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New Photo Shoot of Adam in April 'Gossips Mag' Japan

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, February 18, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, February 18, 2012

via @mmyy9


Anonymous said...

Great picture I want this magazine I have some other ones from Japan and love them.

Adamluv said...

Super hot picture! Love the eye make-up.

Anonymous said...

He is a perfect stunning model:)

Those eyes are killers!!!


Anonymous said...

very sexy!!love this pic!

Anonymous said...

Excptionally stunning picture of Adam... just look into the eyes. If he weren't into music he could be a model, a fashion or jewelry designer, stylist, talk show host, a psychologist, yes, even a drama/music teacher Adam is just so talented, personable and charming. I get my Adam"fix" everyday by checking this site whenever I am able and there is always something new and interesting to read about him. Just to look at a new picture sometimes is enough for me. Hope all the promos he has done help boost the popularity of BTIKM and then the sale of TRESPASSING at its releasse.

choons said...

whooooooo be still my beating heart.

glitzylady said...

Gorgeous and stunning...again!

Anonymous said...

WHAT is happening on this site????

Such a GORGEOUS photo of Adam - and ONLY 7 posts???!!!

I know it's Saturday... but still!

When was the last time any of the threads has had more than a 100 posts...Where are you peeps???

Anonymous said...

Beautiful picture! Adam gets more and more gorgeous. @3:05 I think there have been some very negative posts recently. I myself took a bit of a break here. So lets keep the post positive and upbeat!

Anonymous said...

Too many people are stalking the Whitney Houston news.

HK fan said...

beautiful picture, definitely looks like a model here.

I must admit, that although I still check in here everyday, its not the same at the moment, Too many regulars have stopped posting, its lost its lightheartedness, with everyone having to wade through the crap from the same 1 or 2 posters.
I wish admin could get rid of them once and for all.

Anonymous said...

In this picture the eyes are the key. Look closely and you find the Dark Adam is on the right side this time. He is a master at his crafts.

Anonymous said...

@3:05 yes I agree that there isn't that many comments being left lately including myself but there has been quiet a lot of negaative comments recently which is getting a bit borinng now, if people don't like adam or don't have anything goodd to say whats the point of coming onto a site which is clearly all about adam?
Anyway he is looking god damn HOT in the photo his eyes are just WOW but then again he always looks amazing to me:)

Ireland xxx

Anonymous said...

Can this magazine be purchased here or from the publisher itself?

Anonymous said...

I am loving Adam 2.0 - this photo is sooooo....... the jaw line is really nice. All in all - just perfectly perfect.

Anonymous said...

Adam is one fine-looking HUNK!!

Anonymous said...

I wanna see a photo of Adam with the "pucker lips" he was given for Valentine's Day .... very more-ish! :-D

Anonymous said...

Is Adam wearing a little rouge or bronze on his cheeks in this picture? Hmmmmm, it might just be the angle the picture was taken.

Anonymous said...

JAK here...

Someone was recently stating
That we'd become a bit crabby with waiting.
Our threads have lost their sense of fun.
They are lacking lightness, we've come undone.
Now you all know we can't have that
As Adam acolytes we musn't spat.
Good things are worth waiting for
No need to grumble and pace the floor.
Adam's baby is taking it's time,
It's cold out here in this land,
Will it be greeted with indifference...:(
Or with a joyous marching band?
It's gestation period is obviously the same as a rhinos (aprox 15 mos)
Stay cool, no over indulging
Or The Glamiy will turn into WINOS!

Anonymous said...

Love this!

funbunn40 said...

Now that's smoldering!!

Anonymous said...

FF (Florida Fan here), I check in every other day but don't get involved in the posting as much as I once did. I miss a lot of the members I used to see here also.
I WANT THIS NEXT CONCERT TO GET HOPPING!!! I can hardly wait!!! Love Adam now and Forever!!!! MWAH!! FF

Anonymous said...

I can't look at other men without making comparisons to Adam. Though it isn't fair, it's hard not to. I know, it's shallow to compare the beauty of a lion to a rhinoceros or a toad, but hard that's just how it is. That's why we can't judge by the cover, so we look inside for the inner beauty, and then even BB still shines. No wonder Adam inspires so much admiration and though much less, denigration. Can't win them all.
This picture of Adam should be a cover of GQ, or Time or Discover, or Psychology, or Architectural Digest. In fact, Adam should be in all of them. Just my opinion

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