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Official HQ Videos of Adam Lambert Performing at 95.5

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, March 26, 2012

Posted at : Monday, March 26, 2012

Bio on BING:
"Adam Lambert is a Grammy-nominated singer/songwriter. He was born in Indianapolis and raised in San Diego. He got his start in theater before appearing on the 8th season of American Idol. He didn't win, but soon after released his debut album, For Your Entertainment. His second album, Trespassing, comes out spring, 2012 and can be pre-ordered on his website."


<a href='' target='_new' title='Adam Lambert - Interview on Live 95.5' >Video: Adam Lambert - Interview on Live 95.5</a>

<a href='' target='_new' title='Adam Lambert - Never Close Our Eyes' >Video: Adam Lambert - Never Close Our Eyes</a>

<a href='' target='_new' title='Adam Lambert - What Do You Want From Me' >Video: Adam Lambert - What Do You Want From Me</a>


Anonymous said...

Keep requesting BTIKM to your local stations, and to the national ones that accept non-local voting... there's plenty of time to sleep when we die ;)

Anonymous said...

Absolutely love this song also from the new album. All the songs I have heard so far through the vids of his radio promos are terrific, one sounding better than the other. It is going to be difficult to select the next single from Adam. I would like it to be upbeat, energetic, a good one to move and dance to. So far, I can't get Cuckoo out of my head. This song Never Close Your Eyes almost seems like it could be from a movie, one of its theme songs. Whatever Adam Lambert sings, he is just an amazing vocal talent and I hope that this new album brings him the success he so deserves.

Anonymous said...

I just heard BTIKM in the supermarket today. I had to stop and listen for a minute because I could not believe it was actually being played....don't know what station, but at least I heard it. I suppose it is making progress on the radio, but obviously very slowly. Some say it is already dead and that Adam should move on to the next single. I just remember that around here(NJ and NYC radio stations) it took quite some time before they played WWFM and I still hear it on the station I listen to.

Anonymous said...

AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I don't know which song I want as the next single anymore. One minute, it's this one, the next is Cuckoo and then I hear the incredible clapping in Trespassing and I say that's the one.
CAN'T ADAM LAMBERT/RCA/SONY release 3 of his singles at once.


Anonymous said...

Never close your eyes is incredible. I was sold on Cuckoo being the next single and now Adam sings this one!! He is the Most GIFTED singer and he takes you into the Heavens with this song!!

Anonymous said...

Vote for Adam on this MTV March Madness poll:

Vote until you get a message that you can't vote for awhile.

Anonymous said...

Cuckoo is still my first choice for next single cause it is a perfect fit for the top 40 stations. I do love him singing acoustically NCOE. Still voting and requesting daily for BTIKM and voting on March Madness.

Anonymous said...

This would be a great song for Adam to sing on his idol appearance.
Oh yeah, he can saaaang! His wail towards the end, gaining fans by the minute.

Anonymous said...

Here it is again…
The UTTER BEDAZZLEMENT I’m feeling in front of his talent, his ability to plunge into a song and make it into an UNFORGETTABLE PERFORMANCE!

For me it NEVER has been ONLY about the VOICE… I have a CRAVING for ANYTHING & EVERYTHING he has to offer when performing. I need to SEE HIM sing and perform - even if it’s only by youtube or other vid with not so perfect sound…(vs the perfect audio via the best equipment possible)…

The first time he did NCOE acoustic --- but SO NOT the first time THE MAN & THE VOICE moved me to tears… Just wow!

Don’t even want to try and pick a favorite at this point. The order could be different already tomorrow…

GGD Gal - eagerly, yet patiently waiting to SEE & HEAR all the Trespassing goodies

Anonymous said...

Beautiful sound out of his mouth. Absolutely gorgeous.

OT- March Madness needs some support. You can revote about every 2 hours, after they stop you. Adam is at about 50% now, heading downhill.

Let's work some Glambert magic!!

Anonymous said...

@Bing - Girl, where are you!
Seeing the name BING here many times makes me give you a HUGE shout-out!
Hope everything is ok in RL and you come back to post some time... at least when Trespassing is released???

Here's hoping!

Anonymous said...

Sauli is so good for Adam. Maybe his mission in life is to get Adam high on the road to success. New look, new style.
Its all thanks to his love.

Anonymous said...

Adam, you're the best thing since sliced bread :)

Anonymous said...

vote for ADAM RIGHT NOW on mtv march madness....he's losing to Panic! at the disco...VOTE!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ack! Adam is behind at MTV March Madness. I just voted until they gave me the cooling off period. Go vote!

Anonymous said...

I don't think BTIKM is dead on radio, especially HAC (maybe so Top 40, but AC and HAC is a hot market too!). It Andy Grammar FOREVER to get "keep Your Head Up" played and then it hit big time. I'm very frustrated, but when I think of artists like Grammar, I keep positive.

