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Adam Lambert Performs "Better Than I Know Myself" (Acoustic Version) At Chicago's B96

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Friday, March 16, 2012

Posted at : Friday, March 16, 2012


Anonymous said...


What a great performance indeed!:)


Anonymous said...

watch the body language between those two. so damn intense. it's gonna explode.

Anonymous said...

AL is gay/bicurious and he is interested in a straight man with possible bi tendancies who is involved with a woman. this could get interesting.

Anonymous said...

he's telling TJR if he wanted to leave he would have left by now but he is the only one that knows him better than he knows himself. such a awesome performance with those two.

Anonymous said...

wow that was totally fraught with sexual tension-not.7:o8,7:11 and 7:15 you really need to get out more.

Anonymous said...

What a great performance of Better Than I Know Myself. I love this song lots. Can't wait for the Album and to see Adam back on the Idol stage.

Anonymous said...

does anyone know when Adam will perform on Idol? any hints?

Anonymous said...

Love you Tommy Joe. Glad you are back on the guitar.

Adamluv said...

The voice + the face + the hair + the body + the clothes + the personality + the intelligence = a gorgeous and talented one in a million artist! Adore this man!!!!! ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Beautiful performance, I miss Monty a bit. He is better guitarist than Tommy IMO.

Anonymous said...


I hope you're talking about Adam.

Tommy worship seems to be alive and sickening.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful acoustic mike, just Tommy with the guitar. What other performer could do this as well promoting their latest song?? No one. And what's this about body language, sexual tension between Adam and Tommy. Were you watching the same video as we see here? Focus on the song, Adam's amazing voice and stop reading something into the performance that is not there.

Adamluv said...

YES, was referring to Adam!!!! Love Tommy too but it's Adam all the way! Should have been evident since the first thing I mentioned was "the voice"! ... Adamluv

glitzylady said...

@Anon 8:11 PM
I can vouch for @Adamluv, that she is definitely talking about Adam..

To the Tommyberts here:
Its fine to be a fan of Tommy ( I like him, have met him, he's sweet..), but to suggest that there is anything other than friendship between Adam and Tommy is delusional and doesn't belong here. Its insulting to Adam and Sauli. And to Tommy for that matter, and Tommy's girlfriend Liz. Adam addressed that very thing yesterday in an interview, by referring to fans who live outside of the bounds of reality. Time to stop the Adommy crap. Friends: yes. Anything else; Nope....I realize that I'm talking to a brick wall when addressing the Adommy believers, but saying it anyway...One more time...Maybe someday it will sink in...But I suppose they believe what they want to believe, reality based or not...

Anonymous said...

Adam said clearly in an interview shortly after Season 8 that he is NOT bi. He ought to know.

Anonymous said...

If the tommy fans want him to have a successful career they need to knock off the romantic fantasy. Adam has given him a chance to become known as an accompaniest, which will mean more work for him
in the future. Fostering this imaginary relationship between him and Adam will lessen respect for him. That could end up hurting him. If you care for Tommy let him be a guitarist not a fictional boytoy.

Anonymous said...

Here's to some good voting and luck on the VH1 top 20 countdown in the morning. #BTIKM

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh What a wonderful performance ... even the way he said thank you at the end was soo cute..Adam., as always you are AMAZING

Anonymous said...

That was wonderful, so relaxed and those high notes wow. Do you think it depends on what time of day Adam sings this song whether he chooses to go for the high notes, early morning would be a killer, so I have heard experts say.
See the mad hatters are around, living in their delusional world, still.

Anonymous said...

Adam is so relaxed and happy every day and all day, I wonder why?
In Sauli's blog today, he said he is having a gang of finns, who are his friends, and take over the streets of Hollywood. ha ha ha.
He doesn't realize that we don't do that here, police don't like it, but the papps will love it, since he has given them plenty of warning. He said it won't be boring
I can believe that.

Anonymous said...

when you're a Jet you're a Jet all the way. lol

HK fan said...

Beautiful performance....I don't miss Monte at all.

