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Adam Lambert New Interview with Queerty

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, March 17, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, March 17, 2012

CLICK HERE to read the interview!


Anonymous said...

I thought GAY meant Get A Yacht?

Anonymous said...

I read the interview and then also scrolled down to read the comments that were posted. Some of them just made me very angry and sick as to what they had to say about Adam and his music. There was also one reference about homophobic djs who just won't play Adam's music. After watching many of the radio promos Adam has done lately, how could you not at least give his music a chance? He is the best vocal talent in the music business today where you find so many crude, classless, talentless performers becoming successful with absolutely nothing positive to offer. To all the nay sayers, Open your ears and listen to that voice. Watch his interviews where we see nothing but a charming, smart, witty, self confident individual who does an acoustic version of several of his songs that just blow you away. I applaud Adam Lambert for standing up for what he believes in and speaking out on a personal issue that has affected him throughout his adult life and now plagues so many young people in school and in our society today. He has fans of all ages and hopefully with the release of his new album, he will gain many more.

Anonymous said...

No one knows better than Adam the kinds of obstacles he continually has to face as he pursues his career. He'll be battling these obstacles for a long time, maybe forever. The comments about this article annoyed me, too. Some were from the LGBT community. Their comments really show diverse attitudes toward gay performers. I'm glad that some Adam fans did post positive comments, too.
Boy, Adam really generates some hot discussion! He represents so much more than just being a singer. This is a blessing and a curse. It makes him fascinating and exciting. It also makes him a taget for every hater on the planet. I sometimes wonder how he can stay focused on his music at all. I wonder what other singer gets so much hateful feedback.
The comments on his "lack of talent" are simply ridiculous. Funny how people will decide they don't like someone for reasons that are untrue or make no sense. There is no changing their minds, unfortunately.

Anonymous said...

I just can't read those comments. Haters have nothing better to do than hate on people that don't deserve it. Adam is the nicest most genuine person with such immense talent! My local radio station finally got on board with BTIKM and played it three times already today! In Dallas a radio station he had visited. Adam will win people over one at a time. And those that keep on hating, well I feel sorry for them. They are missing out on a beautiful voice and person!

Anonymous said...

I hardly read the comments anymore, same sh*t different day. I could almost write all the comments myself anymore.

Anonymous said...

He is a gay man admitting to be bicurious so he will get it from all walks of life now. Gays will not think he is gay enough, Straight will want him straight, Lesbians will want him gay and Bi will want him on both sides of the fence. No one will win in this one.

Anonymous said...

3:47- Huh?????

Anonymous said...

3:29 glad to hear they played his music! 4:11 LOL that's what I always say when I read her bizarre comments and she lives here.

Anonymous said...

love adam lmbert hes a good man-good singer and mr. pefectionist.

Anonymous said...

I love Adams voice and I cant stop staring at his beautiful long legs and Im really enjoying his promo performances with Tommy... If the rumors are true, Im excited to see him on IDOL soon ! or anywhere to be truthful

daydreamin said...

@3:29 I am so happy that your radio station has started playing BTIKM. There are two stations where I live that play mostly BTIKM and throw in a little WWFM now and then about every two hours just like all the other popular singers!! WWFM never had this kind of play, so I am hopeful that Adam is breaking through. I have requested BTIKM on another station and they will tell me "sure, we'll get that on for ya" and then I never hear it. Another one I request and request and they say "I'll see what I can do though it's not in the rotation" and I never hear it. BOTH have had him in their stations within the past 2 1/2 months and BOTH are having him back again in a couple of week. I don't get why they aren't playing his music. Let's see if they start.

Anonymous said...

This non-radio play just sickens me to no end! i don't care what the stupid reasons are anymore! Homophopic in my mind is the reason. Example: Katy perry has had 2 new singles out in the last month alone- both are in the top 20one already #8. If you have the name gaga, perry,mars, ect it's an automatic play over and over. Just not fair! Even if the song sucks, they will play it over and over! Unfortunaly none of these dj's are listening to us because they certainly don't come to this blog. O'K. I feel better, said
my piece.

Brownie- leaving my tag this time- bad day all around. I haven't even went to queerty comments yet, maybe I shouldn't tonight lol

Adamluv said...