Anonymous said...

I love Adam's laugh. Watching this interview makes me feel so good and I have a smile on my face because of Adam's charm, intelligence, and wit. He just seems so happy and content and I guess it is because of Sauli; of course, Adam would save him if his house was on fire. Sauli seems to have brought a cetain stability, contentment and love into Adam's life and it is reflected in his general attitude and I suppose in his song lyrics. I wish that more people could see these radio promo interviews and performances because they would definitely become Adam Lambert fans if they weren't in the beginning. Hopefully TRESPASSING will be a huge success and garner several awards for Adam this year. To me he is the best best vocal talent in the music business today.

Anonymous said...

@4:12 Well said ,I totally agree with you. So happy Adam has found his true love and he is so content. His voice and new songs aren't bad either lol!

Anonymous said...

Adam should totally have a duet with his friend Katy Perry and have a (dance)duet with his first idol, Paula Abdul

Anonymous said...

If this was to be the second single, NCOE, it too will be another smash hit. I think SonyMusic can reap a bumper harvest of singles from this Trespassing cd. The high note on, eyes...reminds me of a song in Phantom of the Opera. Bruno Mars is a very talented composer/writer. Wow, Adam sings KP's song so beautifully. Goodness, he can sing all other singers' songs better than the original; this is a phenomenon. Indirectly, it's a blessing for the world Adam didn't make it so big in his former stage work; we would have missed a vey very huge talent that comes only once in a lifetime. :)

Leilani Aloha said...


funbunn40 said...

NCOE being added to Trespassing is well worth the wait! Adam sounded spectacular! His voice is so clear and powerful. Bruno Mars is a talented writer and I think this song would do well as a single and as a video. Adam has the most attractive profile. He reminded me so much in this video of Elvis in his early days. Both men sensuous and smoldering! Smoldering aptly describing Adam recently in an interview! Can't think of a better word to describe him! Sauli really has made such a huge difference in Adam's life as anon 4:12 so well said. Adam is obviously so proud of him and happy for others to see what makes him so special. I'm just so glad for Adam's happiness and think this year will be a turning point for him.

Anonymous said...

I like NCOE, but I want a riskier, more kick-butt song for the next single, like T or C. Adam sings everything great, but I'd like something completely different from BTIKM. NCOE is in the same vein as that song. Romantic and pretty, with a littel edge. The album will have other great songs we haven't heard yet that may have hit potential.

Adam is slightly ahead on March Madnaess, as of 9:45 am CDT. Keep voting! jd is slightly behind. Vote for Green Day also if you like. I'd hate for Adam to lose to jd because of the fan hate crap. I know it doesn't mean much in the big picture, but it all makes my heart hurt. Vote on VH1, too!

Anonymous said...

omg funnbunn I thought of Elvis while watching this video too.
Resembance at times is remarkable.

Anonymous said...

I agree - Adam looks soooooooooooooo handsome in this video. He has such a killer smile it's unfair to us mere mortals. Al we can do is enjoy the view. Also, love the song NCYE! It's so beautiful the way Adam sings it. No other could do it better than Adam. I also enjoyed Adam's version of Katy Perry's song. Adam seems to do everything better than everyone else! He is the Wonderkin (or something like that). Can't think of any more amazing things to call him. Adam is just superb and spectacular!sigh
nancdruuu2 (thud)

Anonymous said...

JAK here...My screen does not show RECENT POSTS so I can't click on to any thread?????What's up?

I was able to get on here to post a comment because I had saved this page of Adam performing in my favorites.

If anyone can explain this, please do so...maybe I will be able to read it...not sure if this post will go thru. Tis a puzzlement!

Anonymous said...

@JAK - trying to get help or at least an explanation what has happened on this site (many more having same trouble), so I sent the following message - hope help is on the way soon...

@glitzylady, @daydreamin, @CT and @ANYBODY & EVERYBODY wondering where JAK is….

PLEASE go to this thread (link below) and read the last post in that thread, it’s from JAK --- HELP her and/or make ADMIN explain what has happened on this site??? … So that we can get JAK back on line! Plus perhaps many more people having the same trouble…


GGD Gal - sorry, I can't help, am not a wizard on these things (plus really have to go now, will be back by nightfall, hope to see you back & posting by then, :):)

HK fan said...

my screen has not been showing recent posts for a week now either, it does make it much harder, But if you click on the headline on the first post that comes up when you open the site, it will take you to that thread as normal, where you can read the comments, then just press older post at the bottom and read the threads backwards.
But it is very annoying not having the recent posts. I've mentioned it at least 3 times now, but admin doesn't seem to have done anything about it.