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"Better Than I Know Myself" OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, February 3, 2012

Posted at : Friday, February 03, 2012

Youtube link coming soon!


Anonymous said...

Those eyes ... Wow! Each one is a different color at the end. Love the video and the theme of duality within ourselves. Brilliant! Must go watch it again now ... and again, etc. :-)

Anonymous said...

Reviews are good from reviewers. There's a list on AO. Love it!

Anonymous said...

TOTALLY AWESOME VIDEO!!! Singer, songwriter, actor, producer - Bravo Adam!!! :-D

Anonymous said...

I love it!!

Anonymous said...

8:15 I didn't notice the different color of eyes until you mentioned it.

Anonymous said...

Can't stop watching it! It is mesmerizing! He is soooo talented!

Anonymous said...

Brilliant! So creative,yes it' definitely mesmerizing. Adam is soooo gorgeous, all sides of him! It' absolutely an attention grabber....Wow


Adele said...

Bravo, Adam! This video is genius!!


Anonymous said...

HOLY CRAP! what a way to start off a beautiful, sunny friday morning!!

Anonymous said...

There are so many details to see!
Love bad boy Adam ripping up a book. And he saved good boy Adam at the end. Love the juxtapositioning and the merging. When was the last time you saw a video with any meaning behind it? Not that deep doesn't apply this time, Adam? ;)

Anonymous said...

Im not a fan of this video,but love the song

Anonymous said...

I heard the pomegranate has some symbolic meaning. Don't know what, though.

Anonymous said...

Amidst all the fluff-crap videos out there, this one at least attempts to have some depth. Adam is such a deep-thinker! More an intellectual type than other singers. Kind of on another plane. Oh gee, what am I trying to say. Help me.

Anonymous said...

I love this video..everytime I watch it I see something new..Adam is so handsome and the song

Anonymous said...

Great was worth the wait. And you are right @ 9:05am..when is the last time we have seen a video with some meaning behind it. Most of them have the same gryrating, scantily clad females and crude, crass behavior in them. This video needs to be watched numerous times to look at the symbolism/meaning behind it and its relevance to the lyrics if that's what you want to do. Otherwise, you can just appreciate the voice and the personas of the two Adams. Did you notice that this was the coat, boots that Adam wore at the EMAS when he performed with Queen? I like the hairstyle much better now. Overall, this was a great way to start the day and I will watch it as many times as I can during the day and probably notice something different each time. I sincerely hope that now the America listening audience will appreciate Adam Lambert and his superb vocal and visual talent.

Anonymous said...

I love the end. When he has two different eyes colors *-*

daydreamin said...

Anon 9:26 to me, the pomegranite represented his dark side ripping that heart out so that he could go to the good side where the good heart is...JMO.

Anonymous said...

Bad boy Adam had to save good boy Adam at the end or they both would have perished and wouldn't have been able to merge in the end. omg I've crossed over, help!!!

Anonymous said...

adam lambert-genuis-brilliant-good voice- the best and very handsome and one of a kind omg.

Aloha leilani said...


Anonymous said...

WOW! Incredible! Definitely worth the wait. I will never stop watching this! Adam is the best!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't know how VEVO is going to keep track of the views of this incredible video. It's EVERYWHERE on the net worldwide. Great job Adam and Ray-Kay (the director)!!

Anonymous said...

I love this!!! so worth the wait. Hope it gets so many hits, that it jumps to #1.

Anonymous said...

the FULL video on youtube

Anonymous said...

I like the video and I like the two sides, the dark and light. The perfect video for perfect song. Every time I watch I like more and more.

From Barcelona

Anonymous said...

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Cannot Wait to buy this!!!

Congrats Adam, U did it !!!

Anonymous said... there anyone out there who sings better than this? Answer: NOPE!

And those eyes.....

Anonymous said...

You pulled this together like a pro Adam, lots of hard work payed off. Your acting ability sure pulls thru. It gives off a great message, of light and dark. Great job, I like it.

Anonymous said...

Love his boyish "light" look. But then again, I love the dark look too. But the light look is so sweet and cuddly. Hmmm. Can't decide. It's the eyes.

Anonymous said...

What an amazing video. So much meaning. Love how Adam gets us to think about things like the light and dark side of ourselves and how to balance it. He is quite the actor and looks so handsome. Great concept and hope it gets millions and millions of views!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this video. From a psychological standpoint I adore it. Parts of Self, even DID (multiple personality) Adam. Love it. Love it. Love it.

(Did you also notice ambidextrous Adam writes with both his left and right hands in this? He's perfect ;)

Kentucky Fan

tess4ADAM said...

