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VIDEO VERSION of ADAM LAMBERT Interview with Stefanie Faleo!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, February 19, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, February 19, 2012


Anonymous said...

Great interview. Adam looks amazing!

Anonymous said...

I will admit to being a little discouraged about U.S. radio playing BTIKM enough, but I feel that he is about to break big in UK. The Queen preformance was a real gift there. Also feel like RCA is going to support him a lot here and there.

Anonymous said...

I will admit to being a little discouraged about U.S. radio playing BTIKM enough, but I feel that he is about to break big in UK. The Queen preformance was a real gift there. Also feel like RCA is going to support him a lot here and there.

Anonymous said...

I truly believe in my heart of hearts that Adam will do much better in the UK this time around. The Queen performance was a real eye-opener for those tough-skinned Brits. I think they'll give him a second chance. I have faith in all Adam's international fanbases to help Trespassing succeed. I KNOW the U.S. is the big dog, but I think his world-wide sales will be very good. We U.S. Glamberts have got to keep on requesting, playing and buying. I know, it's a broken record message, but we can do it! This was a fun interview. The girl acted like she really likes him!

Anonymous said...

Whoa! I like this interview a lot! So lively and not a dull moment! Goood job! Stefanie! First time I've heard Adam say, "my child...," sooo nice. I actually did a small personal experiment on myself. I watched FYE video/song and then immediately followed it up with BTIKM, to see if FYE would slowly be eased to second placing, for me. Well, what do you think...Okay the answer to my experiment, surprisingly to me is... No! So FYE, you are still reigning strong on my chart! I think both are equally beautiful and great pieces of Adam art endeavour. :)

choons said...

OT but I finally saw Adam's BTIKM video on tv tonight!!! on Much Music.
(That's Toronto, Canada). I felt so excited and happy.

Anonymous said...

8:28 how in the world is that off topic? lol

Anonymous said...

I like his crying and dancing at the same time. lol He has a good sense of humor.

Anonymous said...

@Lam-my...I had the same reaction to his saying the words "my child"! I don't know, it just made me feel all warm n goosebumpy!

This was such a fun interview! I swear, I could listen to Adam all day long! I just wanna hang with him and be friends! And he looks so good (well, when doesn't he?!).

RE: Upcoming Queen performance? Adam's UK rep said there's gonna be a big announcement tomorrow (Mon), but she didn't specifically say it's about Adam. But, then Adam said in an interview there might be an announcement this week! So we may hear some great news tomorrow!!! Of course, none of this is confirmed, but it's got me excited!

AdamLuvr in Tx :)

Anonymous said...

I watched both the clip and the audio of this interview so I don't think I'll forget any of it in a hurry ... lol. The audio was uploaded here before the clip. Great interview and I'm loving Adam's new eye makeup. Less is more and less makes Adam's eyes really draw the viewer in ... well, certainly draw this viewer in ... his eyes without all that heavy eye makeup are so mesmerizing and alluring.

Anonymous said...

AdamLuvr in Tx
Yea warm and it feels really good when he says it in such a matter-of-fact way. I guess at the back of our minds, we want to know what his baby will look like and if his child sings like him! :)

tess4ADAM said...

Hi! fellow Glamberts .. Just wanted to report another BTIKM video siting on a TV channel .. the COOL TV .. channel. I surf around the music channels .. MTV .. VH1 & their sister channels on my cable ... along with FUSE (I complained & there it was the next day) LOGO ... and all the rest & I have seen ADAM several times on various channels ... so take heart & keep the faith ... ADAM's time WILL come!! LOVED this interview & all the others posted here & on FB (ADAM FAN CLUB) ... BTW ... there are a ton of interviews on the following url ... Love 'n Light (back to VOTING) ... (hope it works)
I'm lousy at posting links)

tess4ADAM (LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

How come BTIKM is being released as a physical CD in Japan but nowhere else?????

Anonymous said...

AdamLuvr in Tx
My gut feeling about the big announcement is the Queen/Adam performance at the Olympics. :)

Anonymous said...

@tess4ADAM, that link doesn't work for me. :-(

Anonymous said...

I'm in Australia and very disappointed as I still haven't heard Adam's new single yet, been listening to all the usual radio stations with lots of Kate Perry, Gaga and the like, every now and then you might here IIHY or WWFM but that's it. Another single I love so much but I've never heard on radion is Sleepwalker, this song never got the recognition it deserved and I just can't understand why. I guess I'll keep listening hoping to hear Adam singing BTIKM but I'm so sick of the same of music dished up each day.


HK fan said...

loved this interview, sounds great and looks beautiful..

Sligo cute said...

Good complet adam

Anonymous said...

I like this interview. Smart woman.

Anonymous said...

I like this interview. Smart woman.

Anonymous said...

There's a very likely leaked message floating around that Queen and Adam will be headlining this year's Sonisphere Festival 2012 in Europe! Huge event and confirmation is imminent. Whoa! Adam! Your time to shine has come! :)

Anonymous said...

RE: BTIKM being released as a single in Japan. Keep checking Amazon. On the FYE album, Amazon often had available singles released in other countries.

Anonymous said...

JAK here........... for all of you who are wishing for Adam to have a child so he can pass on his glorious voice...don't count on it!
My mother and her 5 sisters were all excellent vocalists and sang on many radio programs. Their children and I have none of their talent and croak like frogs!!!