer publish any comments that are nasty, mean, or threating in any way, beneath articles relating to Adam.

On a happier note, my radio station, Q102Philly continues to play BTIKM and the song has been #1on top 5 at 5 for the past two weeks...yay!!

Anonymous said...

media-dj here in america are jealous of adam -thats the history of this country soemoen too good- one of a kind -instead theyre jelous-atittude theat they pracitce never learn.what a shame dj america.

tess4ADAM said...

It's too bad that a song has to be played on the radio in order for it to gain any recognition. I find it very difficult to listen to the garbage of everyday radio just to hear MAYBE one of ADAM's songs once or twice a day. After awhile I get ill from the NOISE & I have to shut it off & cleanse my ears & my soul with ADAM's music on my computer. Sorry ... but if radio ceased to exist ... I wouldn't give a DAMN!! as long as I have ADAM on other sources so I can listen to his music!! JMO

tess4ADAM (LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Hi Glamily, so much talk about our democracy over here in the States. I know, it makes me mad at times. But I am so proud of Adam and love his new video! Speaking of democracy, I testified before the Judiciary Committee in Washington State. I was quoted, too! Our bill for marriage equality passed today! I am so grateful for Adam's bravery in telling his journey through his songs. Also proud of my son.
I was quoted as saying "this is the bill that decides whether my son can claim the American dream, you know, the one that includes life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Anyway, heard lots of haters...but made it through. I thought of the fierceness of the Glamily and I endured! We Rock and We will get this DONE! Equality for ALL! TWO Million views of BTIKM!


Anonymous said...

I agree about the radio! Its the same songs over and over. Sometimes those radio stations just turn me off on some of the songs cause you hear them so repetitive. I listen to my Ipod in my car atleast I can hear songs I wanna hear.

Anonymous said...

lmb - hurrah for Washington!! Keeping fingers crossed for California. I'm thinking this is going to be a difficult year

Adamluv said...

Thanks to Adams Japanese fans! Fun seeing shots of FYE, plus his promo trip there before the GNT, and of course seeing/hearing him do Fever! All fantastic memories! ... Adamluv

daydreamin said...

@lmb I am so very proud of you! You're son must b so proud of you too! How exciting!

TESS4ADAM I totally concurabout wanting to turn off the radio. I can't stand hearing the same stuff over and over. So sick of this stuff!

Anonymous said...

Adam is loved with a passion, infact beyond total belief internationally.
It's differcult for the US to realise just how much ADAM has rocked the world into a frenzy because the US media never seem to portray what's happening in the world outside...and with's REALLY happening, and YES worldwide we really do 'get it'! Big Time!International fans are just waiting for the US to catch up and this time round it HAS to happen!

Anonymous said...

Japan rocks! They are incredible and so out the box and beautiful.
Many Japanese fans travelled all over the world for Glam Nation.
They are full of Adam love.

Anonymous said...

I love looking at handsome Adam almost as much as I love his voice. LIke so many others I seldom listen to radio anymore because I am sick of the repetitious trash. I, like millions of others. listen to Adam on my computer. Still playing "Pick-U-Up" as Monday morning anthem.