@brownie - sorry to hear of your bad day. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. After all is said and done, what other reason besides plain old homophobia (as @brownie said )could it be for not playing Adams songs? If someone has another reason I sure would like to hear it. IIHY was a very radio friendly song and it was never played here in LA. It gets very discouraging! BTW - Happy St. Paddys Day to you all!!!!!!!... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

People who loves to hate others capabilities, hates themselves....:(((

No wonder Adam is up there right now because of the haters ha!ha!


Adam is not scareeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed!!!


Anonymous said...

It's frustrating to see Adam working so hard to get his music out there, and getting so little attention, when all the other pop singers have to do is crank out mediocre songs and they get instant play. I can't imagine that the DJs who Adam visits and have such rapport with have such difficulty giving him a fair shake. Which leads me to wonder if the station's ownership has something to do with the reluctance to give Adam air time.
One day the curtain will open to reveal the truth, maybe a whistleblow from a disgruntled DJ?
A conspiracy theory, you may ask, but there's more than a smoking gun of a cultural polarity with regard to Adam's sexuality that is hard to ignore, in much the same way that President Obama's race is polarizing the political landscape. Adam knows the mountain he has to climb, but thankfully he is strong, courageous, and smart, and he will prevail against the odd. atm

Anonymous said...

I just read all the comments there! Maybe I'm naive' but I found it to be somewhat intelligent comments, not like some of these blogs! I didn't find hateful,childlike nasty comments about adam, maybe a little but it was re-butled quickly. OMG I heard so much worse- for instance PH web-site and many more. I feel for adam on so many levels and I am one that has learned so much about the LBGT through adam. We have so much further to go here in america, but it is slowly happening I think.

Anonymous said...

@adamluv- happy St. Patricks day to you also and the rest of the glamberts. I'm feeling better thanks!


Anonymous said...

It's such a shame that Adam has to work twice as hard to get his music heard. In his own country no less! I heard that DJs don't have much control now over the music played, that the staion manager runs the this true?

I remember when you could call into the radio station with a song request, and they'd really play it! And they played lots of different songs. Now it's just the same songs every hour! I've about given up on my stations ever playing Adam. So frustrating!!

Hopefully, a change is gonna come, sooner rather than later. I hope the two Queen gigs will finally get Adam the recognition, respect, and acceptance he deserves! Especially from the US!! How backward and closeminded the US looks for not recognizing what a special treasure our Adam is.

Ok, enuf to listen to that special treasure!

AdamLuvr in Tx :)

daydreamin said...

Anon 10:46, my DJ told me it's the program director that puts together the @Adamluv and all here, a Happy Belated St Pat's Day!

@Funbunn40 where are ya?

Anonymous said...

Gosh there are some nasty, nasty comments following that article. You'd be forgiven for thinking there are Adam haters out there who scour the internet in search of articles about him just to post nasty remarks about him AND his fans. Shame on them!!! :(

So we keep supporting Adam no matter what. :-)

Anonymous said...

There seems to be a lot of jealousy and negativity towards Adam in the LGBT community, which only serves to view them in a very poor light.

Anonymous said...

The Queen concerts won't be shown in the USA. We the fans will probably be the only ones to see them. We have to somehow get the videos posted everywhere besides these Adam sites.

glitzylady said...

I would strongly suspect that the Sonisphere Queen concert with Adam WILL be seen in the US, at least on some premium channels. For instance, many cable providers, ie Comcast and others, feature a cable music channel called Palladia which shows entire concerts, music festivals, etc., not only from the US, but also from the UK. It has featured the 2011 EMA's from Belfast, so many Americans have consequently seen Adam and Queen perform, beyond the Idol finale performance. I would also suspect that American TV shows (ET,etc..) will feature at least snippets from the Sonisphere performance, because it IS rather newsworthy and rather epic that Queen and Adam are performing a whole concert together..I also suspect I am not alone in keeping a ray of hope alive that they might perhaps take pity on us Americans and perform at least once in the US..They have not announced anything like that of course, but I don't doubt it could happen in the future. Anything is possible with Adam and the Universe! Look where its gotten him so far!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, glitzylady for that ray of hope but I do wish those entertainment shows would show more than just a snippet.

I have many relatives/friends who are Queen fans and would jump at a chance to see them in the USA. I even have a promise to tag along to see Adam performing with them if it would ever happen in this country.