@Glitzylady and anon 9.06pm, well said.

Anonymous said...

@ 10:31

Anonymous said...

10:49 I thought 10:11 comment was funny trying to make Sauli sound like a gang member,so I thought I'd sing a few lines from West Side Story. Just a joke.

Anonymous said...

9:06pm: Well said. And the Adommy craziness is not hurting only Tommy. It will also hurt Adam. I am a new-ish fan, and the Adommy tinhatters have turned me against Tommy, to the point where I wish that Adam switched him to someone else who came without the drama. I can't even look at him anymore, when all I can think about is the stupid "pretty kitty" comments. Guy is 30 years old!!! And it has made me less enthusiastic about following Adam. I hope that is not a common experience among new fans.

Anonymous said...

oh boy talk about drama.

Anonymous said...

11:23pm Tommy is here to stay maybe you better skadoodle.

leilani Aloha said...

Simply FABULOUS!!!

Anonymous said...

Tommy may go and take his fans with him, especially that Laurielovesbeinginsane.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Tommy fortunatelly have most hated fan in twitter LaurieLovesAdam who have been making people to dislike Tommy. She is a tweeting obsessively and claiming that Adam is lying about his relationship with Sauli. Maybe if Tommy had balls to block her it would cool down adommy stupidity.

Anonymous said...

Who was Tommy before he was introduced to us by Adam?? Why is it that some fans can love and worship him more than Adam to the point of insulting Adam if he dares perform with someone else accompanying him?? As someone said all the Tommy crays have kinda put me off him, mostly because he doesn't have the balls to call them out and block them. Given how obsessively Laurielovesadam (otherwise known as I don't have a life and no one loves me so I make my own reality where I am a fearless leader to other nutcases who believe that two grown ass men are living a double life where they shag and love each other in secret) and I am sure he has seen her tweets yet doesn't have the cajones to block her delusional a**.

I honestly think Adommy fans don't think much of Tommy. I mean is he worth so little that he is satisfied with being "the other woman" as Adam proudly shows Sauli for the world to see?? Is he only good for being loved in secret and not deserving of being public with his love interest. Anyone that believes in this crap inadvertently infers that Tommy will never be worth more than a booty call in the so called "epic secret affair". LOL at that cray TJRisgay who got blocked and had to see/or was seeing a therapist to deal with it..shows what kind of people these tinhatters truly are.

To those of us in the real world, regardless of who Adam long as he is happy then that's what its about. And he has never looked happier than he has been since he started dating Sauli so as long as they are happy, so I'm I. Peace.

Anonymous said...

This is the most sensual performance of "Better Than I Know Myself" yet! While it is UNDENIABLE that Adam is totally in LOVE with Sauli, the PERFORMANCE chemistry between Adam and Tommy is also UNDENIABLE. Tommy almost seems sometimes lately to be trying to make himself disappear when performing with Adam. IMPOSSIBLE since his androgynous beauty is what made fans hope for Adommy. Soooo... since fantasy is a part of everyone's psyche and it stays harmless...Rock on people.. you have a right to your craziness ("CUCKOO) sells tickets,cd's,etc.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:44 no one is denying the on stage chemistry between A&T, the problem is that when that gets interpreted and taken to a whole other level that it leads to some people being hateful and trading insults over other people's personal love lives. Anyway if someone is buying Adam's cd or going to his show just to see Adommy as opposed to hearing Adam's voice and supporting him then that is a sad fact.

Tommy is beautiful and will always attract attention for his looks but please out first priority should be Adam. T is turning 31 and is a grown ass man, he doesn't need crazy people on twitter "fighting" for him when he doesn't get picked to accompany Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

to anon 5:46 from anon 4:44 . TOTALLY AGREE about the crazies. The people that can't separate fantasy from reality. Adam will always be the CHARISMATIC STAR,but it dosen't hurt to have a back up band and dancers that he has chemistry with. Adam's voice and physical beauty is mesmerizing,but a performance is a the sum of the parts. The new band is sexy for sure.

