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Pictures Update (March 11, 2012)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, March 11, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, March 11, 2012

@CWNewser: American Idols Adam Lambert is at Cobalt nightclub at 17th and R NW in DC as a patron right now.

obalt on FB: Thanks Adam Lambert for playing your new unreleased album for cobalt! First club in the country to hear it! You rock. :).

"Bye Adam Lambert - my staff enjoyed you !"


Anonymous said...

One direction is going to on SNL. Let's try and get Adam on there. He deserves it way more than they do. I would love to see Adam in some skits and perform!

fefa14 said...

yay! i love picture updates! :)
some of this have been posted by other glamberts in previous threads....thanks lol

okay let me see my favs are #1, #3 and #5!
he looks really cute in the first one.....:)
in #3 yes more long longs (sigh)
in #5 he just looks OMG! stunning! i love that one! he looks shiny (in the best way!) i mean look at him! his eyes, nose , smile (sigh) i just see myself like her! (when i meet him of course :P)
sorry now im back from adamland lol!

lol sauli has a look like"r u really taking a picture now? lol

Anonymous said...
107.5 Q&A part 1 and 2

glitzylady said...

Not to forget THIS picture!!!!/Merrycello/status/178740020620955648/photo/1

Adam and Sauli, very very close to a kiss..courtesy of @Merrycello, the very lucky fan who happened to be at this club last night..

She said she couldn't see well enough to determine whether it WAS a kiss, but what a sweet (and sexy) picture regardless.

Sounds like a great time was had by all..And with Adam DJ'ing his two songs for the club ie, playing the studio tracks..makes me wish I'd been there. When asked what the club goers thought of "Trespassing" and "Cuckoo" and if one was more popular than the other, @Merrycello said everyone LOVED both of them..and they sounded fabulous being blasted out in the club..Just a matter of time before we can judge for ourselves! I can hardly wait...

Anonymous said...

so good to know Adams songs went over well, he worked so hard on this music. love being his fan.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert you rock ! Love your new look. Your style is so cool.
Glad all the heavy glitter is gone.
With your stunning handsome looks, you dont need all that makeup.
I know you like to wear it, but seriously dude, you dont need it.
Well maybe a little guyliner, it shows off your beautiful baby blues.
Love you.

Anonymous said...

If there was a kissing pic of Adam and Sauli, it would be compared to Adam kissing Tommy for sure. That's why I don't care if I see a kissing pic of Adam and Sauli. It's not that important evidence. I believe Adam loves Sauli, but the Adommy kiss has ruined Adam's future kisses with other guys. I thought the Amsterdam kiss was a bit too slutty though..

Anonymous said...

All the GNT kisses were slutty, it was Adam giving the finger to the disapproval he got from that first disastrous kiss on award show. His defiance set him waaay back careerwise. I think he realizes that now. Since he's human he made a lot of mistakes after Idol and with luck he may be able to change some potential fans minds and gain back many who thought he was fantastic on Idol. This won't sit well with those of you who worship him and think he can do no wrong, but even Adam admits a change had to be made and he's making it day by day. I think his talent is incredible and he deserves a chance to show it and hope people will give him a second chance to prove it.

Anonymous said...

you are so quick to talk about Adams past was it so bad what about snoop dog,Chris Brown,Emimen to only mention a few they are doing good in show business so what about their past.

Anonymous said...

I never said Adam was a criminal.
I also never said that the music buying public had any taste! It's a mystery to me. Adam's talent is the real thing and he's the only music I'm waiting and waiting to buy. Have never spent a cent on the group you mentioned and never will. And I watched every video of GNT because I am completely sold on Adam, even when I on occasion cringed at some of his stage actions. I find the current Adam easier on the eyes and no cringes in sight. I am prudish in that I don't want to watch anyone tongue kissing or miming masturbation.
I just don't find it entertaining!

Adamluv said...

The kisses were "slutty"? - really? How can a kiss be slutty? Please let us know. My favorite is and will always be the Amsterdam kiss!!!!! Long live Fever!!!!!!! ...Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Don't get the obsession with getting a kissing pic with A&S..the fact that Adam is happier than I have ever seen him and seems to have come into his own, is comfortable in his skin and seems content and at peace all of which he has contributed in part to his current relationship is more than enough for me..

