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Adam Lambert sings "Better Than I Know Myself" and "Cuckoo" in Z100 Portland studio

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, March 26, 2012

Posted at : Monday, March 26, 2012



Anonymous said...

there's no doubt that BTIKM will become one of his classic songs. I can hear this song playing for many years. It has that special something. one of my fave AL songs.

Anonymous said...

I wish Cuckoo will be next single.Love this song.

Anonymous said...

Yea, Adam and Tommy, very impressive pair. They have a kind of unstated telepathy and very comfortable with each other. BTIKM, NCOE, Trespassing, Cuckoo, OOL... a bumper-crop of hit songs. Adam is up for a Grammy! I can see it bobbing up and down the horizon. :)

fefa said...

Now that i see Trespassing and Cuckoo again I think this is the best thread right now to tell what happened to me today! (I was so caught up with NCOE that I forgot to tell u lol)
I had FINALLY come back to school 'cause I was sick (missed almost ten days of school) and when my friends saw me after we said our hi's and hello's they quikly asked me "Hey miss lambert (uhhh that felt nice and they said it in a funny a spanish accent too lol) is their any news from that guy Adam u like soo much? (I was so happy they asked me :D)
Anyway...I started talking of the snippits and this and that (which my cousin almost killed me for! lol) Cause she LOVES i meabn LOVES adam! but she is more of a casual fan.....(she doenst get informed on him the way we do....she finds out when i tell her lol) so she alomost killed me 'cause i didnt told her 'bout the snippits lol :)
So i showed everyone the snippits and they REALLY liked them!!! they started dancing to cuckoo and NCOE! xD lol they also liked Trespassing but at first they were like "okay? thatz the same cuckoo guy? lol but then they felt that awesome bass line and quiklu fell ib love with it!! Then they told me "Dang girl! u beter keep telling us bout this guy he is pretty nice! (i felt so proud of my school lol :'D) then the awesome thing is they called me so i got to students I didn't even know! so i would promote the songz! lol i felt amazing!!

fefa said...

on my previous comment forgot to say i felt like adam's spokeperson here in Puerto Rico (cause all day i was promoting without forgetting...they love BTIKM!! specially the video!! and they tell me....that guy has something really addicting to him dont u think? once u start listening to him u cant stop! (OMG thatz from people that are not really fans! xD) and the funny thingz is my male friends are like "really manly" (weirdly id dare to say the boyz like him better than girls here lol xD) and then theyre like "im not gay....but that gut makes u get curious!!! lol" and im like are u guyz just 15-17? lol and their like yeah but whatev the dude is hot! lol and my girl friends just want to eat him! lol

Anonymous said...

So you are the sole promoter of Adam Lambert in Puerto Rico...excellent job! Now they call him the Cuckoo guy! Very cute and original! And fits him quite nicely. You and your schoolmates are a very fun group! :)

Anonymous said...


Congatulations!! As "mom" said, really good job BB!!( no time for more....'ll tell u later)

SG (the assistance)

fefa said...

yeah! lol in spanish they said "El chamako 'e cuckoo?" lol
it was weird 'cause sadly not everybody knows him i felt great when i saw their big interest 'bout the album! :)
ohh and thankz SG lol :)

i liked the performances of this thread...okay who am i kidding? i liked them all lol! for me adam never sounds bad xD

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...sneak out from whatever you are engaged in, to talk to us! Good job to you too! Cuckoos all act like this! LOL! :)

Anonymous said...


Fist is first!!:D I was late for have no idea how much I want to get to summer/fall!!


Anonymous said...

no mic

Anonymous said...

9:10, I also like BTKIM and believe it's going to be a classic. Maybe not hardcore fans' favourite tune, but casual fans are also important.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I really miss Kevin..

glitzylady said...

Here's the link for the interview Adam did with Brett Andrews at the Z100 station in Portland. (You have to have the link in order to find it..its "unlisted")

"Adam Lambert - Z100 Portland"

glitzylady said...

@Anon 7:28 AM
By the way, I'm not sure what you meant by "Maybe not hardcore fans' favourite tune" re BTIKM. I consider myself to be one of those ; )) and I love it just as much as nearly everything else...From what I know, the "hard core" amongst us have been requesting it but radio has been resistant. The problem has been radio play...not hardcore fans..I would LOVE for the general public and "casual fans" to have the chance to actually hear it. Sore subject with me...Hoping the next single really catches on and then maybe BTIKM will get more play...So many "radio politics" involved : /

Anonymous said...

and what's really frustrating about the radio situation is that BTIKM couldn't have been crafted to be more radio friendly, sheesh!! But keep requesting fans. More and different ips and such helpful!! Use whatever devices you can get a hold of! :)

Anonymous said...

@7:28..Huh? I'm confused. I also think casual fans' reaction is the most important thing to single success. But look at the pathetic sales number. It seems to me that the biggest problem here is casual fans' not liking this dull song at all. And BTINM becomes one of his classic songs? really? lol. That would mean big gigantic problem to his career.

HK fan said...

I'd consider myself a kind of hardcore fan and BTIKM is my favourite single of Adams so far, I absolutely love it.
I'm sure ' the masses' would love it too, if only they had a chance to hear it, unfortunayely for whatever reason Radio still appears to not want to play it...or Adam. It really pisses me off..