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Adam Lambert at Coca Cola Live/939 litefm (March 16, 2012)

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Friday, March 16, 2012

Posted at : Friday, March 16, 2012



Anonymous said...

The more I hear this song I go BULLISTIC!!! Holy Adam you can change anything indeed!!! More power to you and can't wait to shake my a** ha!ha!


Anonymous said...

Adam seems very relaxed and good-humored during this interview. I love to listen to him talk esp. about the process for putting together TRESPASSING. I will never tire of hearing him sing, any song, anywhere, acoustic or with the band. I hope all these promo visits get Adam some radio play before the album is released. It's about time that he is recognized for the amazingly talented performer that he is in today's music business that is filled with no-talent, no personality so-called singers.

Anonymous said...

this new album is going to be epic I can't wait just loving the new music

Anonymous said...

ADMIN PLEASE, F I N A L L Y POST THE LONDON TRESSPASSING performance - it is NOT old news, since the vid was RELEASED only a few days ago (although the date in YT vid is Feb25)--- IT IS SUPERBLY EPIC!!! Everybody in 24/7 Paradise should see it!

Here's Cassie's (from Adamtopia) totally excellent post about this Tresspassing performance - couldn't agree more with her!

"I am besotted with the London performance of Trespassing. Can't stop watching/listening. There is so much wonderful-ness in that performance.
First off, it's aural and visual sex! DAMN!! You know how I love me some Adam ballads, but, my Lawd, that is hawt, and vocally, so impressive. He just explodes --- and that is just watching the computer. For me, that is more satisfying to watch and listen to than an XXX rated porn movie. (Okay, maybe that was a little too much information. Sorry. And, I admit, I haven't watched any XXX porn movies, but I can imagine.)
Vocally, tho', this one blows my mind in a new direction. His voice is so percussive. He maintains the drive, the beat, the funk with his vocals alone. Yes, we have the minimal backing, but most of it originates with HIM. At first I thought this was such a contrast to his usual lyrical lines and extended phrases. But, upon repeated listening, he IS actually maintaining the lyrical line and phrase, connecting the notes. It is just that he attacks the individual notes so hard it is deceptive.
His articulation is also stellar. I understand every word as it whizzes by. Most pop singers have trouble even articulating clearly in slower numbers and ballads; rapid lyrics are pretty much incomprehensible mumbles. Not Adam. He uses the consonants as percussion instruments.
And then, there is the melody. It moves so rapidly with such staccato that he has to hit those notes squarely on, with no time to adjust. Like rapidly firing a gun at a moving target. Still, he manages to imbue the notes with that warm resonance. I am thinking this song, so fun and defiant, so infectious and quick, is actually quite a challenge to sing.
His album is going to be such a sonic treat!
Back to watch it one more time."

GGD Gal, Over the Moon, Mars, Venus and Jupiter after watching THIS Tresspassing XXX times!

Anonymous said...

I've totally lost track and cannot keep up all these radio gigs and interviews... However, here's the UNF-teenth interview - Adam answering fans' questions and being so LOVABLE!!! How does he do that, over and over and over again...

Anonymous said...

NEW vid from today - He truly is amazing... and I think he was singing for Sauli...

GGD Gal, *sigh*

daydreamin said...

OT but here is Sauli's latest (today) wonderful, happy bWonderful friends!
March 16th, 2012

Original text:

Translation by Miachihu (@miachihu) and Zinnia (@tiiqqu), posted on March 16th, 2012

For pictures go to Sauli's original blog (link above). Please also, feel free to leave comments to Sauli on the site - use the text box at the bottom of the page. You can also write in English.


Hello!! Life is smiling and once again the weekend is here! yay!! This week I’ve been thinking about how wonderful it finally is to feel like this is where I belong, and nothing feels strange or unfamiliar anymore. For sure I’ve always been happy, but it really seems to take about a year to get all the things sort of running smoothly in a new country and in a new environment. To be honest, it would feel rather weird to be living in Finland at the moment. I have also noticed that I’m thinking more in English than in Finnish now. I’ve never been good in foreign languages and when I moved here a year ago, my vocabulary was really miserable. Now I notice I’m much more fluent in the language and there really is no better way to learn it than in practice. There’s no way you can make a wallflower out of me, and that’s probably the biggest reason and something to be thankful for why I’ve made so many good friends here during this year. A relationship makes you happy, but every one of us need also friends of our own, and some own things to do. When I moved here, I knew hardly anyone here, and now I realize that my phone is buzzing and with my own openness and courage I have managed to surround myself with support, security and a new life. Such an awesome feeling!!