Anonymous said...

ps. yes I did say craziness (wrong choice of words)

Anonymous said...

The "crazies" who keep on commenting about Adam and Tommy need to get a life and stop fantasizing and imagining there is something beyond a mutual friendship between the two. Tommy is part of Adam's band, a musician, and someone Adam wants there. Kevin is the new musical director and I think the better guitar player when he accompanies Adam. Either way, let's focus on Adam's music, that amazing voice and the new album coming out soon. All this other stuff is nonsense and a waste of time. We want Adam to gain fans, not to turn them away with all this ridiculous conjecture.

Anonymous said...

11:23 PLEASE don't make all the Adommy stuff make you hesitate being an Adam fan. This crazy stuff will go away over time. Adam's talent is SO worth your time and attention. He is a once in a lifetime performer. Please ignore the stupidity of some "fans" and concentrate on Adam's incredible talent. We want you in our family. Stick around and enjoy the ride, even when it gets bumpy.

Anonymous said...

hmmmm... so it's just AL voice. It's waaaay more than that! The sexy is a very important part of Adam's persona
(I was going to say big part (oops). I don't think anyone needs to throw a cold bucket of water on that. Do they?The voice,the clothes,the sexy,the personality,the band. The real deal for sure

Anonymous said...

Tommy looks so gorgeous. He and Adam really look good together for a performance.... Love it when BTIKM is sung accoustically.

Anonymous said...

The way he sing: Try to see my took me 30m. to put myself togeteher again!! OMG!! Is he real!?? I'm not so sure...I'll take daydreamin word about it,she touched his jacket! but I need to probe it by myself,so now I just need to grab his ass and then I will belive it!!Cause if I look at his eyes and he speaks I'll die...and I'm way too young for that!!;)So HK fan, remenber our plan for the festival, you distract him and I grab!!LOL!!


Anonymous said...

I love Adam and Tommy together. And their performances together are very special . What I see going on between these two is love in the form of a close personal frienship and I hope it lasts forever . I respect the fact that they have separate love interests , but when they get all goofy and flirty onstage I'm gonna enjoy it to the fullest! Not gonna question or obsess their private life romantic choices Thats none of my business Cant wait to buy the album !!

Anonymous said...

First, you have to learn to ignore the Adommy fans' comments or you start skipping the videos..

Anonymous said...

March 17, 2012 7:55 AM Well not all Adommy fans, just those crays who thinks Adam is lying to the public all the time and actually Tommy is his boyfrien.

Anonymous said...

As Adam said it best on his last interview that we shouldn't fight over something that it doesn't exist. Most of those Adommy fans are on some type of medication or they aren't into any type of relationship. They should be ignored and they will fall like dry leaves. I don't think it's fans responsibility to tell Tommy what he should do. He is a grown man in his 30s and if he is bothered by this he should send messages so they'll be stopped. I assume he thinks this is harmless and we shouldn't be bothered by it as well.

Glamitup said...

Good God people! If you want to believe that Tommy and Adam have chemistry then so what???? Some people get so worked up about the tiniest things! I like to fantasize that Adam is straight and have even had dreams that he is with me! hahahaha. I know the reality and YES I know Adam is gay but I am not hurting a soul to dream the dream. Let's just all get along here. geez.

Anonymous said...

well he needs to quit acting like he is interested in women. he flirts and makes the fangirlies believe there is a chance. that is misleading. Adam Lambert is bi in his mind and will soon act on it.

Anonymous said...

AL has a BI closest. he gets in and out of it every once in awhile.

Anonymous said...

maybe at times he wears the boots of a straight man. hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe

Anonymous said...

I Bet TJR finds Adam attractive. I don't care how straight or crooked he is. I bet he has had some bi fantasies going on. He aint no saint:)))

Anonymous said...

I bet if AL would lay a woman he would wear the panties afterwards. just sayin'

Anonymous said...

I believe TJR was hired by his look not so much his skills. AML thought that TJR was a sexy adroginous elf that he could make his very own. NOT HAPPENING

Anonymous said...


glitzylady said...