GNT kisses with Tommy were hot but I feel put off a lot of main stream fans and cost Adam in terms of sales. Like it or not society doesn't accept certain things, but this new Adam doesn't seem to have an agenda..he just wants to sign good music so hope that wins new fans for him because he is soo talented.

I love Sauli as he seems to be so grounded and confident in himself and most pics he doesn't hang on or cling to Adam. He lets him do his thing with the paps and the fans and is happy to take a backseat. Happy Adam is my fav and he seems to be so happy and looking really good and healthy so all the best to this couple!!!!

Anonymous said...

I left a few comments before I watched the video. Now that I've seen it I think Adam still treats Tommy as the bit dumb but sexually attractive pretty kitty. I mean the joking about pluggin in. But it was ok. At least Tommy wasn't sitting on his knee.

Anonymous said...

My comment @ 3:27 was meant to the River thread.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 2:06 PM
I don't agree that all the GNT kisses were slutty. Just my opinion of course. They were done for the fans for the most part, to illustrate the song "Fever" and WERE a bit (!) of a reaction on Adam's part to all of the hate and criticism he got after the AMA's. He did his glitter and glam thing, put together his GNT tour on a shoestring, had a great time doing it, we enjoyed it, and now he's moving on to another phase of his career. Not everyone would agree that the KISS on the AMA's was disastrous. It certainly got some attention, some good, some bad, but ultimately, publicity. He had people talking for sure. (That kiss was probably the least of it, really.) It was spur of the moment and will forever be etched in the memory of viewers that Adam Lambert was the first gay man brave enough to kiss another man on a live Awards show and MEAN it.. If nothing else, it was HOT!! AND shocking.. While I was completely stunned at the time, and feared for Adam's career, as did he apparently, I don't wish that he would take it back either. Those kisses in concerts are also a thing of the past. Adam has said so, very emphatically, in a recent interview. He said something to the effect that he has his "own man", Sauli, now and there will be no more kissing of others in his shows. I also don't think that Adam does no wrong. On the contrary, he's just like the rest of us humans, although I do think he's a pretty special one for the most part. And of course, I COMPLETELY AGREE with you when you said "I think his talent is incredible and he deserves a chance to show it and hope people will give him a second chance to prove it." AMEN to that...

A thought about Adam's "defiant" nature: I think it serves him well at times. Lesser men would have just given up after the AMA performance. The criticism and the hate directed at him could have been so discouraging and caused him to give up.. He has persevered and he we are today, awaiting his new music..and he is about to do some gigs with the legendary rock band Queen. I think he has learned so much in the last 3 years and will make the right choices to perhaps become legendary himself..He is unique and there is no one else quite like him out there today: hard to put Adam in a neat little box. ..He appreciates his loyal and similarly stubborn and defiant fans who have not given up on him and have tirelessly supported him, and continue to do so. Most of us know he isn't perfect and at the same time wouldn't want him to be any other way. He is imperfectly perfect to me.. Quirks and kinks and all. Because most of his fans have a few of those ourselves ; ))) (I'll be the first to admit THAT! LOL!!) Ultimately he is a good man as well as a fabulous singer and entertainer. Love him and wish him the absolute best in the next glorious phase of his career...

Anonymous said...

glitzlady, so many good points in your post, and, as usual, I agree with you. I have to admit that the GNT kisses were HOT to me and I loved the Amsterdam back-bend lip-wrestle. But that's just me, and I know it's all history now, and that's a GOOD thing.

I love Adam because he is such a risk-taker. Risk-takers make more mistakes but tend to come out ahead in many instances. Adam will never do the same-old same-old even as he tries to attract a mainstream audience. His unique-ness makes him hard to categorize, which I'm sure drives his management and promoters crazy. What do they do with this uber-talented, handsome guy who still doesn't fit in any standard category? I SO agree that a man with less strength, stubborn-ness and perseverence would have given up by now. But I know he won't give up. I keep thinking of his international fans who are out there right now adoring him as we do and waiting as we are for the new music. He's met lots of the "right" people who all seem to like and respect him. He's made these connections purposefully and wisely. His mistakes in the past couple of years have made him more determined than ever to achieve his goals. And he has loyal fans, who won't give up on him and won't let him down, to quote WWFM.
And yes, he MUST HOST SNL sometime! And perform, too. BOTH! SNL signs on the most lame hosts sometimes. They're due to have a real PRO!