This didn't seem like a music video ... more like an excerpt from a movie ... my heart went out to the Dark ADAM ... he seemed so full of angst & self-loathing ... like he couldn't control the rage he seemed to feel ... I LOVED the Jekyll & Hyde concept. What a BRILLIANT performance by ADAM ... he should be in the movies. FABULOUS video & song ... AWESOME ADAM!!
I hope this one SKYROCKETS to the STARS & BEYOND!!

tess4ADAM (LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

@9;41, yes, his favorite medges and the coat.
At the end with the 2 colors of eyes, his clothing was integrated too - boots and tshirt from light Adam, black leather coat from dark Adam, construction tape from Trespassing cover.
We'll be finding stuff for days :)

funbunn40 said...

Love it! Well woth the wait and the pomegranite was a good touch,like ripping a heart. The gold and blue eyes another subtle nod to the conflicting sides. He's so good I can hardly stand it!

MiMi said...

AS others have said, this video is BRILLIANT! So much to see and so much to think about. Adam speaks to everyone with this meaningful video.

Anonymous said...

Love to analyze stuff like this. It's the English teacher in me. So much symbolism and layers of meaning. Fun!

Anonymous said...

Besides supporting the lyrics of the song, the video also makes a sonic connection. The heart-beat rhythm punctuates the song's image of the heart-like pomegranate which the dark Adam crushes and renders his self bleeding, a painful symbol of his caving in to the public wrath against his "different" nature. The reference might be to events in Adam's life that we know of--self-inflicted wounds, fallout from the AMA, which unwittingly or subconciously perhaps, sabotages his career. It was Adam's sunny, confident and cerebral self that basically saves Adam from himself. There were, of course, his staunch defenders in the controversy, but those sitting on the fence were won over by his eloquence in his defense of his right to artistic expression, and in the unfairness of the double standard in the entertainment industry.
Vulnerable and defiant, sunny and dark, left to each on their own and Adam collapses; with their supporting interplay they act to become his saving grace and ultimate affirmation. atm

Anonymous said...

So much to say, so much to think about and analyze in this video. How often does this happen? Not very much at all because most of the videos that come out are just pure "garbage" geared to the young viewer who doesn't care much about meaning, symbolism, the importance of lyrics, interpretation,etc. of what is presented. Adam, the director Ray Kay and anyone associated with this video did a brilliant job on it and each time I watch it, I see something else or think about something different in its significance. Bravo Adam for bringing intelligence, depth, and meaning to a great song and an even greater video.

Anonymous said...

I wish the video was a little longer, actually a lot longer maybe i will just keep hitting the replay button. He is so easy on the eyes. Love you Adam. I think your next project should be a movie, but not before you tour your this new album. Cant wait!

Anonymous said...

Ladies, you don't have to analyze music video!!! It has to be fun! Or not! If you are not sure about it just for one second, it's mean that this isn't 2012 music video!Don't think, just watch, listen, and joy! Analyzing is for boring adults!
Sorry, Adam, you lost to Nicki, JB, GaGa, Katy, and many more artists!We dont have to think when we watch their videos. We just have FUUUUUN!

Anonymous said...

Isn't that the point of what Adam is saying to some extent? There are two sides to most things. So it is with videos. There are those you watch just for fun and then there are those that you can analyze, that have some depth and meaning. And analyzing is not for boring adults! There are those of us who enjoy music and also have a brain to think, to question, to see things more deeply than others. So I do not consider myself a boring person but someone who understands that life has to offer both the light and the dark and hopes to balance out whatever each day brings. As a teacher, I always told my students that you have to love yourself first before you can love anyone else and life is a balancing act of the various issues/problems/stresses that you face everyday. This would be a great video to use in an English class for discussion, symbolism and interpretation which would then lead to those elements in a literay selection. Who knew that a video would lead to so many comments on this site and from countless reviewers. It's brilliant Adam.

Anonymous said...

The pomegranite is very good for you. It's chockful of vitamins and antioxidents.
Light Adam is offering dark Adam something good for him and dark Adam destroyed it like a swine would detroy pearls, signifying Light Adam's difficulty in reaching Dark Adam.
Just a possibiity.
The whole video is genius and Adam is very mesmerizing...all sides. I love the video.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and it looks so violent crushing the pomegranite. Shows Light Adam just how blind Dark Adam is to his destructive tendencies.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and it looks so violent crushing the pomegranite. Shows Light Adam just how blind Dark Adam is to his destructive tendencies.

Anonymous said...

anon 9:56
Do you ever watch music videos? Some to make you think. (duh)
And believe me, Adam's gorgeousness is more than enough to entertain most people as far as music videos go.
And his inside is even more gorgeous. This video shows his inner and outer beauty.

Anonymous said...

BRAVO!How lucky are your students to have such a great teacher than teach them not only what's in books but also how to be a person in the real life. I would love to know that this video is used in class for showing kids the two sides of live and have great dicussions about it while they're watching Adam.That way you can connect Adam to education. Great conection!!