Okay...I hate to keep this crap going because this thread SHOULD be about this beautiful version of "Better Than I Know Myself", with Adam and Tommy in fine form, providing us with another opportunity to hear Adam's voice and to appreciate his gift of the wonderful talent that he possesses... but...

The problem with the truly delusional people is that the craziness doesn't stop with Tommy..Tommy has fans, nothing wrong with that..He's a cutie. And he's nice..and he plays guitar for Adam.. But, Adam gets ugly and stupid tweets, and so does Sauli, as does Tommy, which is so undeserved and unbelievable, given that Sauli is Adam's love and has obviously made Adam so happy, and vice versa.. They often revolve around the Tommy/Adam delusions. We know that. That's where the harm lies...Most of it is just plain silly and ridiculous but I'm sure no one likes to see tweets threatening them or one of their friends or loved ones. I've seen some ugly ones that bordered on scary. Usually the worst of the worst are reported to twitter, and on rare occasion even to Adam's record label, to be investigated as a potential danger to Adam or someone else. Sometimes the worst of them have their Twitter accounts suspended as a result, at least. But they will just open another one eventually. Most are more subtle. Its fine to have fantasies involving various people in the extended "Glamily" (it's called fan fiction and its generally harmless fun and fantasy in the truest sense of the word..Okay I admit I MIGHT have seen some of it..maybe ; )) have Adam and Tommy and probably the rest of the group..) but the fantasy is only harmless to the the point that it doesn't turn into hate and ugliness, and it isn't promoted as "truth". When it turns into hate and ugliness, that's when it stops being a fun fan fantasy and becomes something darker and perhaps dangerous. I'm sure Adam doesn't spend a whole lot of time worrying much about it..because most of it just silly and ridiculous, and he probably just ignores, and sometimes blocks, and/or laughs it off, because some of it has to be pretty funny..And for those who think all Tommy has to do is "block" the tweets to stop it: All that does is block the tweets to him, they still go to whomever follows that person, and to those who see the "re-tweets" ..Its just too bad that there are a few over the top quote unquote "fans" who take it too far..That said, I'm not above having a few happy little fantasies of my own (Shhhh!)

Moving on...It probably isn't going to go away any time let's just enjoy the good stuff, like the wonderful vid that was the original subject of this thread and ignore the people who still think the stage GNT Adommy is real, both here and elsewhere...

Anonymous said...

I find Tommy quite possessive about Adam. What would people think if a woman tried to come between a couple?

Anonymous said...

Am I blind? I cant´t see anything between them...

Anonymous said...

I see that Adam changes the song each time he sings it. Adding notes and rhythm how he is feeling at the time. I see two professional musicians watching each other for ques to present the song.

Anonymous said...

I can't see anything either between them, even if I tried. What are you talking about? Get real!

Loved the performance though.

Anonymous said...

I love Adam and I think he's very talented and insightful. I think he chose the best possible bandmembers and our "job" as fans is to support his decisions!
I think Tommy is great - he genuinely seems to appreciate Adams talent and he appears to be cool with Adams decisions. Hating him because other fans live in a fantasy world is immature and frankly stupid. Saying Tommy is beautiful and that he and Adam have great chemistry is harmless - it's something you can laugh about - which I'm sure Adam and Tommy do. Saying that you hate Tommy and that he should be replaced isn't harmless it's hurtful - to both Tommy and Adam.

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness Adam does not read the comments on this blog. He would think what a bunch of crazies there are here discussing things they know absolutely nothing about. Here he is doing all these promos for his music and the new album, and some of the postings are focusing on some imaginary relationship between him and Tommy. Get a life people, a grip on reality and concentrate on some good you can do for someone in your life or for society and stop creating some delusional stories about what you think is true. I don't know Adam, have never met him, but I do feel terrible about several of the negative comments that have been made here and I am sure there will be more unfortunately.

Anonymous said...

1:32, you sound like a typical cult member who's trying to convert others to believe in your cult.

Anonymous said...

I mean it's hilarious that Tommy is an atheist, but he approves the Adommy cult.