Anonymous said...

@ Adamluv
Sorry, but I found the GNT kisses slutty too. They were done as part of an act to elicit sexual response in the audiences. Apparantly they worked, in fact so well a whole tribe of Adommy nuts were created and even today they can't get it through their heads, IT WAS AN ACT! It was a mistake in judgement on Adam's part, which he now seems aware of. Revisit the GNT videos as often as you like, they will be there forever.
As for me, I consider them all over, all gone, I'm moving on. Keeping my fingers crossed 2012 is Adam's year in this country as well as internationally.

Anonymous said...

SK is keepin' a watchful eye on TOMBERT.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I followed the gnt concerts via twitter lists and us stream when it was available. I watched the stream and most times you could not see much, but you could tell by the the screams if it was a long kiss. That's how the fan service started. Don't know the amount of fans who were really into it then. I think the amount is somewhat exaggerated.

Anonymous said...

@4:34 anyone that believes in 'tombert' for real and not fantasy is clearly stating that Adam is a liar and a fake which he is not and will never be soooooo welcome to reality!!! :)

Anonymous said...

I will never consider the GlamNation videos gone. Going to these shows and seeing Adam were some of the best times of my life.
Met some of the greatest people along the way.
No matter what antics he pulled, he entertained his ass off.
I fully appreciate it too.
I never heard Adam say in an interview the kissing is over, but if thats what he wants, so be it.
I love the fact, that he probably will always shock us.
Hold on untill its over. That I hope will be years and years and years from now.

Anonymous said...

Adam brought his sensual sexual self to a lot of his Glamnation shows. I love his crazy ass.
His music is top priority to me, if
he wants to add little fiesty antics, it okay.

Love his new look, I think Adam would have changed his style up no matter if he's in a relationship or not.
This is what keeps him interesting.
He's been through many a change.
I give HIM full credit for whats going on in his life.

Anonymous said...

@4:48 yeah he did at some recent radio interview check IDF forum for the link that he has a man now and won't go round kissing people (when asked about randomly kissing fans in the audience and I guess also Tommy)

His show was more than just a kiss and majority of the fans look to the future not rewinding past videos in nostalgia hoping for a repeat of the same things. New album new show...can't wait to see what Adam will come up with. He said he has new ideas for it and it will definitely be different from the previous one.

Anonymous said...

I never heard Adam say the Adommy is over either. I just wish it is. But if there are instigators, who knows he might do it. I totally approved the Ama kiss. But now that it's been done so many times, it would be annoying.

Anonymous said...

@4:51 if you saw his Access Hollywood interview on YT the lady commented that he had less make up than her for the first time and she had interviewed him severally and he answered that he at times used the make up and glitter as a shield especially after idol when he became mainstream all of a sudden. But now he is more vulnerable and that his relationship has made him feel secure and safe and grounded allowing him to be more open and vulnerable.

That is not to say he would not have done it had he been single or to credit his partner (whoever it may be) but I think that played a huge part in his more emotional and honest album as well as his stripped back look.

At the end of the day we are all inspired by people and situations in our lives and cannot wait for the tour to see what Adam comes up with.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I loved the GlamNation tour and met lots of cool people too. I like Tommy as an individual. Foremost I love the crazy,silly, happy and whatever else Adam. I think this new album is going to be fun and interesting from what I heard so far which we all have seen. Loved Trespassing instantly.

mimi said...

All you true Adam Lambert fans---just give him your unconditional love and support. That is what, in my opinion, he needs. His personal life is just that---"personal". I think some fans get too involved---just saying!!!

Gracie said...

Very well said Thanks 2:06

Anonymous said...

Adam will kiss Tommy and his bass player on the next tour. count your money on it.

Anonymous said...

adam lambert such a sexy guy-men and womne ike him soi much- hes sexy easy on our eyes to look at him he sa unique human being and i respect him a lot.
p;s someday adam lambeet will have a baby of his own can sing and dance gracefully like him.

Anonymous said...

Of these photos, #1 and #5 are my faves. Interesting photo of Sauli. :)

Anonymous said...