Luckily there are also some other Finns living here and we’re been keeping closely in touch. It’s so nice to be able to talk in Finnish every once in a while and listen to some Finnish music with your tribesmen . This week I visited the lovely Suvi Koponen and we had sooooo much fun. Our thoughts were totally matching one to one and I really found a soul mate in Suvi. I don’t know many people who remember the songs from old Finnish commercials Hah!! We were singing those together and also listened the good old Aikakone (a Finnish band). hahah!! Absolutely insane, but so much fun!! And Suvi’s dogs were the cutest things ever!!

I am organizing today a party for the Finns living here and we are going to take over the streets of Hollywood with a proper Finnish gang. I wonder what tonight will turn out like?? haha!! At least I know it will be anything but boring!!!

Next week I really need to start exercising and getting back to healthier ways since this week I’ve been slipping badly. Yesterday I ate a whole bar of Fazer’s Blue chocolate and now I really do feel it… whoah!!! Well you do have to enjoy yourself every once in a while but there’s a limit to everything! haha!!



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Anonymous said...

RE my post @4:00PM - here's a Youtube version of the same performance of BTIKM

GGD Gal, forgot to tag the prev. post

daydreamin said...

OOT Just heard Rosie O'Donnell Show is cancelled.

Anonymous said...

GGD Gal again - sorry, but the prev. post I'm referring to in my 4:45 post (is NOT 4:00PM) has mystically DISAPPEARED... it was about same BTIKM presentation's vimeo version...

Sorry for mix up!

Adamluv said...

@daydreamin - sorry to hear of the cancellation of Rosies show since she dealt with some very topical issues that we need to address. The other day she had on the grandson of Oral Roberts and it was very sad to hear him speak of the homophobia of his parents (he is gay). Same show had one of the sons of Fred Phelps (head of the vile Westboro Church)speak about how they were all raised to believe very hateful thoughts about gays but that he had left the church many years ago. There was then a rebuttal by 7 of his brothers/sisters saying he was a liar etc. and then they began to say very ugly things about Rosie and Ellen D. Difficult to listen to but we need to know our enemies and how they think. Ignorance is not bliss! ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

So many great topics and comments here! First, the London Trespassing is EPIC in every sense of the word. It's one we will refere back to time and again, like WWL at Fantasy Springs. Our collective memories are brimming with joy at everything Adam does! We are lucky!
As for Sauli, I LOVE that he has his own friends and that he has things he does when Adam is away. He a grown-up and doesn't want to be clinging to Adam all the time. He's so independent and unafraid to take risks, just like Adam. He knows that being Adam's partner will be a wild ride for a long time, and Sauli is finding his own niche as a part of it. So glad to know he has a circle of Finnish friends who he has a lot in common with.
This Chicago performance of BTIKM is a testament to Adam's sheer vocal power and talent. No mike, no enhancement, and yet it sounds like he's in a highly-powered stage setting. He is the real deal. We as fans need to show everyone we know (who hasn't heard Adam) just what a special talent he is. Love ya'll, Glamberts, today and every day!


Anonymous said...

To those fans who have said they'd love to see Adam continue to be booked into smaller venues, listen to this interview carefully. He definately says he wants to play LARGER venues. He wants his get his career to the highest point he can. I want what HE wants.

Anonymous said...

@GGD Gal....Wow, I agree Cassie's comments about the London Trespassing epic performance was truly a wonderful commentary on Adam's vocal skills, not only that but his undeniable charisma and stage presence. I can never take my eyes off of him no matter what song, or where he is performing. I saw 7 GNTs and I'm still in wonderment about how mega-talented he is. I consider it a gift that we get to see him daily on these radio promos with interviews and acoustic performances.

Please let Mapril come soon!


Anonymous said...

Wow! Wow! Adam that is simplemente magnifico Trespassing!! This fierce Adam voice is so wild wild!! I can get all the lyric profoundly clear; a kind of rap to me, this is his theatre extravaganza! :)

daydreamin said...

@Adamluv, I couldn't agree more. Those discussions need to happen. That sounds like a show I might have to try to find and watch. I love when I hear of someone freeing themselves from the way they were raised to do the right thing.

I really admire Sauli for uprooting himself from his home, family and friends to go to another country where he knew no one and had to tackle a whole new language and life.

@GGD Gal I'm loving that London Tresspassing!