Anonymous said...

Ano 17, 2:10 PM LOL Well he have fans cause of that.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't doubt if SK don't stare Tommy down and want him in the mix of things.

Anonymous said...

This is the best read I've had in a long while! LOL LOL LOL. My favourite comments are: "When you're a Jet, you're a Jet all the way" which Adam would hat gotten immediately.

The other one I love is: "it's our "job" as fans." I've heard this several times before, always from someone who's about to tell you that your job is doing what they think best... or you might be issued a pink slip.

Anonymous said...

Adam is a very visually creative person. We he auditioned Tommy he was thinking about the glittery-glammy-over the top campiness of his Glamnation vision. Tommy fit right into this with his androgynous good looks and tiny stature. That Tommy had to learn to play the bass to fit into the band is proof that he was molded into the Glitzy performances of that tour. I can see a time down the road where Tommy will become unnecessary to the band due to his mediocre talent. When you have four bandmembers and three of them are able to play more than one instrument, soon someone will bite the dust and it ain't going to be Kevin due to the fact that he is the only one able to sing backup brilliantly.

p.s. Monte who? lol

Anonymous said...

I think TJR is going to be around for the long run. AL knows TJR will be there for him. TJR said he aint going anywhere soon. I think they share alot of common interests and same musical direction.

Anonymous said...

was MONTE being greedy and betrayed ADAM? shame shame that is what the almighty green will do for ya.

Anonymous said...

Ok you crays above me talking about the sexual tension between Adam and Tommy during this performance have got your heads up your a**es. Not once, never, did they even look at each other...there was NO eye contact between them whatsoever. In fact, Tommy looked rather bored. You either need a man in your life or some other outlet to release your own sexual tension and stop talking such nonsence. It gets sickening!!!

Anonymous said...

Give me a break! Do you really think it matters? None of these guys are Eric Clapton! Does anyone honestly think that Adam's success ss a performer is crucially tied to
his band members? I wonder how he made it on Idol ......

Anonymous said...

The guy can sing acapella FCS. He doesn't even need a band.

Anonymous said...

4:28 - I especially liked the chemistry when Tommy was biting his nails.

Anonymous said...

the only problem here is a half crazy troll that needs kicked off and I thought she was at one time. Her mania runs deep.

Adamluv said...

@Anon 1:32 - thank you for your smart comment. So agree with you! Can I be a member of your cult as some anon person alluded to???? (LOL) ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I was the commenter who wrote about the sexual tension thing and most people must have missed my NOT , meaning it was NOT true.geesh!

Anonymous said...

4:53 - nice of you to take responsibilty for all of this but I think telling the posters in front of you that they "really need to get out more" absolves you of the crime.

Anonymous said...

5:04 thanks I feel better now lol. Someone did give me a compliment on my Jet Song too!!

Anonymous said...

Lol 5:12 That was me 5:04!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Adamluv - you can join my Cult anytime:)

Anonymous said...

maybe Adam can join Liz and Tommy on their honeymoon.

Anonymous said...

maybe Adam can join Liz and Tommy on their honeymoon.

Anonymous said...

TRolls? yeah there are a few. a few with a big mouth

Anonymous said...

Adam does gaze over towards TJR during this performance. you blind?

Anonymous said...

over at 0:17 there's some subtle ass gazing gooooooooing on. catch it quick or you will miss it.

Anonymous said...

I bet AL finds the romance between TJR and LH kinda sexy. feeds more into his fantasies.

Anonymous said...

The inane comments on this thread and others in the past drive me (and probably many others) away from the site for long spells of time. Always hoping the jerks all dry up and blow away. Then I come back hesitantly and see the same stupid shit.

Anonymous said...

5:29 ha ha just read your comment, That is really a coincident.

Anonymous said...

admin would you please remove the troll that has returned.She is out of control.

Anonymous said...

I see Tommy I see cray.

Anonymous said...

jusr wonderful Adam,,just so beautiful...amazing

Anonymous said...

@6:31 Adam looked at the guitar. You blind?