Adam kiss Tommy on his next trip .... haha! You wish!!

Anonymous said...

^Oh dear, I meant next "tour" not next "trip".

Anonymous said...

Adam's going to kiss his bass player??? Sauli must be learning bass guitar!! lol

Anonymous said...

Adam never said Adommy was over he said it never existed. He said it over and over and over------------

Anonymous said...

When I go to a concert I want to hear music and good singing. When I want to see tongue-kissing on stage or masturbating gestures, I go to see some other kind of show or theater. That's simple.

I wish Adam will concentrate in the future to his voice. I don't say there should not be show-elements in his shows but I surely hope the kissing-act is over. If he wants to get respect as an artist he does not need this kind of stuff. He's (only) talent is not kissing guys or audience, it's his voice.

P.S. BTIKM MV is #4 UK POP and #6overall in UK.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:38 I agree with you completely. Who thinks fake masturbation and good music belong together??? Gross! I was really disapointed when I saw Adam's shows on youtube back then. I'm really happy he has changed.

Has Tommy anything to say in this kissing matter? Nobody has asked his opinion. I wonder if Adam really would care whether Tommy has a girlfriend or not....well anyway it is (was) just a show.

Anonymous said...

I'd make a guess that you pearl clutchers are going to be very disappointed when you tune in to vids from next tour, because sexy naughty Adam isn't going ANYWHERE I'd bet. OMG people, music and rock & roll etc. IS INTERTWINED WITH SEXUALITY, SENSUALITY AND PLAIN OLD LUST AND FANTASY. OMFG, get a clue! Let's, us fans, love Adam unconditionally, he's got enough of an uphill battle w/ radio suits! Adam has earned his fans' support, he's a great entertainer, gives us his best behind the mic, every damn time, and on top of all that, seems to be a nice person! Lucky us who get it...but he doesn't have to be a nuetered dog to gain more mainstream fans.

Anonymous said...

I want the hot male dancers. If you look at other pop stars' music videos or their concerts, all have dancers. Adam is a pop star not a rock band as some may think.

Anonymous said...

In that one pic w/Adam & Sauli,it sort of looks like BB could be comforting him.He may have been a little upset about something..or maybe they were just trying to many people around;don't think they would kiss there;maybe hug,tho.Adam won't answer anything personal about Sauli,& that's the way it should be,I think.

glitzylady said...

Two comments:

@Anons 8:38 PM and 12:04 PM
I went to 6 GNT's and Adam put on an amazing show, with fabulous singing and just the right hint of "naughtiness" and a lot of fun thrown in. Included in our family group at one large show were a 9 year old and an 11 year old..He did nothing inappropriate. We all loved every second of the concert. Adam is aware of his audience and only gets a little crazier at the over 21 shows..Its too bad you are willing to "throw the baby out with the bathwater" and can only see the "naughty" side of Adam, which I happen to love as well: its his playful and joyful side of his personality, and therefore miss out on a fabulous show, with Adam and his wonderful voice....But I guess to each his own...

@Anon 6:51 AM
About that picture of Adam and Sauli: The woman who posted it (@Merrycello) said that Adam had just come out of the DJ booth and he and Sauli were hugging and Adam was rubbing his back: they were being affectionate, nothing more..nothing mysterious. No upset Sauli..just two men who love each other...

Anonymous said...

We discussed Adam being on SNL a couple months ago, feelings were mixed. Would it be a gayfest? I remember @ JAK saying something about Adam getting script approval.
Fortunately we are hearing less gay from the interviewers lately.
That's a good sign. They talk about music. A big step forward.
He needs some more night show appearances where he sits and talks and lets people in on his funny side. BTW did you know @ JAK is back in hospital? @ Minnie Mouse mentioned on one of the threads. Haven't heard from @Fan4fun either, her surgery has been over awhile. Best wishes to them both.

Anonymous said...

Adam was asked to be on SNL shortly after Idol. Apparently they wanted it to be a "make fun of gays" free-for-all. He said no. I think he's more ready for it now. He has greater perspective and knows how to handle himself. I think he'd be a fabulous HOST! There are lots of topical issues he could do on the show and he'd be very funny and quick. He can do accents and different characters. And he could sing on the show, too. But I want to see him HOST. Let's hope Trespassing, the Queen gigs, etc., get his name out there and maybe he'll get another chance at SNL. Considering some of the lame hosts they have on the show, Adam would be a refreshing improvement.

My warmest wishes to JAK and Fan4fun. Hope their medical issues are improving and that we'll see them back in Adam World again very soon.

Anonymous said...

March 12, 6:05 AM
I love Adam being sexy but I don't think being sexy means kissing a dude and massaging your crotch on the stage. He is sexy as he is and you can express your sexyness in many ways:eyes, looks, moves, facial expressions, dancing etc. And I'm not against seeing hot dancers on the tour and vids,too.

OT: I'm a foreigner. I don't understand what a pearl clutcher is. Could somebody explain? When you call somebody a pearl clutcher, what kind of a person she/he is? Not a very nice person, I suppose?

Anonymous said...

Pearl clutcher basically means very conservative, maybe a bit repressed. Yes 11:29, I get what you are saying, completely, but ADAM'S VERSION OF SENSUAL AND SEXUAL IS AS HE'S SHOWN US!!! Shown us, dare I say, over and over and over again, lol :). He's a very smart man, he knows how much he's always being recorded, and still he continued on the GNT, continues even now, to give us very overt sexuality, it is what HE seems to want to portray; we either love him or we leave him I think, JMO.

Anonymous said...

Urban dictionary:
1. pearl clutcher

An uptight person, usually but not always female, usually but not always of conservative mores, who reacts with shock, feigned or otherwise, at other people's violations of decorum, propriety, morality, and so forth.

"Someone got up at the PTA meeting and suggested the school hand out condoms to teenagers. The pearl clutchers in the audience nearly went into cardiac arrest. "

Adamluv said...

@Anon 6:05 - agree completely with you! Was fortunate enuf to attend 6 GNT shows and loved every single moment of sexy, sensual, in your face sexuality that is Adam Lambert. Have to disagree with you on one point however - a neutered male dog is the only way to go. (LOL) BTW - I do know you were joking and making a point! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I know this thread is dead already but thank you March 12, 1:49 PM and 1:57 PM. I don't see me as a pearl clutcher but maybe I'm wrong. I am bit shy and inhibited what comes to sex and I see SOME act not necessary to be shown on stage but kept in privacy and own bedrooms. I have thought I'm quite open minded. I've seen a lot in my life. I work in a hospital and deal with mentally and physically ill people, with drug abusers, alcoholics etc. I am straight but have gay friends and voted a gay man to be our next president (unfortunately he became second). And I love Adam's music an voice. I just don't like every part of his shows that I see on vids (Sorry: I have never had the opportunity to see him live on stage).

Anonymous said...

@March 12, 2012 10:37 PM: This is 6:05 & 1:49 & 1:57 here, yes this thread is probably dead (although, @Adamluv, I knew you'd agregg ;)) but I want to reiterate that I fully understand what you've said, and probably even agree, a bit :), but it was just that my point is ADAM HAS MADE CERTAIN CHOICES KNOWING FULL WELL WHAT HE IS DOING, in my opinion, and it is only opinion of course, I don't know the man other than what he has offered to the public to consume. It seems, I'm guessing here, that for Adam, he definitely views rock and roll and pop and music as inextricably entwined with fairly obvious, not subtle, sensuality and sexuality and love and lust and fantasy, etc. I'd venture to guess that vision he holds isn't going anywhere, we shall see I guess :), but if it stays, people will have to choose whether or not they will support him, or not, just as he is and as he presents himself. Your follow up comments have clearly illustrated that you are an open minded, caring, kind, thoughtful hardworking human being. I absolutely love that you came back and posted again, so reasonably so at that, very admirable! I am sorry if I was brusque in my original comments, please accept my apology. Take Care, and enjoy the promo tour :)!

Anonymous said...

March 13, 2012 5:49 AM etc.
Apology accepted! :) It's always refreshing to try to look things from an other perspective and see and hear opinions of people who live near this awesome, talented guy named Adam and know him better than I do. I really enjoy his promo tour (daily from my Macbook ;))and even consider getting a ticket to his Moscow show with Queen on summer.

Anonymous said...

@March 13, 2012 10:16 AM: Yay!

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